[newbie] Helix Gnome install on Mdk 7.2

2000-12-24 Thread dkunz


Does anyone have Helix Gnome installed on Mandrke 7.2 ?
If so in your opinion is it better than the standard install of Gnome?

Would appreciate any comments and insights.


[newbie] LM 7.2 swap file size vs ram?

2000-11-08 Thread dkunz

Installed 7.2 today. After install going into Netscape or Koffice 
seems to take a very long time. Can hear the hd churning like it is 
trying to load program eventually it does.

Machine is a 533 w/64 mb ram 15gig hd.
partions are
swap  hda5   137mb.62.8 free
roothda63.85 gig2.36 gig free
home hda73.63 gig 3.44 gig free

I have ordered more ram will put that in tomorrow.

Is the swap partion about the right size?

Another thing I noticed when running Kdiskfree it shows 
/proc/bus/usb with 0% free. Is this normal?

Any suggestions are appreciated.


[newbie] New install on second hd -- advice please.

1999-09-27 Thread DKunz

I am trying to install MDK 6.0 on second hard 
drive. It is a Western Digital 6.4 Gig hd. The first hard drive is a Maxtor 4.2 
Gig. Does part of MDK 6.0 have to be on first drive? I have Partion Magic 4.01 
so moving partions around is easy enough, it also comes with BootMagic. I could 
use BootMagic or LILO as OS loader.
Currently have 1st drive partioned c: and d: with 
Win98. I have second drive as one partion as yet I will make at least these 
partions  / , /home , and /swap. Any others I should make? Which partion set as 
active? Primary or logical?
If there is a How to could someone point me the 

Any advice greatly appreciated.


Re: [newbie] Upgrading the Kernel

1999-09-03 Thread DKunz

Dan Voeks wrote:


 I installed Linux-Mandrake 6.0.  I have two hard drives.  hda has one
 partition - a dos/win95 partition.  hdb has 3 partitions:  hdb1 = /boot,
 hdb2 = swap, hdb3 = /

 When using linux, I boot from a floppy (the floppy I created during the
 mandrake install).

 Here's my problem:  I was running into the "busy partition" message at
 shutdown time, which is documented on the Linux-Mandrake updates page.  The
 fix is listed as follows:

   Solution: upgrade to
 initscripts-4.16-30mdk.i586.rpm and to
   kernel-2.2.9-27mdk.i586.rpm. An updated
 initscripts package is also

rpm -Uvh initscripts-4.16-30mdk.i586.rpm
rpm -ivh kernel-2.2.9-27mdk.i586.rpm

   Note: if you run in level 5, don't forget to set
 it again in /etc/inittab [just
   replace id:3:initdefault: by id:5:initdefault:]
 after initscripts upgrading!

 So, I downloaded the 2 rpms from the ftp site (actually I downloaded
 initscripts-4.16-31mdk.i586.rpm, but that shouldn't make any difference,
 I'm assuming, since it was the only initscripts rpm there).  I entered in
 the two rpm command lines exactly as above.  I modified my /etc/lilo.conf
 file to reflect the new kernel name.  I modified /etc/inittab as suggested

 I then rebooted.  But, to my shock and horror, when I rebooted, the kernel
 was still listed as version 2.2.9-19mdk.  It hadn't upgraded!

 Then I thought that I probably had only changed the copy of the kernel on
 my hard drive, and since I boot off a floppy that I should just copy the
 new kernel to the floppy and change the lilo.conf file on the floppy.

 I did that and rebooted...but the kernel STILL hadn't changed.

 What am I doing wrong?  How can I upgrade my kernel, and make a bootdisk to
 boot the kernel properly?

 Thanks in advance!

 Dan Voeks
 DoIT Help Desk

After changing  lilo.conf ,you need to re-run /sbin/lilo.
That should tell it about new kernel.


[newbie] after upgrade from 5.3 to 6.0 any major upadtes I need?

1999-08-09 Thread DKunz

Just ran upgrade from 5.3 to 6.0. Are there any major updates that I
should look for?
This version has Netscape Ver. 4.60.
Thanks for any info.
Dale K.

[newbie] install or update 6.0 ?

1999-08-08 Thread DKunz

I currently am running a dual boot pc with win98 and Mandrake 
5.3. Using Lilo as boot manager. 5.3 is running ok but would like to move up to 
6.0. What's the best method to install? Wipe linux partitions and start fresh or 
run install and upgrade.
Any help appreciated.
