[newbie] Mail system -- How?

2000-04-17 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hi all,

I'm really seeking advise I guess. I'm using Mandrake LINUX 7 and am new 
totally to LINUX, running it for a couple of weeks now but I tend to use it 
as my 'base' system and hopefully say bye bye to Windows :)

Alas with this I will have to say Bye bye to Eudora - A totally FAB, very 
configurable Email client.

So I need to have a good mail system with LINUX - I don't like KMail at all.

I've seen a lot of clients out there - most of which are text based. 
Obviously I'm used to Eudora which is a Windows/GUI program. Are there any 
other decent programs there?

I've seen PINE which is a text based program. Looks OK! MUTT also looks OK.

What along with a client I've seen so many statements like, sendmail, 
fetchmail etc. etc. I would love to set a decent mail system up under LINUX 
could someone send me in the right direction? :)

Thanks for reading this.

~~|| Glen M. Chambers  ||~~

[newbie] Can't load startx: error ;(

2000-04-16 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hello All,

Having real problems starting 'startx' - I keep getting this error;

-- cut
font transocketUNIXconnect
can't connect: errno = 111

failed to set default font path 'unix/:1'
fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed'

when reporting a problem etc. . . . . 

x connection to :0.0 broken explicit kill or server shutdown

-- cut

Now when loading LINUX the X font server starts [ OK ]
But when shutting down I get [ FAILED ]

It's just happened when I booted LINUX - I have made no changes and as
far as I am aware I shutdown the system OK. 

Thanks everyone.


~~|| Glen M. Chambers ||~~

[newbie] Thanks everyone for Mozilla help!

2000-04-16 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Thanks all for your message regarding Mozilla - Can't try it yet because of 
my startx problem. But nice for everyone to be so helpful.

~~|| Glen M. Chambers  ||~~

Re: [newbie] Where do Programs Go?

2000-04-15 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hi Andy,

Boy, it's great to see that you're thinking the same as me! :) 

I've just installed Linux myself - it's a steep learning curve!! I too am
used to the Windows way, although I love DOS etc. Always been a DOS
person - Started with it many years ago so as far as the command line, it
ain't that bad. :)

Wouldn't mind keeping in touch for moral support? :)


At 16:29 15/04/00 +0100, andy barnes wrote:


~~|| Glen M. Chambers ||~~

[newbie] Mozilla - How to use it once downloaded.

2000-04-15 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hi all,

Please forgive me for this possible simple question;

I've just download Mozilla - I've extracted the tar/gz file no problems -
everything went into a directory called 'package' along with sub-directories
err, assuming you do call them this in LINUX :)

Err, I'm stuck - What now? :)

Help . . . . 


[newbie] Can't shutdown

2000-04-14 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hi all,

This seems a strange problem but whenever I'm logged into LINUX as a user I
can't shutdown, i..e go into a terminal - says no command. But if I log in as
root, I can. 

Is this right? :(


[newbie] pthread.h

2000-04-14 Thread Glen M. Chambers

I'm trying to install a package called Magellan - it needs pthread.h - Does
Linux Mandrake 7 come with this?



BTW, Thanks for your help Steve for the previous question :)

[newbie] Probably a simple question.

2000-04-14 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hello all,

Could someone explain the follwowing;

In DOS if I were to take a look at say the CDROM drive, i.e. D: I would either
type D: etc. or dir D:

What about in LINUX for a CDROM, A: etc. etc. how do I interigate the relevant



[newbie] Fetchmail

2000-04-14 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hello All,

Trying to set up fetchmail - this is my .fetchmailrc file:

poll mail.uk2.net
protocol pop3
user "t"
password "x"   

However when I run fetchmail --check it says 'no mailservers have been



[newbie] Questions on KMail

2000-04-11 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hello all,

Could someone help with the following please;

What is the latest released of KMail?
Are there FAQs on it?
Are there better clients?
Does anyone know if I could import MBXs etc. from Windows Eudora?
Thanks :)


~~|| Glen M. Chambers ||~~

[newbie] Sound

2000-04-10 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hello all,

Using Mandrake 7  - Is there a util to configure sound cards and system 
sounds etc.?

~~|| Glen M. Chambers  ||~~

[newbie] LILO

2000-04-07 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hello all,

I'm new to this list. And CERTAINLY new to LINUX :)

I have a dual boot system with Windows and LINUX Mandrake. Could someone 
tell me how I change LILO to boot Windows by default? i.e. if a key isn't 
pressed! Else, I'll confuse the other half! g


~~|| Glen M. Chambers  ||~~

[newbie] Questions

2000-04-07 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hello all,

I've just got a few question I hope someone will hopefully be able to
help with;

I noticed that WINE was installed when I watched the Mandrake
install. I can't find any info/icon in KDE - Can someone point me in the
right direction
I'm trying to use KMail - However can't seem to find where I need to
put my POP3 settings etc. etc for my ISP
HOW do I get LINUX to get a text promot logon. i.e. without the
graphical version?
That's it :)... for now?

Err, could somebody point out a good site to go to for newbie info?


~~|| Glen M. Chambers ||~~

Re: [newbie] LILO

2000-04-07 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Thank you :)

At 22:40 07/04/00 +0200, flupke wrote:
Glen M. Chambers wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm new to this list. And CERTAINLY new to LINUX :)
 I have a dual boot system with Windows and LINUX Mandrake. Could
 tell me how I change LILO to boot Windows by default? i.e. if a key
 pressed! Else, I'll confuse the other half! g

If the label to boot windows is win, you just add the line
in your /etc/lilo.conf file, then reinstall it by executing
As simple as that!


~~|| Glen M. Chambers ||~~

[newbie] Thank you.

2000-04-07 Thread Glen M. Chambers

Hello all,

I must admit I've only been on this list for a short time and I have had so 
much help from lots of people.

Thank you.

BTW, is there a "better" Email client available apart from KMail. I'm used 
to Eudora for Windows which is feature rich.

Thanks all agaain.


~~|| Glen M. Chambers  ||~~

[newbie] How to change resolution in X

2000-04-07 Thread Glen M. Chambers


I'm using KDE and want to change the resolution to 1280*1024 - Can't figure 
out how tho'


~~|| Glen M. Chambers  ||~~