Re: How to expand a single template

2020-02-19 Thread Hlaaftana
I think I understand now, the template args in getAst have to be NimNodes. One 
more question, can you dynamically evaluate template expansions based on 
existing AST or is it conceptually unviable? Example: 

import macros

template texture(a, b): untyped =
  var a: TexturePtr
state.a = loadTexture(b)

macro mcr(body) =
  result = newEmptyNode()
  let node = getAst(`body[0]`) # do what here?
  echo body.treeRepr

  texture background, "res/menu.png"


Re: Why does the this code work?

2020-02-19 Thread Araq
I'm sure there a couple of open bugs thanks to these rules and in retrospect 
`f(unpackVarargs(s))` might have been the better design. Maybe for Nim version 
2. :-)

Re: Why does the this code work?

2020-02-19 Thread lscrd
I have tried to declare a `varargs[string | seq[string]]` but the compiler 
rejects it. It seems that for `varargs`, more strict rules apply to avoid some 
nasty problems.

But there may exist other problematic cases as Araq said. Adding – in a future 
version – an explicit unpacking as he suggests would simplify things (and 
Python people would say that explicit is better than implicit). Personally, I 
would not care as I have never used this feature, but `unpackVarargs` is really 
an ugly name :-).

Re: Raylib Forever (4Nim)

2020-02-19 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
Sorry for rather long delay: added 5 new examples from text and models 
categories. Project != dead.

I guess, it't time to decide if heavier samples is needed - I hate adding aux 
files to this repository, yet demand is demand.

Re: soy nuevo en nim

2020-02-19 Thread juancarlospaco
Welcome!. Hay un grupo de [Chat Spanish]( , we also 
understand English. 

Re: Why whitespace?

2020-02-19 Thread sschwarzer
I'm really tired of these tabs vs. spaces discussions.

There are good reasons for either approach, and I don't see why one approach 
would be _objectively_ better than the other.

People who prefer the pro/con combination of tabs over the pro/con combination 
of spaces, prefer tabs.

People who prefer the pro/con combination of spaces over the pro/con 
combination of tabs, prefer spaces.

It's subjective.

My recommendation is to follow a project's existing approach or, if you start a 
new project, the "community standard" approach (two spaces per indent for Nim). 
I think there are really more important things to discuss than tabs vs. spaces. 
(Yes, it's ironic that I still took the time to write this reply. ;-) )

Re: Why whitespace?

2020-02-19 Thread sky_khan
I dont like at all when I get this answer myself but ...

Nim is open source with MIT license. If you cant live without tabs, fork it.

Re: Why whitespace?

2020-02-19 Thread cblake
Sure. I follow @sschwarzer's approach personally. The reasons for @Tutbadut or 
(someone else passionate about just one issue) **not** to fork something go 
back to network effects and the value of communities. Sometimes reiteration of 
pros & cons, etc. has value for new people.

Re: Why whitespace?

2020-02-19 Thread cumulonimbus
>From several decades of experience, tabs eventually always cause the 
>(potential) problems, but only rarely deliver the (potential) benefits.

For the people who can't live without them, Nim provides 
 ; an `#? expandTabs(tabwidth:int)` filter can easily be written. Personally, I 
think it's a bad idea and would recommend against including such a filter in 
the standard library.

Re: Nim Community Survey 2019

2020-02-19 Thread miran
The results of Nim Community Survey 2019 are now available at: 

RayCasting Problem

2020-02-19 Thread justantors

I just found about Nim some days ago and really like it, so to learn and do 
something cool with the language I decided to follow this incredible RayCasting 

The code there is in C++ so I thought translating the code to Nim would be a 
good learning process.

But I'm a having a problem and a I think it's related to type differences 
between C++ and Nim, the problem is: When I rotate (press A or D) the camera 
plane is not perpendicular anymore to the direction vector, I think the cause 
of this problem is the way sin() and cos() function works in Nim but I could be 

Example of what is happening:

You can take a look at the code I wrote and the original C++ code here: 

I know this is not a normal question but I'm getting desperate :S Thank you for 
taking the time to read this :) 

Re: RayCasting Problem

2020-02-19 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Have you done the transfer with c2nim tool? Seems that you did at least manual 

 time : uint32 = 0
  oldTime : uint32 = 0
time = getTicks()
  var diff : uint32 = time - oldTime
  var frameTime : float = float(diff) / 1000.0


Time and oldTime is double in cpp code, such changes can make differences...

Re: RayCasting Problem

2020-02-19 Thread justantors
Nope, didn't use c2nim tool I did it by hand.

Yes, there are some modification like that, because getTicks() return a uint32 
value :)

Thanks for the tip on using c2nim, I'm going to use it and see the result

Re: RayCasting Problem

2020-02-19 Thread Stefan_Salewski
c2nim can translate most basic C and even Cpp code, problems can be C macros 
and cpp classes, and somtimes it generates a div instead desired / for floating 
point division. But it save some work and avoids errors.

When you change datatypes, you have to be careful, as float and integer 
arithmetic is different. Also note that in C int is often 4 byte, but in Nim 
int is 8 byte on 64 bit systems. For compatibility we have type cint which is 
the C int type.

Re: RayCasting Problem

2020-02-19 Thread treeform
I am pretty sure Nim's sin() and cos() work exact same way as the C++ ones. I 
never had an issue with them working differently. I think error is some place 

Some thing I noticed:

  * you use uint32 for time while C++ uses double.
  * you hard code w to 640 while C++ does not.
  * your right and left key is flipped from the C++ code.
  * C++ article warns about the problem you hare having.
  * you are doing one extra line should be 0 ..< 640 not 0..640

running your code i get: (61, 29) Error: type mismatch: got  
but expected 'array[0..3, int32]'

I switched to using .byte for color values. I switched to using w and h like 
C++ code.

I can't find the issue in you code, ... but I did my own C++ to nim conversion 
and it works without issues:

import sdl2
import math

var worldMap =[

proc main() =
posX: float = 22 # x and y start position
posY: float = 12
dirX: float = -1 # initial direction vector
dirY: float = 0
planeX: float = 0 # the 2d raycaster version of camera plane
planeY: float = 0.66

time: float = 0 # time of current frame
oldTime: float = 0 # time of previous frame

w = 680
h = 420

window = createWindow("NIM RayCasting", 100,100,cint w,cint h, 
render = createRenderer(window, -1, Renderer_Accelerated or 

evt = sdl2.defaultEvent
runGame = true


for x in 0 ..< w:
  # calculate ray position and direction
cameraX = 2 * float(x) / float(w) - 1 # x-coordinate in camera space
rayDirX = dirX + planeX * cameraX
rayDirY = dirY + planeY * cameraX
# which box of the map we're in
mapX: int = int(floor(posX))
mapY: int = int(floor(posY))

# length of ray from current position to next x or y-side
sideDistX: float
sideDistY: float

# length of ray from one x or y-side to next x or y-side
deltaDistX = abs(1 / rayDirX)
deltaDistY = abs(1 / rayDirY)
perpWallDist: float

# what direction to step in x or y-direction (either +1 or -1)
stepX: int
stepY: int

hit = 0 # was there a wall hit?
side: int # was a NS or a EW wall hit?
  # calculate step and initial sideDist
  if rayDirX < 0:
stepX = -1
sideDistX = (posX - float(mapX)) * deltaDistX
stepX = 1
sideDistX = (float(mapX) + 1.0 - posX) * deltaDistX
  if rayDirY < 0:
stepY = -1
sideDistY = (posY - float(mapY)) * deltaDistY
stepY = 1
sideDistY = (float(mapY) + 1.0 - posY) * deltaDistY
  # perform DDA
  while hit == 0:
# jump to next map square, OR in x-direction, OR in y-direction
if sideDistX < sideDistY:
  sideDistX += deltaDistX
  mapX += stepX
  side = 0
  sideDistY += deltaDistY
  mapY += stepY
  side = 1
# Check if ray has hit a wall
if worldMap[mapX][mapY] > 0:
  hit = 1
  # Calculate distan

Re: RayCasting Problem

2020-02-19 Thread treeform
Here is your exact code fixed: 

I recommend using getKeyboardState() like I did, other wise it moves only on 
key repeats.

Re: RayCasting Problem

2020-02-19 Thread treeform
Oh I diffed the two files and found the error:


You have one important "(" in the wrong place.

Re: Nim Community Survey 2019

2020-02-19 Thread treeform
Nice, thank you for the write up!

Re: RayCasting Problem

2020-02-19 Thread justantors
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this, you helped me learn a lot 
(and solved the problem)

Thanks again :)

Re: Paranim and Pararules - my new gamedev libraries

2020-02-19 Thread treeform
Looks cool!

Re: Zig as C compiler for Nim. How to feed him the code

2020-02-19 Thread akavel
@SebastianM I tried it once, for experimental cross-compilation to ARM, seemed 
to work that one time for me. I don't think I have this exact configuration 
stored anywhere, but IIRC there's basically 2 steps to it:

  1. use [nim.cfg to point Nim to a specific 
  2. provide appropriate [flags to 

I hope to try and come back at some point in future, but don't suspect this to 
be soon. As to compiler's complaints, try your luck at asking on Zig's IRC 
and/or reporting on their github, Andrew Kelley seems to listen and be very 
open to discussion and helping, though he also has a lot to do, so I'd say your 
chances are maybe kinda 50/50?

reader macro

2020-02-19 Thread jdn
Is there any equivalent to a reader macro in nim? I wrote an expression parser 
and evaluator in nim which was very easy to do. To get better performance I 
thought that since nim has macro's I can leverage that without too much 
trouble. However, walking the AST of my expression parser to create nim AST (in 
macros) requires compile time proc's for recursion and so I have a chicken and 
egg problem that I can't seem to resolve. 

Re: Nim Community Survey 2019

2020-02-19 Thread akavel
Thanks for the writeup!

One thing I wanted to mention, is that the pair of "no" answers in "Have you 
made contributions" was a very weird choice in my opinion: I could either 
answer "No, but plan to", or "No and never will"; that's weird to me, as I'd 
like to answer "No, and currently don't plan to"; I definitely don't have 
strong negative opinion about contributing, I see it as possible I may one day, 
but I also currently just don't have plans to do that. I was super confused and 
didn't know which answer to chose, both seemed an equal lie. I don't remember 
which one I chose in the end, would be confused the same if I were to chose 

Re: Nim Community Survey 2019

2020-02-19 Thread adnan
Kind of an off topic question but doesn’t Option[T] obviate the need of 
non-nillable types?

Re: reader macro

2020-02-19 Thread Varriount
Do you mean something like [NPeg](

I have a super doubt

2020-02-19 Thread aksq
Hello again, nim as the first programming language that I am learning which 
books or manuals I recommend reading to improve. I have basic knowledge of 
syntax. I have noticed that in this language you have to learn an example about 
pragma, pointer, tuple and much more.

Re: I have a super doubt

2020-02-19 Thread miran
> nim as the first programming language that I am learning which books or 
> manuals I recommend reading ? to improve.

See the Nim learning resources here: 

Shameless plug for: 
 which is described on our learning page as: "For programming beginners. Covers 
all the basic topics, enough to make your first programming steps."

Can't pass varargs to echo

2020-02-19 Thread Hlaaftana
I can't tell if this is a bug or if there is a way to change this so it works.

echo @["a", "b", "c"] # expected, prints @["a", "b", "c"]
echo(varargs[string](@["a", "b", "c"])) # prints ["a", "b", "c"]


This also doesn't cut it:

proc a(x: varargs[string, `$`]) = echo x

a "a", "b", "c" # prints ["a", "b", "c"]


Is this a limitation of the `varargs[string, `$`]` type? I saw there was a PR 
that fixed overloading for these types but I don't think I saw anything 
mentioned about passing varargs between each other. Is there an issue open for 
this on the Nim github?

How to package a nim program in an APK file

2020-02-19 Thread iwcoetzer
Good morning

I am trying to create my first .apk (android app).

I have managed to write a simple console based app using the Nim scripting 
language. (Managed to compile and test it on a Docker ubuntu image - to create 
a Windows 10 executable, also a working MacOS binary that executes correctly.)

However, now I want to see if I can compile and package my nim program to an 
APK that i can copy to an android device and run.

I read this: 

I managed to successfully run this : nim c -c --cpu:arm --os:android 
-d:androidNDK --noMain:on hello.nim

But now I need guidance (exact steps to follow) to do the follow: (extract from 
the guide)? P.S I want to do this on the same Docker Ubuntu image (I connect to 
the container using VS Code)

Add the generated C files to CMake build script in your Android project. Then 
do the final compile with Android Studio which uses Gradle to call CMake to 
compile the project.

Re: Zig as C compiler for Nim. How to feed him the code

2020-02-19 Thread LeFF
Yeah, sure, but you need to build one yourself on Windows for example, Zig does 
it out of the box. There is no GCC built and ready to cross compile from 
Windows to Linux or Mac. There is, but it is buggy as hell.