[newbie] Where's the list?

2000-01-17 Thread Joe Marcom

What happened to the newbie list?  I haven't seen a posting for two
weeks, and I have certainly NOT graduated from being a newbie.
Somebody please update me. Thanks.

Re: [newbie] Questions re: man pages, Netscape

1999-12-27 Thread Joe Marcom

I remembered about using the "pipe" symbol, and got the man pages
printed.  From there, I was able to locate Wine and print the README.   
Haven't yet figured out the necessary .config file to make it run,
though. Maybe someday...
  What I would really like to obtain (if it exists) is the Linux analog
to the old DOS manual that shipped with every computer in the days
before window$$. Trial-and-error is not an efficient learning method :(

[newbie] Questions re: man pages, Netscape

1999-12-25 Thread Joe Marcom

Merry Christmas, all:

I THINK I got Wine installed from the  RPM CD, but don't know how to
access it, so I tried to print "man wine" by using lpr. Got the reply
"unable to access man.  Unable to access wine."  So, what is the correct
syntax to print a man page (lpr filename is obviously wrong)?  I need a
hard copy of this (and other) man pages to study.

Re: Communicator 4.6.  KMail works, but I would prefer to use Messenger.
However, I can't get past the error msg "Default Inbox folder does not
exist. You will not be able to get new messages."  I did set up my inbox
per Earthlink's instructions for Linux, and I can find a /nsmail/inbox
folder in command line mode. Is the problem me or Communicator?

Re: [newbie] Various questions

1999-12-21 Thread Joe Marcom

All Compaq Presarios come with winmodems, but you can verify this by
going to http://forum.Compaq.com, or by inspection. It will be a very
small board with a single Rockwell processor and a 16 MHz xtal.

Re: [newbie]

1999-12-16 Thread Joe Marcom

Hernandez Redondo wrote:
 i,ve seen many problems similar to mine. I've
 installed RedHat 6.0, and it
 erased Win98 FAT. I thought that was my fault, but
 i've seen many
 complains, not only in this news group about that
 thing. Did anyone know
 somyhing about it?
 It may still be there...I did that with RH 5 (before L-M), and it was
a visibility problem.  Try one of these:
 If you have a Partition Magic rescue disk, run "pqmagict.exe" to see.
OR: Start the CD install procedure, down to selecting "fdisk". In fdisk,
"p" will display all partitions.
OR: If the other OS still exists, remove LILO and do a cold reboot
(It's hell to be a newbie, but very educational)

Re: [newbie] LILO

1999-12-16 Thread Joe Marcom

I'm also using Bootmagic for multiple OS on two hard drives.  You need
a small /boot partition at the start of your first drive. When prompted
during the install, put LILO there.

[newbie] QUERY: Install bug in L-M 6.0?

1999-12-15 Thread Joe Marcom

Like many newbies, I have had stubborn problems, which I wound up
"solving" by doing a complete re-install.  I have noted some odd
variations in my setups, mostly with KDE and internet access. Sometimes,
I can get my ISP, but Netscape won't work; or just the mail part won't
work.  I have been able to connect as "root" but not user, as "user but
not as "root" (??), and have had PAP authentication fail no matter
what I try.  Am I alone in this quandary, or have others reported
similar problems?  My printer and sound problems have eventually traced
back to "pilot error", but this...??!!

Re: [newbie] kppp and Earthlink

1999-12-06 Thread Joe Marcom

Also, you need the DNS:;;

Re: [newbie] Network is unreachable

1999-12-01 Thread Joe Marcom

Could it be a simple oversight? I have that same error message logged in
my "Problems" file from my very first attempt at running Linux. I 
learned that (1) I had to use PAP; and (2) my username has some "stuff"
that is invisible to window$ users...that is, I had to log in as
"us,ppp,jmarcom" or as "ELN/jmarcom". The details seem to vary with
every ISP. HTH.

Re: [newbie] UPDATE: lost my printer

1999-11-28 Thread Joe Marcom

Hello again, Steve;
 Bad news first, this time.
lpr /etc/profile  lpr: lp: unknown
   lpq  lp: unknown printer
   status all   unknown printer
   restart all  lp0  no daemon to abort
  lp0 daemon started
  lp1  no daemon to abort
  lp1  daemon started
I'm consistent, anyway. Then, I went to X and opened the Kpackage
Handbook. Perfect printing. Didn't need to run "Printtool", either.
 Back to command mode and the "unknown printer" error.  
I hope you can recognize a pattern here. BTW, interesting, re sndconfig
and installation. I noticed it was an issue, recently.  Regards,

[newbie] UPDATE: lost my printer

1999-11-27 Thread Joe Marcom

I screwed something up, and had to do a complete re-install. Set up a
printer (H-P 6xx on lp0), but when I try to print, using either "lpr"
or by clicking a "print" box in KDE, I get an UNKNOWN PRINTER error.
In command line mode, typing "cat /proc/devices" does not list #6 lp.
The printtool command returns the error "Application initialization
failed: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable. Couldn't
load bindings.tcb".  The "tunelp command does not seem to exist in L-M,
and I can't find a path to printer setup in the KDE control panel.  Where
can I go from here???   Regards,

Re: [newbie] Sound card integrated on board.

1999-11-17 Thread Joe Marcom

My 'board has an ESS1888 integrated...it's equivalent to a winmodem.
I suspect that this is generally true, but I would like to hear from
those who know more than I (almost everyone) :.)

Re: [newbie] Netscape mail problem

1999-11-15 Thread Joe Marcom

Yes, I can browse the web; as for the mail settings, I used the same
ones that work in window$ (except for having to deal with an error
message, "Netscape is unable to use the mail server because you have
not provided a username". The current problem surfaced as soon as I got
past this.

[newbie] netscape mail problem

1999-11-12 Thread Joe Marcom

Good day, all;
I am trying to transition my system from window$ to Linux. Yet another
problem: when I try to open Netscape messenger and get my mail,
Messenger asks for my password, then shuts down Netscape as soon as I
enter it (back to KDE).Help??  I'm running L-M 6.0 w/Communicator 4.6.

[newbie] Floppy CD icons w/KDE

1999-10-31 Thread Joe Marcom

Good day, all:
  My L-M 6.0 user guide claims that the icons in KDE allow one to mount
and unmount floppys  CDs without using the command line. However, I
only get the error message: " KFM error - could not mount  mount: you
must specify the file system type."  What does it mean by this?

Re: [newbie] LILO with Compaq's dreadful F10 BIOS Partition... can they coexist?

1999-10-23 Thread Joe Marcom

I'm using a 2240.  I used Partition Magic to set up my hard drive; also,
I put the Linux boot partition at the very beginning. Only need ~2 mb,
and label it /boot when making the Linux partitions. Also, I use
Partition Magic as my boot loader to select which OS to start.
One more thing...My 2.1 gig HD was too small, so I added another.