Re: [newbie] A little security....

2000-05-06 Thread The Russells

WolfRyder wrote:

 We've been told by a couple of people on the net that this product sends
 info on all sites you've visited to their tracking site. Don't know if
 true or not, but different ppl have told us this.

 You might want to look at "Conseal" at There's a
 15 day trial before purchase. We've also used LockDown 2000, but are going
 with a different product today.


Holy cannoli!  I wish I would have known this about Zone Alarm before!  I
installed it on my PC a few weeks ago.  Oh well, you get what you pay for,
and Zone Alarm is free.  I thought you liked LockDown?  What product are you
changing to?  Anyone else out there have a suggestion (besides installing
Linux-as-a-firewall on an old 486)


[newbie] Trendware?

2000-04-26 Thread The Russells

Found something curious in my surfings this evening.
claims to offer Linux device drivers for their products.  Don't think my
modem is one of their devices, but maybe the info could help someone out
there.  Has anyone tried any of their drivers?  I am quite curious about
this, just on general principal!!!


Re: [newbie] off topic

2000-04-22 Thread The Russells

Hi Oder,

It is alt.os.linux mandrake.  I have it on the news server that my ISP
subscribes to.  Note the space between linux and mandrake.  Sometimes those
news servers can be finicky.  Maybe that's why you aren't finding it.  Did
you try running a search at


Re: [newbie] LILO and modem issues

2000-04-21 Thread The Russells


Doh!  You are right!  I did install Mandrake when there were no other drives
even hooked up--I was having a lot of trouble, and was beginning ot think it
was my ribbon cable, so I unhooked my Windows hard drive and attached that
connection to the Linux hard drive.  Anyhoo, I will reinstall Linux.  There
are some things missing from the recommended install that I want anyway.


[newbie] LILO and modem issues

2000-04-20 Thread The Russells

First, a little background.  I am a native Mac user (what is a BIOS anyway?!
command prompt?!) who intended to install LinuxPPC about this time last
year.  I never got around to it.  About three weeks ago I bought a PC and
decided to make some use of it by getting a second hard drive and installing
Mandrake on it.  Call me crazy, but the idea of partitioning something I use
every day scares me.  I have heard too many stories about partitons breaking
down, I suppose.

After much gnashing of teeth and general hassle, I got the thing mounted
(damn these cheap micro ATX cases!) and just finally got Mandrake installed,
after trying four times.  It is a 10GB Western Digital, if that matters.  My
Windows 98 hard drive is primary master.  My Mandrake hard drive is primary
slave.  I have nothing for a secondary master.  My CD-ROM is the secondary

First problem:  LILO.  Right now, I have to disable the primary hard drive
in BIOS to boot my Linux drive.  When I boot the Linux drive, LILO asks me
if I want to boot to Linux or my floppy drive.  I'd love to be able to make
a choice between Windows and Linux as everything boots up.  I attempted to
reconfigure LILO, at the command prompt, but obviously I am not getting
something.  I have the feeling that I need to somehow configure LILO on my
Windows hard drive, since that is my primary master and what boots first.
Any ideas/suggestions?

Second, I thought my modem was configured properly during the Mandrake
install.  Whenever I try to use it in Linux, it says the modem is busy.
It's definitely not.  I bought the confounded modem expressly because I was
under the impression that it was supported by Linux.  It is a Rockwell ACF
II 56k data fax modem, on COM port 2 (in windows language).  Today I read
something somewhere that suggested Rockwells aren't usually supported by
Linux.  Was I misled?  Can anyone point me in the direction of a Linux-modem

Sheesh.  I realize I sound like a babe in the woods here.  Bear with me.
Thank goodness this list is labeled "newbie"!


[newbie] To Vernon Stilwell, whoever you are!

2000-04-20 Thread The Russells

 Located on a dusty dirt road, running roughly
 parallel to the information highway.
Awaiting BellSouth's efforts to bridge the
"digital divide".

Mr, Stilwell, your little sig file here made me and my co-workers laugh and
generally feel better.  I work at a smallish I.S.P. in Colorado.  We fight
with US West DAILY about bridging our digital divide.  Hell, we don't even
the option to offer DSL to our customers here.  In a way, it's kinda nice to
know it's not just USWest that bites.


Re: [newbie] LILO and modem issues

2000-04-20 Thread The Russells

 The Russells wrote:

  First, a little background.  I am a native Mac user (what is a BIOS
  command prompt?!)

 and Michael responded:

You don't have a bios on Apple computers?  (No, seriously, you don't?)

Nope.  I suppose the most similar thing to BIOS in a Mac would be the
extension manager, but it's certainly not the same thing.

In a way a person has less control while using a Mac.  But a perosn can
allocate programs more or less memory, which is cool.  And resetting the
PRAM--now that's fun!

Once a Mac geek, always a Mac geek,

Re: [newbie] LILO and modem issues

2000-04-20 Thread The Russells

Yup, I tried it.  I ran "lilo" at the command prompt after I saved it and it
told me /dev/hdb is not a regular file.

Maybe this is a good excuse to get a whole new and different box?!  Any
excuse, any at all...

An iMac, eh?  Cool.  Mine is grape and is quite neglected since this Linux
thing came around.
