I am very excited to announce the second release of Arraymancer which includes 
numerous improvements `blablabla` ...

Without further ado:

  * Communauty
    * There is a Gitter room!
  * Breaking
    * `shallowCopy` is now `unsafeView` and accepts `let` arguments
    * Element-wise multiplication is now `.*` instead of `|*|`
    * vector dot product is now `dot` instead of `.*`
  * Deprecated
    * All tensor initialization proc have their `Backend` parameter deprecated.
    * `fmap` is now `map`
    * `agg` and `agg_in_place` are now `fold` and nothing (too bad!)
  * Initial support for Cuda !!!
    * All linear algebra operations are supported
    * Slicing (read-only) is supported
    * Transforming a slice to a new contiguous Tensor is supported
  * Tensors
    * Introduction of `unsafe` operations that works without copy: 
`unsafeTranspose, unsafeReshape, unsafebroadcast, unsafeBroadcast2, 
    * Implicit broadcasting via `.+, .*, ./, .-` and their in-place equivalent 
`.+=, .-=, .*=, ./=`
    * Several shapeshifting operations: `squeeze`, `at` and their `unsafe` 
    * New property: `size`
    * Exporting: `export_tensor` and `toRawSeq`
    * `reduce` and `reduce` on axis
  * Ecosystem:
    * I express my deep thanks to @edubart for testing Arraymancer, 
contributing new functions, and improving its overall performance. He built 
[arraymancer-demos](https://github.com/edubart/arraymancer-demos) and 
[arraymancer-vision](https://github.com/edubart/arraymancer-vision), check

those out you can load images in Tensor and do logistic regression on those!

Also thanks to the Nim communauty on IRC/Gitter, they are a tremendous help 
(yes Varriount, Yardanico, Zachary, Krux).  
I probably would have struggled a lot more without the guidance of Andrea's 
code for Cuda in his [neo](https://github.com/unicredit/neo) and 
[nimcuda](https://github.com/unicredit/nimcuda) library.  

And obviously Araq and Dom for Nim which is an amazing language for 
performance, productivity, safety and metaprogramming. 

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