Re: [newbie] Plugger

1999-10-24 Thread Alan_N

John Aldrich wrote:
 Hey, all...just a reminder that the Mandrake RPM of Netscape is the
 Libc5 version, and if you go to get "plugger" or any other C-version
 specific plugin, you need to get the libc5 version, not the GLIBC2
 version. :-) Mandrake itself may use glibc2, but the Mandrake RPM of
 Netscape is using the older library, which is incompatible with
 plugins based on the newer version of the c-language library. :-) I
 found that out the hard way this morning trying to install Plugger.

Hmmm. I'm a bit confused.  I thought RH 6.0 and above including Mandrake
glibc2..  Can you explain this?

I've tried plugger a few times and it installed, but everytime a web
"event" called something
to utilize plugger CRASH!... Maybe this is indeed my answer, since I
dloaded glibc2.

This is damn confusing.  How do you tell?  How do you know?

Ever since the last attempt at plugger in which I had to edit a number
of things in Netscape
just to get RID of it!!!

I find this interesting since all my local linux buddies say GLIBC2!!!

If anyone can explain this and tell me how to figure out what I need I
would appreciate it!!


Re: [newbie] Plugger

1999-10-24 Thread Alan_N


  This is damn confusing.  How do you tell?  How do you know?
 You can tell what libraries an application is linked against using the
 ldd application
 Because of all the "behind the curtain" work to get Netscape even resembling
 stable, you'll find that /usr/bin/netscape and
 /usr/bin/netscape-communicator aren't even the real executables.  The real
 one hides in /usr/lib/netscape/netscape-communicator.
 Here's the output of "ldd /usr/lib/netscape/netscape-communicator" from the
 Netscape shipped with 6.1:
 /lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000) = /lib/ (0x40009000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4000b000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4005b000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40064000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4007b000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4008e000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4009d000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x400aa000) = /lib/ (0x40159000) = /usr/lib/ (0x4015c000) = /lib/ (0x4019d000) = /lib/ (0x401bb000)
 /lib/ = /lib/ (0x8000)
 You'll notice that this one is linked against glibc instead of libc 5.
 Guess it got magically "stable" in the move to 6.1?

Cool.. Still confused, but a little less.. I got the same results with

Maybe this is part of this horrendous memory usage I now have..

The file that runs when netscape runs is huge..

Damn, where's opera!  I've tried opera under BeOS and it has potential..

So much so, I'm considering buying it.. I like BeOS a lot, but Linux is
still more
productive.. And consider 6-8 months ago, Linux was my toy OS and win
was the primary..

Nice how things move from the west!

Thanks for the info..  Maybe I will try the plugger libc..


Re: [newbie] Thanks for insights and one more question

1999-10-16 Thread Alan_N

Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear Seth and friends:
 Whenever you exit Linux improperly (su - to shutdown -h now), Linux will
 run the fsck on your hard drives to check and fix and file system
 errors. It does this magnificently, by the way. It's like the ScanDisk
 in Windows, only (I am told by experts) much better and more reliable.
 However, what many may not know (please correct me if I am wrong), is
 that Linux will run this "check forced" scandisk EVERY 20TH BOOT,
 regardless of whether your system needs or not. That's standard
Yea, I've asked this before and never got an definitive answer.

About 20 boots ( in my case, 20 days or so, more or less ) I get the 
max mount count --  20 logical!
