Re: [newbie] Missing 'egcs' in egcs packages for Mandrake 7.0!!

2000-01-23 Thread Tom Barraza

NO, actually John, it IS egcs I am looking for!  More
specifically, the program I use looks for the
binary file 'egcs' , which should be in /usr/bin and
complains that it can't find it! (Which I verified)

This program did work in RedHat 6.1 and RedHat 6.0 by
the way, which DID have the egcs binary.

If I look at the egcs package on the RedHat 6.1 cd, I clearly
see that /usr/bin/egcs (as well as /usr/bin/gcc, /usr/bin/cc ,etc.)
is inluded in the list of files for that package.  When I look
at the egcs package on the Mandrake 7.0 cd, I only see a file
called '/usr/bin/egcs-version' , which is NOT egcs!


John Aldrich wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, Tom Barraza wrote:
  Has anyone else installed the egcs packages in Mandrake 7.0, and
  actually gotten the program 'egcs' to be installed?  I've looked
  in all of the egcs-* packages, and have been unable to find 'egcs'!
 Actually, it isn't called egcs, it's called gcc or g++ I think,
 depending on whether you're compiling a C or C++ program.
 Here's the output of "rpm -qa | grep egcs" on my RedHat machine at
 Here's the output of "man egcs":
 GCC(1)  GNU Tools  GCC(1)
gcc, g++ - GNU project C and C++ Compiler (egcs-1.1.2)
gcc [ option | filename ]...
g++ [ option | filename ]...
 As you can see, the command line is gcc or g++, NOT egcs. :-)

Re: [newbie] Please Help! Unable to mount Yamaha CRW4416E (readonly!) in Mandrake 7.0

2000-01-22 Thread Tom Barraza

Thanks Richard, I seem to have solved my problem a little while ago,
and here's how I did it:

1) I edited the /etc/conf.modules file and took out the 2 lines
   dealing with SCSI emulation:

alias scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
post-install supermount modprobe scsi_hostadapter

2) I then edited my /etc/lilo.conf file and took out the line that
  also dealt with SCSI emulation:

append="hdc=ide-scsi"-- Took this line out!

3) I ran lilo -v (as root) to update the boot record
4) When I rebooted, some auto-hardware detection program complained
   about me disabling the Yamaha CR4416E, so I chose to have it keep
   the existing configuration, but not warn me in the future about it
   being disabled (or something to that effect!)

Now I am able to mount either of my CDROM drives at will from the KDE
What still bothers me, however, is that I am now getting those pesky
messages that I got in RedHAt 6.1 in the /var/log/messages file:

Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel: hdc: packet command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady
SeekComplete Error }
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel: hdc: packet command error: error=0x00
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel: ATAPI device hdc:
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel:   Error: Unit attention -- (Sense key=0x06)
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel:   Not ready to ready transition, medium may have changed 
(asc=0x28, ascq=0x00)
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel:   The failed "Test Unit Ready" packet command was: 
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel:   "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 "
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel: hdc: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete
Error }
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel: hdc: command error: error=0x50
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 64 
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel: ATAPI device hdc:
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel:   Error: Illegal request -- (Sense key=0x05)
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel:   Illegal mode for this track or incompatible medium --
(asc=0x64, ascq=0x00)
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel: isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev=16:00, iso_blknum=16,
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel: hdc: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete
Error }
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel: hdc: command error: error=0x50
Jan 22 18:45:04 fiend kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 64

Anybody got any clues on what's going on wrong here?  Is this drive still too new
for Linux drivers to have caught up?


Richard Yevchak wrote:
 I had a similar problem.  First make sure you can mount the CD-RW manually.  I
 think the installer is smart enough to determine the drive is CD-RW, so it
 sets up the SCSI emulation for you.  It just doesn't change fstab to reflect
 this.  Try (assuming you want to mount it on /mnt/cdrom2):
 mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom2
 You may have unmount /mnt/cdrom2 first.  If this works, change the following
 line (again assuming fstab is trying to mount your CD-RW on
 mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/scd0 0 0
 You are changing the "dev=" portion to point at "/dev/scd0".
 Hope this helps.
 On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, you wrote:  I just installed Mandrake 7.0 yesterday, but
 have been unable to mount my  Yamaha CRW4416E CRW drive! (I have no problems
 with NT or Win2K doing so!)  BTW, I am only trying to use the drive as a cdrom
 in Linux (so far!)In my system I have an older 12x CDROM drive which
 mounts fine with the  "supermount" arguments given to it by the /etc/fstab
 file (I can access  it by single-clicking on the "Cd-Rom" desktop icon in
  /dev/hda1 /c vfat user,exec,conv=auto 0 0
  /dev/hda5 /d vfat user,exec,conv=auto 0 0
  /dev/hda6 /e vfat user,exec,conv=auto 0 0
  /dev/hda7 /f vfat user,exec,conv=auto 0 0
  /dev/hda8 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
  /dev/hda9 /home ext2 defaults 1 2
  /dev/hda10 swap swap defaults 0 0
  /dev/hda11 / ext2 defaults 1 1
  /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
  none /proc proc defaults 0 0
  none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
  /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
  /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom2 0 0
  The permissions on the /dev "files" are as follows:
  [tom@fiend tom]$ ls -lsa /dev/hdb /dev/hdc
 0 brw---   1 tom  disk   3,  64 May  5  1998 /dev/hdb
 0 brw---   1 tom  disk  22,   0 May  5  1998 /dev/hdc
  [tom@fiend etc]$ ls -lsa /dev/cdrom*
 0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root3 Jan 21 16:47 /dev/cdrom - hdb
 0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root8 Jan 21 21:51 

Re: [newbie] Edit LILO Boot Order-More Help

2000-01-22 Thread Tom Barraza

Rick, usually, there is a line that states "default=linux"
(to boot Linux by default with LILO), but it isn't necessary.  Read
the man page on lilo  lilo.conf for more details ...

In short, LILO will use the first image in the list as the default
if it is not specified with the "default=OS" statement.

YES, you do want to run /sbin/lilo -v (verbose switch) after making
changes to the /etc/lilo.conf file!!!  This is the step that actually
makes the changes you're making in /etc/lilo.conf update the boot
record on your hard-drive.  I would recommend making a backup first,
of course!

Good luck,

Rick Bonczek wrote:
 John Miller said that there would be a line: "default=linux"  This line is
 not there.  Below is what my "lilo.conf" file states:
 What line would I edit?
 Also, Seung-woo Nam ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) told me to run "sbin/lilo" after I
 edit the "lilo.conf" file.  What does running the "sbin/lilo" file do?  Many
 thanks to Seung-woo, and John.
 - Original Message -
 From: Jon K. Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Rick Bonczek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 11:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Edit LILO Boot Order
  it would be in your /etc directory and it would be called lilo.conf,  If
 you are
  just wanting to change the default OS there should be a line called
  default=linux or something like that, just change it to one of your
  entries.  Any text editor will do, vi, gedit, gxedit, text editor, emacs,
  Rick Bonczek wrote:
   Hello All:
   I need to edit the LILO boot order on my Linux PC.  Where is the file I
   to edit, and what tool do I use?
   Thanks in advance...
   Rick Bonczek
   LAN Administrator

Re: [newbie] Edit LILO Boot Order-More Help

2000-01-22 Thread Tom Barraza

Tom Barraza wrote:
 Rick, usually, there is a line that states "default=linux"
 (to boot Linux by default with LILO), but it isn't necessary.  Read
 the man page on lilo  lilo.conf for more details ...
 In short, LILO will use the first image in the list as the default
 if it is not specified with the "default=OS" statement.
 YES, you do want to run /sbin/lilo -v (verbose switch) after making
 changes to the /etc/lilo.conf file!!!  This is the step that actually
 makes the changes you're making in /etc/lilo.conf update the boot
 record on your hard-drive.  I would recommend making a backup first,
 of course!

Uhh, I meant a backup of the /etc/lilo.conf file, that is!

 Good luck,