Re: [newbie] UNIX INTRO: Shells, redirection

1999-07-30 Thread Andy Goth

  So I was right.  I was expecting pdksh, though (the Public Domain Korn
 It appears that the maillist switched the order of my two posts.

Yes, the demonic mailer daemon strikes again...

 Yes, Korn
 Shell. In my experience pdksh is not a good substitute for ksh (although
 my experience was years ago; not sure of the current status).

I think I'll stick to BASH.
  And what of the C Shell?
 I have used the C Shell, and it provides a nice interface. However, csh is
 worse than worthless for creating scripts:

The name looked so promising!  My first impression (based on the name
alone) led me to assume that I could write scripts like:

if (x)
(i.e. using C syntax, which I think is just lovely)

After actually reading about it, I was left with the question, "Why the
HELL is this called the C Shell anyway?  Is it just a clever way of
saying seashell?"

 Unix Support frequently advises people not to use /bin/csh. Here is the
 classic document by Tom Christiansen on why you shouldn't use it for
 Csh Programming Considered Harmful

shudder I think I'll stick to BASH.

...I read about one version called "tcsh" in a
  Linux book.
 I've heard it is improved. I'd do some research before I started using it,
 however. The above URL is a good place to start, it mentions tcsh.

I don't think I read what "t" stands for... "The" perhaps?
 In the UNIX world, there are basically two types of shell scripts-- those
 based upon the Bourne Shell (including Korn Shell and BASH), and those
 based upon the C Shell. The common shell language for writing portable
 scripts is the Bourne Shell. Advanced features of other shells are to be
 avoided unless the script is never expected to leave the target system.

Once again, I'll do BASH.  If I want more features, I'll move up to
another language (AWK, PERL, C, C++, Tcl, ...).  Or I could write a
little utility program in one of these other languages and call it from
a shell script.  In my DOS batch programming, I would fill in all the
holes with plenty of cool .com programs that usually just called an
interrupt or two.

 There may be other considerations for Linux. It seems that BASH has become
 pretty much a standard.

I can see why.

Hey.  I have a BASH question.  On my computer running Red Hat 5.0, BASH
doesn't take kindly to the DEL key.  Whenever I press it, it beeps at me
and emits a ~ into the command line.  DEL works in emacs... why not
BASH?  I'd also like to be able to map HOME and END to what emacs's
Ctrl+A and Ctrl+E (well, the go-to-end-of-line shortcut).  Any tips?
 The #! convention is an interesting story. Too long for posting here; I
 refer you to:
   16 bits, right?)  When the `#!' magic number was recognized, the
   kernel would read in the rest of the line and treat it as a
   command to run upon the contents of the file.  With this hack you

I wonder what #! assembles to... I hope it's nothing meaningful!

P.S. Is anyone else here aware of the BAND Korn?  Very cool stuff... not
UNIX-related (All day I dream about sex... all day I dream about
@#$!ing...) though.

[newbie] UNIX INTRO: Shells, redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Richard Myers


The shell provides the Command Line Interface that you see
in Linux/UNIX. The shell accepts your input, processes it,
and takes appropriate actions, interfacing with the kernel
and the filesystem as necessary.

The BASH shell was based (partly) upon the Korn Shell, which
was based upon the Bourne Shell. BASH stands for "Bourne Again

Examples in some of the emails I send were created using the 
Korn Shell. This should make little or no difference, except 
for the occasional "switches" to commands which may vary 

(I also develop some of this material on SunOS rather
than Linux... Again, little or no difference...
but I hope to have Linux net-connected soon, so that will 


When you encounter an error detected by the shell, it is
normally flagged by the shell. In this example, the shell
is Korn Shell, and the shell designation is "ksh":

$ thisfile
-ksh: thisfile: cannot execute [Permission denied]

This identifier did not exist in the original Bourne 
Shell. (After all, it was the *only* shell in existence
at the time. Why should it need to identify itself?)

Here is the equivalent Bourne Shell detected error:

$ thisfile
thisfile: execute permission denied

The Bourne Shell is a good, simple shell, but is
missing some of the advanced features of later shells.

How do we know what shell we are in? 

A variable is something which stores a value. Bourne shell 
variables are designated by a preceding $ as in $SHELL

Many systems have a $SHELL variable which shows the shell 
we are currently using: 

$ echo $SHELL

sh means the Bourne Shell.

The response to the echo $SHELL command shows the path
to the sh file. (Your shell and path may vary from this)

Three common shells are:

  Bourne Shell = sh
  Korn Shell = ksh
  BASH Shell = bash


Suppose that we start in the Bourne Shell, execute a
command that fails, then we'll move to the Korn and BASH 
shells to try the same thing.

From the command line, you may type:

$ printpwd 
printpwd: not found

We have attempted to execute a command, but the file
printpwd does not exist (not found).

We switch to the Korn Shell by simply typing ksh.

$ ksh

$ printpwd
ksh: printpwd:  not found

Again, the command is not found. We haven't created it yet!
But notice how this response line differs from the one above.

Now lets try in BASH (which for many of you will be your
startup shell):

$ bash

$ printpwd
bash: printpwd: command not found

See the difference? We can learn from this that:

  o We change shells simply by naming the new shell

  o The shell being used is identified on error.
bash: is the first word in the above line... 
(but remember that the Bourne Shell was the first
shell, and it still doesn't know there are other 
shells out there!)

  o The shell detects some errors and identifies
the command which failed (printpwd: in the above line)

  o The shell detects and reports, specifically, 
*filesearch* errors (the "command not found" in the 
above line). Remember that the shell interfaces with
the filesystem?

Now lets create our file:

$ echo pwd  printpwd

We redirect the pwd command to a filename printpwd.
Redirection, once again, works via the  command.
printpwd didn't exist before this command; this 
command creates it.

If the "target" of a  command does not exist, it is 
created as a file. In this case, it is created by the 
shell, because the shell handles redirection (more about 
that in a later lesson).

The pwd command stands for "print working directory".

If we wish to see what is now in printpwd, we can cat it:

$ cat printpwd

Now we will try (again) to execute our new file:

$ printpwd
bash: ./printpwd: Permission denied

Notice the difference between this error and the 
previous error-- displayed again here:

bash: printpwd: command not found

At least the shell is able to *find* our command now
(since we created a file with the filename printpwd).

Permission? Oh yes! We need EXECUTE permission to execute
a file. Lets look at the long listing of our new file:

$ ls -l printpwd
-rw-r--r--   1 rtmyers  other  4 Jul 28 16:20 printpwd

Our permissions string is -rw-r--r-- 

There are no "x's" in our permissions string.

The chmod command changes permissions for us, and  +x
gives us (global) execute permissions:

$ chmod +x printpwd

Lets take another look:

$ ls -l printpwd
-rwxr-xr-x   1 rtmyers  other  4 Jul 28 16:20 printpwd

Now we've got x's. (More about this in a later lesson)

So now we should be able to execute our new command:

$ printpwd

Neat! It works! 

We have executed the pwd command, by calling the name
of a file (which has been given execute permissions)
that simply includes the pwd command.

But now we are faced with a disturbing recognition:


Re: [newbie] UNIX INTRO: Shells, redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Andy Goth

 When you encounter an error detected by the shell, it is
 normally flagged by the shell. In this example, the shell
 is Korn Shell, and the shell designation is "ksh":
 $ thisfile
 -ksh: thisfile: cannot execute [Permission denied]

So I was right.  I was expecting pdksh, though (the Public Domain Korn

 Three common shells are:
   Bourne Shell = sh
   Korn Shell = ksh
   BASH Shell = bash

And what of the C Shell?  I read about one version called "tcsh" in a
Linux book.  I'm pretty sure it comes with Red Hat 5.0.  I really really
wish those guys would hurry up fixing the laptop with Mandrake on it! 
All they have to do is fix a broken wire!

   o We change shells simply by naming the new shell

When you name a new shell, you run it.  You can exit the new shell with
the "exit" command.  Then you'll find yourself in the old shell.  It's
like a function call in C--you enter a new function by calling it but
you leave it with a return statement.

 So now we should be able to execute our new command:
 $ printpwd
 Neat! It works!

Alternately, you can call a shell and tell it to run the shell script
file.  "sh printpwd" should do the trick... is this right?  In most
shells, ". printpwd" (notice the period) will run a shell script as
well, regardless of the X permission (or the lack thereof).  Right?
 And the answer is profound: with this simple procedure,
 we have created our first simple executable script!

Isn't there a convention that the first line of all shell scripts should
be a comment identifying which shell it is to be run with?  I believe I
have seen things like:


before.  The C Shell requires that shell scripts start with a # comment
line (or was that the Korn Shell?).

 don't have to content ourself with one command, we can
 put in multiple commands. Also, data structures, and
 program logic, and other nifty stuff.

Shell scripts look very flexible (from what I've read).  I haven't had
occasion to write any yet--all I've done is modified existing ones.

Re: [newbie] UNIX INTRO: Shells, redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Dan Brown


 Alternately, you can call a shell and tell it to run the shell script
 file.  "sh printpwd" should do the trick... is this right?  In most
 shells, ". printpwd" (notice the period) will run a shell script as

Both of those will run a script, but there's a difference.  "sh
printpwd" will run the script in a new instance of the shell.

Re: [newbie] UNIX INTRO: Shells, redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Dan Brown

 From: Andy Goth [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Alternately, you can call a shell and tell it to run the shell
  file.  "sh printpwd" should do the trick... is this right?  In most
  shells, ". printpwd" (notice the period) will run a shell script as

 Both of those will run a script, but there's a difference.  "sh
 printpwd" will run the script in a new instance of the shell.

now to finish the message...

Running the script in a new instance of the shell means it spawns
another shell which runs the script, and then terminates.  Running ".
printpwd" (or "source printpwd", which is the same thing) runs the shell
in the currently-running shell, not spawning a new one.  Usually, this
doesn't make much difference.  However, if you are using the script to
set environment variables (like the prompt, for example), the difference
is significant.

Re: [newbie] UNIX INTRO: Shells, redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Richard Myers

  $ thisfile
  -ksh: thisfile: cannot execute [Permission denied]
On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Andy Goth wrote:
 So I was right.  I was expecting pdksh, though (the Public Domain Korn

It appears that the maillist switched the order of my two posts. Yes, Korn
Shell. In my experience pdksh is not a good substitute for ksh (although
my experience was years ago; not sure of the current status).

 And what of the C Shell?  

I have used the C Shell, and it provides a nice interface. However, csh is
worse than worthless for creating scripts:

Unix Support frequently advises people not to use /bin/csh. Here is the
classic document by Tom Christiansen on why you shouldn't use it for

Csh Programming Considered Harmful

Resolved: The csh is a tool utterly inadequate for programming, and its
use for such purposes should be strictly banned.

I am continually shocked and dismayed to see people write test cases,
install scripts, and other random hackery using the csh. 

See the complete article at:

   ...I read about one version called "tcsh" in a
 Linux book.  

I've heard it is improved. I'd do some research before I started using it,
however. The above URL is a good place to start, it mentions tcsh.

 Isn't there a convention that the first line of all shell scripts should
 be a comment identifying which shell it is to be run with?  I believe I
 have seen things like:

In the UNIX world, there are basically two types of shell scripts-- those
based upon the Bourne Shell (including Korn Shell and BASH), and those
based upon the C Shell. The common shell language for writing portable
scripts is the Bourne Shell. Advanced features of other shells are to be
avoided unless the script is never expected to leave the target system.

There may be other considerations for Linux. It seems that BASH has become
pretty much a standard.

The #! convention is an interesting story. Too long for posting here; I
refer you to:

unix/faq Digest part 3 of 7 by Ted Timar - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is a regular posting in, or check out: 
Here is just an excerpt:

3.16) Why do some scripts start with #! ... ?

  The Berkeley folks had a neat idea to extend how the kernel starts
  up programs.  They hacked the kernel to recognize the magic number
  `#!'.  (Magic numbers are 16-bits and two 8-bit characters makes
  16 bits, right?)  When the `#!' magic number was recognized, the
  kernel would read in the rest of the line and treat it as a
  command to run upon the contents of the file.  With this hack you
  could now do things like:
#! /bin/sh
#! /bin/csh
#! /bin/awk -F:
  This hack has existed solely in the Berkeley world, and has
  migrated to USG kernels as part of System V Release 4. 


best wishes,

richard myers