Re: [newbie] kppp help required - SOLVED

2002-11-22 Thread Michael Adams
On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 20:24, John McQuillen wrote:
 On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 17:50, Michael Adams wrote:
  First off GATEWAYDEV=xxx did not exist. So i removed the line stating, this made it worse. kppp on-screen log showed as
  an ATZ once the dialup had completed on the same line as the
  ATDTO. then it cycled and redialed. So i added GATEWAYDEV=ppp0
  and this took me back to the original problem.
  Most recent /var/log/syslog entries after above changes are as follows.
  Nov 21 07:48:42 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of
  the University of California
  Nov 21 07:48:42 localhost kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
  Nov 21 07:48:42 localhost pppd[7776]: pppd 2.4.1 started by gaeil, uid
  1001 Nov 21 07:48:42 localhost pppd[7776]: Using interface ppp0
  Nov 21 07:48:42 localhost pppd[7776]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ham
  Nov 21 07:48:43 localhost /etc/hotplug/net.agent: assuming ppp0 is
  already up Nov 21 07:48:46 localhost kernel: PPP BSD Compression module
  registered Nov 21 07:48:46 localhost kernel: PPP Deflate Compression
  module registered Nov 21 07:48:46 localhost pppd[7776]: not replacing
  existing default route to eth0 []

 You still have a default route set via eth0, hence the above message.
 /etc/ppp/options has an option 'defaultroute', you appear to have this
 option set, as pppd is attempting to add a default route via ppp0.

 So, try this:

 remove the GATEWAYDEV line altogether from /etc/sysconfig/network

 make sure you don't have a file /etc/default-route (you probably don't)

 as root do 'service network restart'

 also as root 'route -n' will show you a routing table which should not
 include a line beginning with '' (default route).

 Now when you connect to the Internet, pppd should give you a default
 route via ppp0.

 btw, I have GATEWAYDEV=ppp0 in my /etc/sysconfig/network, and it works
 OK. Perhaps you didn't restart the network?

 Hope this works for you.



I hadn't restarted the network. Egg on face.

When i got the computer back with the floppy replaced it worked fine as the 
network was restarted by the fresh boot. Thanks for your help John.

To recap for those following this thread...
The computer on 56k MoDem connected ok to the net but web pages were not 
fetching. I guess this was because the IP request was not sending the correct 
IP address for my computer but was sending a default address ( 
(Correct me if this is wrong John).

Konq hummed for a minute then reported unknown host 
(irrespective of which site i was attemping to fetch from).
The error in /var/log/syslog read
Nov 21 07:48:46 localhost pppd[7776]: not replacing existing default
route to eth0 []

The fix was to add the line 
remove the line
both in /etc/sysconfig/network.
Then to do a service network restart as root.


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Re: [newbie] kppp help required - SOLVED

2002-11-22 Thread John McQuillen
On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 08:20, Michael Adams wrote:

 The computer on 56k MoDem connected ok to the net but web pages were not 
 fetching. I guess this was because the IP request was not sending the correct 
 IP address for my computer but was sending a default address ( 
 (Correct me if this is wrong John).
Not quite. It wasn't that you were sending a default address. The
routing table is specific to your computer and network.

Without getting too technical, it works something like this:

If you wished to send a message to another computer on your network, say
from to, your computer begins reading the
routing table from top to bottom and stops once it sees that the network is on interface eth0. After a further process of finding
the specific machine to send to (which I won't go into here), it sends
the message through eth0 to the destination.

But what happens when you want to communicate with someone outside your

In the case of the Internet, you can't have listings in your routing
table for all the networks out there, so you have a default gateway
defined in your routing table, which says, 'if you don't know where this
network is, send it here'. The route to the default gateway is the
default route, and the default route is notated as It is always
the last route in your routing table.

All the computers on your network that are not connected to the Internet
require a default route that points to the computer that is connected to
the Internet. On the computer that is connected to the Internet, you
require a default route that points to the Interface that is connected
directly to the Internet.

In your case, you had a default route and gateway defined in
/etc/sysconfig/network pointing to eth0 and kppp was refusing to replace
it with a default route pointing to the Internet when it came up. By
getting rid of the previous default route, kppp was able to give you a
default route ( to the Internet on interface ppp0.

I hope that helps,

Kind regards,


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