Re: Fwd: [ [IP] CCRC/IP-Asia June 6, 9pm JST: Jeff returns - The United States of Anonymous]

2022-06-06 Thread charlie derr
Thank you so much!

i followed your advice, and indeed the conversation ahead of the
"scheduled talk" was truly fascinating.

When i asked (in the zoom chat) about how to be kept apprised of future
events in the series, it was suggested that i subscribe to Dave Farber's
Interesting-People list (which it looks like you pasted from below,
though without full email headers).

However, what i found is

and while there are archives available (and an RSS feed), i can't see
how i might add my email address to the recipient list. Perchance does
anyone have any direction for me on this? i'd love to attend future
sessions (on almost any topic, as the group of thinkers that attended
this one was amazing!).

thanks again,

On 6/3/22 17:22, José María Mateos wrote:
> Hi,
> This might be of interest to members of the list. I've attended a few of
> these virtual encounters and they're very, very interesting.
> I'm currently enjoying "ReadMe!" and many of the discussions there could
> have been chapters of the book. One thing is what's planned, another
> what ends up being talked about, specially the conversations prior to
> the start of the actual event. Make sure to connect one hour to half an
> hour before, if that's feasible.
> - Forwarded message from ファーバーデイビッド J  -
> Subject: [IP] CCRC/IP-Asia June 6, 9pm JST: Jeff returns - The United
> States
> of Anonymous
> From: ファーバーデイビッド J 
> Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 17:54:57 +0900
> To: Ip Ip 
> Reply-To: ip 
> Dear CCRC colleagues and friends
> As part of our ongoing activities, Keio University Cyber Civilization
> Research Center, David Farber and Dan Gillmor are continuing their
> weekly online gathering over Zoom.
> CCRC/IP-Asia is a platform for sharing new ideas, exchanging information
> and getting around people with common interests. We have had a good
> crowd from East and West to discuss topics ranging from network
> infrastructure to media & disinformation to supply chains to information
> tracing, and much more. Here is the list of previous topics that we've
> discussed:
> In the coming session, Professor Jeff Kosseff will talk about his new
> book, The United States of Anonymous, which traces the history of legal
> protections for anonymous speech in the United States. The discussion
> will consider the costs and benefits of anonymous speech, and compare
> the legal protections in the United States with those of other countries.
> Note Professor Kosseff has requested that we not record his comments, So
> don’t miss.
> We hold these conversations every Monday! Please invite people you think
> can contribute to the discussion.
> Put this on your calendar: Monday, 9 pm (2100) JST on June 6, 2022.
> (EST: 8am | BST: 1pm | CEST 2pm )
> Here is the link for this Zoom gathering:
> Password: 076743
> See you on Monday!
> Dave and Dan
> PS: The meeting is held under the Chatham House Rule. Here's what that
> means:
> "When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule,
> participants are free to use the information received, but neither the
> identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other
> participant, may be revealed
> --
> ip: ip
> Permalink:
> Delivery options:
> - End forwarded message -

Charlie Derr   Director of Instructional Technology
Bard College at Simon's Rock
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Re: The Left Needs a New Strategy

2021-01-10 Thread charlie derr
On 1/10/21 12:15 AM, Brian Holmes wrote:
> Qanon is for them. We have to invent something.

how about The Gift Economy?  (though definitely more of a *re*invention
rather than something new we'll create out of whole cloth)

Charlie Derr   Director, Instructional Technology 413-528-7344 Bard College at Simon's Rock
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Re: [EXT] Re: Thoughts on coups

2020-11-26 Thread charlie derr
Hash: SHA256

Fascinating discussion all (though i admit that i've not read every
post in this thread to the end (yet -- i do hope to get back and do
so, though frankly the truths being revealed make me think my mental
health may be more fragile than i previously thought (if i have
another psychotic break, and it's due to correctly apprehending the
problems of our planet rather than my own instability, will that make
it a "proper" response?)))

love the idea of "cosmology and messianic vision" Brian (though my
shrink probably would not be in favor of me fully embracing (at least
the latter))

On 11/26/20 1:13 AM, Brian Holmes wrote:
> It's got everything to do with Gaia theory and the circular
> causality of cybernetics (especially the Bateson variety)

For the last month, i've been tuning in to (and more recently actually
participating with) High Pitch: Conversations in a New Key w/ Bonnitta
Roy, Nora Bateson, Ria Baeck, Miriam Mason Martineau, Schuyler Brown,
and Ece Utkucan Anderson.

Nora is Gregory's daughter, and a visionary in her own right (imnho)
and all 5 of the other women are thinkers who i believe overlap with
an awful lot of the discussion i see here on nettime. This is also i
think crucially important. We men have made a real mess of things with
all of our patriarchal bullshit. i believe it's time to listen more
closely to us non-cis-het-males. This group of women is in my eyes a
great start. Let's support their systems-thinking leadership.

Today is the final event in this series. If you see this in time (it's
taking place less than 3 hours from now) and your schedule allows (and
there's a moderator available to push my message through to you all),
participation by a bunch of you would be wonderful:

Otherwise, all of the previous High Pitch conversations are up on
youtube (Peter Limberg's "The Stoa" is the platform). i encourage you
to check some of them out.

Again, thanks to all of you for this particular discussion and also
for many years of insight. i'm back to lurking now...

with love and hope,

- -- 
Charlie Derr   Director, Instructional Technology 413-528-7344 Bard College at Simon's Rock
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Re: Algorithmic / Biometric Governmentality

2017-11-03 Thread charlie derr
On 11/02/2017 02:00 PM, Vincent Van Uffelen wrote:
> Hmm, their team is a prime example of white, male, and non-diverse
> "singularity".
> Are blockchain ICOs really spreading the control and wealth to the
> many? It's difficult to know, but considering the hurdles that have to
> be crossed to be able to gain access to the blockchain (to have
> internet access, a credit card or bank account, the knowledge and
> desire, and the money to invest) the vast majority of wealth generated
> went most likely into the pockets of the global top 2%. I've my doubt
> that much of this will start trickling down.
> If the COIN has not the tackling of problems to the greater good in it
> genes, pardon me contracts, it will most likely not happen. Of course
> the platforms in creation could be very helpful (as Facebook is for
> many NGOs) but I don't have hope that the free coin markets will steer
> things into better places than the free financial markets did.
> \\vincent


Your first point is well taken. I try to keep my eyes open to these
things whenever I can, but apparently the fact that I am myself a white
male helped to blind me to the reality you pointed out in this respect.
While I'm aware of women and PoC playing roles in the project, it is
definitely a fact that the founders all appear to be white men (albeit
from a diverse collection of geographical locations). Thank you very
much for bringing this to my attention (and shame on me for not
realizing it on my own).

I don't disagree with your contention about existing ICO blockchains
having a limited effect so far (and most of the benefit being directed
to those who already have the most agency in our societies). But as I
understand the goals of the singularityNET project, I don't see it
operating in that same space. Their aim appears to be to build a
structure that will support individuals who would otherwise be without
the resources to compete with the larger players in the AI universe
(which is the original point you were making that I specifically
responded to). Yes it's true that internet connectivity will be
necessary in order to participate but I have hope that the expressed
goals of the project to provide access and opportunity to folks with
limited means around the world are based on the core values of the
founders rather than being window-dressing cynically used for marketing
purposes. They are certainly seeking investors with deep pockets to help
facilitate the effort but if it succeeds, I think it will provide a
great opportunity for individuals (and groups) with great ideas (in
terms of AI algorithms of potential use to us all) but minimal financial

The promise that blockchain technology holds in terms of providing
verifiability and transparency as well as it naturally fitting in with
operating in a decentralized way is what excites me about it. The fact
that it originated in the realm of crytocurrency doesn't (in my mind)
condemn it to only ever being used in that arena. While the
singularityNET folks are incorporating a token into their platform, I
don't see it primarily as a cryptocurrency effort. Their stated intent
to open source all their code and the goal to provide an avenue for AI
researchers to gain access to a global market puts them in another (new)
realm (in my opinion).

    be well,

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Re: Algorithmic / Biometric Governmentality

2017-11-02 Thread charlie derr
On 11/02/2017 05:29 AM, Vincent Van Uffelen wrote:
> Nevertheless, it [AI] remains a very powerful tool, and it is in the
> hands of a very few (and their software engineer/programmer management
> layer).

While it's still in the embryonic stages, I just wanted to mention a
rather ambitious effort to change this reality using blockchain
technology and implementing via open source code:

Their whitepaper is due out any day now.


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Re: "Too bad your great ideas will never work."

2017-09-16 Thread charlie derr
On 09/16/2017 04:48 AM, Felix Stalder wrote:

> But they are about
> inventing new public institutions to embody a different pattern how to
> relate to the biosphere and to each other.
> And technology, which created much of this complexity, can also be used
> to render it legible and thus make it politically addressable, if we use
> it to reinvent and extend democracy.
> Of course, the white middle-class perspective will not suffice, but
> rather than seeing new Platonic universals, we need ways of thinking and
> doing that can be translated into different experience, change their
> language, but remain some coherence.
> Felix

I've been lurking here for quite a while, but the above expression leads
me to share a book I read recently called _The Patterning Instinct_ by
Jeremy Lent. 

The author's URL is at and the book was
striking enough to me that I responded with my own thoughts at

I don't see much reason for optimism (either here on nettime or anywhere
else), but when solutions are proposed, it seems to me worth our


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Re: tensions within the bay area elites

2014-05-13 Thread charlie derr
Hash: SHA256

On 05/13/2014 12:17 AM, John Hopkins wrote:
>> Even so, many people here, while disliking Google for some
>> things, also recognize that some of the tech giants are making
>> real efforts on environmental issues, and some of them are trying
>> to at least consider how they affect local communities.  But
>> sometimes it's hard to
> Certainly any of these 'giants' that are running on (carbon!)
> cloud computing have no interest in substantive environmental
> 'issues' except for hypocritical nods at things that do not affect
> their bottom line or their 'owners' endless egomaniacal desire to
> expand their control and power ...
> A massive corporation, as it rises, is a techno-social
> agglomeration that distorts existing flows and architectures of
> power. However, in our current case, as the pre-existing power
> flows are those of the military-industrial-academic complex, these
> 'newer' flows will doubtless not deviate from those pre-existing
> patterns and suddenly 'benefit' a local community. Is Silicon
> Valley really any different than the Niger Delta in this respect?
> jh

Perhaps your question was rhetorical, but even if that's the case, I'd
like to think the answer might in fact be yes.  After all, the
commodity our "new" giants are built around is information.  It seems
unlikely to me that an organization devoted to leveraging information
wouldn't also learn as it does so.  We certainly have major issues
around energy all around our society(ies) that we'll be needing to
solve one way or another.  I'm at least slightly optimistic that
enormous entities *without* the word "Oil" in their name (or their
'DNA') have the potential to improve on the past behavior of
multi-national giants. But alternatively it may be that I simply need
to shed my rose-colored glasses.

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Re: Driverless cars, pilotless planes -- will there be jobs left for a human beings

2013-05-28 Thread Charlie Derr
Hash: SHA1

> I would love to hear what people think.
> best, Brian

I think you're mostly spot on.  It sometimes seems like battling against the 
tide (or tilting at windmills) but
there's really nothing to be done except to try to keep probing for weaknesses 
in the current power structure(s).
There are a lot of "possible" ways to make progress.  I think providing 
materials such that people are able to
"self-educate" is important.  And also, trying to stand firm in the ongoing 
debate about education.  I'm firmly of the
opinion that the most important thing anyone can be taught is how to learn.  In 
the long run, it's my hope that if we
teach each other and all our children how to think and how to learn, there's at 
least a fighting chance for the future.

   keep on keepin' on,
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