Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-23 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
ok, since my new ram showed up this morning (system is now up to 768MB), i 
decided it was time to install the ram and the hard drive.  opened up the 
computer to check where everything was on the ribbons and see where i'm going 
to plug in the hard drive.  the current hard drive and CDRW are on the same 
ribbon (havn't checked to see which is slave and which is master yet). from 
the posts others have left about data transferring from one drive to the next 
and bottlenecking, i figure the best way to set this up is to put the new 
hard drive as a slave to the floppy drive.  well, the connector on the ribbon 
for the floppy drive isn't the right size for the new hard drive, and the 
ribbon the CDRW and other hard drive are on only has 2 connections.  so i 
have to go out and buy a new ribbon.  figures!

my only other possibility is to use the 3rd IDE connection on the motherboard, 
BUT, the motherboard wasn't new when i got it.  bought it from a friend who 
assembled the computer for me.  he tried to put the floppy, hard drive, and 
cdrw drive each on their own ribbon, but said the 3rd ribbon port on the 
motherboard wouldn't work.  he couldn't figure out why.  i can try to use it, 
but he took his time putting the computer together and couldn't get it to 
work no matter what he tried.  i'll have to wait 3 more weeks til he gets 
back from his honeymoon to get into detail with him on everything he tried.

i've decided the best way to set everything up is to leave linux where it is 
on the 20GB drive.  the drive was partitioned for me into 5 and 15gb 
sections.  i partitioned out 5gb for mandrake 9.1, there's still 10GB left on 
that partition.  when i put the 100gb drive in, i'm going to leave it all 
open for sharing between win and linux, and i'm still able to expand to give 
linux 15GB to run on the other drive, and in the future if for some reason i 
was doing things exclusively in linux that i needed to keep separate from 
windows (video editing most likely) i can partition off more spaec on the 
100gb drive for that.  any comments?

guess it's a good thing i started this thread, as there've been multiple 
questions asked on the same subject.  thanks for all the input from everyone 
so far!

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Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-23 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael

when my friend built the computer, he said teh primary IDE connector on the 
motherboard was bad.  well, it's not.  turned out he had been trying to hook 
up a bad hard drive to it.  so since then, everything has been running on the 
2nd IDE port.  the CDRW drive is the master, the hard drive is the slave.

I go to put in the new hard drive today.  Linux recognizes my new hard drive, 
windows does not, at least i don't know how to make it recognize it.  now, i 
had tried to swap the IDE connection to put the CD and hard drive on the 
primary and the new hard drive on the secondary, and the newer larger drive 
will be used for non-system related stuff.  well, if i swap them over, the 
computer goes to boot up, it starts to boot linux (i screwed up a setting 
somewhere, linux boots every time i fire the computer up, i have to exit 
linux to get back to windows, dual boot option doesn't come up on start up).  
anyway, after it starts to boot up linux, it tells me it can't find hdd7 (one 
of it's partitions) and just sits there and stares at me with the caps lock 
and scroll lock lights flashing.  well, i wanna solve this problem...

i've got the hardware reconfigured so i can get on (obvoiusly).  what i want 
to do is just format the old hard drive, completly wipe it out, shut down the 
computer, hook everything back up the way it needs to be, configure the bios, 
and install my stuff from there.  in doing that, will windows recognize that 
i have 2 hard drives right off the bat?  mind you, my current 20gb drive has 
3 partitions, 2 for windows and then the linux partitions.

i'm not concerned with a loss of data, as any programs i need i have on cd to 
re-install with.  so yeah, you can say i'm looking for the EASY WAY OUT, but 
that's what i need at this point or i'm gonna have to get frustrated again, 
and believe me, i'm sick of being frustrated  :)

i know i can do formatting of drives from disk drake, and i figure i can go in 
with the boot floppy i have and just format everything out from there.  i'm 
just really lost, i'm making mistakes, and need to get everything running 

i sure do ask a lot of questions...but that's how we learn i guess!  

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[newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-21 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
Ok, here's the situation.  my new 100GB hard drive showed up today.  i need to 
put it into the computer and get everything set up.  here's the way i plan to 
set up.

20GB hard drive i currently have - all for windows
100GB hard drive - 80GB for mandrake, 20GB for windows (that's my current 
plan, might go 60 linux 40 windows)

i plan to use 2 hard drives, as neither of them is slow or old, only 
difference between them is the 20GB has a 4MB buffer and the 100GB has a 8MB 
buffer.  both 7200rpm.

now, here's where i need help..

which drive would i make the primary drive?  my thought is that i'd make the 
100GB drive the primary drive, as the computer would have to access linux 
before windows to give me the dual boot option, correct?

Secondly...does the drive's position on the ribbon matter?  i'm running 2 
things on that ribbon currently, the 20GB drive and my CDRW drive.  this is 
only the first computer i've owned that i've actually torn apart and put back 
together hardware wise, once while trouble shooting for a defective sound 
card, the other time doing a case swap.  so i'm not all that familiar with 
hooking up new hardware.  

i know if i make the 100GB drive the primary, i have to switch the jumper on 
the 20GB drive to make it the secondary.  

and a final question.i'm running an ASUS KV7-RM motherboard that has all 
the bios updates done to it, so that's a plus, but will i have to enter the 
bios settings once i plug the new drive in?  

as far as how i'm going to work with linuxi havn't decided if i'm giong to 
do a fresh install and wipe out the old install or if i'm going to try to 
move the current install to the new drive (someone already gave me a link 
that explains how to do that).  that's something i'll decide for myself once 
i get to that point.  

thanks in advance for any help!


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Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-21 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
On Saturday 21 June 2003 10:28 pm, Rob Blomquist wrote:
  20GB hard drive i currently have - all for windows
  100GB hard drive - 80GB for mandrake, 20GB for windows (that's my current
  plan, might go 60 linux 40 windows)

 That sounds a little excessive to me.

Good call, now that you mentioned it.  i do plan on sharing info between 
windows and linux, just don't plan on using windows much at all.  wanted to 
leave space for installing new programs to linux, but yeah, i'm probably 
leaving too much space for it, as i only have 5GB space for windows and 
windows based programs to run in and i have 3GB free on that partition still.

 80Gb for Mandrake? I wouldn't, and my space needs a little extra room. But
 maybe 20Gb, if you need the temp space for video or sound editing.

Do plan on doing video editing.  i'll get to that in a minute...

 You never told us much about how you use your computer, so its hard to help
 too specifically.

running win98se and mandrake 9.1.  planned use for the computer.

school work
video downloading and editing
occasional gaming (not sure if that'll be done in linux or windows)

we'll see what happens here.  thanks!

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Re: [newbie] Installing new hard

2003-06-21 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
On Sunday 22 June 2003 01:28 am, Carroll Grigsby wrote:

 You sound a bit confused about drive terminology. 

definetly  :)

Your board has
 two IDE slots (or channels). One is the primary, the other is the
 secondary. Each channel can handle both a master and slave drive. The drive
 jumpers determine whether a drive is to be the master or slave, but have
 nothing to do whether it is on the primary or secondary channel.

 It sounds as if your current setup has both drives on the primary channel
 with the HD as master and the CDRW as slave. My advice would be to leave
 the old HD as the primary master. Why confuse Windows more than it already

i'm going to have to open the box up to be fully sure what is connected where.  
i remember there's 3 slots on my motherboard, but only 2 are being used.  i 
believe there was a problem with the 3rd slot.  

 You could install the new drive on the secondary channel and leave it
 jumpered as master; this arrangement is least apt to confuse Windows.
 However, my choice is to install the new drive on the primary channel as
 slave, and move the CDRW to the secondary channel as master.

i'll try both arrangements and see what works.

 Check your BIOS settings that all of the IDE drives are set to Auto Detect
 (or whatever) -- and also that the secondary channel has not been turned

 I'll leave it to others to discuss partitioning schemes (it's been an
 active topic lately), but remember that you don't have to partition the
 whole damn 100 GB now.

True, because from what i've seen, it's easy to partition off a section for 
linux, but a bit more work to give it back to windows.  i can always add more 
for linux later on.  kinda jumping the gun i guess.  

it's going to be an interesting week, but only the hard drive is going to be a 
struggle to set up.  the new moniter is supposed to be here thursday (plug 
and play) and more ram (to boost the system to 768MB).  those 2 are easy, i 
can handle those no problem.  

for now i guess i'll do the smart thingjust get the 100GB drive in and get 
it working properly, then worry about moving linux and partitioning later.

hey, i got a new toy and i wanna play.isn't that just human nature?  :)  


 -- cmg

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Re: [newbie] Insert Name Here

2003-06-19 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
On Thursday 19 June 2003 11:18 am, JoeHill wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 11:20:54 -0400

 Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:
  winning the special olympics...when it's all over, you're still

 sorry to butt in, but that is dark, dark humour.

 have to admit, I laughed tho!

 I'm going straight to hell, thanks a lot ;)

yeah, it's really dark humor, but it's the damn truth!  i mean, really, online 
arguementsthat just kind of sums it up as to how meaningful they 
are...and to anyone that takes offense to that reference, think twice before 
arguing back!  lol

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[newbie] what do these different things mean? KDE, Gnome, etc

2003-06-19 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
Ok, i have some questions about a few things, just stuff i don't understand.

when i go to reboot, what are the differences between


i would guess that failsafe would be kind of like safe mode in windows, am i 

i'm also kind of guessing that default would be the most basic way to enter 
linux, with no preferences set in the system or anything else, right?

And yet MORE questions (only reason i'm asking so many in this e-mail is 
because they all seem to be related to each other)

When booting up the computer and i get to the dual boot option, among the 
choices is linux and linux-nonfb.  what's the difference there?

And one more question...what is ROOT and what is it used for?  when would i 
ever have to use it and how do i get into ROOT?  ROOT is used for adding 
programs or making changes, right?

i'm searching for the answers online as well, but hoping someone can give me 
some good definitions of these things, either on-list or off-list, 
doesn't matter.  Thanks a bunch!


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Re: [newbie] missing libraries, awkward fonts

2003-06-19 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
On Thursday 19 June 2003 12:03 pm, Curt Tresenriter wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 11:35:15 -0400

 JoeHill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 this worries me, I here a lot of Maxtor's failing on this list...

 I've noticed that too..think I've seen it on other lists also.
 Cust serv said This drive's proven to be very solid... 

wow, that hearing that makes me glad i didn't order Maxtor drives.  I went 
with WD and am waiting for a 2nd one right now.  has anyone heard anything 
bad about the WD drives?  my current one was new when installed and has been 
in the computer for 2-3 months with no problems so far.  Thanks.

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[newbie] recognizing/testing hardware problems?

2003-06-19 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
ok, in windows you can right click on my computer and it gives you hardware 
profiles and you can see if everything is working correctly.

1st questionwhere do you do that in mandrake 9.1?  i think i saw it before 
but can't seem to find it now.

2nd questioncan you test your hardware for problems?

reason i ask is i've had some minor problems with my video card before.  when 
the computer would go into power save mode and turn the moniter off, half 
the time the moniter wouldn't come back on, it would give me an error (can't 
remember what it was).  i got around that problem by turning that feature off 
and just manually turned the moniter off.  well, earlier today, my moniter 
got REAL fuzzy, as in, could barely read the screen.  i logged out of linux 
and jumped over to windows, same thing.  then turned the comp off, restarted 
it, same thing again in linux and in windows.  then i switched moniters and 
the problem is gone.  yes, that would generally mean that it's the moniter 
that is bad, but it's a brand new moniter, not even 2 weeks old.  anyway, 
just wondering if i can test the vid card while it's in the computer just to 
be certain it's the moniter and not the video card.  Thanks!

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Re: [newbie] recognizing/testing hardware problems?

2003-06-19 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
checked it in the control center, ran test, no problems.  

i already took the faulty moniter back.  it was a KDS 16 viewable, flat 
screen.  already went and ordered a Samsung 18 viewable (19 overall) to 
replace it with, only cost $40 more, and that was because of shipping ($165 
total).  that'll be nice once i get it next week, as i'm back on my old Sony 
moniter with only 13.9 viewable.  thanks for the help!

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Re: [newbie] recognizing/testing hardware problems?

2003-06-19 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
On Thursday 19 June 2003 10:32 pm, JoeHill wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 20:03:12 -0400

 Crak600 - Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

 955? that's what I got, love it!

no, 950B.  don't know how much difference there is between the 2.  ordered 
from Techonweb, where geeks shop or something like that.  they told me over 
the phone it's not a TRUE flat screen, there is slight curvature on the 
edges.  i'll see how much i like it when i get it, they said about 5 days 
shipping time.  hopefully it's good, because at $41 to ship it, i don't want 
to have to return it!

i figure with the name brand, it's gonna be good.  a lot of generic stuff is 
good as well, it just all depends on what it is.  when i ordered generic 
ram for my laptop (which is now dead) a year and a half ago, the generic ram 
turned out to be Samsung ram.  hopefully the new moniter beats out the one i 
just returned, and with the even larger screen, i'm sure i'll be happy  :)

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[newbie] Noatun Multimedia Player won't open

2003-06-19 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
subject says it.  Kaboodle will, but Noatun won't.  don't know why either.  

i'm only on day 5 of running linux...HELP!  :) doesn't start til july from the e-mail i was sent earlier 
pointing me to it (and it looks like a great idea for me to take it).  so 
until i can get some formal education here...HELP!  :)



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Re: [newbie] Noatun Multimedia Player won't open

2003-06-19 Per discussione Crak600 - Michael
ok, so i rebooted, and when i get back into KDE (which i was in before i 
rebooted) Noatun fires right up.  i closed it out, switched to another 
desktop (i LOVE having 4 desktops to work with), opened it back up, and now 
it's working flawlessly.  

any clues?

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