Re: Get a constant passed to a macro call

2017-09-24 Thread Udiknedormin
Well, I tried symbol.getImpl and it handles some cases but the problem is that 
I need to be able to dispatch a certain proc for the const's type and then 
apply this proc to this const, all of this at compile-time. Unluckily, 
symbol.getImpl doesn't allow me to do that (at least I haven't figured out how 
to do that).

Re: Error: cannot instantiate: 'OrderedTable'

2017-09-24 Thread Tiberium
sflennik: your code is wrong, OrderedTable can't contain different types It 
should be like this: 

from tables import OrderedTable, toOrderedTable

proc getMetaInfo(filename: string, fileSize: int64): OrderedTable[string, 
string] =
  result = {
"filename": filename,
"size": $fileSize,

var testing = getMetaInfo("filename", 44)

Error: cannot instantiate: 'OrderedTable'

2017-09-24 Thread sflennik
I get a compiler error for the following code. Anyone know what I am doing 

from tables import OrderedTable, toOrderedTable

proc getMetaInfo(filename: string, fileSize: int64): OrderedTable =
  result = {
"filename": filename,
"size": fileSize,

var testing = getMetaInfo("filename", 44)

Re: Arraymancer - A n-dimensional array / tensor library

2017-09-24 Thread dataPulverizer
This looks like a very useful library for me. I shall certainly be checking it 
out. Nice one!

Re: Error: invalid indentation

2017-09-24 Thread dataPulverizer
Many thanks! Looks like I didn't read the manual properly, I ended up thinking 
that ref Parent was how inheritance works. Just for confirmation:

  # This is equivalent to a struct
  Object1 = object
  # This is a reference type to the "struct" Object1
  Object2 = ref Object1
  # This is a class
  Class1 = object of RootObj
  # This is a child class of Class1
  Class2 = ref object of Class1
  # This is a reference type to Class1
  Class3 = ref Class1

I have noticed RootObj is used here frequently in declaring classes - I assume 
that it can be substituted with any unused indentifier?

Re: Arraymancer - A n-dimensional array / tensor library

2017-09-24 Thread mratsim
I am very excited to announce the second release of Arraymancer which includes 
numerous improvements `blablabla` ...

Without further ado:

  * Communauty
* There is a Gitter room!
  * Breaking
* `shallowCopy` is now `unsafeView` and accepts `let` arguments
* Element-wise multiplication is now `.*` instead of `|*|`
* vector dot product is now `dot` instead of `.*`
  * Deprecated
* All tensor initialization proc have their `Backend` parameter deprecated.
* `fmap` is now `map`
* `agg` and `agg_in_place` are now `fold` and nothing (too bad!)
  * Initial support for Cuda !!!
* All linear algebra operations are supported
* Slicing (read-only) is supported
* Transforming a slice to a new contiguous Tensor is supported
  * Tensors
* Introduction of `unsafe` operations that works without copy: 
`unsafeTranspose, unsafeReshape, unsafebroadcast, unsafeBroadcast2, 
* Implicit broadcasting via `.+, .*, ./, .-` and their in-place equivalent 
`.+=, .-=, .*=, ./=`
* Several shapeshifting operations: `squeeze`, `at` and their `unsafe` 
* New property: `size`
* Exporting: `export_tensor` and `toRawSeq`
* `reduce` and `reduce` on axis
  * Ecosystem:
* I express my deep thanks to @edubart for testing Arraymancer, 
contributing new functions, and improving its overall performance. He built 
[arraymancer-demos]( and 
[arraymancer-vision](, check

those out you can load images in Tensor and do logistic regression on those!

Also thanks to the Nim communauty on IRC/Gitter, they are a tremendous help 
(yes Varriount, Yardanico, Zachary, Krux).  
I probably would have struggled a lot more without the guidance of Andrea's 
code for Cuda in his [neo]( and 
[nimcuda]( library.  

And obviously Araq and Dom for Nim which is an amazing language for 
performance, productivity, safety and metaprogramming. 

Re: Nim and hot loading - any experiences to share?

2017-09-24 Thread def_pri_pub
I wrote this article a while back:


Re: Nim and hot loading - any experiences to share?

2017-09-24 Thread LeuGim
Yes, `nimrtl.dll` is in the same folder, all binaries are 32 bit, Nim version 
is 0.17.1. OS is 64 bit.

mathexpr, a math expression evaluator library in Nim

2017-09-24 Thread Tiberium

This is a mathematic expression evaluator library in pure Nim (with no 
third-party dependencies).

Basically it is a recursive descent evaluator.

It supports many mathematical functions, also you can provide variables and add 
custom functions.

Also it doesn't have strict rules on arguments, so all of these are valid:

sqrt(max(1, 2))
sqrt(max(1 2))
sqrt max(1, 2)
sqrt max(1 2)

# You can even do something like this!
sqrt fac log2 10

Example REPL: 

## An example REPL for Mathexpr:
import strutils, rdstdin, ./mathexpr, tables

# Our variables (they will be available in the REPL)
var ourVars = {"x": 5.0, "y": 6.0, "z": 75.0}.newTable()

# Procedure should have this type:
# proc(args: seq[float]): float
proc mySum(args: seq[float]): float =
  for arg in args: result += arg

# Add our custom `sum` function
mathexpr.functions["sum"] = mySum

while true:
  var expr: string
expr = readLineFromStdin("> ")
  except IOError:
echo "Goodbye!"
  if expr in ["exit", "quit", "quit()", "exit()"]:
let result = eval(expr, ourVars)
echo "$1 = $2" % [expr, $result]
echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()

By the way, implementation is less than 200 lines and it works in JS backend 

Re: Error: invalid indentation

2017-09-24 Thread xomachine
> Child1[T: FloatingPoint] = ref Parent1

It means that Child1 is just a reference to Parent1, so no additional fields 
allowed after such a declaration. I assume you intended to write something like 

  floatingPoint = float | float64 | float32
  Parent1Obj = object of RootObj  # Parent object should be non-final
  Parent1 = ref Parent1Obj
  Parent2 = ref Parent1
  Parent3 = ref Parent1
  Child1[T: floatingPoint] = ref object of Parent1Obj # Child1 is a 
reference to object inherited from Parent1Obj
nOutNodes: uint
outputNodes: seq[seq[T]]

Re: Nim and hot loading - any experiences to share?

2017-09-24 Thread Serenitor
hmm, have you put the `nimrtl.dll` next to lib.dll and main.exe?

have you made sure that all binaries are compiled in 32 xor 64 bit?

I am using MinGW-w64 and have now added a little nim.cfg to the repo that makes 
sure that the compiler spits out 64 bit binaries.

The Nim version I am using is 0.17.0.

Date time with millisecond output?

2017-09-24 Thread blip
Is it currently possible to output date time with millisecond resolution?

E.g. a date time object containing: 2017-05-29 11:08:34.768

Having looked at the [times module](, 
seconds seems to be the most fine grained for full dates so far.

As part of a workflow, I process 10Hz GPS logs, and for various reasons full 
date-timestamps with ms precision are needed for each logged point (the data 
exists in the logs, it just needs some processing).

Have I missed something in the documentation? Or is it not yet implemented, and 
if so, does anyone know if it will be?

Re: lambda capture in Nim

2017-09-24 Thread woggioni
Thanks, I had missed that paragraph in the manual! So without the closureScope 
template the loop just generates one closure with the intances used in the last 
iteration and every proc that tries to make a capture actually captures that 
closure, is that correct?

Also, it is totally unrelated, but is there a specific reason why I cannot 
compile the generated Javascript source with the closure compiler?

It gives me an error because of an undeclared variable in a loop 

nimcache/jpacrepo.js:1727: ERROR - variable property is undeclared
for (property in x_147603) {

simply replacing "property" with "var property" seems to fix the issue (the 
variable 'property' seems to be used only within the scope of the for loop, 
it's not used as a global variable, so this should be safe to do)

Re: Nim and hot loading - any experiences to share?

2017-09-24 Thread LeuGim
I get that SIGSEGV instantly, _exit via ctrl + c_ and 1 _version 1_ been 
printed. I get that immediate SIGSEGV even for empty _main.nim_ and _lib.nim_.

Re: Nim and hot loading - any experiences to share?

2017-09-24 Thread Serenitor
Please share the results should you find the time to reproduce it on your 
machine :)


Error: invalid indentation

2017-09-24 Thread dataPulverizer
Brand new to Nim, trying out parametric type with hierarchy, got stung with an 
indentation error for the last two lines that I can't figure out why

  floatingPoint = float | float64 | float32
  Parent1 = ref object
  Parent2 = ref Parent1
  Parent3 = ref Parent1
  Child1[T: FloatingPoint] = ref Parent1
  nOutNodes: uint
  outputNodes: seq[seq[T]]

Remedy appreciated
