Re: [newbie] HP-8100 CDR-RW

1999-08-26 Thread scheck

You need a mount line in fstab for your CD-RW.
I mount my MS-DOS partitions from a seperate script (I don't want them to be
mounted every time) but the systnax should be similar.
First mkdir CDRW (or whatever you want to call it) in the directory /mnt
Then from bash type something like:

mount -t auto /dev/hdd /mnt/CDRW

You will have to modify the above to fit thesyntax used by /etc/fstab.  I can't
check right now because I'm in Windows (my family prefers it).


Ed Santiago wrote:

 Steve Philp wrote:

  Ed Santiago wrote:
   I have Mandrake-Linux 6.0 installed and have downloaded all the updates
   and have been able to format a floppy give it a file system transfer
   some files between Windows and Linux. I reconfigured my kernel to the
   AMD K6 processor. I have played around with the thing but I can't seem
   to mount my HP-8100 CDR-RW.
   The secondary master is a LG 32x CDROM and the secondary slave is the
   HP-8100. I can mount the master via the icon on the KDE desktop.
   The more I read the more confused I get. If anyone can help it would be
   FIC VA503+ motherboard
   AMD K6-2/400mhz
   RIVIA TNT 16mb (PCI)
   Soundblaster AWE 64
   WD 6.4gig HD
   LG 32x CDROM
   HP-8100 CDR-RW
   Windows 98SE  Linux 2.2.9-27
   When the Linux is starting up it lists the HP-8100 as hdd
   Complete newbie,
  Right click on the desktop, select 'New', then 'Filesystem Device'.
  Name it whatever you'd like then hit enter.  Click on the 'Device' tab
  and enter /dev/hdd.
  Should be all that's necessary!
  Steve Philp
  Network Administrator
  Advance Packaging Corporation

 Thanks for the reply, but I have tried that and also tried it again. I get
 this message when I try to mount a CD:
 mount can't find /dev/hdd in /etc/fstab or  /etc/mtab

 Is there something else that I need to do?

[newbie] Modem Lock

1999-08-25 Thread scheck

I can dial my ISP as root using DIP.  When I try to dial as a user I get the following 

PORT: terminal Port set to "/dev/ttyS1".
DIP: tty: lock:(/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1).
Permission Denied
DIP: can't open - problem with locking ttyS1

I think error is with file permissions of some type.  Any help would be great.


Re: [newbie] Re:Netscape Files

1999-08-25 Thread scheck

Yeah, I got it working.  It only fully works under 2.2.9-19mdk.  If I
try to use it under 2.2.9-27mdk wave files just give static.
You need to use the 2.2.5 version of emu10k1.
Hopefully someone can post the URL that gives decent directions.


Malmac wrote:

 Did anyone got SB Live to work under Mandrake kernel ?


Re: [newbie] Memory not found

1999-08-25 Thread scheck

I believe you need to give your kernel the boot option: 'mem=256M'


"Gregory S. Hackman" wrote:


 I recently installed Mandrake 6.0 on a Gateway PIII PC with 256 Mb ram.
 When I check the memory in use with the "top" command, it says I only have
 something like 64 Mb.  The appropriate KDE utility tells me the same thing.

 Is there some bug in the 2.2whatever kernel that it can't use the other 192
 Mb?  Is there some initialization file I need to change?  I intend to use
 this PC as a serious number-crunching workstation so I'd really like to use
 all the ram I paid for.

 Thanks...Greg Hackman