[newbie] My 3 year old computer, is it compatible?

2001-12-31 Thread Richard Kim
I have a 3 year old computer that is an NEC and it has a motherboard with a really oldBIOS( I don't know its name ) And it has about 64 megabytes of ram and a voodoo 3 or 4 video card and plug and play card with microphone, sound, phone port and another card that is an Ethernet card, will I be able to install mandrake or red hat on it? if not, someone tell me what to do ( for ex: Sell it or use another distro etc. )  P.S oh yeah, I have a wireless mouse and a keyboard and a color printer and two speakers that just have the logo 'NEC' on it and a scanner and a NEC Multisync xv14 and I have 2 computers, the one I just told you about, and the one (the GOOD one with Viewsonic 17 inch monitor, some good sound card, some multimedia speaker, wireless ball wheel mouse, wireless keyboard, custom made computer, 48X CD Drive and a 6x max CDR drive and a floppy drive and a zip drive (external) Usb Card, 2 Ethernet cards and a plug and play card with all the ones the old one has except phone port, and Pentium 3 500 Mhz, 380 megabyte of ram using MS WINDOWS ME Which I am quite pissed at) ANYWAYS don't get confused by my long description, just tell me yes or no if it is compatible (oh I almost forgot, need a new battery for it, you know, the little flat circle battery)--Always Expect The Unexpected-Richard Kim--Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[newbie] Reiser FS

2000-07-29 Thread Richard Kim

Could anybody give me a full description about what Reiser Filesystem
is? (Or at least give me a site to go to.)

[newbie] where can I...

2000-07-29 Thread Richard Kim

where can I get a good PRICELESS domain name for my server?

[newbie] Xmms

2000-07-29 Thread Richard Kim

I accidently unchecked the main window for Xmms can anyone help me get
them back? like somesort of hotkey or prefrences.

 \ | | /
  (@ @)
   |   Richard Kim   |
   | No Website (YET)|

[newbie] how do you make a boot disk for linux manually with kde, gnome or aNY OTHRER window manager?

2000-03-28 Thread _-+Richard Kim=-_

how do you make a boot disk for linux manually with kde, gnome or aNY
OTHRER window manager

[newbie] sendmail

2000-03-27 Thread Richard Kim

how do you start the sendmail program?

Re: [newbie] New installation

2000-03-27 Thread _-+Richard Kim=-_

Greg Martz wrote:

   Wow!  After trying several versions of redhat, 2 of slackware, and 1 of
 TurboLinux I decided to get Mandrake and it installed first time.  No other
 Linux distributions would install for me, way to go Mandrake!!

   Only problem right now I seem to be having is with the Mandrake Update
 program.  I have been trying to run it and none of the mirrors seem to work.
 MDKUpdates opens and says "Please wait while fetching the list of upgrade
 packages...", waits for several minutes, then says I should try another
 mirror.  I tried manually FTP'ing to a couple of the sites and was able to
 connect and login anonymously with no problems.  A couple of other sites
 gave me a DNS error after logging in, I'm not sure about that problem
 either.  Any ideas?


well you have to wait because I did that way in the morning AND it didnt work
so I tried at the afternoon NOW it works, I guess the other ftp sites r offline
or not accepting connections

[newbie] MandrakeUpdate

2000-03-27 Thread _-+Richard Kim=-_

the utility on the desktop will work and connect and blah does
everything fine, but howcome there are no updates do I have the most
updated version or what because I got mandrake kernel 2.2.14-1mdklinus
and it says no updates, NO WAY, is there a solution or is it just no

Re: [newbie] X won't Start Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2000-03-27 Thread _-+Richard Kim=-_

magick wrote:

recentley downloaded and installed XFree86 4.0 and now x won't start i
keep getting explicit use of the kill command or server shutdown how can
i get x running again i really don't want to have to do a reinstall of
mandrake if someone could help i would appreciate it
have you tried "xstart" or "startx"? w/o quotes? that should start
it once more. try again and reply once more.

[newbie] tar

2000-03-26 Thread _-+Richard Kim=-_

how do i untar a file tar ?v?f filename.tar.gz I forgot the command can
anyone tell me?
My new website made with apache

[newbie] tar

2000-03-26 Thread _-+Richard Kim=-_

I have a Sound Blaster PCI128 speaker but cant get
it to work on sndconfig. is there a driver I can use? if there is then
tell me where to get it and how to install it or just give me some advice...anything
will do...

My new website made with apache

[newbie] sound help

2000-03-26 Thread _-+Richard Kim=-_

I have a Sound Blaster PCI128 speaker but cant get
it to work on sndconfig. is there a driver I can use? if there is then
tell me where to get it and how to install it or just give me some advice...anything
will do...

My new website made with apache

[newbie] Editor

2000-03-24 Thread _-+Richard Kim=-_

anyone know a good website ed

[newbie] Hi...

2000-03-23 Thread _-+Richard Kim=-_

I am going to download star office from www.sun.com it said choose a
platform so I chose "Linux(x86 ONLY)" what is an x86, but the main
question I want to know is can i download it?, How do I install it?, How
do I run it? or How do I configre it?...please answer me...

Re: [newbie] Star Office

2000-03-23 Thread _-+Richard Kim=-_

Anthony Huereca wrote:

x86 is a type of processor, specifically Intel-compatible
(also include AMD).
You have one, so don't worry about it.
Yes, you can download it. It comes in a .tar.gz file if I remember
Then type "tar -xvzf the_tarred_file.tar.gz" and it'll create a
new directory
for you. Go into that new directory, and "su" to root. Then type
"./setup" and
a really cool GUI screen will come up to walk you through the rest
of the
installation. It's really quite impressive, almost as if you are
installing a
Windows program. After you get done installing it, you can run it
by typing
> I am going to download star office from www.sun.com it said choose
> platform so I chose "Linux(x86 ONLY)" what is an x86, but the
> question I want to know is can i download it?, How do I install
it?, How
> do I run it? or How do I configre it?...please answer me...
Reply to Anthony:
its named so51a_lnx_01.tar not tar.gz

[newbie] (PLZ READ AND ANSWER!)...Problems with sound and apache

2000-03-22 Thread _-+Richard Kim=-_

_-+Richard Kim=-_ wrote:

 root wrote:

  Ive been sending this sevral times but plz answer me, I need to configre apache
  someway, any kind of advise would help

  Ok, lets get to my point...Ive installed mandrake linux like a month ago

  but after I got used to it I started using its server, apache...I typed  httpd but
  I typed "ps -ef" the two apache processes (nobody
  --PID)it says [httpd defunct] 5 times and I tried
  and I tryed apachectl restart and /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start but it didnt  work
 just did the same thing (it started fine but just says [httpd  defunct]] again on 
 ps -ef and localhost doesnt work eighther

Re: [newbie] COmpressed files

2000-03-18 Thread Richard Kim

Payne Stanifer wrote:

 I was wondering what program I need to open .zip files. I have tried the
 archiver that comes with redhat 6.0, but it doesn't seem to work. Anyone
 know what program or patch I need? Thanks.
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laprass wrote:

its easy, open a terminal and type unzip filename.zip but the files will be
in the directory the .zip file is in