Re: Bankruptcy of ideologies ... except one

2017-10-24 Thread Johnatan Petterson
I read le Monde Diplomatique.
Do you really see these millions of discontent or content people,
pressurize on their heads of states, as them to trigger the general
I do not trust any ability to predict a course of events.
I am Cartesian, scientist, or a digital artist rather-whatever.
I think that some predictions are not related to truth, yet each is a way
on a path to construct something,
its part of another (non-conscious ) process. In a statement, I would
search to know to decipher what social machine,
this statement belongs to. Social Machines are generally not
explicitly  referred to in the statements.
 These Social Machines do not pertain a Sphere of Referenciality. Nobody
knows about them, its not the job of the human mind to reckon' them.
such a social machine: Its existence is something which can be sensed
though, even if it has no name,
appearing to the searcher of 'truth', if that makes any sense.

[The Social Machine can be tiny micro-molecular, or/and more hazy/general
in its relations to other Social Machines.]

Having said this, I don't see if China as a State (not talking about Social
Machines anymore) can have a perspective
to win something out of a war with Nato? I don't follow many news on
internet so I don't know what could Nato win something substancial from
waging a war with China?
Counterpunch is busy trying, not to build a Post-Siriza Internationale
Constituant power, but to feed on, and create ressentment against the
Elites, or (e)lites if ya want,
I am, wondering why Counterpunch does that: 1§1) they have an audience, and
decades of book-reviews, which might be what people call 'ideology'. <<- if
this last word makes any sense.
If you go on their website, you can see how typically American, they are,
in their modes of expression, platform of remedies to all illnesses, they
are a bit like in the book
'The Confident-Man' by Herman Melville, this situation of deterritorialized
psyche in a destroyed american big desert, since landing there without
Mammy and Daddy,
having nothing else to do than selling news and advertizing
miracle inducing products.

To build a Post-Siriza, one thing for sure is the Left to close down this
type of platform/ideology out from the (de)construction. Or it's a sham.


2017-10-24 6:07 GMT+02:00 Morlock Elloi :

> One should be carefully following 19th CPC National Congress. It's more
> relevant than Drudgereport.
> Tl;Dr: that no one will separate China from its components (Taiwan & South
> China Sea island) was mentioned 9 times. The Party will maintain strict
> control of all Chinese politics.
> 1.4 billion Chinese stand behind this (west-funded jokers like Dalai Lama,
> Wei Wei etc. notwithstanding.).
> 0.32 billion Americans stand behind, or against, restroom access for
> feeblegendered.
> 0.51 billion EU citizens stand for, or against, immigration and pensions.
> 0.14 billion Russians stand behind Putin.
> The stage is set for war.
> Guess who is going to win (hint: those willing to die.)
> On 10/23/17, 19:39, Johnatan Petterson wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I don't qualify to answer about ideology.
>> I am an ignorant as to the communist jargon used by counterpunch.
>> I don't even like Kant. It's so confused.
>> But I'd just venture to say that 'the objective conditions' referred to
>> at the end of the article,
>> if they are not there, it seems they can be found on the road forward,
>> obviously, if the Elites in China,
>> for example, are attracted onwards, they are not appealed by Mao. My
>> guess (i only know China by West TV)
>> is that the Institutions, like schools, etc, are still appealed by Mao.
>> If a Post-Siriza, neo Hardt-Negri constituant power emerges, it is from
>> people who can go further onwards,
>> why? because it's the sense of the animal which is Humanity, it's head,
>> or brain, if you want. The Head is Prospective, it searches.
>> I reckon' the belly is important, and I say: it is wrong to think that
>> Archaism and Onwardness contradicts.
>> That might be , the hidden line for a new future to loom up from
>> nothingness: this ignorance from the Elites in China or West,
>> that Archaism, High-Tech, do not contra-dict, and Belly and Nose can
>> re-shuffle for Humanity's benefit.
>> -JohnnyTan
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Re: Bankruptcy of ideologies ... except one

2017-10-23 Thread Morlock Elloi
One should be carefully following 19th CPC National Congress. It's more 
relevant than Drudgereport.

Tl;Dr: that no one will separate China from its components (Taiwan & 
South China Sea island) was mentioned 9 times. The Party will maintain 
strict control of all Chinese politics.

1.4 billion Chinese stand behind this (west-funded jokers like Dalai 
Lama, Wei Wei etc. notwithstanding.).

0.32 billion Americans stand behind, or against, restroom access for 

0.51 billion EU citizens stand for, or against, immigration and pensions.

0.14 billion Russians stand behind Putin.

The stage is set for war.

Guess who is going to win (hint: those willing to die.)

On 10/23/17, 19:39, Johnatan Petterson wrote:

I don't qualify to answer about ideology.
I am an ignorant as to the communist jargon used by counterpunch.
I don't even like Kant. It's so confused.
But I'd just venture to say that 'the objective conditions' referred to
at the end of the article,
if they are not there, it seems they can be found on the road forward,
obviously, if the Elites in China,
for example, are attracted onwards, they are not appealed by Mao. My
guess (i only know China by West TV)
is that the Institutions, like schools, etc, are still appealed by Mao.
If a Post-Siriza, neo Hardt-Negri constituant power emerges, it is from
people who can go further onwards,
why? because it's the sense of the animal which is Humanity, it's head,
or brain, if you want. The Head is Prospective, it searches.
I reckon' the belly is important, and I say: it is wrong to think that
Archaism and Onwardness contradicts.
That might be , the hidden line for a new future to loom up from
nothingness: this ignorance from the Elites in China or West,
that Archaism, High-Tech, do not contra-dict, and Belly and Nose can
re-shuffle for Humanity's benefit.


#  distributed via : no commercial use without permission
#is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info:
#  archive: contact:
#  @nettime_bot tweets mail w/ sender unless #ANON is in Subject:

Re: Bankruptcy of ideologies ... except one

2017-10-23 Thread Johnatan Petterson
I don't qualify to answer about ideology.
I am an ignorant as to the communist jargon used by counterpunch.
I don't even like Kant. It's so confused.
But I'd just venture to say that 'the objective conditions' referred to at
the end of the article,
if they are not there, it seems they can be found on the road forward,
obviously, if the Elites in China,
for example, are attracted onwards, they are not appealed by Mao. My guess
(i only know China by West TV)
is that the Institutions, like schools, etc, are still appealed by Mao.
If a Post-Siriza, neo Hardt-Negri constituant power emerges, it is from
people who can go further onwards,
why? because it's the sense of the animal which is Humanity, it's head, or
brain, if you want. The Head is Prospective, it searches.
I reckon' the belly is important, and I say: it is wrong to think that
Archaism and Onwardness contradicts.
That might be , the hidden line for a new future to loom up from
nothingness: this ignorance from the Elites in China or West,
that Archaism, High-Tech, do not contra-dict, and Belly and Nose can
re-shuffle for Humanity's benefit.


2017-10-23 18:34 GMT+02:00 Morlock Elloi :

> The article below illustrates what happens when ideologies die ... except
> one, the will for power. There is nothing exciting offered today except
> conquering the world, killing half the population and ruling the stone age
> remnants with high tech. The alternatives are so fu*king boring - saving
> this or that, not doing this or that, resisting this or that, going back X
> years to some nostalgic equilibrium. Fu*k that. Let's have some action!
> lear-war-the-political-paralysis-of-europe-russia-and-china/
> Careening Toward Nuclear War: the Political Paralysis of Europe, Russia
> and China
> by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
> Never since the Cuban Missile Crisis has there been such an unstable
> situation in the global political system, including the system of
> management of nuclear arms and US power.
> To the already exceptionally tense and dangerous atmosphere around North
> Korea there has now been added a crisis over Iran, which is pushing the
> European powers and Russia to become aligned against the policies of USA
> and Israel preparing a new, greater and, very probably, nuclear war against
> Iran. A very serious political crisis is smoldering in Washington itself,
> with some people believing it is the most serious in the history of the
> United States.
> In the most official way, in front of the representatives of all the
> nations of the world, for the first time since the defeat of Nazi Germany
> in 1945, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, has spelled out
> the threat of annihilating a nation of 25 million people.
> His speech represents the negation of all achievements of human
> civilization. And this speech did not provoke any serious, proportionate or
> meaningful reaction in the world.
> The absence of such reaction can be attributed to various factors and
> different calculations. But its consequence is none other than to
> legitimize that kind of threats today and their  realization tomorrow.
> Such a lack of reaction does not deter and discourage, it encourages and
> facilitates the use of nuclear weapons and it increases the obvious risk of
> a global catastrophe, something which was proven especially in the 20th
> century. In the wake of the 1st World War both camps believed the other one
> was bluffing, and that, in any case, the conflict would not last more than
> a few months. The conflict lasted four years and destroyed all Europe.
> The policy of trying to appease and accommodate Hitler has also been the
> main policy of Britain, France and USSR, before the 2nd World War. It only
> encouraged Nazi German aggression and facilitated the War. Germany all but
> won it, its troops having been stopped only some miles from the Kremlin. It
> was finally defeated, but only at an unbelievably enormous cost paid by all
> European nations, and in particular by the Soviets, the Yugoslavs, the
> Greeks and the British.
> The deafening silence of Europe, the European Left, Russia and China
> It is obvious that the actions and the policy of the US government under
> President Trump took all major powers by surprise and shocked them. They
> did not expect them, did not forestall them and now limit themselves more
> or less to a role of spectator of actions that literally could involve the
> survival of humanity.
> Europe hopes it will wake one day with the Trump problem having been
> resolved by itself. From time to time they say to Americans that what they
> are doing is terrible and dangerous (it is indeed terrible and this is
> exactly why they are doing it!). In Germany many top specialists on foreign
> policy published an appeal in Zeit. They believe German “anti-Americanism”
> is the danger, not the US policy that is fueling it!

Bankruptcy of ideologies ... except one

2017-10-23 Thread Morlock Elloi
The article below illustrates what happens when ideologies die ... 
except one, the will for power. There is nothing exciting offered today 
except conquering the world, killing half the population and ruling the 
stone age remnants with high tech. The alternatives are so fu*king 
boring - saving this or that, not doing this or that, resisting this or 
that, going back X years to some nostalgic equilibrium. Fu*k that. Let's 
have some action!

Careening Toward Nuclear War: the Political Paralysis of Europe, Russia 
and China

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos

Never since the Cuban Missile Crisis has there been such an unstable 
situation in the global political system, including the system of 
management of nuclear arms and US power.

To the already exceptionally tense and dangerous atmosphere around North 
Korea there has now been added a crisis over Iran, which is pushing the 
European powers and Russia to become aligned against the policies of USA 
and Israel preparing a new, greater and, very probably, nuclear war 
against Iran. A very serious political crisis is smoldering in 
Washington itself, with some people believing it is the most serious in 
the history of the United States.

In the most official way, in front of the representatives of all the 
nations of the world, for the first time since the defeat of Nazi 
Germany in 1945, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, has 
spelled out the threat of annihilating a nation of 25 million people.

His speech represents the negation of all achievements of human 
civilization. And this speech did not provoke any serious, proportionate 
or meaningful reaction in the world.

The absence of such reaction can be attributed to various factors and 
different calculations. But its consequence is none other than to 
legitimize that kind of threats today and their  realization tomorrow.

Such a lack of reaction does not deter and discourage, it encourages and 
facilitates the use of nuclear weapons and it increases the obvious risk 
of a global catastrophe, something which was proven especially in the 
20th century. In the wake of the 1st World War both camps believed the 
other one was bluffing, and that, in any case, the conflict would not 
last more than a few months. The conflict lasted four years and 
destroyed all Europe.

The policy of trying to appease and accommodate Hitler has also been the 
main policy of Britain, France and USSR, before the 2nd World War. It 
only encouraged Nazi German aggression and facilitated the War. Germany 
all but won it, its troops having been stopped only some miles from the 
Kremlin. It was finally defeated, but only at an unbelievably enormous 
cost paid by all European nations, and in particular by the Soviets, the 
Yugoslavs, the Greeks and the British.

The deafening silence of Europe, the European Left, Russia and China

It is obvious that the actions and the policy of the US government under 
President Trump took all major powers by surprise and shocked them. 
They did not expect them, did not forestall them and now limit 
themselves more or less to a role of spectator of actions that literally 
could involve the survival of humanity.

Europe hopes it will wake one day with the Trump problem having been 
resolved by itself. From time to time they say to Americans that what 
they are doing is terrible and dangerous (it is indeed terrible and this 
is exactly why they are doing it!). In Germany many top specialists on 
foreign policy published an appeal in Zeit. They believe German 
“anti-Americanism” is the danger, not the US policy that is fueling it!

The European Left seems interested only in defending pensions, and it is 
not doing very well even at that. They don’t want to identify themselves 
with a regime like the North Korean, but they forget that what is going 
on has nothing to do with the type of the regime. On the contrary, the 
external, imperialistic pressure on non-Western countries, beginning 
from the USSR, has always been a strong factor contributing to the rise 
of authoritarian types of government, as the best suited for a country 
to oppose a threat of aggression. At the very least it can plausibly 
justify this authoritarianism.

Western interventions in the Third World have played a great role in the 
advent of authoritarian regimes. Imposing “democracy” was never the aim 
of the West in the Arab and Muslim World and the results of 25 years of 
disastrous wars in the Middle East are here for everybody to see. Even 
in Russia it was the US administration which pushed and enthusiastically 
supported the violent dissolution and bombing of the Russian Parliament 
by President Yeltsin in 1993 (probably the most democratically elected 
parliament in Russian history), in order to permit the passage of Soviet 
property to a handful of oligarchs from 1994 onwards