Re: [newbie] installing Zoltrix modem

1999-11-30 Thread Stanley O'Larey

Bruno Maderni wrote:
  I cannot install my Zoltrix FMVSP336 modem.
  Under Windows this modem works on COM4. According to this, in KPPP 
 Thanks for any help.
 I think it's a Winmodem, those won't work in Linux

 I don't know much about Winmodems, but I have a "Zoltrix int sp phone
K56FLEX fmvsp56i" modem and it works great  in Mandrake. When I first
got it I had Win95, Lynux is on a separate partition in the same
computer. My first Linux was Caldera 2.2, I have gone to Mdk 6.0, then
upgraded to Mdk6.1 . The Zoltrix 56KBS has worked all the way.

Re: [newbie] installing Zoltrix modem

1999-11-30 Thread Stanley O'Larey

Bruno Maderni wrote:
  I cannot install my Zoltrix FMVSP336 modem.
  Under Windows this modem works on COM4. According to this, in KPPP 
 Thanks for any help.
 I think it's a Winmodem, those won't work in Linux

Re: [newbie] Netscape displays tiny fonts

1999-11-27 Thread Stanley O'Larey

Gregg Carrier wrote:
 The display of some web pages in Netscape in Linux is entirely different from
 what is displayed under Windows. The fonts are small to the point of
 unreadability. I have changed the View-- character encoding but they all sort
 of suck and are very small. Do I need to configure some file to expand my font
 options. I am runnng L-M 6.1. Thanks!
This may help, select in "Netscape" as follows:
This gives the "Fonts  Encodings" screen. Experiment with different
fonts and sizes until you find something you like.  I use:
for encodings:   Western (iso-8859-1)
variable width font: Charter (Bitstream)  size 18.0
fixed width font:Clean (Schumacher)   size 14.0
Next be sure to select the box which says:
"use my default fonts, overriding document-specified fonts."
I can now read it. try It.

[newbie] Re:

1999-11-20 Thread Stanley O'Larey

 "Mike J. Kesow" wrote:
"remove" in body of text.

Re: [newbie] Please remove my address from your list

1999-11-20 Thread Stanley O'Larey

 Wayne Collins wrote:
 Dear Sir,
 Please remove my address from your mailing list.
"Remove" in body of text.

Re: [Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Linux]

1999-11-17 Thread Stanley O'Larey

Jaguar wrote:
 I seem to remember a short while ago about a program "ZEROFILL" (search in
 archives for more info), anyways while I was at that site...the HD manuf.
 stated that LOW LEVEL format is not a good thing to do anymore on these newest
ZEROFILL may be different for each HD mfgr. I obtained my copy from
Quantum free via the internet. A friend tried it on her HD and it
wouldn't work. Check with the Mfgr.

Re: [newbie] bounced emails

1999-11-17 Thread Stanley O'Larey

PadLocke wrote:
 I've been ignoring a lot of this list just cause I don't really have time to
 read a couple hundred emails a day. Then I noticed that I too have been getting
 bounced emails from mindspring. Can you give me a brief rundown of the problem
 here? I think I'll play along and forward these things to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] if it really is their problem.
 Thnkas :)

In going thru my E-mail just now, first I found a returned (bounced)
message on an E-mail I had sent to the newbie list, then I found the
E-mail posted to the list. Strange. There's a problem somewhere.

Re: [newbie] Clean uninstall

1999-11-01 Thread Stanley O'Larey

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
 On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Karen M. Heiby wrote:
  Hi, answers to the questions follow within the text:
  On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Axalon wrote:
   On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Karen M. Heiby wrote:
   Ok first off, if you allow it to format the drive during install it's
   gone, not sorta gone but gone, it would cost big money to retieve even a
   small piece...
  I tell it to format my Linux native partition but I swear it's keeping stuff.
 unless mkfs is erroring dureing format (check tty5) it's eraseing it all
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/amd status
   says what? If automount is trying to mount something it can't it's gonna
   take awhile to time out.
   gmc has a feature (pretty sure this is in KFM also) that will
   show "the size" of the directories, if this is on and you have a recent
   harddrive (eg, BIG) it's going to take awhile
  It isn't trying to mount anything, I unmounted everything I could before I
  issued the command.
 Yes, but what you do and what amd does are different things, was that you
 saying it's not installed or not running then?
   Do the gears spin, does the mouse (or anything "freeze"), which viewmode..
   html, long, text..?
  The "gears" spin just a little at first.  It freezes with a black screen, shows
  the terminal a couple times, then just black screen again for about a couple of
  hours with just a blip or so of hard drive activity every couple minutes.  I
  mean a blip, like a fraction of a second.
 as root,
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/amd stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/netfs stop
 as user,
 # Does it function correctly now?
 as your user,
 mv ~/.kde ~/kde.broke
 cp -r /etc/skel/.kde ~/
 # Does it function correctly now?
 as user,
 rm -rf /tmp/kfm_*
 rm -rf /tmp/kio_*
 # Does it function correctly now?
   Are you root when trying to change /dev/* file permissions?
  Yes, I am root.  I *can* change the permissions in everything *but* KFM.
 And in KFM anywhere but /dev ?
GAIM (AOL Instant Messenger clone) is retaining my contact list, when that
should never happen if it were a clean install.  This is not a problem, per se,
but just an indicator that I still have old information from previous
installations haunting which are likely the cause of my persistent
   Knowing AOL they don't trust you to keep track of your Buddies, so they
   store it on the server..
  No, this can't be the case.  I also have Windows 98 and every time I reinstall
  AOL IM, I have to re-add buddies.
 This could be only for their external (from the aol software) version, i
 can't even make edjucated guess at what it does as we have no sourcecode.
 I do see in the gaim Changelog insertion of a script to convert the
 buddy.lst into a gaimlist, aswell as references to implement it directly
 into the code, this may have been done already (if so shouldn't do it like
 it does so automagicly thats to much, some poor 13 year old is gonna get
 daddys porn mail or something silly), also as Bero said it may actualy
 store them remotely (haven't gotten to testing this yet)
Gnome's "Settings" on the panel is kaput.  I can click Gnome Control Center and
get it running, but if I click anything else on the Panel under
Settings, (Multimedia, Peripherals, etc. ) nothing happens.  That's just a
minor annoyance since I can use these from Gnome Control Center anyway, but
annoying nonetheless.
   Any output on the terminal you started Xwindows on?
  No output, just nothing happens.
 Anyone else able to reproduce this one?
During installation, I am never asked certain questions that I vaguely remember
being asked the very first time I installed Linux, such as how much RAM do I
have, etc.  It seems to install as if it knows or thinks it's installing on top
of another installation of itself.
   You were in expert mode, or it was an older version that didn't detect
   your video card so it had to ask.
  No, I installed it the first time in regular mode; since then I have been using
  expert mode.  I have always been using the same version of Mandrake (6.1 which
  I got on October 4).
What gets me is that after I tried Route #1(above), by filling up my hard 
I should have written over anything hard drive clusters that had Linux in them
at one time, right?  Even the boot record was re-made with a new LILO.  How 
old Linux glitches are still haunting me?  Why is my GAIM contact list still
intact when it shouldn't be?
   I dunno wish all my personal stuff came back after a format, save me lots
   of time ;)
  Well, that would be nice, too, but the thing is my /home directories are
  totally cleanly installed (DOH!!)  It's like Murphy's Law or something!! ;-)
 Definatly something, you didn't buy the pc used did ya it is halloween ;)
I really want to cleanly install Linux to solve some of my problems and give me

[newbie] screen lockup

1999-10-28 Thread Stanley O'Larey

Sorry about the HTML, I didn't know. My computer seems to accept both.
I think I have it set right now.  I'm resubmiting my problem.
I'm relatively new to Linux. tried to install Redhat 5.2, failed,
installed Caldera 2.2, it worked. Boot magic inabled me to run several
partitions, Win98, win 3.11, and Linux. Next installed Mandrake 6.0 over
Caldera, then upgraded to Mandrake 6.1. I have a 8.4 gig HD, AMD 300
chip. Now the problem:  ( it started with Mandrake 6.0) The screen will
lock up.  The mouse arrow moves but clicking on anything produces
nothing. At first I tried rebooting , (the Win98 method) it scrambled
things, all kinds of errors on bootup.  A friend streightened it out so
I can get into Linux but the "screen lockup" still continues. It locks
up when I try to "shutdown".  
clicking logout gives "Session prepared for logout"
select   logout gives "K Desktop Enviornment [Local host]
select   shutdown gives "shutdown or restart" At this point the screen 
is frozen.
  It does it in KDE, GNOME, user or root. To exit now I either use 
Ctrl+Alt+F2, then Login as root enter password, type halt. 
Or I go into the terminal, then su, password, halt. Ctrl+Alt+backup
puts me back to "K Desktop Enviornment[Local Host].  Thanks for the

Re: [newbie] who does a guy have to screw...

1999-10-27 Thread Stanley O'Larey

Gregg Carrier wrote: get
a message posted to this thing?
To subscribe, send an e-mail to

[EMAIL PROTECTED] and put in the body

of message "subscribe newbie", or "subscribe

newbie-digest" (for the digested version) without the


[newbie] screen lockup @ shutdown

1999-10-25 Thread Stanley O'Larey

I'm relatively new to Linux. tried to install Redhat 5.2, failed,
installed Caldera 2.2, it worked. Boot magic inabled me to run several
partitions, Win98, win 3.11, and Linux. Next installed Mandrake 6.0 over

Caldera, then upgraded to Mandrake 6.1. I have a 8.4 gig HD, AMD 300
chip. Now the problem:  ( it started with Mandrake 6.0) The screen will
lock up.  The mouse arrow moves but clicking on anything produces
nothing. At first I tried rebooting , (the Win98 method) it scrambled
things, all kinds of errors on bootup.  A friend streightened it out so
I can get into Linux but the "screen lockup" still continues. It locks
up when I try to "shutdown".  Clicking logout gives the "logout screen"
but clicking "Shutdown" locks up the Screen. It does it in KDE, GNOME,
user or root. To exit now I either use Ctrl+Alt+F2, then Login as "root"

,password, "Halt". Or I go into the terminal, then "su", password,
"halt."  Thanks for the help.

Re: [newbie] Where is my message ????

1999-10-24 Thread Stanley O'Larey

Dominique Deleris wrote:

 It's the 5th time I send a message about Netscape to the list, and it
 never appeared ! What's happening ?

 I attached it to my mail.
 Are messages about Netscape filtered ?


 Subject: HTML authoring
 Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 21:39:40 +0200
 From: Dominique Deleris [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello list,

 I have the following problem with Communicator (version 4.61 or 4.7)
 Mandrake 6.1 :

 I open the "Composer" window, choose Insert/Link..., and click on the
 Cancel button in the link window : Netscape closes every window, and is
 terminated !

 Does someone have the same problem (and maybe have the solution) ?

 Thank you...

Hi your attachment showed up on my computer when I downloaded the E-mail.  On
the insert problem I had the same result.  closing the insert window shut
down netscape.  I"d be interested in a solution also.

Re: [newbie] FYI - Go here to setup your SoundBlaster Live soundcard in Linux!

1999-10-24 Thread Stanley O'Larey

M Thompson wrote:
I don't have a SoundBlater Live soundcard, but I
have seen many recommend
this URL for intructions on setting up your SoundBlaster Live soundcard
(personally, I own a SoundBlaster AWE 32). Check it out:

When I first installed Linux I had a "Diamond Sonic Impact" sound card.
It did not work and I was unable to locate a driver that would work with
Linux. I even E-mailed Diamond. They said NO! I
was advised to try a "Soundblaster 16" It was emediately recognized, and
it works great. Not expensive either.

[newbie] screen lockup

1999-10-23 Thread Stanley O'Larey

I'm relatively new to Linux. tried to install Redhat 5.2, failed,
installed Caldera 2.2, it worked. Boot magic inabled me to run several
partitions, Win98, win 3.11, and Linux. Next installed Mandrake 6.0 over
Caldera, then upgraded to Mandrake 6.1. I have a 8.4 gig HD, AMD 300
chip. Now the problem:  ( it started with Mandrake 6.0) The screen will
lock up.  The mouse arrow moves but clicking on anything produces
nothing. At first I tried rebooting , (the Win98 method) it scrambled
things, all kinds of errors on bootup.  A friend streightened it out so
I can get into Linux but the "screen lockup" still continues. It locks
up when I try to "shutdown".  Clicking logout gives the "logout screen"
but clicking "Shutdown" locks up the Screen. It does it in KDE, GNOME,
user or root. To exit now I either use Ctrl+Alt+F2, then Login as "root"
,password, "Halt". Or I go into the terminal, then "su", password,
"halt."  Thanks for the help.