Re: [[newbie] Internet: slow connection, thrown out.....]

2000-02-26 Thread Jaguar

Well to begin with you will NEVER, EVER hear an ISP say it was their is ALWAYS the clients, they will blame anything and
everything...but themselves.  As far as I know..once you have connected to the
'Net...your system is like anyone elses while surfing, ie:modem, multimedia, doesn't matter.  Also since most of the protocols/file structures
used on the Net are based on UNIX, there should be better compatibility.

As long as there are no problems with you modem setup, it is like any other
modem.  As for the disconnects, there are Linux similar programs for RESUMING
d/l's, I saw a bunch of them yesterday( similar to BulletProofFTP, CuteFTP,
etc...), on one of the RPM sites..(sorry I forget which one...I was site
hopping), you may be able to finish the d/l or maybe not...(not sure because
you didn't START the d/l with it).  Also there are many reasons for getting
dropped from your ISP..UNLESS you can state that EVERY 10 mins ( or
whatever)you get dropped.  As for ISP's yes some are better than
other' to friends ask who they use... also look into some of the free
providers...they can serve as a backup.  
I would like to do that...but I have cable, and when I install my jumpered
C.L. 56K takes over on my internet connection.

Sorry for my long windedness...:)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joerg Reinhardt) wrote:

 Doellbachstraße 15
 34127 Kassel
 Joerg Reinhardt

 I'm using the german telecom to come into the net. Datastream-speed is
 about 1.5K/sec, even less most of the time and they do throw me out the
 from Time to time (especially in very long Downloads...)
 I complaint about this redicoulous speed of data-transfer (56,7K baud Modem
 should bring more, I guess, and sometimes it does(up to 5.0), but only for
 seconds or minutes) and about been thrown out the connection after 3h 58min
 downloading Starsoft (now I have 98% of it, but nothing worth at all).
 While complaining, they stayed polite and helpfull till the point I
mentioned my
 system is running on Linux! After their opinion, Linux is some
 non-professional freaky-stuff, and so every PROBLEM (even the speed of
 incomming data) is MY PROBLEM!!!
 Can anyone give me a few good arguments for those F-'s, to tell them
 it is NOT MY problem!! (Modem is working great, so it is not mv Problem, or
 They denied, that it can happen, that their System throws someone out. They
 their is no command for doing it, so I wonder what kind of command they are
 sending me, when I try to dialup with wrong password. I tryed, just to see
 it was identically (checked it with the ppd-monitor) to that, what I
 when I was thrown out at this download. I also asked for a second
 cause I guess having only one is what causes the trouble, they told me
 can be only one ISP-Adress per domain (propably what they mean is, that
 their is box in the menue, of THEIR-Internet-entry-windoze-software-CDRom,
 put a second address in, but what do I care? their is space for two more
 Adresses in my default-route-setup and even Telnet gave me two!)
 My problem is, I'm not a computer expert and if one's questions or mails are
 cryptically enought written in experts terms, telecom just ignores them and
 send an answer like (If your Internet isn't working properly, check if plug
 What to do? Change the Provider? Are the others really faster? 
 Is their anything what telecom could do for solving my problem (cause that
 would be the easiest way for me, otherwise I got to skip the contract. If I
 could tell them where THEIR problem is, they couldn't ignore me longer and
 solve it instead).  
 Anyone experienced with telecom that way?

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [[newbie] Internet: slow connection, thrown out.....]

2000-02-26 Thread Joerg Reinhardt

Am Don, 03 Apr 2036 schrieben Sie:
 Well to begin with you will NEVER, EVER hear an ISP say it was their is ALWAYS the clients, they will blame anything and
 everything...but themselves.  As far as I know..once you have connected to the
 'Net...your system is like anyone elses while surfing, ie:modem, multimedia, doesn't matter.  Also since most of the protocols/file structures
 used on the Net are based on UNIX, there should be better compatibility.
 As long as there are no problems with you modem setup, it is like any other
 modem.  As for the disconnects, there are Linux similar programs for RESUMING
 d/l's, I saw a bunch of them yesterday( similar to BulletProofFTP, CuteFTP,
 etc...), on one of the RPM sites..(sorry I forget which one...I was site
 hopping), you may be able to finish the d/l or maybe not...(not sure because
 you didn't START the d/l with it).  Also there are many reasons for getting
 dropped from your ISP..UNLESS you can state that EVERY 10 mins ( or
 whatever)you get dropped.  As for ISP's yes some are better than
 other' to friends ask who they use... also look into some of the free
 providers...they can serve as a backup.  
 I would like to do that...but I have cable, and when I install my jumpered
 C.L. 56K takes over on my internet connection.
 Sorry for my long windedness...:)

Doellbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel

Joerg Reinhardt

Do those download managers work in the background together with N.N. or are
there standalone programs themselves?? (easier to find in the net, knowing
this, cause I found things..., but my english is not good enought to find out
wheather it is, what I'm searching for)

What about getting more than one IP-address, please correct me if I'm wrong:
As far as I understood most domains (such as do have more then
one IP-address (such as 123.45.678.90) to route from?? So knowing more than one
IP-address, of my providers domain, would prevent me from being thrown out
the net, when that special host, the one wich number I'm using to connect, would
brake down???
Did I get that right, or did I completely missunderstood the whole ISP-thing?

I would be pleased to be enlightened by one of you about this Subject, to make
a better choice of ISP next time.



Re: [Re: [[newbie] Internet: slow connection, thrown out.....]]

2000-02-26 Thread Jaguar

If it's a dial-up connection...the IP is assigned at connect.  I could be
wrong about the free 'Net accounts.
The only difference between your regular dial-up and the free dial-up is the
local phone number you call, and the subsequent IP settings.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joerg Reinhardt) wrote:
 Am Don, 03 Apr 2036 schrieben Sie:
  Well to begin with you will NEVER, EVER hear an ISP say it was their is ALWAYS the clients, they will blame anything and
  everything...but themselves.  As far as I know..once you have connected to
  'Net...your system is like anyone elses while surfing, ie:modem,
multimedia, doesn't matter.  Also since most of the protocols/file
  used on the Net are based on UNIX, there should be better compatibility.
  As long as there are no problems with you modem setup, it is like any
  modem.  As for the disconnects, there are Linux similar programs for
  d/l's, I saw a bunch of them yesterday( similar to BulletProofFTP,
  etc...), on one of the RPM sites..(sorry I forget which one...I was site
  hopping), you may be able to finish the d/l or maybe not...(not sure
  you didn't START the d/l with it).  Also there are many reasons for
  dropped from your ISP..UNLESS you can state that EVERY 10 mins ( or
  whatever)you get dropped.  As for ISP's yes some are better than
  other' to friends ask who they use... also look into some of the
  providers...they can serve as a backup.  
  I would like to do that...but I have cable, and when I install my
  C.L. 56K takes over on my internet connection.
  Sorry for my long windedness...:)

 Doellbachstraße 15
 34127 Kassel
 Joerg Reinhardt

 Do those download managers work in the background together with N.N. or are
 there standalone programs themselves?? (easier to find in the net, knowing
 this, cause I found things..., but my english is not good enought to find
 wheather it is, what I'm searching for)
 What about getting more than one IP-address, please correct me if I'm
 As far as I understood most domains (such as do have more
 one IP-address (such as 123.45.678.90) to route from?? So knowing more than
 IP-address, of my providers domain, would prevent me from being thrown out
 the net, when that special host, the one wich number I'm using to connect,
 brake down???
 Did I get that right, or did I completely missunderstood the whole
 I would be pleased to be enlightened by one of you about this Subject, to
 a better choice of ISP next time.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [newbie] Internet: slow connection, thrown out.....

2000-02-26 Thread Lance Borden

Tell them you know of someone in Austria connecting by ppp using Linux who has
no problems. Tell them, if the Austrians can support Linux, CERTAINLY the
Germans can! You know, appeal to their national pride!

Seriously, though, I've tried a couple of different isp in Austria, and I have
experienced EXACTLY the same problem as you from time to time. With one isp, it
happened so often (95% of the time) that I changed -- and at that time I was
using Windoze and the dial-up software provided by the isp itself. With my new
provider, it still occurs from time to time -- both when I was using Win98 and
now with Linux.

My solution is to log off and dial up again. It seems to be worst just after the
connection rates go down (e.g., 1815), so I think it has to do with traffic.
When I notice that the emails are downloading so slowly, I check the
transmission. When it's bad, I cancel, log off, and dial back up. Often I will
get a normal speed (for me usually 5+K/sec) and then things work fine. It seems
to me that when the transfer is SO slow as you are describing, you aren't kicked
off, rather, something more similar to the connection timing out happens -- so
little data is transferred that the connection is simply lost.

By the way, when I downloaded Star Office, I was having one of those bad
connection days with my provider. I found that the download actually stopped if
I didn't move my mouse every couple of minutes. So, instead of starting the
download and going to watch a movie, I had to sit in front of the computer for 4
hours moving the mouse every couple of minutes. Don't know if that problem is
related, but you might keep your eyes out when doing a big download.


Joerg Reinhardt wrote:
 Doellbachstraße 15
 34127 Kassel
 Joerg Reinhardt
 I'm using the german telecom to come into the net. Datastream-speed is something
 about 1.5K/sec, even less most of the time and they do throw me out the net,
 from Time to time (especially in very long Downloads...)
 I complaint about this redicoulous speed of data-transfer (56,7K baud Modem
 should bring more, I guess, and sometimes it does(up to 5.0), but only for
 seconds or minutes) and about been thrown out the connection after 3h 58min
 downloading Starsoft (now I have 98% of it, but nothing worth at all).
 While complaining, they stayed polite and helpfull till the point I mentioned my
 system is running on Linux! After their opinion, Linux is some
 non-professional freaky-stuff, and so every PROBLEM (even the speed of
 incomming data) is MY PROBLEM!!!
 Can anyone give me a few good arguments for those F-'s, to tell them that
 it is NOT MY problem!! (Modem is working great, so it is not mv Problem, or Is
 They denied, that it can happen, that their System throws someone out. They say
 their is no command for doing it, so I wonder what kind of command they are
 sending me, when I try to dialup with wrong password. I tryed, just to see and
 it was identically (checked it with the ppd-monitor) to that, what I received
 when I was thrown out at this download. I also asked for a second ISP-Adress,
 cause I guess having only one is what causes the trouble, they told me their
 can be only one ISP-Adress per domain (propably what they mean is, that
 their is box in the menue, of THEIR-Internet-entry-windoze-software-CDRom, to
 put a second address in, but what do I care? their is space for two more
 Adresses in my default-route-setup and even Telnet gave me two!)
 My problem is, I'm not a computer expert and if one's questions or mails are not
 cryptically enought written in experts terms, telecom just ignores them and do
 send an answer like (If your Internet isn't working properly, check if plug is
 What to do? Change the Provider? Are the others really faster?
 Is their anything what telecom could do for solving my problem (cause that
 would be the easiest way for me, otherwise I got to skip the contract. If I
 could tell them where THEIR problem is, they couldn't ignore me longer and might
 solve it instead).
 Anyone experienced with telecom that way?