Re: Problem sending binary file by socket never ending.

2020-06-27 Thread AMoura
I found the problem. The server must not use the buffering mode otherwise it 
waits that buffer is full. 

var server = newAsyncSocket(buffered=false)



Re: Problem sending binary file by socket never ending.

2020-06-27 Thread AMoura
I can do that but my binary files can be very big. 

Re: Problem sending binary file by socket never ending.

2020-06-27 Thread AMoura
Thank you for the idea to send the file size :)

I modified the code to receive the file size et I add a counter of byte. But 
the server never get last data. I think that the server waits a buffer of size 

The Client: 

import net, streams, os

let client: Socket = newSocket()
client.connect("", Port())
stdout.writeLine("Client: connected to server on address")

while true:
stdout.write("> ")
let filename: string = stdin.readLine()
var data = newString(4000)
let file = open(filename, fmRead)
let size = getFileSize(file)
echo "File size is :" & $size
echo "Send file size"
client.send($size & "\c\L")
echo "Pull ..."
while true:
let len = file.readBuffer(addr(data[0]), 4000)
setLen(data, len)
if len == 0:
echo "Send data size : " & $len
echo "End of file"



The Server 

import asyncnet, asyncdispatch, parseutils

proc processClient*(client: AsyncSocket) {.async.} =
fileSize: int
counter: int
while not client.isClosed:
echo "Wait file"
var file = open( "receive.7z", fmWrite )
let sizeFileString = await client.recvLine()
discard sizeFileString.parseInt(fileSize)
echo "File Size is " & $fileSize
counter = 0
var dataFut = client.recv(4000)
while true:
yield dataFut
echo "Counter : " & $counter
if counter >= fileSize:
if dataFut.finished:
let data =
if data != "":
counter += data.len
dataFut = client.recv(4000)
echo "No data"
echo "Exit"
echo "End of file"

proc serve() {.async.} =
  var server = newAsyncSocket()
  server.setSockOpt(OptReuseAddr, true)
  echo "Server run !"
  while true:
let client = await server.accept()

echo "Connect client"
asyncCheck processClient(client)

asyncCheck serve()


Have you any idea ?

Problem sending binary file by socket never ending.

2020-06-26 Thread AMoura

I'm a problem to send binary file over socket. I would like send file but 
without close the connection, it's important. The problem is that server never 
close the file because it wait for ever a data.

I wrote an example:


let client: Socket = newSocket()
client.connect("", Port())
stdout.writeLine("Client: connected to server on address")

while true:
stdout.write("> ")
let filename: string = stdin.readLine()
echo "Pull ..."
var data = newString(4000)
let file = open(filename, fmRead)
while true:
let len = file.readBuffer(addr(data[0]), 4000)
setLen(data, len)
if len == 0:
echo "Send end"
echo "End of file"




import asyncnet, asyncdispatch

proc processClient*(client: AsyncSocket) {.async.} =
while not client.isClosed:
echo "Wait file"
var file = open( "receive.7z", fmWrite )
var dataFut = client.recv(4000)
while true:
yield dataFut
if dataFut.finished:
let data =
if data != "":
dataFut = client.recv(4000)
echo "No data"
echo "Exit"
echo "End of file"

proc serve() {.async.} =
  var server = newAsyncSocket()
  server.setSockOpt(OptReuseAddr, true)
  echo "Server run !"
  while true:
let client = await server.accept()

echo "Connect client"
asyncCheck processClient(client)

asyncCheck serve()


How I can send an EOF ? I tried "cL" or an empty string without success.


Re: Looking for contributions to my optimistic image library

2020-06-10 Thread AMoura
@mratsim I agree with you but I'm a little frustate because I love Nim and in 
my job I use OpenCV. I would like use both in my free time :(

The binding is not the best choice especially if it is not official but it 
allows developpers of others languages to reuse his favorit library (when the 
binding works well). It is easier to use a language when you can use popular 
library or similar but that's another debate.

Nim is young, ecosystem grows up and welcome inumon.

Re: Looking for contributions to my optimistic image library

2020-06-10 Thread AMoura

@Voltist, thanks for this library in pure Nim to open Jpeg and PNJ file and 
made some simple manipulation. If your objective is to made a big lib there is 
a wrapper for OpenCV 
and for me it a better idea to make every effort required for improve 

OpenCV is very used in computer vision and machine learning, it's a reference 
in this field. OpenCV is already bind in Java, Python and Javascript, why not 

Re: Hackathon as part of NimConf 2020

2020-06-05 Thread AMoura
I agree with @spip for the problem of documentation because a lot of function 
aren't comments but for me there is also a problem of useful small libraries. 
It's normal, Nim is young.

I lost a lot of time to develop some useful utils to extract/compress archive, 
download files from url, etc.

The Hackathon can propose to develop basics libraries to do :

  * extract and create archive in all formats (see 
  * very simple file downloader (see 
  * a simple REAST Framework (see [](

For web developers, a other idea is to fix issues and improve 

Re: Nim 1.0.6 is out!

2020-01-29 Thread AMoura
Yes me too, the next version with minor change published should be normaly 
1.1.0 or 1.1.2 now that the 1.1.1 version already exists.

Re: Nim 1.0.6 is out!

2020-01-28 Thread AMoura
Thank for the link. I didn’t know this version process and I’m not the only.

Re: Nim 1.0.6 is out!

2020-01-28 Thread AMoura
Yes explain me why patches version are incremented every time by 2, there is 
certainly a logic behind this. And the minor version are incremented by 1 
(0.19.6 -> 0.20.0) or it has changed since v1.0.0 ?

Re: Nim 1.0.6 is out!

2020-01-27 Thread AMoura
I don’t understand why the next version will be 1.2 whereas the version 1.1.1 
hasn’t been published officially.

Re: Get first element in Table

2019-11-07 Thread AMoura
I don't use the Table object properly. I'm going to change my data structure.

Thank you.

Get first element in Table

2019-11-07 Thread AMoura
Hello everyone,

How to get the first element in a Table ?

My example : 

import tables

var a = {1: "one", 2: "two"}.toTable

echo a.keys[0]


The result, for me, should display **1**.


Re: Make Nim easier for the developer

2019-10-28 Thread AMoura
The word "popular" is maybe a bad word and I can understand that somebody can 
disagree with it.

@edu500ac, you are passionate of Lisp and I understand that you are heap up 
when a guy say that a good language is a popular language. Lisp is certainly a 
good language and as you say lot of great applications or libraries was 
developed with it. But I'm an industrial developer and I create architecture 
and develop code for embedded board where the performance and an perfect memory 
management is primordial. We use C/C++ and my scientist co-workers use MatLab 
and Python to develop and test algorithm quickly. And my clients need code in C 
and C++ especially when your program must works in autonomous car or in a space 
robot like ExoMars. Then yes, COBOL, Fortran, Pascal etc are maybe great 
languages but they don't support all platforms or architectures and few people 
know them in my field of work.

Languages change, evolve and sometime disappear, now CNRS use Python instead of 
Scilab/Matlab to make scientific algorithms and some big companies (Electronic 
Arts, Red Hat) use RUST instead of C++. Why not Nim ? I like Nim because I can 
write easily my code and it offers me the capability to use my libraries in C++ 
in my personal project. Maybe one day in my work or never.

Thank you @mratsim for nimterop, I'll try it with OpenCV. Use GDB in Windows in 
not a solution because when I work on Windows then I use the Visual C++ 
compiler and never mingw. Yes only 3 paid full-time developers working on Nim 
and it's pity but I prefer this rather than a big company behind a language 
like Sun with Java.

Make Nim easier for the developer

2019-10-27 Thread AMoura
Hello everyone,

I use several languages in my work and with big libraries (OpenCV, GDAL). My 
main language is C++, I use Python to script and sometime Julia. I'm using Nim 
from 4 weeks for a personal project and I love it.

I didn't write this post to talk about me but the future features that must be 
developed in Nim to become a main language like C/C++. Every year or mouth 
maybe a new language is created with lots of features to create everything, 
easy to learn/read/write, efficient ... but only some new languages gain 

For me the features missing in Nim are by priority order:

1\. C/C++ auto binding : A new programing language must propose a binding 
solution with an other language or ecosystem with lot of packages developed 
during several years and maintained. All new languages has their compiler and 
propose a binding feature often with C and sometime C++. But in my case, who 
going to develop a complete binding of very big library ? I use OpenCV and I 
don't want to change it by an other. There is a binding in GitHub 
but it isn't maintained since 2017. This is the main problem. Nim use C/C++ 
compilers like GCC and it's a great idea. Thanks to this particularity, the 
developer should be able to use easily a library without develop a binding and 
it must be done by the language. A good example is Julia that can call Python 
code directly in its code with the import keyword "pyimport". For Nim, I don't 
know how, maybe with a file descriptor to define include files and library path 
but without define functions and types binding. It's a big job but necessary 
for me.

2\. Debugging tool : Nim code is compiled with several compilers but this 
implies using different debugger. I know well GDB but in Windows I never used 
Microsoft's debugger because I use an IDE. Furthermore, in my IDE the debugging 
commands are the same on Windows, Mac and Linux. I'm not saying that should 
create a wrapper to all debuggers but this work should be done by the IDE.

3\. A great IDE : We can write our code with all editors like Vim or Notepad++ 
but they are only text editors. Un great language has a great IDE but it is 
useless to create an other editor only for Nim. For me the best solution is to 
choose an existing editor and create an plugin for it. I talk about Atom and 
VSCode, I use VSCode for all my development and a good plugins for Nim already 
exist. The problems are that the last version was published in February, the 
development is slow and there isn't a support for the debugging. This plugins 
should be managed by Nim (in the Nim repository) and a team should be focused 
on improving it.

It's my opinion and I'm not saying that will be easy but Nim has been released 
and lot of curious people will want to use it. It's better if it's easy. You 
can develop the best GC in world but if the language is hard to use then few 
developers will use it. Now you should think developer-friendly.

Thank you for reading me and sorry for my bad English.