RE: [newbie] Setting the time

2001-01-26 Thread Wignall, Mark T

I've tried this and I get:

#date -s

date: invalid date ''

Is this an enhancement made to Mandrake 7.2?? I have 7.1 on my machine.  Is
that the problem?

Thanks in advance,

-Original Message-
From: Meph Istopheles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Setting the time

  Hey Fred,

 Does anyone know how to sync the time with an atomic clock

  Try this:

# date -s

 also my time always seems to be off by 1 hour, even if I select
 DST in linuxconf, any ideas?

  Well, I'd seen this -- some time ago -- in the linux@egroups
list.  I think that it turns out to be a bios thing.  Have you
checked to be sure the time is set correctly there?


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt-' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

[newbie] VPN Client software

2001-01-16 Thread Wignall, Mark T

Greets Penguin-Pals!

Looking for something similar to NT2000's built in feature to VPN to our
corporate network.  Commercia/Share/Freeware are all fine.  I'm NOT looking
to do ssh/PPTP if I don't have to.  I also, don't want to run linux
masquerading if I don't have to as both my machines at home NT and Linux,
each have their own static IP's, so don't see the need.

Can any of you guru's out there help me out?

Mark T. Wignall
MES Database Administrator
Xerox Corporation
(503) 685-3071 (Office)
(503) 703-9383 (Cell)
(503) 599-6213 (Pager)

[newbie] Linux and VPN

2001-01-16 Thread Wignall, Mark T

Greets Penguin-Pals!

Looking for something similar to NT2000's built in feature to VPN to our
corporate network.  Commercia/Share/Freeware are all fine.  I'm NOT looking
to do ssh/PPTP if I don't have to.  I also, don't want to run linux
masquerading if I don't have to as both my machines at home NT and Linux,
each have their own static IP's, so don't see the need.

Can any of you guru's out there help me out?


RE: [newbie] un-remove

2000-11-08 Thread Wignall, Mark T

where was that tar file on tape you made the night before ;-)
Short of not having thatyou're (the file) is toast.


-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] un-remove

It was Nov 8, 2000, 17:42, when Scott D. Pletcher keyboarded:

Does anyone know how to get a file back that has been deleted via "rm"?

If you know what was in the file: start typing.
If you can download it from somewhere: go and download.
None of the above: do you have a backup somewhere?
Not even that? No chance...


Coffee (n.): a person who is coughed upon. - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
  -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

RE: [newbie] Logging off a user ?

2000-11-02 Thread Wignall, Mark T

kill -9 PID

is the command you want to wipe out any task running.  User ROOT can kill
tasks not associated with this, so it woul d have to be a ROOT owned crontab

Also you may want to look at the grep piping into cut to get the acual PID's
of the the output generated from the grep.  Do a man on cut for the

Lastly I wouldn't put cron entry to run every minute.  Better yet is to have
a shell script that runs the grep|cut as mentioned, sleeps for 1 minute, the
loops back to the top.  Use Cron to kickstart it for the first time, at
8:00pm or whatever once a day.  The script can check to see if the script
is already running, and if so, just exists gracefully so that you don't have
a bunch of the same script running.  

Essentially use Cron as watchdog, but the script actually performs the work
and goes to sleep and then works again.

Mark Wignall

-Original Message-
From: Mark Weaver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 7:17 PM
To: Renaud OLGIATI
Cc: *List Linux-Newbie-MK
Subject: Re: [newbie] Logging off a user ?

the answer to your question is yes, and you may want to search the
archives on this one because I think something like this was covered about
a month ago, but I can't recall enough of the details to relate the
adventure for you. Ordinarily I would simply search my message database
and forward the appropriate message(s) to you covering this subject since
I keep almost all of them from the list. However, after this weekend's
tragic implosion of my partition tables I've lost better than 3GB worth of
data. My list archive was one of the casualties.


Larry is NOT a cucumber...he's a stinkin pickle...

  registered linux user # 182469
=/\= PINE 4.21 =/\=

Surprisingly on Wed, 1 Nov 2000 Renaud OLGIATI had this to say!

 Is there a way fior the sysadmin to log a user off ?
 My son liked Kboard so much he spent the whole night playing, and I was
 thinking of finding a way to keep him off the computer during the hours
 he's supposed to sleep.
 Now, If there was a way for root to terminate the session of a user, I
 thought I coul put in crontab a job to run every minute between the hours
 of 20 00 and 08 00, that would grep the output of who, and log him off if
 he's logged in.
 But can it be done ?
 A worried father, on the banks of the Paraguay River.
   Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves
 for they shall never cease to be amused.
   ---  ---

RE: [newbie] mail redirection query

2000-10-25 Thread Wignall, Mark T

How about just a plain old .forward file to forward all mail to any other
email address.


-Original Message-
From: bascule [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 12:16 PM
Subject: [newbie] mail redirection query

i would like mail for root to go to me as a normal user so that i can be
notified of anything i should know as and when, rather than have to
remember to log in as root and check my mail, i'm not sure what program
governs mail delivery on my system but there is a symbloic link
/etc/aliases to /etc/postfix/aliases and i added the line 


to this file and then ran 

postfix reload,

the main reason for this is so that i can get error or other messages
from cron jobs that are run as root, i had tried setting the value:
in /etc/crontab
but neither of these resulted in mail for root going to user bascule.

this must be one of the simpler tasks to configure for system mail i
would be grateful for any advice


p.s. i have read about running the command 'newaliases' but this didn't
seem to do anything either

RE: [newbie] mail redirection query

2000-10-25 Thread Wignall, Mark T

in your case, log in as root, then in the home directory for root (~root)
create a file called .forward (don't forget the '.' character.  Then vi this
file and add just the following entry:


mail by default will check local accounts first, kinda like dns lookups.  If
it can't resolve, then it forwards it on.


BTW: I think the info is in the mail man pages or maybe sendmail.


-Original Message-
From: bascule [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] mail redirection query

this would work for  'internal' addresses? where would i put it and what
is the appropriate man page



"Wignall, Mark T" wrote:
 How about just a plain old .forward file to forward all mail to any other
 email address.

RE: [newbie] Linux on Oracle

2000-10-17 Thread Wignall, Mark T

The mount points are in support of Oracle's OFA, and not a requirement.  You
can have just a single mount point if you like.  In my case I've just
created a single mount point of /db ... in fact my first installation just
did a mkdir off of root for /db.  I've since changed to a whole new drive
and mount for it.

Mark Wignall
MES Oracle DBA
Xerox Corp.

-Original Message-
From: Vinayak Pai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 7:35 AM
Subject: [newbie] Linux on Oracle

hi all,
thnaks for your help
I am an Oracle DBA and so far have worked only on
WindowsNT. Now i am trying to install Oracle8i (8.1.6)
on Linux. I have got Linux Mandrake version 7.1
installed on a intel system.
300 MHz

The oracle Documentaion asks to create 4 mountpoints.
One for the software and 3 for the database.
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this

Thanks again


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf!  It's FREE.

[newbie] Linux/Networking/Firewall

2000-10-16 Thread Wignall, Mark T

Hoping for some help here:

I previously had the following setup within my network at my residence.  1
Linux box w/ 2 NIC cards.  1 connected to the DSL modem, and 1 to a HUB
where other computers throughout the house are connected.  I configured NIC
1 for the IP address given to me by my DSL provider, and configured the
other NIC for the private network IP range 196.168.x.x.  Next I configured
IP Forwarding and Masquerading, and alas had everything set up and working

Some online games won't allow duplicate IP addresses to be seen on the game
server, and as all computers within my private net were sharing the 1 IP
address provided by the DSL provider, only one computer at a time to could
be gaming.  I've recently acquired a different DSL package, which gives me 5
static IP address, so I should be able to configure my network as I hoped.

Obviously, I could have just put all computers, and the DSL modem on my HUB
and life would be good from a gaming perspective, however, I would very much
like to have a firewall installed that helps protect against intruders.
Under this scenario, I'd have to install a firewall on each PC to gain some
protection...what a hassle.  

What I'd like to do is configure my Linux box like I had before, but replace
the Private network with additional IP's that I gained.  I tried setting
this up, but fell short after realizing that Linux acting as a router can't
route unless there are two different networks (IP sets) to route between.
Since all my machines IP's belong to the same network (IP set), I can't
"route" per se.

What I came across were some HOWTO's on bridging+firewall.  Essentially the
bridge creates a virtual NIC that binds the two together, and I place the
firewall (IPchains) on this virtual NIC.  I configured it, set it up, and
appear to be accomplishing my goal.  The firewall stuff is working on every
machine, and of course gaming is now a reality.

In summary, my question is this.  Is this the best/only approach I can take
in setting up my environment?  Is there a way to accomplish this by setting
up my own route tables?  The reason I ask is because when everything is
"idle" on my network, I see blips on the DSL modem about every 3 seconds or
so.  I've narrowed it down to the bridge stuff, as I can bring the bridge
down, and the blipping stops.  I don't know what is happening, and I don't
believe that the bridge is impacting performance much, still I don't know,
so I thought I'd pose the question to the experts out there.

Thanks in advance,
Mark Wignall

RE: [newbie] LILO hangs

2000-10-16 Thread Wignall, Mark T

from your windows startup floppy and then at the A: prompt, type SYSTEM. 
this will overwrite the MBR on your hard disk, by transferring the system files 
from the floppy to hard disk. This is NOT like formatting your hard drive, 
so all your files will be intact.


  -Original Message-From: Joseph Bourque 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2000 10:32 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [newbie] LILO 
  I'm having hard disk problems and for reasons 
  that are too lengthy to explain I need to completely remove both Windows and 
  Linux from my system. I've reformatted my second drive where Linux was 
  installed, but when I reboot, LILO tries to come up then hangs with just the 
  first two letters LI on the screen. How can I remove whatever is causing 
  LILO to start?
  Thank you for any help you can 

RE: [newbie] C++ program?

2000-10-05 Thread Wignall, Mark T

Try the gnu one ... it's on the Linux Install CD


-Original Message-
From: Joe Brault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 9:40 AM
Subject: [newbie] C++ program?

Hello all, I have aninteresting question for everyone.  I am in the process
of totally converting my systems over to Linux because i'm tired of
winbloze.  However, In order for me to do this, I need to find an
ansi-standard compliant C++ compiler that runs in Mandrake.   Does such a
program exist? Free is even better! :)  Any help is greatly appreciated!

 -  Joe :)
- Original Message -
From: "Joe Brault" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??


 Thanks for the instructions!  They were very easy to follow and helped
 lot!  Although for some reason it kept failing on the simulation of the
 process... any thoughts?

  - Joe :)
 - Original Message -
 From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 8:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??

  - Original Message -
  From: "Joe Brault" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 10:46 PM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??
   I downloaded the image, and will be using NERO Burning Rom to burn
   CD.  This program came with my CDRW drive (Creative Labs).
Did you download the ISO image?
What program will you be using to burn the cd?
 Since the install ISO is 649MB you should not try to burn it on a
  blank. Pony and several others make 700MB CD-Rs but be sure you do not
  up an audio only CD-R.
 NERO trys to make it hard to record from an ISO. There is no info in
  manual or on their web site. Here is what you need to do:
  1) Find the folder to which you downloaded the ISOs, right click on each
  choose rename;
   mandrake 71-ext.iso change to mandrake 71-ext.nrg
   mandrake 71-inst.iso change to mandrake 71-inst.nrg
  2) Launch NERO
  3) Close the New Compilation window so that you have only the main
  4) From the toolbar along the top of the window select CD Recorder/
  Recorder and be sure your CD-RW is picked
  as the recording device.
  5) From the File menu select Burn image. In the pop-up window navigate
  the folder with the .nrg file and click on one and click OK
  6) A Foreign Image File box will open. Click OK.
  7)A Foreign Image Setting box will open. Change it were necessary to
  the following values: Data mode 1; Block Size 2048: and the Swapped
  should be checked.Click OK.
  8) A Write CD window will open. If you have not done much burning and
  not familiar with your CD-RWs abilities check all 4 boxes, test speed,
  simulate, burn, and finalize. By doing this NERO will auto select the
  speed.Finally in the top right of the window click the Write button and
  process of burning the CD will begin.
 When the 1st CD is finished follow steps 5-8 to create the 2nd.
 Hope I have not made it seem too complicated. If you have any
  other questions you can reply to the list or, contact me direct if you

RE: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??

2000-10-05 Thread Wignall, Mark T


It's possible that the media itself is not rated for 8x writes.  I've bought
cheap cd-rom blanks that claimed 6x speeds for writes, but it's a crapshoot
as to when it works.  I just lower the write speed to the next lower speed,
and it usually works fine. 


-Original Message-
From: Joe Brault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??


 It doesn't give me a ram error, it jsut says it failed at 8x (being my

 - Joe :)
- Original Message -
From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??

What message does the program give when the simulation fails?
If it is failing due to buffer you may not have enough Ram avaialible.
 Try using Alt-Ctrl-Delete to close all your running apps except for Nero,
 Exlporer, and Systray .


 - Original Message -
 From: "Joe Brault" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 11:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??

  Thanks for the instructions!  They were very easy to follow and
  lot!  Although for some reason it kept failing on the simulation of the
  process... any thoughts?
   - Joe :)
  - Original Message -
  From: "Charles A Edwards" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 8:03 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??
   - Original Message -
   From: "Joe Brault" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 10:46 PM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] 7.1 Install CD??
I downloaded the image, and will be using NERO Burning Rom to
CD.  This program came with my CDRW drive (Creative Labs).
 Did you download the ISO image?
 What program will you be using to burn the cd?


  Since the install ISO is 649MB you should not try to burn it on a
   blank. Pony and several others make 700MB CD-Rs but be sure you do not
   up an audio only CD-R.
  NERO trys to make it hard to record from an ISO. There is no info
   manual or on their web site. Here is what you need to do:
   1) Find the folder to which you downloaded the ISOs, right click on
   choose rename;
mandrake 71-ext.iso change to mandrake 71-ext.nrg
mandrake 71-inst.iso change to mandrake 71-inst.nrg
   2) Launch NERO
   3) Close the New Compilation window so that you have only the main
   4) From the toolbar along the top of the window select CD Recorder/
   Recorder and be sure your CD-RW is picked
   as the recording device.
   5) From the File menu select Burn image. In the pop-up window navigate
   the folder with the .nrg file and click on one and click OK
   6) A Foreign Image File box will open. Click OK.
   7)A Foreign Image Setting box will open. Change it were necessary to
   the following values: Data mode 1; Block Size 2048: and the Swapped
   should be checked.Click OK.
   8) A Write CD window will open. If you have not done much burning and
   not familiar with your CD-RWs abilities check all 4 boxes, test speed,
   simulate, burn, and finalize. By doing this NERO will auto select the
   speed.Finally in the top right of the window click the Write button
   process of burning the CD will begin.
  When the 1st CD is finished follow steps 5-8 to create the 2nd.
  Hope I have not made it seem too complicated. If you have any
   other questions you can reply to the list or, contact me direct if you

[newbie] PPP (Patch Program Please)

2000-10-03 Thread Wignall, Mark T

Can someone help me locate the #()*)@ Patch program?  I realize I'm a
newbie, and niavely thought that if the install program installes the
patch-install script located in /usr/src/Linux/scripts, that it would also
install the related patch program, presumably in /usr/bin.

I've did an install 3 times now, with varying options selected, the latest
being the "Automated" choice which should have done most everything.  After
each installation, I've issued a find . -name patch* from the / directory,
only to find everything BUT the patch program itself.

Mark Wignall