RE: [newbie] Recent Freezing Issue

2001-09-15 Thread Antonio Argentieri

One possibility worth trying would be to boot off the rescue disk and leave
it in the command line.
Don't login or type anything and see if it still crashes. If it does you
could be dealing with a dodgy power supply, otherwise apart from linux
config probs it may be worth checking your Ram out.
If you've got 2 128Mb banks try running them individually to see if it's
faulty Ram.
(Also if you've got windows on the machine too try running running that to
see if that does the same.)

I've known overburdened or failing power supllies produce random crashes
Especially when accessing devices such as CD drives or HD's.
Have you added any new periperhals recently that are drawing power from the
power supply.
(USB potentially included in that)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Isaac Curtis
Sent: 14 September 2001 19:40
Subject: [newbie] Recent Freezing Issue

I'm typing this very quickly because every time I've logged in to write
this my computer has frozen before I could finish.  I have 1600 backed
up emails and haven't been able to write anything else to this list for
help on other issues.  The problem is that when logged in to my 7.2 box,
the computer freezes after a varying amount of time.  I haven't been
able to isolate it because it happens so often I almost don't use the
computer anymore.  I believe it has all been happening either when it is
idle or at most when the mouse is in use, I don't remember it occurring
when the keyboard was typing.  I always first notice it because the
mouse won't respond, then I realize the keyboard won't either, and
nothing will work except for turning off the power on the box.  This has
never happened in the first two months of using Linux but it has
happened with paralyzing frequency for the last week or so.

If it is relevant, I'm not dipping into swap at all, I've got 256MB RAM
and not even half is usually used for active processes.  I've got
kpppstatistics, processmanager, 2 instances of Mozilla (1 browser 1
mail), everybuddy and an eterm open.  What's going on?

  - Isaac

PS: Peace, respect, and empathy to all those affected by this tragedy,
both in America and abroad.  My heart goes out to all of you and to
those yet to be affected by whatever response my government ends up
taking.  I'm so sorry, this all seems so unreal...

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RE: [newbie] Can't find StarOffice in KDE menu

2001-09-14 Thread Antonio Argentieri

As a complete newbie...
Does anything automatically link itself into the menus?
I've installed a number of things off the LM CD and never got links to

Is linking part of the RPM standard?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ed Kasky
Sent: 14 September 2001 01:53
Subject: Re: [newbie] Can't find StarOffice in KDE menu

I even reported this little bug to Star and never heard anything back...

I just manually created the links.

At 07:07 PM 9/13/2001 -0400, you wrote:
I installed StarOffice.. and it tells me it is installed into the KDE menu.
restarted my KDE. But it's still not in the KDE menu. How can I make it

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RE: [newbie] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Antonio Argentieri

Thats a very uninformed opinion you are offering. Did you not see any
of the reports about how much it would cost to train people to fly
those airplanes? Real flight simulators cost major, major bucks, and
it costs about 50k to send someone to a school that has one.

I wish it was uninformed but it's not. I think the discovery of the
flight manuals in the car
found at the airport illustrates how basic the knowledge they had was.
It dosen't cost much to learn to fly a basic plane. Sure, if you want to
become a fully fledged pilot for a commercial airline it takes thousands of
hours flight time and thousands of dollars.
But if you simply need to know the basics a few lessons at your local school
and a couple of hundred dollars would suffice. Believe me keeping a 767 in
the air and doing basic guidance isn't much different to doing it in a
Cessna. i.e. Pointing it at something and crashing it is easy.
Landing it safely and following all the charts and guidelines is more

Anyway I don't think they knew much about aviation
I know commercial pilots are trained to do what hijackers want to keep
situations calm and under control. I imagine the jackers asked them to fly
down the coast and once near NY I suspect they removed the pilots and guided
the aircraft themselves. I think this partly because of the third and fourth
aircrafts didn't do the damage they potentially could have done.

Based on evidence? Thats lip service, no more, designed solely to keep
Afghanistan out of the line of fire. I'm not saying we should bomb
them or anything, but I certainly don't believe a word of what the
Taleban has to say. Call me a knee-jerk Yank if you will...

I'm not taking your right to be angry away. go on be angry everyones
angry. Most of the world infact.
I don't think US citizens know quite how Upset, Shocked and Angry people in
other parts of the world are. We're f**ing fuming!
Just remember the world is watching and pretty much everyone has condemned
this act. If the US gov acts too hastily it will lose some of that support.
Imagine what could be done with 80%+ of the worlds governments on it's side.
That's enough to turn lip service into action even if the Taleban had no
intention of handing bin laden over. Simply blowing up some afgans up
innocent or not
will just draw more people to bin laden's cause and reaffirm some
Islamic peoples beliefs that the western world hate and despise them.

Anyway I'm finished that's my last word. back to ontopic.

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RE: [newbie] USA TERROR ATTACK!!!!

2001-09-12 Thread Antonio Argentieri

Understand, I wasn't ripping you with my previous post, just offering
my opinion...

I understand... no offence taken, 
you look after yourself.


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