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Fascinating discussion all (though i admit that i've not read every
post in this thread to the end (yet -- i do hope to get back and do
so, though frankly the truths being revealed make me think my mental
health may be more fragile than i previously thought (if i have
another psychotic break, and it's due to correctly apprehending the
problems of our planet rather than my own instability, will that make
it a "proper" response?)))

love the idea of "cosmology and messianic vision" Brian (though my
shrink probably would not be in favor of me fully embracing (at least
the latter))

On 11/26/20 1:13 AM, Brian Holmes wrote:
> It's got everything to do with Gaia theory and the circular
> causality of cybernetics (especially the Bateson variety)

For the last month, i've been tuning in to (and more recently actually
participating with) High Pitch: Conversations in a New Key w/ Bonnitta
Roy, Nora Bateson, Ria Baeck, Miriam Mason Martineau, Schuyler Brown,
and Ece Utkucan Anderson.

Nora is Gregory's daughter, and a visionary in her own right (imnho)
and all 5 of the other women are thinkers who i believe overlap with
an awful lot of the discussion i see here on nettime. This is also i
think crucially important. We men have made a real mess of things with
all of our patriarchal bullshit. i believe it's time to listen more
closely to us non-cis-het-males. This group of women is in my eyes a
great start. Let's support their systems-thinking leadership.

Today is the final event in this series. If you see this in time (it's
taking place less than 3 hours from now) and your schedule allows (and
there's a moderator available to push my message through to you all),
participation by a bunch of you would be wonderful:


Otherwise, all of the previous High Pitch conversations are up on
youtube (Peter Limberg's "The Stoa" is the platform). i encourage you
to check some of them out.

Again, thanks to all of you for this particular discussion and also
for many years of insight. i'm back to lurking now...

    with love and hope,

- -- 
Charlie Derr   Director, Instructional Technology 413-528-7344
https://www.simons-rock.edu Bard College at Simon's Rock
Encryption key: http://hope.simons-rock.edu/~cderr/
Personal writing: https://medium.com/@cderr   Pronouns: he or they

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