Re: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

2002-07-05 Per discussione Pippin Barr

AKA: Wit's End

Still trying to find the source of this memory leak in my system. I 
reinstalled XFree86 4.2 from the binaries off of their website, but this 
has not made any apparent difference.

The only real information I have is that it only leaks while X is running, 
so presumably that narrows down the culprits, but not enough for me to 
work out what it is. 

Someone please help! :) This is getting extremely frustrating.

And I said 'Oh boy... right... again.'

- Laurie Anderson, Let X=X

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Re: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

2002-07-04 Per discussione Pippin Barr

 Something glares at me.  can you set your BIOS for APIC instead of PIC?

Not sure, but will try.
 I have noticed some instability, filesystem dependent, on the
 binary-only NVIdia drivers from the distro, somewhat but not completely
 removed by the more recent Mandrake-specific drivers from the site.  
 The XFree drivers do not sem to be subject to this problem.

Now this strikes me as possibly being an issue. I've run free at various 
points today to have a look, and there certainly appears to be a memory 
leak from what I can tell... I'll include results here, if someone can 
analyse I'd appreciate it:

free before starting X (12pm):

[Note that this was after shutting X down, not after a complete system 
restart, so it looks like most of the memory's already leaked away...]

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844 203200  52644  0  11368  76844
-/+ buffers/cache: 114988 140856
Swap:   262544728 261816

free after starting X (12pm):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844 224312  31532  0  11512  82264
-/+ buffers/cache: 130536 125308
Swap:   262544728 261816

free (6:49pm):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844 233508  22336  0  11576  86804
-/+ buffers/cache: 135128 120716
Swap:   262544728 261816

free after closing X down (6:50pm):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844 211584  44260  0  11576  84936
-/+ buffers/cache: 115072 140772
Swap:   262544728 261816

free after restart and no X (~6:52pm):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844  35752 220092  0   1768  19896
-/+ buffers/cache:  14088 241756
Swap:   262544  0 262544

free with X running (7:06pm):

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:255844  78500 177344  0   2488  41332
-/+ buffers/cache:  34680 221164
Swap:   262544  0 262544

Sorry for the amount of text here... it certainly looks to me like memory 
leaks away while X is running, and isn't restored when X quits, until you 
restart and reset everything.

This could well be the NVIDIA drivers?

So I'm going to download the source and recompile. I ran this card with 
Mandrake 8.0 and no problems, but compiled the nvidia drivers from source 
that time. Maybe that's it.

Thanks very much for the help so far!


And I said 'Oh boy... right... again.'

- Laurie Anderson, Let X=X

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[newbie] Strange crashes when idle

2002-07-02 Per discussione Pippin Barr

Hi all,

I don't know if I consider myself a newbie, having run linux of some sort 
for about three years, but I don't consider myself an expert, so here I 

My problem is unfortunately hard to describe, and what I'm really looking 
for is ideas for establishing what the problem might be.

Basically, I installed Mandrake 8.2 a few days ago, and it's crashed once 
or twice a day since then. I was tolerating it, until this morning's crash 
when my root partition was damaged. Now I want to get to the bottom of it.

When it's crashed I can see that my CPU meter is suggest a very high CPU 
load (around 4 lines high on a standard xload meter). Various things lock 
up, generally my web browser. I'm suspicious of mozilla/galeon at present, 
but don't really know for sure.

Eventually the whole thing dies, and I can ctrl-alt-F1 etc to get to a 
shell, but if I run anything (like pine) the whole thing stops, and 
eventually I can't do anything (like login from another prompt). At that 
point I have to reset my computer...

As I said, this morning the disk was damaged by this, and I had to 
manually run fsck to fix it up. Annoying.

Anyone experience similar weird problems?

I'm going to try not running any mozilla based browsers for a while, to 
see if that helps at all. I'll let you know if it does.

Thanks for any help you can offer me!

Pippin Barr

And I said 'Oh boy... right... again.'

- Laurie Anderson, Let X=X

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Re: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

2002-07-02 Per discussione Pippin Barr

 how much memory do you have? 

256 meg RAM

 is it shared video mem? 

Video card is an NVIDIA GeforceMX with 32 meg.

 how much disk space do you have? (type df, and post it) 

It's a 20 gig hard drive. df yields:

Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hde2  3283000104844   3011384   4% /
none127920 0127920   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hde6  1007960267132689624  28% /home
/dev/hde1  8210880   4533952   3676928  56% /mnt/windows
/dev/hde5  7055648   2102708   4594524  32% /usr

 also type cat /proc/interrupts and let us see that. 

  0: 649067  XT-PIC  timer
  1:  10128  XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  4: 143580  XT-PIC  serial
  5:  25506  XT-PIC  usb-uhci
  8:  1  XT-PIC  rtc
 10: 215504  XT-PIC  nvidia
 11:  27166  XT-PIC  ide2
 12:  11946  XT-PIC  cmpci
 15: 83  XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:  0 
LOC:  0 
ERR:  0
MIS:  0

 did you install (clean, format all linux partitions?) or Upgrade? 

It was an install, but I didn't format the /home directory (to keep my 
data, of course). Fairly certain formatted everything else.

 try running top as the first thing when you see the slowdown. my guess
 is no free hard drive space (in say /etc or /var), or a lost swap file.

Will do that and report back on it.

Thank you for that, my main problem has been just trying to think of how I 
can figure out what's up.

And I said 'Oh boy... right... again.'

- Laurie Anderson, Let X=X

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RE: [newbie] Strange crashes when idle

2002-07-02 Per discussione Pippin Barr

 We had a similar problem.  We had weird symptoms such as a logger looked
 like it was running away, find made the machine hang (had to use the
 power button on that one) but only sometimes.  Turned out to be flaky
 RAM.  As soon as we replaced it and doubled it, all was right with the
 world.  We used for testing the RAM.

Mmmm. Normally I'd think the same thing, except that I've already been 
through the bad RAM episode last year with this computer. I had the RAM 
replaced and, as you said, all was well. I guess I should test it again 
anyway to be sure.

The scary thing was that last time I used a RAMtester it didn't find 
anything, but the RAM _was_ corrupt. Yikes.

Thanks :)

And I said 'Oh boy... right... again.'

- Laurie Anderson, Let X=X

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