Re: futurlab hungary

2021-07-03 Thread János Sugár
Title: Re:futurlab hungary

dear zeljko, patrice et al,

for the late reaction, and another sorry for the lots of urls, but the
illiberal reality produces every day something new and

Orban's dirty little trick: Conflating pedophilia with

Hungary Adopts Child Sex Abuse Law That Also Targets L.G.B.T.

and concerning the Fudan university a brave act:
the mayor of Budapest names streets at planned Chinese university
after Uyghurs, Hong Kong


Orbán: government will appoint people
with "national worldview" to lead Hungarian

Hungary Transfers 11 Universities to
Foundations Led by Orban Allies. The transfer, accompanied by billions
of euros in state assets, will enable the prime minister and his
supporters to exert long-term influence.

"They have essentially seized every major institution in
society"-Hungary's university takeover

Orbán has begun taking steps to preserve
his power

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Re: futurlab hungary

2021-04-29 Thread Željko Blaće
Hi Janos
It seems there is lots of bad news coming from Budapest
these days but I wonder which part of this is worse...

I am wild guessing mostly for Chinese students?
It is a public university with good reputation from what it seems
hence it is strange that it goes abroad to do a campus...
via Hungarian government and local tax payers?
Would it be private and paid or free and subsidised?

Sorry if this sounds strange to ask about this
but I am curious on what is the essential difference
to other similar historic and contemporary efforts.

Best - Z. Blace
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futurlab hungary

2021-04-28 Thread János Sugár
Title: futurlab hungary

Hungary's parliament passed legislation on Tuesday setting up
foundations to take over the running of universities and cultural
institutions in a move critics say extends the ideological imprint of
the ruling right-wing government.
Orban's Fidesz party, which has a two-thirds majority in
parliament, voted for the legislation on Tuesday.
His government will appoint boards of trustees to run the foundations,
which will control substantial real estate assets and benefit from
billions of euros worth of EU funds, while also having considerable
influence over universities' everyday life


The Hungarian government is planning to build a Budapest campus
of the Chinese Fudan University with Chinese contractors, financed by
a ¤1.25 billion loan from China, it emerged this month.

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Poland and Hungary Use Coronavirus to Punish Opposition

2020-04-23 Thread Janos Sugar

BRUSSELS - Authoritarian-minded leaders around the world have
used the coronavirus emergency to consolidate power. In Europe,
the governments of Poland and Hungary have done that and more.
They have managed to turn the crisis into a windfall and punish
their political opponents, too. In a hasty effort to show that
it was doing something to help during the virus crisis, the
European Union repurposed 37 billion euros - about $40 billion
- in structural aid funds, designed to help newer and poorer
members, for virus aid. The result: Hungary and Poland each
got considerably more money than virus-ravaged Italy or Spain.

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Frida and Billy in Hungary

2018-08-28 Thread János Sugár
A pro-government newspaper has criticized a hugely popular exhibition 
of her work at the Hungarian National Gallery in Budapest for 
"promoting communism".

In a July 14 article entitled "This is the way communism is promoted 
using state money", the Kahlo exhibition was listed in the right-wing 
newspaper Magyar Idok along with some other galleries, artists and 

"You won't believe it but Trotsky has emerged in Budapest again, this 
time from Frida Kahlo's bed," the newspaper wrote, referring to her 
affair with Leon Trotsky, a key figure in the Bolshevik seizure of 
power in Russia, during his later exile in Mexico. Trotsky was 
assassinated in 1940.

In June, Magyar Idok also published an article by a guest commentator 
who accused the musical Billy Elliot in the Hungarian State Opera of 
spreading homosexual propaganda among its young audience. Billy 
Elliot has been on the program for two years, with over 100,000 
viewers so far.
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banning gender studies in Hungary

2018-08-25 Thread János Sugár
Title: banning gender studies in

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary's government will stop financing
gender studies university courses, Prime Minister Viktor Orban's
chief of staff said on Tuesday, marking one of the first concrete
steps in a cultural shift signaled last month.

The Orbán regime introduced legislation to shut down accredited
gender studies programs offered by universities in Hungary. Academics
now have 24 hours to respond to the government's plan. The ban will
primarily impact students at Eötvös Loránd University in
Budapest (ELTE)-the only institution in Hungary, other than Central
European University, to offer gender studies at the graduate level,
and the only one to provide this program in Hungarian.


An article published by Hungarian pro-government magazine
Figyelo, entitled, "Immigration, homosexual rights and gender
science - these topics occupy the researchers of the Academy",
claims that the research topics of the Centre for Social Sciences of
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences are politically suspicious, and that
the government should have a "greater insight" into the
Academy's work.

Diminishing autonomy of Hungarian science academy worries

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Re: on Hungary

2018-04-13 Thread János Sugár
Title: Re:on Hungary

Hungarian journalists admit role in forging anti-migrant
'atmosphere of fear'
Employees of state TV network describe how channels pumped out
pro-government messaging ahead of Victor Orbán's election victory
this week
The journalists believe the anti-migrant messages often come
directly from the government. People who work on stories directly
involving Orbán receive a list of keywords to use. "Sometimes the
editor will come into the office on the phone and dictate a whole
story to us, word for word. We do not know who is on the other end of
the phone," said one.

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Hungary is withdrawing its ambassador from the Netherlands

2017-08-25 Thread János Sugár
Hungary is withdrawing its ambassador from the Netherlands after 
outgoing Dutch ambassador gave critical interview about Hungarian gov.


Moscow spooks return to Hungary, raising NATO hackles
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Evento cancelado: E-ticket, Hungary - seg 24 jul 2017 16:30 - 17:30 (BRT) (

2017-07-24 Thread lucleao
PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN
DESCRIPTION:A teenager discovered that the brand new website of the public 
 transit authority in Budapest would allow you to edit the price you paid fo
 r your tickets\, so that purchasers could give themselves massive discounts
  on their travel\, and when he told the authority about it\, they had him a
 rrested and issued a press-release boasting about it.\nhttps://www.bleeping
 er-hackers-unjust-arrest/\n\nEin 18-jähriger Schüler aus Ungarn hat eine Sc
 hwachstelle im E-Ticketing-System der Nahverkehrsbetriebe in der ungarische
 n Hauptstadt Budapest gefunden und wurde kurz nach Meldung der Probleme an 
 das Unternehmen festgenommen. Das System wird von T-Systems Magyar betriebe
 n. Das Unternehmen gehört zum ungarischen Telekommunikationsanbieter Magyar
  Telekom (a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom).\n
 wird-festgenommen-3781914.html\n\n#  distributed via : no c...
SUMMARY: E-ticket\, Hungary

Description: application/ics
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E-ticket, Hungary

2017-07-24 Thread János Sugár
A teenager discovered that the brand new website 
of the public transit authority in Budapest would 
allow you to edit the price you paid for your 
tickets, so that purchasers could give themselves 
massive discounts on their travel, and when he 
told the authority about it, they had him 
arrested and issued a press-release boasting 
about it.

Ein 18-jähriger Schüler aus Ungarn hat eine 
Schwachstelle im E-Ticketing-System der 
Nahverkehrsbetriebe in der ungarischen Hauptstadt 
Budapest gefunden und wurde kurz nach Meldung der 
Probleme an das Unternehmen festgenommen. Das 
System wird von T-Systems Magyar betrieben. Das 
Unternehmen gehört zum ungarischen 
Telekommunikationsanbieter Magyar Telekom (a 
subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom).

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Re: Hungary: new NGO law passed

2017-06-25 Thread Brian Holmes

On 06/18/2017 04:05 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

We speak rather arrogantly in the West, treating Liberalism as
unassailably good, yet the superficiality of our MSM driven discourse
rarely acknowledges that the desire for a conservative community is
not only a natural and acceptable desire, and widespread across the
world, but does not mean that those who express such desires are
bigots, and most fundamentally, the hypocritical ignoring of the
facts that "global homogeneity" is the opposite of "preserving
diversity", that if you don't stand for something, you fall for

This is a complicated issue, among others because a lot of the people
on this list are Leftists of some kind, not liberals in any sense
of the word. Most people on the Left do not treat liberalism as an
unassailable good. Instead we decry the many negative effects of
free trade and free movement of capital (the two things which define
economic liberalism), while supporting the free movement of people
because we value solidarity and human rights. We think that free trade
and transnational finance tend to destroy the social and political
systems of smaller countries, and that is one of the reasons we feel
solidarity with those trying to find a safer and healthier home.

I think you are right to insist that the desire for a tightly
controlled border (if that is in fact what you mean by a "conservative
community") does not automatically make those who desire it into
bigots. There are quite serious conservative theories of democracy
holding that only those with a long-term stake in a given polity can
be counted on to assume the responsibilities of citizenship (the
French historians Francois Furet and Pierre Rosanvallon come to
mind). People on the Left would do well to debate these theories more
deeply, to see how *we* think democracy operates under conditions of
high-volume immigration from countries destablized by war, climate
change and the economic sabotage of so-called free trade. If we would
debate more among ourselves, then we could try to raise the level of
the debates with true conservatives, which are now at an all-time low

One conclusion from such a reflection is that it is urgent for rich
countries to manage their economies both for the support of all
their citizens (something which is not presently being done in the
US where I live) and in such a way as to strengthen neighboring
economies (something the US is not doing with regards to Mexico, nor
the rest of Latin America). Great inequalities both within and between
countries raise serious threats to democracy, because they create
powerful resentments, We are experiencing those threats at present,
all across the developed world. Not only the poorer countries and
their increasingly desperate populations are responsible for these
threats. Those classes of people who concentrate wealth are also
responsible. It's pretty important to see that those extremely wealthy
millionaire and billionaire classes are not conservatives. They are
liberals in that they favor free trade, free movement investment
across borders, and they're just plain capitalists in that they favor
cheap labor, whether because the labor is undocumented or because
it's the labor of citizens stripped of all their former rights and
collective bargaining agency. How can conservatives support these
oligarchs who rig the game in their favor, whatever side of the
political spectrum they claim to be on?

The end of your paragraph includes a bit of its own arrogance, and if
you're addressing me or my likes, then I would respectfully take issue
with that. I do stand for something and I do not fall for anything.
The world we live in is not one of global homogeneity, not from my
viewpoint. It is one of tremendous cultural richness, full of warm
humanity and the chance to get outside one's own skin. Life is good
when one can experience and at least partially share the desires
and even the fate of others who speak different languages and dream
different dreams. The homogenizing and standardizing forces come from
large-scale capitalist enterprises that only benefit a thin slice
of the population. You may not accept my view of the good life, but
if we can debate about the relation between democracy and corporate
capitalism, about the proper role of borders and of citizenship, and
about the questions of equality and inequality, then we can get a lot
further than if we trade rhetorical barbs and arrows while leaving our
own preconceived notions intact. Democratic societies around the world
are clearly at an impasse, and polarization is creating the conditions
for war, both civil and international. Will that bring the good life?
I don't see any reason to think so. We need some new ideas and that
means taking the risk of shedding some old ones.

best, Brian Holmes

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Re: Hungary: new NGO law passed

2017-06-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 12:05:49AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

> - the ultimate sanctity of NGO's that have no transparency about
>   their funding, nor their intentions, and notwithstanding their
>   actions which may well be directly opposed to the interests of the
>   majority in a given country - e.g. the conservative "we don't want
>   unlimited refugees from countries where no real vetting can occur"
>   that is just recently begun to be prosecuted by the UN, e.g.:

Ah, found the link I was looking for:

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Re: Hungary: new NGO law passed

2017-06-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 08:56:46PM +0200, János Sugár wrote:

> The Hungarian Parliament passed a new law on non-governmental
> organizations today, which is widely thought to attack civil
> society in Hungary and has been criticized by the European
> Commission. The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (TASZ) said it will
> apply civil disobedience.

Your plug does not mention the rather public (but only for those
following the Hungarian debate) stoush between Orban and
George Soros.

George Soros is widely thought to attack civil society in Hungary and
many other countries around the world via the NGO's in the respective
countries that he financies through his Open Societies Foundation
(may not be exact name sorry).

We in the West are well trained in "shouting down" any action which
"does not match Western values" which we are well indoctrinated in

- "democracy" (for some would say strange values of 'democracy')

- open societies (for those who still believe in "democracy" and the
  endless march of internationalism)

- the ultimate sanctity of NGO's that have no transparency about
  their funding, nor their intentions, and notwithstanding their
  actions which may well be directly opposed to the interests of the
  majority in a given country - e.g. the conservative "we don't want
  unlimited refugees from countries where no real vetting can occur"
  that is just recently begun to be prosecuted by the UN, e.g.:

How's the European Unity working for ya anyway?:

We speak rather arrogantly in the West, treating Liberalism as
unassailably good, yet the superficiality of our MSM driven discourse
rarely acknowledges that the desire for a conservative community is
not only a natural and acceptable desire, and widespread across the
world, but does not mean that those who express such desires are
bigots, and most fundamentally, the hypocritical ignoring of the
facts that "global homogeneity" is the opposite of "preserving
diversity", that if you don't stand for something, you fall for

For too often, a thread, a position, a "certainty" is presented with
no heed whatsoever to genuine and real concerns to the contrary.
Such gets tiresome.

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Hungary: new NGO law passed

2017-06-18 Thread János Sugár

The Hungarian Parliament passed a new law on non-governmental 
organizations today, which is widely thought to attack civil society 
in Hungary and has been criticized by the European Commission. The 
Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (TASZ) said it will apply civil 

The approved law requires groups receiving more than 24,000 euros 
annually ($26,000) in overseas funding to register as 
"foreign-supported" and disclose their foreign donors, or face 
closure. The legislation resembles a law passed in Russia in 2012, 
which requires NGOs receiving foreign funding to register as "foreign 

In Anti-Soros Feud, Hungary Adopts Rules on Foreign-Financed Groups

Hungary: NGO law a vicious and calculated assault on civil society

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The crushing of independent press in Hungary

2016-10-15 Thread János Sugár

Hungary's Left-Wing Paper Suspended Days After Breaking News

Protests in Hungary at closure of main leftwing opposition newspaper

Newspaper Closes in Hungary, and Hungarians See Government's Hand

The crushing of independent press in Hungary


the ex journalists of _népszabadság_ will edit 
the next edition of the budapest street paper:

Protestaktion: Obdachlose Redaktion gestaltet 
Sonderausgabe der Budapester Obdachlosenzeitung


The latest attacks on journalists and news 
organizations by corrupt populists are 
contributing to a global rollback of fundamental 

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nettime The Economist on Hungary: Curse like an oligarch

2015-02-10 Thread nettime's_open_mic

Curse like an oligarch

The country's biggest media mogul turns against Viktor Orban, in
no uncertain terms

Feb 9th 2015

HUNGARIANS possess a rich vocabulary of swear words and curses,
many involving imaginative connections between relatives, their
bodily orifices and farmyard animals. But even by local
standards, the invective that Hungary's most powerful businessman
has unleashed over the past few days towards his country's prime
minister is exceptional. In an interview on Friday with,
a news website, Lajos Simicska, a former university roommate of
Viktor Orban (pictured) and one of his closest allies for the
past thirty years, called the prime minister a _geci_, one of the
worst insults in the Magyar lexicon. The literal translation of
_geci_ is sperm, but even that English term fails to convey the
Hungarian word's connotations of disdain. Beyond the colourful
language, the spat is the most serious break yet in Mr Orban's
governing Fidesz party, which despite winning a two-thirds
majority of the seats in the most recent elections has begun to
show signs of strain.

Until recently Mr Simicska was one of the most reclusive
businessmen in Hungary. He was once Fidesz's financial
mastermind, and served as head of the Hungarian Tax Authority
under the first Fidesz government in the late 1990s. Kozgep, his
massive holding company, has profited handsomely from government
contracts. Mr Simicska's interests include construction, energy
and the media. The Sopranos-esque flavour of business in these
circles comes across in an obscenity-laden interview Mr Simicska
gave last week to Hir24, a news website (translation here). (So
you can end up dead at the end of this conflict? the interviewer
asks. Of course, the oligarch replies. They kill me, shoot me
or I fall under a car.)

The immediate trigger for his fury was the government's statement
that it plans to introduce a flat 5% tax on advertising. The new
tax would replace an earlier advertising tax featuring
progressive rates depending on the media organisation's income,
which the government was forced to withdraw after opposition from
the European Commission. The progressive tax was sharply
criticised by RTL Klub, a private television channel owned by
Luxembourg-based RTL, which claimed it was aimed at forcing
foreign-based outlets that had been critical of Fidesz to leave
Hungary. The prospect of a flat 5% tax rate infuriated Mr
Simicska, but the editors who run his media outlets failed to
follow the new course. Immediately after Mr Simicska said he was
declaring war on Fidesz, a slate of senior executives from media
organisations he controls -- including Magyar Nemzet, a conservative
newspaper, L??nch??d Radio and H??r television -- resigned.

The split between Mr Simicska and Mr Orban is rooted in the
question of whether business or politics will have primacy in the
Fidesz-dominated political order, according to Akos Balogh of, an independent conservative blog. The Fidesz
leadership has long worried that Mr Simicska was becoming too
powerful, and began limiting his influence on government over a
year ago, removing his allies from key positions in
administration and state-owned companies. The process accelerated
after the 2014 election, when Fidesz won a two-thirds majority
for the second time in a row, Mr Balogh says. Simicska was the
dominant oligarch of the 2010-2014 term and now it's over. Orban
does not want to depend on any single business group.

Unsurprisingly, the row between the former allies has delighted
the Hungarian political opposition. Their euphoria will probably
be short-lived. The government has maintained an icy silence in
response to Mr Simicska's outbursts, and by Monday morning, the
oligarch appeared to be backtracking. A story in Magyar Nemzet
claimed Mr Simicska had been criticising the politics of the
prime minister and his advisers, not Mr Orban himself. However
grammatically implausible, such denials may signal that the
political waters are calming. If Hungary's opposition expects to
gain traction against Fidesz, it will probably need better ideas
and leadership, rather than hoping for another foul-mouthed
outburst from Mr Simicksa.

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nettime CSIS on Hungary

2014-11-24 Thread Janos Sugar

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS):
In the case of Hungary, many of these trends have toxically blended 
to produce an increasingly authoritarian regime. Over the last 
decade, Hungary has maintained strong economic and political ties 
with Russia. Russia is Hungary's largest trading partner outside the 
European Union, and the country remains 80 percent reliant on Russian 
energy. As Russia's grasp on Hungary's economy has tightened, 
nationalist and xenophobic groups-such as the neo-fascist Jobbik 
party-have also risen to prominence, further undermining the 
country's Western, liberal orientation. Moreover, Hungarian Prime 
Minister Viktor Orban has articulated a significant shift in national 
direction and policy orientation, declaring in July that Hungary must 
strive to build an illiberal new state based on national 
foundations as evidenced by legislative motions to restrict free 
speech (including an oppressive advertising tax), centralize 
authority (Hungary's new constitution has been amended five times), 
and erode the independence of the judiciary. Noting that the 
geopolitical wind is blowing from the East, Orban has credited 
Moscow for these latest Russian-styled Hungarian reforms. These 
illiberal trends have been accompanied by distinctly pro-Russian 
foreign policies in Budapest. Orban has consistently derided the EU's 
sanctions against Russia, and Hungary abruptly discontinued its sale 
of excess gas supplies to Ukraine after a visit from the CEO of 
Gazprom this fall. Hungary received a 10 billion euro loan from 
Russia for a new nuclear power plant facility, increasing Hungary's 
energy dependence on Russian technology and financial support. 
Negative developments in Hungary and its neighbors threaten to derail 
wider European efforts to restrain Russian recidivism. Although the 
21st-century East-West confrontation does not bear the ideological 
vestiges of the Cold War, there is a clear ideological component. 
This contestation is between liberal versus illiberal, transparency 
and good governance versus corruption and managed democracy. The 
unqualified success of Central Europe's transformation from Communism 
to liberal democracies and market economies is not immutable, and we 
should not trick ourselves into believing it is so.



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Re: nettime meanwhile in Hungary

2014-06-14 Thread Tjebbe van Tijen
Janos that is an awful lot of detailed information on the electoral system 
changes  practices in HUngary 
in these two simple links.

The details - necessary as they are - swallow up an outsider without enough 
focus on the Magyar Dystopia of the 21st century.

Did I miss your own comment on all this?

Or would you be able to formulate it with this detailed information just as a 

I do have odd memories of the political landscape of Hungary in the mid 
eighties of last century and the dismay of seeing people I licked at that time 
drifting into ultra-right/nationalistic directions (Inconnu group among 

In a way all those numbers and the concept of a super majority made me think 
back to  a book of Miklos Haraztsy Opposition = 0,1 pour-cent. Extraits du 
samizdat hongrois présentés par Miklós Haraszti. Traduit du Hongrois et préf. 
par Georges Aranyossy (Edition du Seuil 1979). I have it at home. Remember 
meeting him in Budpaest and being introduced to the circle of dissidents around 
Krasó György by Haraszti. Krasso having house-arrest at that time. Now the 
cynical opposition 0,1 % in the title of that book seems to come into view of 
what is a parliamentary democracy (however manipulative it's functioning, and 
politics without manipulation do not exist).

Orbán and the Fidesz party have been watched over in their cradle by Haraszti 
Miklos and looking around I spotted an article by Haraszti The real Viktor 
Orbán published in OpenDemocracy in 200, where he hails the elections of that 
year that did send Orbán back to a role of opposition and wonder (also) how the 
actual state of affairs is seen by him.

As for the Hungarian diaspora of 1956 and their part in the recent voting... 
that seems logic when one looks into  the forces that were revolting against 
party communist rule in 1956. One sees there a whole spectre of ideologies and 
practices under the banner of freedom (as there was a common enemy to be 
fought), with several rooting in a not so far away reactionary past of the 
Horthy regime. 

In the year 2005/2006 I did a study of many of the Hungarian exile communities 
and it was often hard to stomach their racist and ultra nationalist viewpoints.

Is it not so that in Hungary the process of coming to grip with its own past 
has been neglected?

The simplifications as expressed in the representation of history as in the 
House of Terror are an expression of the dichotomy of freedom versus communist 

It suffices to reas some documents on the 'white terror' of the Horthy regime 
already published in the twenties of last century and his actual rehabiliation, 
to know what is to be done.

Tjebbe van Tijen


 On 13 Jun 2014, at 12:11, Janos Sugar wrote:

  Hungary and the End of Politics
  Kim Lane Scheppele

Tjebbe van Tijen
Imaginary Museum Projects
dramatising historical information
web-blog: The Limping Messenger
Flickr: Swift News Tableaus by Tjebbe van Tijen

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nettime Hungary in focus

2014-02-16 Thread allan siegel

Hungary in focus

In recent years, Hungary has been a constant 
concern for anyone interested in European 
politics and Eurozine has published extensively 
on different aspects of the Hungarian situation. 
Ahead of the Hungarian elections in 2014, we have 
collected some of those articles dealing with 
both recent developments and broader issues 
relating to Hungarian politics, history and 

This collection of texts puts into perspective 
how, after the fall of the Iron Curtain, 
Hungary's democratic reforms were held up as an 
example to the states of central eastern Europe. 
Twenty years later, the political process 
suffered a sudden reversal following the election 
in 2010 of the Fidesz government under Viktor 
Orbán. Now the dismantling of Hungary's political 
and constitutional system continues.

However, the focus also includes a series of 
responses to serious unrest on the streets of 
Budapest in September 2006 after the then 
Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány 
admitted to downplaying the scale of the national 
debt in the run-up to elections earlier the same 

Gábor Attila Tóth: Power instead of law

As the Fidesz government dismantles Hungary's 
political and constitutional system, Gábor Attila 
Tóth considers the influence of international 
institutions and the efficacy of domestic, 
democratic resources far from exhausted. On the 
contrary, the role played by both will likely be 
decisive. [ more ]

Robert Hodonyi, Helga Trüpel: Together against Orbán: Hungary's new opposition

Amid international concern over government 
reforms that endanger democracy in Hungary, 
Hodonyi and Trüpel discover a political 
renaissance in Hungarian civil society. Ahead of 
elections in spring 2014, this may well be an 
antidote to the EU's political 
half-heartedness. [ more ]

Gábor Halmai: Towards an illiberal democracy

Hungary's new constitution contradicts European 
standards on numerous counts: it sets in stone 
government policy; it is biased towards ethnic 
Hungarians; and it undermines the independence of 
regulatory institutions including the 
constitutional court and media. [ more ]

György Dalos, Miklós Haraszti, György Konrád, László Rajk
The decline of democracy -- the rise of dictatorship

In a New Year's appeal, thirteen intellectuals 
and public figures who opposed Hungary's 
communist regime in the 1970s outline their 
concerns about Hungary's new constitution and 
call on Europe to help halt a slide towards a new 
dictatorship. [ more ]

Miklós Haraszti: Notes on Hungary's media law package

Hungary's media law could lead to a 
depoliticization of the media the likes of which 
exists in Russia and other post-Soviet 
democracies, writes the former OSCE 
Representative on Freedom of the Media. The 
alterations to the law will do little to this 
halt this tendency. [ more ]



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