Re: [newbie] Multiboot on same drive

2003-06-28 Thread John Richard Smith
Johan Scheepers wrote:

OK sorry - new - no OS..
If it is new you can install/remove at your hearts contend - it will make
you confident and see for yourself what happens.
I see some suggestions write to stiffy etc - what I found with my test that
the first time around there was no choice - not what I could detect.
The second time around after 3rd disk you have a choice like skip and a few

So the really important thing is that after the first M9.1 install is 
complete you earn the right to skip lilo install. Not very convenient 
for those linux users that only want to boot off floppies, but it should 
enable me to skip second lilo install, thanks,


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Multiboot on same drive

2003-06-27 Thread John Richard Smith
Johan Scheepers wrote:

Hi John
The drive you are using is it live or clean?
Not sure what you mean. I have a 40gig maxtor . just the one.

I am reasonably sure that if your first istall will write its detections to


and the second install will overwrite MBR with its own detections. 

sure it will

last install will activate its own flavour and maybe will have problem with
first install - that you can correct using the examples I posted.

OK I have a spare drive I will experiment over the weekend.
install dos
install mdk9.1 expert mode but let it write MBR.
install mdk9.1 auto mode
Make copies of lilo.conf of both installations.
Will check for lilo not to install
Did mine in auto - I  am sure mdk9.0 has has that option.
I will do this just for the expspeariance.

I would like to do the second M9.1 install and be sure NOT to install a
lilo anywhere, but so far I haven't seen any means by which you can skip
the lilo install on current M9.1 install discs.
Then use the lilo of the first M9.1 install, and it's link with
/etc/lilo.conf in the first M9.1 OS,  to enter a stanza to boot the
second M9.1 OS, but I'm not at all confident that ,
a) I can skip the second lilo install,
b) That the lilo of the first install will not get confused which of the
two /etc/lilo.conf scripts now available to it,  and end up reading the
wrong lilo.conf script, the one from the second M9.1 install.
Am I assured this will not happen ?  How does Lilo map itself to
/etc/lilo.conf, will it find the correct partition to read lilo.conf ?
when you have two identicle M9.1 on the same drive ?
I just wonder how lilo maps lilo.conf ?

I am guessing that it is merely set up to look for an /etc/lilo.conf in
/ partition, but that would be risky, it might find the /etc/lilo.conf
of any old linux OS, so there must be something more to make certain of
it. I suppose, when lilo is installed, it maps the partition table and
is told to look for a /etc/lilo.conf on /dev/hd(x) where x is the
partition in question. So that would be all right then. That makes sure
it doesn't pick the wrong one.
In which case it's just a question of making sure lilo does not get
installed on the second M9.1 install, anyone know for sure how to do
that, because so far I haven't noticed how to do it on the current
version of drakeX.


Now that would indeed be very kind of you as I don't want to sod up what I've just spend days configuring, and I don't have a spare machine to experiment with right now. This whole thing must have a simple solution, I just cannot believe people haven't solved the problem by now. I am guessing in the past when you could easily skip the second lilo /mbr install it was just as simple as that, but do prove me wrong.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Multiboot on same drive

2003-06-26 Thread John Richard Smith
Johan Scheepers wrote:

Hi to John Richard Smith ,
May the following be of assistance - it is part of a previous message I
This is more detailed than the one posted earlier today - use them both..
Something else I would like to point out - I used Mandrake9.1 install
partitioning to do the disk - when it reached apps to install I reset the
PC. I prefer mandrake partitioninig - more friendly for me.
This is for information only to someone who may need it.

Have installed 3 OS's on one disk - see below
I installed dos - then - redhat - then - mandrake.
Do not forget make boot disks.
They do not see each other or use each others partitions unless mounted.
When I installed redhat I let it install lilo - when you install mandrake it
will owerwrite the MBR with its version and this way you can test out redhat
before you continue.
Mandrake was last - I found in the past that mandrake is good at detecting
OS,s and configuring them in lilo. This time detected but used mandrakes
linuz  initrd.
All examples refer to my setup.
This just show the drive setup.
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hde1 * 1 101 811251 6 FAT16 - Dos
/dev/hde2 102 2494 19221772+ 5 Extended
/dev/hde5 102 1261 9317668+ 83 Linux --Redhat8.0
/dev/hde6 1262 1362 811251 82 Linux swap -for both
/dev/hde7 1363 2494 9092758+ 83 Linux --Mandrake9.1
What is importend for this to work is the following after all installs
1. With Mandrake loaded.(your last installation)
2. Su in console.
3. mkdir /mnt/redhat.
4. mount -t ext3 /dev/hde /mnt/redhat - THIS IS VERY IMPORTEND otherwise it
will just NOT work. If redhat is not mounted by fstab (I dont do - only on
console when needed) If you should run lilo -v on another day - repeat 4.
5. cd /etc
6. gedit lilo.conf
7. add the lines as below and save.
8. lilo -v.   ( MBR ).
9. What is importend add /mnt/redhat to image and initrd - if you leave it
out at initrd -- command lilo -v will complain : fatal: no such file or
After a lot of grief I realized this.
May this be a good day for learning


I understand this completely.
You are installing 3 quite different OS's on one or more hard drive, fine.

But what if your installing, W2k, M9.1 , and another M9.1 on the same 
hard drive.
The second M9.1 to be used purely for updating with latest cooker 
updates. How do you do that ?


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Multiboot on same drive

2003-06-26 Thread John Richard Smith
Johan Scheepers wrote:

Hi to John Richard Smith ,
May the following be of assistance - it is part of a previous message I
This is more detailed than the one posted earlier today - use them both..
Something else I would like to point out - I used Mandrake9.1 install
partitioning to do the disk - when it reached apps to install I reset the
PC. I prefer mandrake partitioninig - more friendly for me.
This is for information only to someone who may need it.

Have installed 3 OS's on one disk - see below
I installed dos - then - redhat - then - mandrake.
Do not forget make boot disks.
They do not see each other or use each others partitions unless mounted.
When I installed redhat I let it install lilo - when you install mandrake it
will owerwrite the MBR with its version and this way you can test out redhat
before you continue.
Mandrake was last - I found in the past that mandrake is good at detecting
OS,s and configuring them in lilo. This time detected but used mandrakes
linuz  initrd.
All examples refer to my setup.
This just show the drive setup.
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hde1 * 1 101 811251 6 FAT16 - Dos
/dev/hde2 102 2494 19221772+ 5 Extended
/dev/hde5 102 1261 9317668+ 83 Linux --Redhat8.0
/dev/hde6 1262 1362 811251 82 Linux swap -for both
/dev/hde7 1363 2494 9092758+ 83 Linux --Mandrake9.1
What is importend for this to work is the following after all installs
1. With Mandrake loaded.(your last installation)
2. Su in console.
3. mkdir /mnt/redhat.
4. mount -t ext3 /dev/hde /mnt/redhat - THIS IS VERY IMPORTEND otherwise it
will just NOT work. If redhat is not mounted by fstab (I dont do - only on
console when needed) If you should run lilo -v on another day - repeat 4.
5. cd /etc
6. gedit lilo.conf
7. add the lines as below and save.
8. lilo -v.   ( MBR ).
9. What is importend add /mnt/redhat to image and initrd - if you leave it
out at initrd -- command lilo -v will complain : fatal: no such file or
After a lot of grief I realized this.

As I said, this is a 3 different OS install, ie dos, redhat,mandrake.

What if you want W2000 , M9.1 and again M9.1.
I still think there are issues to sort out.

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Multiboot on same drive

2003-06-26 Thread Johan Scheepers
Hi John,
OK I do not no about w2k but I had win XP and MD8.0 run together for 6
months until the drive crashed - no fault of the OS's - after replacement I
use them seperate.
While it was working it worked fine.
It was a cleaen drive to start - I used partition magic to partition the
disk. Like..
hda1   -  win xp
hda5  - MD8.0
hda6  - swap
Installed win xp first then MD8.0
This is to let linux detect OS's and config lilo and write to MBR
What now happens is when pick win xp on GUI it start win xp loader and there
you pick again if req.
If you pick linux then it start.
In your case lets asume clean drive.
Ok you can partition as follow.
hda1   -  w2k
hda2   -  extended partition
hda5  - linux flavour 1
hda6  - swap  ( only one for both flavours they wont be running at the
same time - mine works like that)
hda7  -  linux flavour 2..
Maybe a dos partition after hda2 for a transfer area between the OS's -
linux can read vfat 16, 32 but i do not now other flavours and visa versa..
You need a
common denominator to transfer stuf around - I use dos partition for that
If you do this then part no's change.
Again if it is a clean drive you can use linux to patition the drive as
suggested - then install first flavour in EXPERT mode to HDA5 or 7 - (it
does not really matter) - to prevent MD to write the MBR.
Now install w2k on HDA1.(it will write to MBR)
Then install flavour 2 to your open linux partition - now you may use auto
install - you need to let it detect and config lilo and write MBR. Be sure
to make boot disks.
Now if all go to plan your last install wil be in charge of booting. Maybe
you may need my example of lilo.conf to correct your config.

If this is a LIVE disk you need someting like partition magic it works very
nice BUT it failed me once.
Maybe linux can partition live drive - I do not know.
Then do as suggested and install.
Now something interesting - I read it in a linux mag and tried it - it
If you have a second drive  - you can create there a partiton to put the
swap or /home - and maybe more I only tried this.
Ok if all this works you may access the other flavour from the live flavour
by mounting it manually (would not advize to put it in fstab).
What is importend here if you accessed the not live then you can not do like
cd /boot it will revert to live one - you MUST do like cd  /manx/root then
it will move inside the not live flavour.

Ok I have these rack and trays and  seven HD's of diiferent makes and size.
My Importent 2 drives I keep save - the rest I do experiment with.

Trust the above will be of assistance.
Feel free to ask if you need more info - it is difficult to know what you

- Original Message - 
From: John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Multiboot on same drive

 Johan Scheepers wrote:

 Hi to John Richard Smith ,
 I understand this completely.

 You are installing 3 quite different OS's on one or more hard drive, fine.

 But what if your installing, W2k, M9.1 , and another M9.1 on the same
 hard drive.
 The second M9.1 to be used purely for updating with latest cooker
 updates. How do you do that ?


 John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Multiboot on same drive

2003-06-26 Thread John Richard Smith
Johan Scheepers wrote:

Hi John,
OK I do not no about w2k but I had win XP and MD8.0 run together for 6
months until the drive crashed - no fault of the OS's - after replacement I
use them seperate.
While it was working it worked fine.
It was a cleaen drive to start - I used partition magic to partition the
disk. Like..
hda1   -  win xp
hda5  - MD8.0
hda6  - swap
Installed win xp first then MD8.0
This is to let linux detect OS's and config lilo and write to MBR
What now happens is when pick win xp on GUI it start win xp loader and there
you pick again if req.
If you pick linux then it start.
In your case lets asume clean drive.
Ok you can partition as follow.
hda1   -  w2k
hda2   -  extended partition
hda5  - linux flavour 1
hda6  - swap  ( only one for both flavours they wont be running at the
same time - mine works like that)
hda7  -  linux flavour 2..
Maybe a dos partition after hda2 for a transfer area between the OS's -
linux can read vfat 16, 32 but i do not now other flavours and visa versa..
You need a
common denominator to transfer stuf around - I use dos partition for that
If you do this then part no's change.
Again if it is a clean drive you can use linux to patition the drive as
suggested - then install first flavour in EXPERT mode to HDA5 or 7 - (it
does not really matter) - to prevent MD to write the MBR.
Now install w2k on HDA1.(it will write to MBR)
Then install flavour 2 to your open linux partition - now you may use auto
install - you need to let it detect and config lilo and write MBR. Be sure
to make boot disks.
Now if all go to plan your last install wil be in charge of booting. Maybe
you may need my example of lilo.conf to correct your config.

If this is a LIVE disk you need someting like partition magic it works very
nice BUT it failed me once.
Maybe linux can partition live drive - I do not know.
Then do as suggested and install.
Now something interesting - I read it in a linux mag and tried it - it
If you have a second drive  - you can create there a partiton to put the
swap or /home - and maybe more I only tried this.
Ok if all this works you may access the other flavour from the live flavour
by mounting it manually (would not advize to put it in fstab).
What is importend here if you accessed the not live then you can not do like
cd /boot it will revert to live one - you MUST do like cd  /manx/root then
it will move inside the not live flavour.

Ok I have these rack and trays and  seven HD's of diiferent makes and size.
My Importent 2 drives I keep save - the rest I do experiment with.
Trust the above will be of assistance.
Feel free to ask if you need more info - it is difficult to know what you

Yes, well, there ought to be an easy way really. Something quick and simple.
I would like to do the second M9.1 install and be sure NOT to install a 
lilo anywhere, but so far I haven't seen any means by which you can skip 
the lilo install on current M9.1 install discs.
Then use the lilo of the first M9.1 install, and it's link with 
/etc/lilo.conf in the first M9.1 OS,  to enter a stanza to boot the 
second M9.1 OS, but I'm not at all confident that ,

a) I can skip the second lilo install,
b) That the lilo of the first install will not get confused which of the 
two /etc/lilo.conf scripts now available to it,  and end up reading the 
wrong lilo.conf script, the one from the second M9.1 install.

Am I assured this will not happen ?  How does Lilo map itself to 
/etc/lilo.conf, will it find the correct partition to read lilo.conf ? 
when you have two identicle M9.1 on the same drive ?

I just wonder how lilo maps lilo.conf ?

I am guessing that it is merely set up to look for an /etc/lilo.conf in 
/ partition, but that would be risky, it might find the /etc/lilo.conf 
of any old linux OS, so there must be something more to make certain of 
it. I suppose, when lilo is installed, it maps the partition table and 
is told to look for a /etc/lilo.conf on /dev/hd(x) where x is the 
partition in question. So that would be all right then. That makes sure 
it doesn't pick the wrong one.

In which case it's just a question of making sure lilo does not get 
installed on the second M9.1 install, anyone know for sure how to do 
that, because so far I haven't noticed how to do it on the current 
version of drakeX.


John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] Multiboot on same drive

2003-06-26 Thread FemmeFatale
At 08:27 PM 6/26/2003 +0100, you wrote:
bull (insert visual here) size snip
Yes, well, there ought to be an easy way really. Something quick and simple.
I would like to do the second M9.1 install and be sure NOT to install a 
lilo anywhere, but so far I haven't seen any means by which you can skip 
the lilo install on current M9.1 install discs.
Then use the lilo of the first M9.1 install, and it's link with 
/etc/lilo.conf in the first M9.1 OS,  to enter a stanza to boot the second 
M9.1 OS, but I'm not at all confident that ,

a) I can skip the second lilo install,
b) That the lilo of the first install will not get confused which of the 
two /etc/lilo.conf scripts now available to it,  and end up reading the 
wrong lilo.conf script, the one from the second M9.1 install.

Am I assured this will not happen ?  How does Lilo map itself to 
/etc/lilo.conf, will it find the correct partition to read lilo.conf ? 
when you have two identicle M9.1 on the same drive ?

I just wonder how lilo maps lilo.conf ?

I am guessing that it is merely set up to look for an /etc/lilo.conf in / 
partition, but that would be risky, it might find the /etc/lilo.conf of 
any old linux OS, so there must be something more to make certain of it. I 
suppose, when lilo is installed, it maps the partition table and is told 
to look for a /etc/lilo.conf on /dev/hd(x) where x is the partition in 
question. So that would be all right then. That makes sure it doesn't pick 
the wrong one.

In which case it's just a question of making sure lilo does not get 
installed on the second M9.1 install, anyone know for sure how to do that, 
because so far I haven't noticed how to do it on the current version of drakeX.


Correct me if i'm wrong but LILO will overwrite itself if stuck to the 
MBR.  If i'm not right I'd just write LILO to a floppy for hte one you want 
it to skip.  That way no harm done, Lilo writes to something  you can 
still write the OTHER lilo to your MBR after all.

FemmeFatale, aka The Skirt

Good Decisions Your boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.
- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] Multiboot on same drive

2003-06-25 Thread Johan Scheepers
Hi to John Richard Smith ,
May the following be of assistance - it is part of a previous message I
This is more detailed than the one posted earlier today - use them both..
Something else I would like to point out - I used Mandrake9.1 install
partitioning to do the disk - when it reached apps to install I reset the
PC. I prefer mandrake partitioninig - more friendly for me.

This is for information only to someone who may need it.

Have installed 3 OS's on one disk - see below
I installed dos - then - redhat - then - mandrake.
Do not forget make boot disks.
They do not see each other or use each others partitions unless mounted.
When I installed redhat I let it install lilo - when you install mandrake it
will owerwrite the MBR with its version and this way you can test out redhat
before you continue.
Mandrake was last - I found in the past that mandrake is good at detecting
OS,s and configuring them in lilo. This time detected but used mandrakes
linuz  initrd.
All examples refer to my setup.
This just show the drive setup.
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hde1 * 1 101 811251 6 FAT16 - Dos
/dev/hde2 102 2494 19221772+ 5 Extended
/dev/hde5 102 1261 9317668+ 83 Linux --Redhat8.0
/dev/hde6 1262 1362 811251 82 Linux swap -for both
/dev/hde7 1363 2494 9092758+ 83 Linux --Mandrake9.1
What is importend for this to work is the following after all installs
1. With Mandrake loaded.(your last installation)
2. Su in console.
3. mkdir /mnt/redhat.
4. mount -t ext3 /dev/hde /mnt/redhat - THIS IS VERY IMPORTEND otherwise it
will just NOT work. If redhat is not mounted by fstab (I dont do - only on
console when needed) If you should run lilo -v on another day - repeat 4.
5. cd /etc
6. gedit lilo.conf
7. add the lines as below and save.
8. lilo -v.   ( MBR ).
9. What is importend add /mnt/redhat to image and initrd - if you leave it
out at initrd -- command lilo -v will complain : fatal: no such file or
After a lot of grief I realized this.

May this be a good day for learning

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