Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake e WinXp

2002-04-01 Per discussione MadMax

Il Monday 01 April 2002 10:06 , hai scritto:
 Cioa ragazzi, ho appena installato la distribuzione mandrake 8.1!
 Sò che è uscita la versione 8.2ma non posso scaricarla perche ho una banda
 misera (56K).
 veniamo al punto!
 sapete come fare per visualizzare da linux-Mandrake le partizioni NT

 Tenete presente che sono alle primissime armi  (2 giorni da pinguino)!
Linux a diferenza di windox vede probabilmente tutti i tipi di file system.Se 
hai installato Mandrake dopo winxp ha gia visto le partizioni in questione.
Vai nella directory mnt. Al interno oltre al cdrom dovresti vedere windows_c 
etc Se vuoi avere un accesso diretto puoi farti un collegamento sul desk 
proprio come in windox.

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake e WinXp

2002-04-01 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 10:06, lunedì 1 aprile 2002, hai scritto:

 sapete come fare per visualizzare da linux-Mandrake le partizioni NT

 Tenete presente che sono alle primissime armi  (2 giorni da pinguino)!

Dovrebbe essere accessibile direttamente da /mnt/windows.
Nel caso non lo fosse prova a dare il comando 
mount /mnt/windows
e verifica il tuo /etc/fstab, che può essere usato come mappa per le varie 
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] Mandrake e WinXp

2002-04-01 Per discussione Daniele Micci

Il giorno 10:06, lunedì 1 aprile 2002 hai scritto:
 Cioa ragazzi, ho appena installato la distribuzione mandrake 8.1!
 Sò che è uscita la versione 8.2ma non posso scaricarla perche ho una banda
 misera (56K).
 veniamo al punto!
 sapete come fare per visualizzare da linux-Mandrake le partizioni NT

 Tenete presente che sono alle primissime armi  (2 giorni da pinguino)!

leggi l'articolo a questo indirizzo:
Tieni presente che, se non sbaglio, è possibile montare le partizioni NTFS in 
sola lettura: puoi vedere cosa c'è nella partizione di WinXP ma non puoi 
scrivere o modificare file in quella partizione.
Per maggiori dettagli prova anche a postare il problema sul sito ...


[newbie-it] Problemi _Gravi_ with -- MDK 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione legion

ho sempre usato con piena soddisfazione mdk 8.0 e 8.1
settimana scorsa ho formattato e installato da 0 la 8.2 
(cosi da evitare al massimo i problemi)

bè son venuti fuori 2 grandi problemi (bug?)

1 - appena tento di ascoltare un mp3 il sistema freeza completamente
(a livello dei kernel credo..lo fa con xmms,con mpg123 ecc..)
stessa cosa succede se tento solo di aprire alsaplayer...artsplay..
i Cd si sentono perfettamente
che il problema risieda nei driver (super unofficial) della mia aureal
vortex? sono sempre andati bene...dal 2.2.19 al 2.4.8
a qualcuno succede questa cosa o usa i driver aureal??

2 -  uso galeon.quasi sempre quando accedo ad una pagina con intro in
flash freeza tutto...a modi windows e vai di reset ancora...
cè qualche bug nel flash player che sapete???
succede a qualcuno??

se potete rispondete please...

[newbie-it] 8.1+8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione gyvou

Ciao e grazie a tutti per le eventuali 
Su hdb1 ho installato da tempo la 8.1 con lillo 
installato sul mbr dell hda.
Oggi ho installato anche 8.2 su hdb3 ma al momento 
di installare il boot loader
mi sono accorto che si posso decidere la partizione 
di root(hdb1per 8.1e hdb3 per 8.2)
ma li fa partire tutti e due con lo stesso 
Le opzioni che posso modificare non mi permettono 
di cambiare la partizione dove fareil boot,
mi spiego meglio :se installo lillo da 8.1 su hdb1 
posso solo sceglere /boot/2.4.8-26mdk
mentre se provo la stessa cosa da 8.2 su hdb3 posso 
solo sceglere /boot/2.4.18-6mdk.
Allora ho provato a fare il floppy d'avvio ma 
al boot mi dice che manca ramdisk.
Spero di essermi spiegato bene .

Re: [newbie-it] 8.1+8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il lun, 2002-04-01 alle 21:12, gyvou ha scritto:
 Ciao e grazie a tutti per le eventuali risposte.
 Su hdb1 ho installato da tempo la 8.1 con lillo installato sul mbr dell hda.
 Oggi ho installato anche 8.2 su hdb3 ma al momento di installare il boot loader
 mi sono accorto che si posso decidere la partizione di root(hdb1 per 8.1e hdb3 per 
8.2 )
 ma li fa partire tutti e due con lo stesso kernel.
 Le opzioni che posso modificare non mi permettono di cambiare la partizione dove 
fare il boot,
 mi spiego meglio :se installo lillo da 8.1 su hdb1 posso solo sceglere 
 mentre se provo la stessa cosa da 8.2 su hdb3 posso solo sceglere /boot/2.4.18-6mdk.
  Allora ho provato a fare il floppy d'avvio ma al boot mi dice che manca ramdisk.
 Spero di essermi spiegato bene .

Salve a tutti,
anche io ho problemi a far partire altre distro (Lycoris e RedHat ad
esempio), con il lilo Mandrake.
Come fare?

Un saluto.

[newbie-it] aviplay

2002-04-01 Per discussione Speranza Francesco

dove posso scaricare aviplay ?

Re: [newbie-it] aviplay

2002-04-01 Per discussione Brunini Alessandro

Il lun, 2002-04-01 alle 23:38, Speranza Francesco ha scritto:
 dove posso scaricare aviplay ?

[newbie-it] avifile

2002-04-01 Per discussione Francesco Speranza

Ho installato avifile ( lo cercavo sul web ma ho scoperto che e' 
compreso nel 3° CD di MDK 8.2 ) ma aprendo un file avi ( con aviplay nel 
menu ) riesco a sentire solo il sonoro e non vedo alcuna immagine . 
Qualcuno puo' spiegarmi cos'e' che non va'? Forse devo settare qualcosa ?
In menu'  multimediavideo  ci son anche le voci avicap e avi 
recompress , a che servono ? All'avvio  di avicap non c'e' nessuna risposta.

Re: [newbie] KDE/Gnome broken in 8.2 for me

2002-04-01 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Monday 01 April 2002 10:11, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 Personally I think it's better to run E, and then use gtk+ and qt
 apps directly without the Gnome desktop.  But that's just me
 throwing out another wooden nickel. ;)

E is so impressive that Window Manager hardly does it justice.  I 
used to run E+GNOME in my Redhat days, but found I could get just 
about everything I wanted from E (and that was a long time ago - now 
it probably makes your coffee as well).  Given that GNOME has so many 
features, it makes more sense to run it with a fairly minimal WM, 
unless you have a 2Gig processor and RAM coming out of your ears.

KDE is a different kettle of fish, since it does both jobs (WM  DE).

Sir Robin

Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus

Robin Turner
IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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Re: [newbie] setting default browser in 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione Kaj Haulrich

On Monday 01 April 2002 10:52, Gerard van Winssen wrote:
 Op maandag 1 april 2002 02:58, schreef u:
  OK derek, but what if one isn't able to login to the Mandrake Club,
  despite two memberships (clicking the tab twice, you know) ? - That's the
  case for me, anyway. Although I can do most everything in Mandrake, I
  can't login.

 Sounds familiar to me, to log in your browser must accept cookies, I
 believe. For me that was the case in MandrakeExeprt.

Thanks Gerard and Caroll ! - Enabling cookies did the trick !

Kaj Haulrich

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Re: Fw: [newbie] Palm M505 Connectivity with Mandrake

2002-04-01 Per discussione RichardA

It's not broken, it's in an interesting state of functionality.


While destiny is on your case
The gods look up your file

Brendan, Monday 01 April 2002 00:10:
 What is coldsync?  What do you mean by upgrade?  I am watching
 everyone have problems with 8.2 and I am afraid to upgrade.  So you think

 Don't be a wimp, upgrade!
 Nothing's ever broken in Mandrake*coughcough*


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Re: [newbie] Palm M505 Connectivity with Mandrake

2002-04-01 Per discussione falcaraz

Greg, in fact they are no the way, but pilot-link has a beta release
that I haven been able to compile, they say that the problem is solved
but arte testing it.

And in the case of coldsync is there a mandrake rpm, but I haven't been
able to reach the conection to my m505 palm.

So we can wait, perhaps in a week or two the final release of pilot-link
will be in a rpm package or perhaps Dan could compile the beta.

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] please help

2002-04-01 Per discussione daRcmaTTeR

Hey all,

[Dave !! Jimmy did fine. The English did the job by conveying the

Um, yeah Dave...could be that maybe English is a second or even third
language to this person. lighten up, huh?


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Re: [newbie] Problem with ISP DNS address lookup

2002-04-01 Per discussione Rob

Hi Gerald,

Actually I have got it to work, but only half...

I manually added a route P-t-P address you can see in ifconfig, it is the
ppp remote address.
ie. route add default gw

After doing this I can now ping the nameservers listed in resolv.conf and
all DNS names seemed to be resolved into an address.

I can now browse some sites as well, but not all. For some unknown reason I
can ping and browse to say but not to DNS
resolves the address correctly, but it just times out. So how is it you can
get to some and not others ?  My Windows 2000 machine using the same PPP ISP
connection and IP addresses works fine.

I still feel it is some kind of routing thing, but my expertise is getting a
little thin here.

route shows:
Kernel IP routing table

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface

riv236090.river * UH 0 0 0 ppp0 * U 0 0 0 eth0 * U 0 0 0 lo

default riv236090.river UG 0 0 0 ppp0

default UG 0 0 0 eth0

Which with the -n option shows:

Kernel IP routing table

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UH 0 0 0 ppp0 U 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 lo UG 0 0 0 ppp0 UG 0 0 0 eth0

All the best,



- Original Message -
From: Gerald Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Problem with ISP DNS address lookup

 On Thu, 28 Mar 2002, Rob wrote:
  Hello Gerald,
  Thanks for the reply.
  Yes, I realise it should show the local IP address, but should it be
that of
  the locally assigned ppp port provided by the ISP's DNS server, or that
  the ethernet card which I can't see relevant to this.
  When I ping the external server port, it displays my local ISP assigned
  address which I assume to be correct. But when I try to ping any
  valid IP address it displays the addres of my ethernet card.
  The resolv.conf file looks like:
  domain   # my ISP
  nameserver   #kppp temp entry
  nameserver   #kppp temp entry
  My ISP tells me these are correct.
  Also when I connect from my Windoze 2000 machine these addresses are
 what doesroute -a look like, is there a gateway in there?

 Gerald Waugh
 New Haven, CT United States of America

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[newbie] question

2002-04-01 Per discussione jimmy keffer

when i open the mixer controls they are blank no controls i have a
awe64 sound card any ideas thanks jimmy

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem

2002-04-01 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Seems to me it would be a good idea to test whether cdrecord works
Can anyone give me their cdrecord command line to cashe an audio disk
If you send me yours I am sure I can figger out how to adapt it to my machine.

I already know how to write in cdrecord.I had to learn it in the beginning 
,when I  knew not how to write multiply , continuous audio track , in roast. 


On Sunday 31 March 2002 17:26, you wrote:
 I stand corrected.  I rarely copy an audio CD anymore.  I dusted one off to
 test xcdroast in that mode and it failed reading only 4% of the first


 On Sunday 31 March 2002 07:00 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
  Gosh.  Then I don't know what is wrong .
  I configured the roast in the same manner as LM8.1
  Indeed , since I am currently dual booting the same device
  in the same computer with the same configuration  in either
  OS it is not performing the same way.
  I load an audio disc in the writer,
  select read, highlight in blue the relevant tracks,
  click read, get the usual window:-
  Fatal error: did not drop group privelige.
  1% Child reader sem request failed
  w child excited with 1
  where it hangs. Am I missing something.
  Has something changed that needs reconfiguring.
  In anycase what is the abovementioned error message
  trying to tell me.  Any Ideas.
  On Sunday 31 March 2002 02:42, you wrote:
   I just installed xcdroast directly from the dl 8.2 and it works fine.
   What's up?
   On Saturday 30 March 2002 06:24 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
Oh Dear that is serious,
I must of been busy sorting out other problems.
I tend to rely upon Xcdroast.
I should think it would be worthwhile delaying the launch of LM8.2.
This and other things need sorting out. it must affect the commercial
sales as well.
On Saturday 30 March 2002 7:23 pm, you wrote:
 Is a bug in 8.2; I told this in several list because I observed the
 problem in the betas but...

 Solution: for now, remove: cdrecord, cdrecord-cdda2wav, mkisof and
 xcdroast and install the equivalent packages from mnandrake 8.1
This is easyier said than done. There are dependency problems.
Is it really worth it. I don't know, It's a serious broken app.
Not many are going to want to remove82's roast  and re-install from
8.1's xcdroast /cdrecord/ etc packages My guess people will decide
to leave it and go back to 81. In my case I can dual boot. A nuisance
but a practicable solution. Is it roast or cdrecord that is broken.
 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

John Richard Smith

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[newbie] soundcard detect?

2002-04-01 Per discussione Zlatko Savic

Hey everyone, I would really appreciate it if someone would give me some 
tips to how to go about in finding out
about the soundcard that I have. I cannot get it to run, but the problem is 
I don't know what type nor what the specs of it are.
It is CS 4263 (or similar) in Windoze but where can I find out more about 
it in Linux? (IRQs, DMA, ...etc.)

Thanks to everyone!
Zlatko Savic

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when 
there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint Exupery 

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem

2002-04-01 Per discussione RichardA

$cdparanoia -vB 1- ~/tmp/name  cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,0,0 -pad 


I started out one day and I worked in a factory
My mind went blank, I needed a battery

John Richard Smith, Monday 01 April 2002 15:45:
 Seems to me it would be a good idea to test whether cdrecord works
 Can anyone give me their cdrecord command line to cashe an audio disk
 If you send me yours I am sure I can figger out how to adapt it to my

 I already know how to write in cdrecord.I had to learn it in the beginning
 ,when I  knew not how to write multiply , continuous audio track , in


 On Sunday 31 March 2002 17:26, you wrote:
  I stand corrected.  I rarely copy an audio CD anymore.  I dusted one off
  to test xcdroast in that mode and it failed reading only 4% of the first
  On Sunday 31 March 2002 07:00 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
   Gosh.  Then I don't know what is wrong .
   I configured the roast in the same manner as LM8.1
   Indeed , since I am currently dual booting the same device
   in the same computer with the same configuration  in either
   OS it is not performing the same way.
   I load an audio disc in the writer,
   select read, highlight in blue the relevant tracks,
   click read, get the usual window:-
   Fatal error: did not drop group privelige.
   1% Child reader sem request failed
   w child excited with 1
   where it hangs. Am I missing something.
   Has something changed that needs reconfiguring.
   In anycase what is the abovementioned error message
   trying to tell me.  Any Ideas.
   On Sunday 31 March 2002 02:42, you wrote:
I just installed xcdroast directly from the dl 8.2 and it works fine.
What's up?
On Saturday 30 March 2002 06:24 pm, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Oh Dear that is serious,
 I must of been busy sorting out other problems.
 I tend to rely upon Xcdroast.
 I should think it would be worthwhile delaying the launch of LM8.2.
 This and other things need sorting out. it must affect the
 commercial sales as well.

 On Saturday 30 March 2002 7:23 pm, you wrote:
  Is a bug in 8.2; I told this in several list because I observed
  the problem in the betas but...
  Solution: for now, remove: cdrecord, cdrecord-cdda2wav, mkisof
  and xcdroast and install the equivalent packages from mnandrake

 This is easyier said than done. There are dependency problems.
 Is it really worth it. I don't know, It's a serious broken app.
 Not many are going to want to remove82's roast  and re-install from
 8.1's xcdroast /cdrecord/ etc packages My guess people will decide
 to leave it and go back to 81. In my case I can dual boot. A
 nuisance but a practicable solution. Is it roast or cdrecord that
 is broken.


  Francisco Alcaraz
  Murcia (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] Is it possible?

2002-04-01 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

 Some full blown programs that I have installed from scratch under winex:
 Baldur's Gate2, HTML-Kit, Password Corral, Audacity for Windows.  These
 worked, and I haven't actually tried to install many more than this.
 One password generator program bombed during install; all this was under
 winex version 1.03, rpm release.

Same kind of experience here, looks like. I'll add Starcraft and Lord of
Destruction to your list. Even networking, and upgrade patches work fine
although a networked game under LOD seems a tad bit slow compared to when I was
running it from a windows partition (I just added a 60 gig HD and did away with
all MS stuff totally - yeah!). I wonder - if you copy the dll's and the
registry from a winblows installation that has the apps/games in question
installed, would they work better under Winex then? Hmm, something to
experiment with, methinks! ;-)

PS Maybe the upcoming Winex 2.0 release will fix/cure some of the current
issues. Looks like they are adding lots... ;-)


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Re: [newbie] Problem with ISP DNS address lookup

2002-04-01 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Mon, 01 Apr 2002, Rob wrote:
 %_Hi Gerald,
 Actually I have got it to work, but only half...
 I manually added a route P-t-P address you can see in ifconfig, it is the
 ppp remote address.
 ie. route add default gw

What does the gateway read on your windows machine?
Is the windows machine connecting to the Internet through the Linux

 After doing this I can now ping the nameservers listed in resolv.conf and
 all DNS names seemed to be resolved into an address.
 I can now browse some sites as well, but not all. For some unknown reason I
 can ping and browse to say but not to DNS
 resolves the address correctly, but it just times out. So how is it you can
 get to some and not others ?  My Windows 2000 machine using the same PPP ISP
 connection and IP addresses works fine.
 I still feel it is some kind of routing thing, but my expertise is getting a
 little thin here.

Gerald Waugh
New Haven, CT United States of America

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[newbie] How do I get Xine working

2002-04-01 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Can someone help.
I load Xine to desktop , place DVD disc in DVD player
select dvd://video_TS.VOB and click play
I get error message:-

Error message
Xine engine error
There is no available input pluggin available to
handle dvd://VIDEO_TS.VOB

Obviopusly it needs something, but what do I need to do 
to make it work. ?

John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] soundcard detect?

2002-04-01 Per discussione Paul

On Mon, 01 Apr 2002 11:31:22 -0500 Zlatko wrote:

You can run sndconfig from a textprompt, as root. That should detect your
soundcard, and set it up for you. Paul

Hey everyone, I would really appreciate it if someone would give me some 
tips to how to go about in finding out
about the soundcard that I have. I cannot get it to run, but the problem is
 I don't know what type nor what the specs of it are.
It is CS 4263 (or similar) in Windoze but where can I find out more about 
it in Linux? (IRQs, DMA, ...etc.)

Thanks to everyone!
Zlatko Savic

I'm proud to pay taxes in the United States;
the only thing is, I could be just as proud for half the money.
-Arthur Godfrey - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.2 - Sylpheed 0.7.4

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem

2002-04-01 Per discussione John Richard Smith

Thanks all,
 [root@localhost root]# cdparanoia -vB 1- /mnt/cdrom/*track  cdrecord -v 
speed=8 dev=0,0,0 -pad /root/tmp/track*
cdparanoia III release 9.8 (March 23, 2001)
(C) 2001 Monty [EMAIL PROTECTED] and Xiphophorus

Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Checking /dev/cdrom for cdrom...
Testing /dev/cdrom for cooked ioctl() interface
CDROM sensed: ATAPI compatible Pioneer DVD-ROM ATAPIModel 
DVD-116 0122

Verifying drive can read CDDA...
Expected command set reads OK.

Table of contents (audio tracks only):
tracklength   begincopy pre ch
  1.13012 [02:53.37]0 [00:00.00]no   no  2
  2.13577 [03:01.02]13012 [02:53.37]no   no  2
  3.12682 [02:49.07]26589 [05:54.39]no   no  2
  4.16787 [03:43.62]39271 [08:43.46]no   no  2
  5.15842 [03:31.17]56058 [12:27.33]no   no  2
  6.15922 [03:32.22]71900 [15:58.50]no   no  2
  7. 9299 [02:03.74]87822 [19:30.72]no   no  2
  8.11355 [02:31.30]97121 [21:34.71]no   no  2
  9.13162 [02:55.37]   108476 [24:06.26]no   no  2
 10.18207 [04:02.57]   121638 [27:01.63]no   no  2
 11.13342 [02:57.67]   139845 [31:04.45]no   no  2
 12.13222 [02:56.22]   153187 [34:02.37]no   no  2
 13.16422 [03:38.72]   166409 [36:58.59]no   no  2
 14.33460 [07:26.10]   182831 [40:37.56]no   no  2
 15.19527 [04:20.27]   216291 [48:03.66]no   no  2
 16.15577 [03:27.52]   235818 [52:24.18]no   no  2
 17.11014 [02:26.64]   251395 [55:51.70]no   no  2
 18.12925 [02:52.25]   262409 [58:18.59]no   no  2
 19.12077 [02:41.02]   275334 [61:11.09]no   no  2
 20.11019 [02:26.69]   287411 [63:52.11]no   no  2
TOTAL  298430 [66:19.05](audio only)

Ripping from sector   0 (track  1 [0:00.00])
  to sector  298429 (track 20 [2:26.68])

Cannot open specified output file /mnt/cdrom/track01.*track: Input/output 

Which seems like  the problem is in cdrecord rather than the roast
and also means that all the other graphical writer programmes will 
be faulty as well, though I cannot be sure about by cdrecord command
line, since I'm far from proficiant.



On Monday 01 April 2002 17:43, you wrote:
 $cdparanoia -vB 1- ~/tmp/name  cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,0,0 -pad

John Richard Smith, Monday 01 April 2002 15:45:
 Seems to me it would be a good idea to test whether cdrecord works
 Can anyone give me their cdrecord command line to cashe an audio disk
 If you send me yours I am sure I can figger out how to adapt it to my

 I already know how to write in cdrecord.I had to learn it in the beginning
 ,when I  knew not how to write multiply , continuous audio track , in


 On Sunday 31 March 2002 17:26, you wrote:
  I stand corrected.  I rarely copy an audio CD anymore.  I dusted one off
  to test xcdroast in that mode and it failed reading only 4% of the first
  On Sunday 31 March 2002 07:00 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
   Gosh.  Then I don't know what is wrong .
   I configured the roast in the same manner as LM8.1
   Indeed , since I am currently dual booting the same device
   in the same computer with the same configuration  in either
   OS it is not performing the same way.
   I load an audio disc in the writer,
   select read, highlight in blue the relevant tracks,
   click read, get the usual window:-
   Fatal error: did not drop group privelige.
   1% Child reader sem request failed
   w child excited with 1
   where it hangs. Am I missing something.
   Has something changed that needs reconfiguring.
   In anycase what is the abovementioned error message
   trying to tell me.  Any Ideas.
John Richard Smith

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Re: [newbie] soundcard detect?

2002-04-01 Per discussione Jussi Aalto

Hi Zlatko,

The following commands should give you more info about your mysterious 
sound card:

cat /proc/interrupts
cat /proc/pci
cat /proc/ioports


On Monday 01 April 2002 19:31, you wrote:
 Hey everyone, I would really appreciate it if someone would give me
 some tips to how to go about in finding out
 about the soundcard that I have. I cannot get it to run, but the
 problem is I don't know what type nor what the specs of it are.
 It is CS 4263 (or similar) in Windoze but where can I find out more
 about it in Linux? (IRQs, DMA, ...etc.)

 Thanks to everyone!
 Zlatko Savic


Since I hurt my pendulum
My life is all erratic.
My parrot who was cordial
Is now transmitting static.
The carpet died, a palm collapsed,
The cat keeps doing poo.
The only thing that keeps me sane
Is talking to my shoe.
-- My Shoe

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Re: [newbie] setting default browser in 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione shane

On Monday 01 April 2002 07:49 am, Derek Jennings opened a hailing frequency 
and transmitted:

 There was also some discussion on Texstar's
 recently about how to install both libpng2 and libpng3 at the same time.
 Some people have reported success with it.

i took the real complex route of installing the rpms for both.  no trouble 
at all so far.  am i playing with fire?  i have never had any trouble 
having multiple versions of libraries at once.

If the human brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so 
simple that we couldn't.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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[newbie] Apache + PHP - htdocs?

2002-04-01 Per discussione Andre Dubuc

Having upgraded from LM8.0 to LM8.2, I've switched from source to the 
pre-compiled editions of Apache and PHP.

For the life of me, I can't figure out where my htdocs (the php/html files 
I've created) should go in LM8.2, and what owner/group they should be listed 

I would greatly appreciate any help, since all of my work for the last two 
months is in htdocs.

Btw, LM8.2 is simply fantastic! Way to go, Mandrake!


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Re: [newbie] setting default browser in 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 12:56:24 +0800
shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 01 April 2002 07:49 am, Derek Jennings opened a hailing frequency 
 and transmitted:
  There was also some discussion on Texstar's
  recently about how to install both libpng2 and libpng3 at the same time.
  Some people have reported success with it.
 i took the real complex route of installing the rpms for both.  no trouble 
 at all so far.  am i playing with fire?  i have never had any trouble 
 having multiple versions of libraries at once.

In 8.2 as long as you Do Not install libpng-devel you will have no problem.


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Re: [newbie] setting default browser in 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:39:35 -0500
Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 12:56:24 +0800
 shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Monday 01 April 2002 07:49 am, Derek Jennings opened a hailing frequency 
  and transmitted:
   There was also some discussion on Texstar's
   recently about how to install both libpng2 and libpng3 at the same time.
   Some people have reported success with it.
  i took the real complex route of installing the rpms for both.  no trouble 
  at all so far.  am i playing with fire?  i have never had any trouble 
  having multiple versions of libraries at once.
 In 8.2 as long as you Do Not install libpng-devel you will have no problem.
I meant libpng3-devel.


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[newbie] Palm m505 usb sync: Eureka! success

2002-04-01 Per discussione falcaraz

I gare, that was I did (Mandrake 8.2)

A) download pilot-link cvs from
(pilot-link-0.10.99.tar.gz); tar zxvf pilot-link..; cd pilot-link;
./ --prefix=/usr/extra/pilot-head --with-perl5=no
make, make install.
After the make, you can test if run: insmod visor; ln -s /dev/usb/tts/0
/dev/pilot; pilot-xfer /dev/pilot -l (It was wonderfull hear the

B) download the last jpilot tarball from
(jpilot-0.99.2.tar.gz); remember the rpm from mandrake is not valid
because you
need special compilations options.
tar zxvf jpilot.

./configure --disable-nls --disable-pl-test --prefix=/usr
--with-pilot-prefix=/usr/extra/pilot-head --with-ccoptions=-Wall -O2
make install

And for me jpilot have done a perfect sync using the usb port!!!

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] setting default browser in 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:46:57 -0500
Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:39:35 -0500
 Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 12:56:24 +0800
  shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Monday 01 April 2002 07:49 am, Derek Jennings opened a hailing frequency 
   and transmitted:
There was also some discussion on Texstar's
recently about how to install both libpng2 and libpng3 at the same time.
Some people have reported success with it.
   i took the real complex route of installing the rpms for both.  no trouble 
   at all so far.  am i playing with fire?  i have never had any trouble 
   having multiple versions of libraries at once.
  In 8.2 as long as you Do Not install libpng-devel you will have no problem.
 I meant libpng3-devel.
If I reply often enough I will eventually get this right.

If you are running 8.2 you can install both libpng3 and libpng2.
You should Not install libpng2-devel but have only libpng3-devel installed.

It is the devel pkg, when the wrong one is installed, both in 8.1 and 8.2, which will 
case X apps to to either not work or to not work properly.

Got it right now.



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Re: [newbie] Switching sound from OSS to Alsa

2002-04-01 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On 01 Apr 2002 03:44:12 -0500
Tom McLaughlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, I have ALSA up and running now that I done what you have suggested.
 But now I have only front right and left speakers.  I don't have the
 rear speakers working anymore as well as the center.  Here's what the
 relavent lsmod information for sound.
 snd-seq-oss28944   0  (unused)
 snd-seq-midi-event  3216   0  [snd-seq-oss]
 snd-seq41856   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event]
 snd-pcm-oss18624   1 
 snd-pcm-plugin 15824   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
 snd-mixer-oss   4800   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
 snd-card-cmipci20384   1 
 snd-pcm31616   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin
 snd-timer   8528   0  [snd-seq snd-pcm]
 snd-mixer  24544   0  [snd-mixer-oss snd-card-cmipci]
 snd-mpu401-uart 2544   0  [snd-card-cmipci]
 snd-rawmidi10048   0  [snd-mpu401-uart]
 snd-seq-device  3984   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq snd-rawmidi]
 snd35248   2  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event
 snd-seq snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin snd-mixer-oss snd-card-cmipci snd-pcm
 snd-timer snd-mixer snd-mpu401-uart snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device]
 soundcore   4176   5  [snd]
 And the sound stuff from my modules.conf:
 alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-cmipci
 options snd-card-cmipci snd_max_channels=6
 Besides that, the init.d script for alsa and sound both return Sound
 When trying to get sound to work originally while as root using
 modprobe, I kept having probems with getting any sound out of my
 speakers and being able to fully get the OSS driver to stay unloaded.
 But after editing the modules.conf file and rebooting, the front left
 and right work perfectly but no rear and center.  If this just a
 modules.conf configration error?
 I also can't for some reason stop ALSA:
 [root@compass asound]# /etc/init.d/alsa stop
 Doing alsactl to store mixer settings...   [  OK  ]
 Shutting down ALSA sound driver (version 0.5.11):  [  OK  ]
 [root@compass asound]# /etc/init.d/alsa status
 Sound loaded
 A modprobe -r on the device still leaves the modules listed as well.  I
 have turned off everything that uses sound so far as I know (xmms,
 killed esd)  This makes it hard to be able to test different
 configuration lines withour rebooting.  Is there anyplace I should be
 looking that I am mssing, or should I try the newer beta version of

Takashi recommended upgrading to you on alsa-user. There are some problems with
installing the latest 0.9.0beta12 ALSA on Mandrake 8.2 , but I guess that will
soon be sorted out ;)

The 'standard' way the c-media 8738 outputs 5.1 surround sound is S/PDIF
which is then externally decoded to several analog outputs. Your hardware
seems to do the decoding in a way even C-Media's drivers don't understand,
only the drivers of your main board manufacturer do (and that's in 
Windows XP !). See below. I think that's your main problem :(

 Oh, and I have checked the volume controls for the driver and unmuted
 them.  I made sure to do that.

From your earlier post to alsa-user:

OK, here is a better description of my setup.  The c-media 8738 on my
computer is two pieces.  The main part is built into the motherboard so
there are 3 jacks directly connected to the motherboard, one jack each
for front speaker, Line-IN, and Mic-IN.  The second piece is small
bracket you mount where an expansion card would be and it connects to
the motherboard via a ribbon cable.  On this bracket is a jack for the
rear speaker line and a jack for the Center/Bass line.  There are no
SPDIF jacks on my system.  From the card to the speakers is a cable with
three jacks on each end that connect to the subwoofer and match up
corrspondingly for front, rear, and center/bass.  Then each individual
front, rear, and center speaker connect to the subwoofer.  I have been
trying to play mp3s through xmms using the standard libmpg123 input
plugin and esound output plugin

To get the rear speakers working I went into the kernel source
directory, did a make xconfig, and under sound changed the number of
speakers for the 8738 from 2 to 6.  After doing that I have a choice of
enabling the line-in as either the rear channel or the center/sub.  I
have tried leaving both as no, and tried enabling the line-in as the
sub/bass channel.  Each time I recompiled, installed, and loaded the new
kernel  Neither time did I get the center to work.

One last note, the 5.1 surround works in Windows XP.  But I could not
use the C-Media's own drivers from their website,they would not give me
correct sound either.  I had to use the ones from the motherboard
manufacturer which appear to be a modified version of the normal C-Media
ones.  The normal C-Media ones present you with different jack options
once you start the install 

Re: [newbie] setting default browser in 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Tuesday 02 April 2002 00:58, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:46:57 -0500

 Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:39:35 -0500
  Charles A Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 12:56:24 +0800
   shane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Monday 01 April 2002 07:49 am, Derek Jennings opened a hailing
and transmitted:
 There was also some discussion on Texstar's
 recently about how to install both libpng2 and libpng3 at the same
 time. Some people have reported success with it.
i took the real complex route of installing the rpms for both.  no
trouble at all so far.  am i playing with fire?  i have never had any
trouble having multiple versions of libraries at once.
   In 8.2 as long as you Do Not install libpng-devel you will have no

OK, I'm going to play with fire and see how it works in 

Sir Robin

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Re: [newbie] CrossoverWine for Office NOW; A Good Thing

2002-04-01 Per discussione Robert Gray

On Sunday 31 March 2002 10:59 am, you wrote:
 This fundamentalistic answer is not the solution. We can't wine a direct
 fight to windows! is to powerfull and has lots and lots of money. The
 only way is wining small battles. For example, I started to learn linux
 two years ago, I use it giving my clases at the University with
 startoffice presentations; results:
 a) more than 300 student now know that there are alternatives to
 b) All the researchers and grants of my laboratory know linux and we
 have a server runing Mandrake. Most of them have linux in their home
 c) Some studend of secondary school, that are in the same class of my
 dougther know that linux exist and one of them has installed linux
 mandrake 8.2 at home under my advertisment.
 d) A private teacher of my doughter has installed mandrake 8.2, I gave
 him a copy and I am helping him; he is planning to install Mandrake 8.2
 as a server in the Secondary School when I teaches.

 Results: one new linux user (my ^_^) more than 20 new users; I hope
 those new users will help to create more new users

 This is the way, slow, step by step, without fighting directly windows
 (I have some computers with both system, for example for packages I
 can't still run under linux or for those games my children like to
 play). But If it is runing under linux or there are alternative packages
 for linux, I don't start windows.

 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)


I think both of your lines of thought are not quite contiguous.

Francisco, this is precisely what John is proposing, a word of mouth 
whispering campaign.

John,  advertising works in a marketplace, there is no marketplace for Linux  
on the individual desktop, it is free. At the server level most corporate IT 
people know vastly more than Microsoft's marketing agencies about their work. 
Those people currently running Linux,Unix  systems in a corporate environment 
would probably find work elsewhere if forced to use Windows for their 
fundamental infrastructure and thanks to the community they are growing in 
number. At this level Microsoft will have to produce a better and cheaper 
product to have a long term hope of competing. 



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Re: [newbie] Abit KT7 Raid mainboard with integrated HPT370 raid controller and Mandrake 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione Robert Gray

Adrian, I think you have the wrong list.

The answer here would be why bother?


On Sunday 31 March 2002 3:28 pm, you wrote:
 i have an Abit BE6II Raid mainboard and i dont get it to run properly under
 windows XP do u know where i can find drivers for XP to it?
 - Original Message -
 From: Gregorio Pérez Aguilera [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 4:11 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Abit KT7 Raid mainboard with integrated HPT370 raid
 controller and Mandrake 8.2

  I have an Abit KT-7 Raid mainboard with an integrated HPT370 IDE raid
  controller made by Highpoint and I never managed to make my 2 hard
  drives to work under Mandrake Linux (8.2 and prior versions).
  In the Highpoint site there is the drivers for Caldera, SuSe, Turbo
  Linux, RedHat and FreeBSD, but not for Mandrake. See the page.
  Does anyone managed to make it run under Mandrake?
  Does anyone have/had my same problem?
  I tried to contact Highpoint via e-mail a few times, but I never got a
  reply... Maybe whe can join and send a petition (a polite one ;-) ) to
  get support for Mandrake ...
  I have been searching for a solution for 1 year or so and I didn't find
  any solution.
  PD: Why these distribution lists are so slow??
  PD2: This is my second repost and it never get published. What is
  PD3: Yet another repost... this message was returned to me!! :-(
  PD4: Yet another repost... from another e-mail
  Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:


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Fw: [newbie] Palm M505 Connectivity with Mandrake

2002-04-01 Per discussione Dan Butler

I must admit that I have not tried the new kernel.  So, I will get the
latest (again) and hopefully everything will work this time.  The last time
I tried my boot block got messed up somehow.  Now, after I get the newest
kernel, what else do I need.  Do I need the latest pilot-link and jpilot?
Because I had trouble with the CVS too.  Not just a little trouble either.
I had so many errors!  But I have had no trouble with anything else...
Dan B
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 3:07 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Palm M505 Connectivity with Mandrake

Not true!  The m50x USB works perfectly with the latest kernels.  I have
2.4.18, and m500/m505 support works.  As of 2.4.19-presomething (I think
pre5), m515 support is included as well (I just hacked the m505 support in
mine to get my m515 to work).  I'm using Slackware, but the distribution
doesn't matter as long as you're using the same kernel.  Check out the
latest from and see if it your m505 works with that.

From: Dan Butler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Palm M505 Connectivity with Mandrake
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 15:42:29 -0500

 That's all I wanted to hear.  Someone to say that right now it doesn't
work.  There are some programmers working very hard at this and I have
of respect for them, but right now, it just isn't possible.  Not on
anyway.  I know that two programmers have it working on their beta's, but I
don't know what version of Linux they are using and the Kernel has plenty
do with if it will work or not.  David Desrosiers has done much work on
pilot link ( and a programmer by the name of Judd
has it almost working perfect also (http://www/  But I don't
think either has it working on Mandrake.  Soon though!  Meanwhile I'll go
buy the serial cable.  Francisco, do you press the sync button before
activating the sync on your software?  I'm curious about all those rumors I
have heard too!
 Dan B

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 12:50 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Palm M505 Connectivity with Mandrake

  The usb with the palm 50x series isn't compatible with linux at the
  moment. It seems they are trying to solve the problem but until now the
  only solution is buy a serial cable to conect your pc to the palm.
  I have a palm m505, as you, and the usb cable just run under windows.
  Francisco Alcaraz
  Murcia (Spain)


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Re: [newbie] Palm M505 Connectivity with Mandrake

2002-04-01 Per discussione Dan Butler

I tried to compile pilot-link and had more errors than you could imagine!
I'm hoping for the RPM too!
Dan B

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 7:22 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Palm M505 Connectivity with Mandrake

 Greg, in fact they are no the way, but pilot-link has a beta release
 that I haven been able to compile, they say that the problem is solved
 but arte testing it.

 And in the case of coldsync is there a mandrake rpm, but I haven't been
 able to reach the conection to my m505 palm.

 So we can wait, perhaps in a week or two the final release of pilot-link
 will be in a rpm package or perhaps Dan could compile the beta.

 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] Palm m505 usb sync: Eureka! success

2002-04-01 Per discussione Dan Butler

Thank you !  I will try this!  Once I get 8.2 loaded.
Dan B

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 4:51 PM
Subject: [newbie] Palm m505 usb sync: Eureka! success

 I gare, that was I did (Mandrake 8.2)

 A) download pilot-link cvs from
 (pilot-link-0.10.99.tar.gz); tar zxvf pilot-link..; cd pilot-link;
 ./ --prefix=/usr/extra/pilot-head --with-perl5=no
 make, make install.
 After the make, you can test if run: insmod visor; ln -s /dev/usb/tts/0
 /dev/pilot; pilot-xfer /dev/pilot -l (It was wonderfull hear the

 B) download the last jpilot tarball from
 (jpilot-0.99.2.tar.gz); remember the rpm from mandrake is not valid
 because you
 need special compilations options.
 tar zxvf jpilot.

 ./configure --disable-nls --disable-pl-test --prefix=/usr
 --with-pilot-prefix=/usr/extra/pilot-head --with-ccoptions=-Wall -O2
 make install

 And for me jpilot have done a perfect sync using the usb port!!!

 Francisco Alcaraz
 Murcia (Spain)

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Re: [newbie] Starting LISa at boot time

2002-04-01 Per discussione Guilherme Cirne

On Monday 01 April 2002 6:47 am, you wrote:
 On Monday 01 April 2002 04:05, Guilherme Cirne wrote:
  How do I start the LAN Information Server (LISa) automatically at boot
  time. If I run lisa --kde2 as root, everything works fine. I tried adding
  the following lines to /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
  if [ -x /usr/bin/lisa ]; then
   echo Starting LISa daemon...
   /usr/bin/lisa --kde2
  but this doesn't work. I don't know where to look for possible error
  messages, but I believe that the problem has something to do with it not
  being run as root or not recognising the --kde2 option and thus not
  finding the correct config file.
  Any ideas?

 I think at 8.2 the options for LISa changed. I'm not sure if the --kde2
 switch is there any more.
 In any case you can start LISa with
 lisa -c path_to_config_file

 The default path to the config file should be
 /root/.kde/share/config/lisarc which is where KDE Control Centre will put
 it if you run kcontrol as root.


I don't think that is the problem. I have tried the -c option and it doesn't 
work. What I want to know is if any program run from /etc/rc.d/rc.local will 
be run with root privileges.

So I guess my question is: how do I run a program, with root privileges, 
during system startup?

Guilherme Cirne

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[newbie] Re: how do i send a mail so evryone on the list can see it and reply to it?

2002-04-01 Per discussione Robert Gray

On Sunday 31 March 2002 1:17 pm, you wrote:
 how do i send a mail so evryone on the list can see it and reply to it?

 please help me,


You put :-


in the To: line of your mail



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Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem

2002-04-01 Per discussione Miark

It looks like it's trying to write back to the CD itself. What
happens when you specify a different output directory? 


On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 20:12:37 +0100
John Richard Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Cannot open specified output file /mnt/cdrom/track01.*track: Input/output 
 Which seems like  the problem is in cdrecord rather than the roast
 and also means that all the other graphical writer programmes will 
 be faulty as well, though I cannot be sure about by cdrecord command
 line, since I'm far from proficiant.

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Re: [newbie] KDE/Gnome broken in 8.2 for me

2002-04-01 Per discussione Frans Ketelaars

On Sun, 31 Mar 2002 16:30:22 -0700
FemmeFatale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 adrian olsson wrote:
  KDE sucks, GNOME rules!!

See about 'No rivalry!'.


 So why does my gnome *every single 8.0 - 8.2 install* still not use my
 sound properly? Hm??? Kde is fine.  Cept for alsa resetting its own
 permissions *a known bug apparently* its fine.

From /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-6mdk/alsa-driver-0.5.12a/INSTALL (it's in the 
kernel-source .rpm package):

DEVFS support

The ALSA driver fully supports the devfs extension. You should add lines
below to your devfsd.conf file:


Warning: These lines assume that you have the audio group in your system.
 Otherwise replace audio word with another group name (root for

See /etc/devfsd.conf.

 Answer me that one ;p  Seriously I am *THIS* close to pitching gnome
 Good Decisions You boss Made:
 We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
 character from Peanuts.
 - Source: Dilbert

Have fun!


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Re: [newbie] setting default browser in 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione Robert Gray

On Sunday 31 March 2002 4:23 pm, you wrote:
 I'm trying to set up opera as the deault browser association with urls

 in klipper
 -regexp ^https?:W
 -action  opera '%s

 When I click on a url, konqoruer still fires up


 ps.  I've also tried ^http?:W  which only demonstrates my lack of
 understanding of regular expressions :)


I would also like to know the answer to this one. Thank you for posting it.


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Re: [newbie] setting default browser in 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione Robin Turner

On Tuesday 02 April 2002 01:33, Robin Turner wrote:

 i took the real complex route of installing the rpms for both.  no
 trouble at all so far.  am i playing with fire?  i have never had
 any trouble having multiple versions of libraries at once.
In 8.2 as long as you Do Not install libpng-devel you will have no

 OK, I'm going to play with fire and see how it works in

Phew, nothing crashed, and I've finally managed to install Scribus!

Sir Robin

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[newbie] More list weirdness

2002-04-01 Per discussione Robin Turner

People have mentioned that they're getting some mails several days late.  I'm 
now getting old mails which I deleted from the server some time back.

Sir Robin

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RE: [newbie] What's different with cron?

2002-04-01 Per discussione Brian Parish

Just to close the loop on this.  I found that by writing a one line
shell script which in turn launched the backup script directing its
output to a log file, everything worked.  This was really an attempt to
debug, but seems to be a fix in itself.


00 23 * * * do-the-backup

in crontab fails, but

00 23 * * * start-backups

works, where start-backups reads:

/bin/do-the-backups  /var/log/backup.log

So, all is well, but if someone who knows would like to fill us in on
why, that would be good!  BTW, the backup script is multi-threaded -
i.e. it launches simultaneous child processes to backup each home
directory - just in case this is relevant.

thanks for the reply Dave.


On Fri, 2002-03-29 at 01:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Check that all calls to programs like 'tar cpio' etc are explicitly called using 
full path from root. I believe that cron does not know about your environment as it 
does when you are in a shell.
 If this does not work, post the scripts.
 Original Message:
 From: Brian Parish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 29 Mar 2002 00:44:05 +1100
 Subject: [newbie] What's different with cron?
 Some time ago a kind soul sent me a set of backup scripts which do a
 wonderful job of automating a weekly full backup and daily incremental
 cycle.  They even restore!  Proved that a fews days ago when I had a
 disk crash.
 These are launched as root of course, so after having run them a number
 of times from a console, and checked that everything worked nicely, I
 put the command in root's crontab.  I have since found though, that when
 run in this way most of the directories specified are not backed up at
 all and it seems to vary from day to day.
 So something is different between saying:
 from a console as root and putting:
 00 23 * * * /bin/launch-bkups
 in root's crontab.  I've looked in /var/log/cron - logs there don't
 report anything abnormal.  syslog shows no errors.  Where else do I
 look, or can anyone point out the obvious to me?
 mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake8.2/X-CD-Roast Configuration Problem

2002-04-01 Per discussione RichardA

It looks to me like you're telling cdparanoia to write to /mnt/cdrom.
Mine, if I remember correctly, creates ~/tmp/name/track01, 02, etc in the 
first command, then writes those out to CD in the second.

$cdparanoia -vB 1- ~/tmp/name
$cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,0,0 -pad ~/tmp/track*

We were born to go,
And leave a burning track

John Richard Smith, Monday 01 April 2002 20:12:
 Thanks all,
  [root@localhost root]# cdparanoia -vB 1- /mnt/cdrom/*track  cdrecord -v
 speed=8 dev=0,0,0 -pad /root/tmp/track*

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[newbie] Lost messages on VC12

2002-04-01 Per discussione Jim Fazio

My name is Jim, and I usually just lurk and search the archives.  But I
can not find an answer to this one.  I have recently reinstalled 8.1,
and noticed that my log messages are not going to virtual terminal 12
like they used to.  They are being redirected to VC6.  I can still get a
getty prompt on VC6, by hitting enter.  VC 7-12 seem to be blank. 
My question is - What redirectes the log messages to VC12 (usually)?
and - What might I have done to loose VC 7-12?


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Re: [newbie] More list weirdness

2002-04-01 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002 02:10:39 +0300
Robin Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 People have mentioned that they're getting some mails several days late.  I'm 
 now getting old mails which I deleted from the server some time back.

Anytime the list server goes down or offline as it did for an hour or so last week you 
can expect to receive a few old/lost postings.
I have seen them hit the list as old as 6 months.


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[newbie] Some packages are missing in Mandrake 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione William Lovaton


Why AbiWord and X Downloader weren't included in Mandrake 8.2???

those apps were present in Mandrake 8.1!



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[newbie] Oracle and Mandrake

2002-04-01 Per discussione Michael T. Richards

ok, hopefully someone here can answer this, and hopefully I'm on the right
list for it...:)

We're trying to install Oracle 8i on 8.1.  We have struggled with it for a
couple of days, installing RH compatibility patches, jdk_118_v3, and other
various rpms to try to get it to work, but the Oracle installer stops on the
initial installer screen.  None of the buttons seem to want to work, but we
can close the window by x-ing out of it.  What we're really looking for are
some thoughts as to where to go to help find what we need to install Oracle
on a Mandrake box (we've been able to do it on a RH box, but we don't want
to go there...:))

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!


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Re: [newbie] Is anyone else crashing their Default KDE editors!

2002-04-01 Per discussione FemmeFatale

   will try it. however i started playing with gnomeICU a little and
   seemed to work
   great.. it even got my buddylist from the servers, only Windows
   ICQ used to do this.
  Thx... If LICQ flakes on me, i'll load Gnoicq...
  Must you have Gnome installed to use it?
 In theory anything with Gn at the beginning should require Gnome to
 be installed, though not necessarily running.  In practice, you might
 be able to get away with only Gtk.
 If you prefer a KDE-based app, there's Kxicq. Lacks some features,
 but has SMS facitlities, which I find really useful (I don't have a
 mobile phone, but needto contact people who have mobiles but no
 Sir Robin

OK so... um.. please explain for the dense what that means when you say
... Be able to get away with only GTK. 


is Kxicq better...? what does it lack or can I get a url for it? Pls?

Good Decisions You boss Made:

We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux.  I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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[newbie] System startup

2002-04-01 Per discussione Guilherme Cirne

I think this is a simple one:

How do I run a program, with root privileges, 
during system startup?


Guilherme Cirne

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Re: [newbie] More list weirdness

2002-04-01 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Monday 01 April 2002 18:10, Robin wrote:
 People have mentioned that they're getting some mails several days
 late.  I'm now getting old mails which I deleted from the server some
 time back.

Yes, I am getting old mails from this list also!

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] KDE and GNOME broken in 8.2?

2002-04-01 Per discussione Damian

El lun, 01-04-2002 a las 22:49, civileme escribió:
 Sure are.  To reproduce, just install asking for KDE and GNOME and tell 
 the installer you don't have Disk2 or 3.
 Then KDE will crash early and often; Konqueror will die, and GNOME will 
 just return you to the login screen.
 A lot of essential parts of KDE and GNOME are on CD2.  With CD1, you can 
 get up and running with icewm-light, and then run Software Manager to 
 get the rest of KDE and GNOME.
 Once all installed they seem to run acceptably.

uhm.. i'm probably too brain-washed by M$ to think this way, but
is a fix release coming out? 

something like, don't change the version number, but change the ISOs?

a lot of people get to know Mandrake by buying a magazine which
brings CD1 only... That's how i got to MDK 7.1, for example...

on the other hand, it would be a pain to update all mirrors..?


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Re: [newbie] More list weirdness

2002-04-01 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-04-01 at 18:10, Robin Turner wrote:
 People have mentioned that they're getting some mails several days late.  I'm 
 now getting old mails which I deleted from the server some time back.
 Sir Robin

Personally I think it's a Microsoft conspiracy.

(that WAS a joke, btw...)

And how do I go about getting knighted, anyway?  Is there some kind of
placement test for that?  ;) 

Best Regards,


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Some packages are missing in Mandrake 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione Bryan Tyson

On Monday 01 April 2002 21:16, Civilme wrote:

 Someone had to make decisions, and we have had to correct problems
 caused in other packages by Abiword fonts quite a few times, so it
 rated as less desirable than OpenOffice.

 You know, just a year ago we got everything onto two CDs, and now
 three CDs are full, and we still can't include everything people seem
 to want. (I want Pike on there, and Xbasic and Basic for X11 and)

I was wondering, will Abiword be in the 8.2 power pack? Thank you.

Powered by SuSE Linux 7.3 Professional
KDE 2.2.1 KMail 1.3.1
This is a Microsoft-free computer

Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] KDE/Gnome broken in 8.2 for me

2002-04-01 Per discussione Lyvim Xaphir

On Mon, 2002-04-01 at 07:51, Robin Turner wrote:
 On Monday 01 April 2002 10:11, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  Personally I think it's better to run E, and then use gtk+ and qt
  apps directly without the Gnome desktop.  But that's just me
  throwing out another wooden nickel. ;)
 E is so impressive that Window Manager hardly does it justice.  I 
 used to run E+GNOME in my Redhat days, but found I could get just 
 about everything I wanted from E (and that was a long time ago - now 
 it probably makes your coffee as well).  Given that GNOME has so many 
 features, it makes more sense to run it with a fairly minimal WM, 
 unless you have a 2Gig processor and RAM coming out of your ears.
 KDE is a different kettle of fish, since it does both jobs (WM  DE).
 Sir Robin

Aha!  Another Believer and member of the One True Faith!!  Greetings, my
brother.  Have you recieved you complementary Raster icon and shrine
candles yet??  If not let me know and I will get them shipped

Holiest Regards,


 Bravo Epictetus! - Epictetus
 Robin Turner
 IDMYO, Bilkent Universitesi
 Ankara 06533

Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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Re: [newbie] Printerdrake freezing??

2002-04-01 Per discussione Linus Drouhard

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 03:09 am, you wrote:
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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 urpmi cups
 urpmi foomatic
 Should do it
 cups was already loaded.  It froze on foomatic.  What else should I
  try/look at?  Thanks,
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
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 Look at getting a CD with the foomatic file not corrupted


I tried that.  I burned a new CD after verifying the MD5 sum.  All ok.  I 
reinstalled MD 8.2 after reformatting all but /home.  I made sure that I 
clicked the install for CUPS and Foomatic during the install.  Same thing.  
Whenever I try to run software manager and install ANYTHING from the CD, it 
grinds for about 20-30 seconds and freezes.  I'm believing that I either have 
a hardware conflict (I removed all suspect cards), or my motherboard is going 
on the fritz.  In the middle of all of this, it started reporting the wrong 
voltage for -12V and indicated -14.2V instead.  I had to ignore that 
warning in the BIOS to proceed.  Other than the above described problem, 
everything else seems to be ok.  ???  Any other suggestions?  If I lived 
closer to a lake, I might just have a nice boat anchor  

My next and last attempt will be to try to reinstall 8.1 which worked fine.

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RE: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-04-01 Per discussione Mithrilhall2000

Here is the sample script I am trying to execute:

# -- my first perl script!
print Content-type: text/html\n\n;

This is what I get running it from shell:

[eric@Mithrilhall cgi-bin]$ ls -lh
total 48k
-rw-r--r--1 apache   apache268 Oct 17 15:09 printenv
-rwxr--r--1 root root  788 Mar 28 22:16 script.cgi*
-rw-r--r--1 apache   apache757 Oct 17 15:09 test-cgi
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  216 Mar 28 14:34 test.cgi*
-rwxr-xr-x1 eric eric  20k Mar 27 23:48*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  102 Mar 31 02:08 x2.cgi*
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root   92 Mar 29 00:19 x.cgi*
[eric@Mithrilhall cgi-bin]$ perl x.cgi
Content-type: text/html

[eric@Mithrilhall cgi-bin]$

When trying to run it from the browser this is how I call it:

This is the result in the browser:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was
unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them
of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that
may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error

Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.22 Server at Mithrilhall.LinuxServer
Port 80

This is the error I got in the error log:

[Mon Apr  1 23:39:40 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec of
/var/www/cgi-bin/x.cgi failed
[Mon Apr  1 23:39:40 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/x.cgi

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Gerald Waugh
Sent: March 31, 2002 4:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

On Sunday 31 March 2002 02:02 am, Mithrilhall2000 wrote:
 Here ya go:

 [eric@Mithrilhall cgi-bin]$ ls -lh
 total 52k
 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  359 Mar 28 13:12 hello.cgi*
 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  359 Mar 28 13:13*
 -rw-r--r--1 apache   apache268 Oct 17 15:09 printenv
 -rwxr--r--1 root root  788 Mar 28 22:16 script.cgi*
 -rw-r--r--1 apache   apache757 Oct 17 15:09 test-cgi
 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  216 Mar 28 14:34 test.cgi*
 -rwxr-xr-x1 eric eric  20k Mar 27 23:48*
 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root   92 Mar 29 00:19 x.cgi*
 [eric@Mithrilhall cgi-bin]$

looks like +x is turned on.
You have to watch ownership to get the cgi
Also what does /var/log/httpd/error_log  read, after you run the script.
Make sure that #!/usr/bin/perl Is the very first line in the script
(must be at the top of the page) The '*' in this line must be the very
first character in the file

Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
New Haven, CT, United States of America
7:10am up 9 days, 15:35, 2 users, load average: 1.05, 1.02, 1.07

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Re: [newbie] Apache + PHP - htdocs?

2002-04-01 Per discussione Michael Viron

Try cat /etc/httpd/conf/*.conf | grep DocumentRoot (without the quotes),
and it should tell you where it's looking for files.  I think the default
these days is now /var/www/html which may or may not be a symlink to
/home/httpd/html .

These files can theoretically be owned by any user, although you are
probably better off if they are owned by apache:apache.

Michael Viron
IT Consultant
Pensacola, FL

At 12:49 PM 4/1/2002 -0500, Andre Dubuc wrote:
Having upgraded from LM8.0 to LM8.2, I've switched from source to the 
pre-compiled editions of Apache and PHP.

For the life of me, I can't figure out where my htdocs (the php/html files 
I've created) should go in LM8.2, and what owner/group they should be listed 

I would greatly appreciate any help, since all of my work for the last two 
months is in htdocs.

Btw, LM8.2 is simply fantastic! Way to go, Mandrake!


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Re: [newbie] setting default browser in 8.2

2002-04-01 Per discussione shane

On Tuesday 02 April 2002 05:58 am, Charles A Edwards opened a hailing 
frequency and transmitted:

 On Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:46:57 -0500
 If you are running 8.2 you can install both libpng3 and libpng2.
 You should Not install libpng2-devel but have only libpng3-devel

 It is the devel pkg, when the wrong one is installed, both in 8.1 and
 8.2, which will case X apps to to either not work or to not work

thanks, i feel better anyway.  ;-)

Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft®, recently referred to Linux as a cancer. 
Unsuprisingly, this is incorrect - Linux was released on August 25th, 1991, 
and is therefore a virgo.

Profile at:
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
Mandrake Users Club Member
Registered linux user #101606

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Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question

2002-04-01 Per discussione David


print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
needs to be right under

print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
# -- my first perl script!


Mithrilhall2000 said onto me:  

Mithrilhall2000 Here is the sample script I am trying to execute:
Mithrilhall2000 #!/usr/bin/perl
Mithrilhall2000 # -- my first perl script!
Mithrilhall2000 print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
Mithrilhall2000 This is what I get running it from shell:
Mithrilhall2000 [eric@Mithrilhall cgi-bin]$ ls -lh
Mithrilhall2000 total 48k
Mithrilhall2000 -rw-r--r--1 apache   apache268 Oct 17 15:09 printenv
Mithrilhall2000 -rwxr--r--1 root root  788 Mar 28 22:16 script.cgi*
Mithrilhall2000 -rw-r--r--1 apache   apache757 Oct 17 15:09 test-cgi
Mithrilhall2000 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  216 Mar 28 14:34 test.cgi*
Mithrilhall2000 -rwxr-xr-x1 eric eric  20k Mar 27 23:48*
Mithrilhall2000 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  102 Mar 31 02:08 x2.cgi*
Mithrilhall2000 -rwxr-xr-x1 root root   92 Mar 29 00:19 x.cgi*
Mithrilhall2000 [eric@Mithrilhall cgi-bin]$ perl x.cgi
Mithrilhall2000 Content-type: text/html
Mithrilhall2000 [eric@Mithrilhall cgi-bin]$
Mithrilhall2000 When trying to run it from the browser this is how I call it:
Mithrilhall2000 This is the result in the browser:
Mithrilhall2000 Internal Server Error
Mithrilhall2000 The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was
Mithrilhall2000 unable to complete your request.
Mithrilhall2000 Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform 
Mithrilhall2000 of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that
Mithrilhall2000 may have caused the error.
Mithrilhall2000 More information about this error may be available in the server error
Mithrilhall2000 log.

Mithrilhall2000 Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.22 Server at Mithrilhall.LinuxServer
Mithrilhall2000 Port 80
Mithrilhall2000 This is the error I got in the error log:
Mithrilhall2000 [Mon Apr  1 23:39:40 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec 
Mithrilhall2000 /var/www/cgi-bin/x.cgi failed
Mithrilhall2000 [Mon Apr  1 23:39:40 2002] [error] [client] Premature end 
Mithrilhall2000 script headers: /var/www/cgi-bin/x.cgi
Mithrilhall2000 -Original Message-
Mithrilhall2000 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mithrilhall2000 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Gerald Waugh
Mithrilhall2000 Sent: March 31, 2002 4:54 AM
Mithrilhall2000 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mithrilhall2000 Subject: Re: [newbie] CGI/Perl question
Mithrilhall2000 On Sunday 31 March 2002 02:02 am, Mithrilhall2000 wrote:
Mithrilhall2000  Here ya go:
Mithrilhall2000  [eric@Mithrilhall cgi-bin]$ ls -lh
Mithrilhall2000  total 52k
Mithrilhall2000  -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  359 Mar 28 13:12 hello.cgi*
Mithrilhall2000  -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  359 Mar 28 13:13*
Mithrilhall2000  -rw-r--r--1 apache   apache268 Oct 17 15:09 printenv
Mithrilhall2000  -rwxr--r--1 root root  788 Mar 28 22:16 script.cgi*
Mithrilhall2000  -rw-r--r--1 apache   apache757 Oct 17 15:09 test-cgi
Mithrilhall2000  -rwxr-xr-x1 root root  216 Mar 28 14:34 test.cgi*
Mithrilhall2000  -rwxr-xr-x1 eric eric  20k Mar 27 23:48*
Mithrilhall2000  -rwxr-xr-x1 root root   92 Mar 29 00:19 x.cgi*
Mithrilhall2000  [eric@Mithrilhall cgi-bin]$
Mithrilhall2000 looks like +x is turned on.
Mithrilhall2000 You have to watch ownership to get the cgi
Mithrilhall2000 Also what does /var/log/httpd/error_log  read, after you run the 
Mithrilhall2000 Make sure that #!/usr/bin/perl Is the very first line in the script
Mithrilhall2000 (must be at the top of the page) The '*' in this line must be the very
Mithrilhall2000 first character in the file
Mithrilhall2000 -- 
Mithrilhall2000 Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
Mithrilhall2000 New Haven, CT, United States of America
Mithrilhall2000 7:10am up 9 days, 15:35, 2 users, load average: 1.05, 1.02, 1.07

Re: [newbie] Installing windows.

2002-04-01 Per discussione Song Sourisak

I Wanted to do the same as you and finaly uninstall mandrake, install window 
and, after install mandrake back. Windows don't want to share...

Le Lundi 01 Avril 2002 20:30, vous avez écrit :

 To bring this up might be a little silly. ;-)

 I've got Mandrake 8.2 on my laptop. HD is 8.5G. Now I am thinking of
 installing a windows, 98 or 2000 or whatever. So I got some space for it,
 yes a bit small
 hda1BootPrimary   Linux ext2   
 3668.48 hda5Logical   Linux swap   
  254.99 hda6Logical   Linux ext2   
 2500.49 hda7Logical   Win95 FAT32  

 But windows says it has to install some files in the boot area which is in
 the first partition hda1 and it cannot put any file in there coz that's
 unix partition. What should I do now? Get rid of Mandrake, install windows
 and get the Mandrake all back again?

 Helps apprecaited.


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Re: [newbie] Installing Opera in LM 8.2 (was: Kudos for LM 8.2)

2002-04-01 Per discussione Charles Muller

On Tue, 2002-04-02 at 10:50, Damian wrote:

 hey, you can install opera. you just have to install libpng2 first.
 do an urpmi libpng2 and then install opera, and you are off.

Yes, indeed.




Charles Muller
Toyo Gakuen University

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJK-English Dictionary

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