[newbie] HELP!!

2000-04-18 Thread Jamey Patrick

You all are going to laugh at me for doing this or asking this but, I need
some kind of software to COMPLETELY erase all my partition info. Some how i
manged to screw it up, My hdd is 3.2gb's and i meant to give half to linux
and the other half to windows. Well some how i manged to give only 900megs
to windows and the rest to linux, so i downloaded a programed to resize it.
But somehow it screwed my whole hdd up and now i only have a 900meg hdd! Ive
tried Fdisk and it doesnt even show anything! If anyone could help me i
would be more than grateful to you! Sorry for such along message. Thanks

Re: [newbie] HELP!!

2000-04-18 Thread Jamey Patrick

I would like to thank all of you who helped!! But I got a program to just
erase my master boot record and I started over, now i have it the way i
wanted it. Some of you didnt understand my question, and so  you all dont
think that im a total idiot, here is what happen. I messed up my sizes and
tried to resize them with PRESIZER some lame program i found on softseek..
After I click "ok do it" It said there was an error. So I tried to open
fdisk in Dos and after I enabled big disk it just sat there about (20 times)
and displayed nothing! Not the windoze partition or linux partition. But its
fixed now thank you all very much!

[newbie] CONFUSED

2000-01-05 Thread Jamey Patrick

OK, I unsubscribed the right way and didn't recieve any email for about a
week, and today I got email from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Did someone
subscribe me again or what could have happen?