Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-14 Thread Araq
Fully automatic translation seems (almost?) feasible if you map every value to 
a JSON-like universal type, say PyObject. Then you would have 
super-non-idiomatic Nim code but you can gradually rewrite it to use more of 
Nim's static typing and native types.

Re: Python transpiler

2020-07-14 Thread Araq
Well we can try to learn the lessons from 

  * Python code is more dynamic than it looks and even your code doesn't use 
much of Python's dynamic nature, some of your dependencies do.
  * py2nim uses a very clever idea: Run the Python code and inspect the 
types/structures at runtime. Maybe that's too clever, I don't know. In the 
following section I assume that it is.

How would I translate 200_000 lines of Python to Nim? Though nut. I probably 
would write a Python lexer/parser in Nim and translate a Python AST to Nim by 
constructing Nim's AST much like c2nim does it. Inside py2nim I would try to 
detect _project specific_ patterns to make the Nim more correct until it's 
close enough that manual editing of the remaining glitches becomes feasible. 

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-07-13 Thread Araq
> So it's a pain to rebase... Anyone know what's required to get the base PR 
> merged?

Where is your PR?

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-13 Thread Araq
> Is there a wish to build a compiler's internals documentation or is it a 
> knowledge that lives in the compiler hackers' minds?

Well we have the internal documentation and we're always accepting PRs but I 
generally assume that compiler contributors have read some book about compiler 
development, there are good ones available like 

> What are the important internal data structures?

It's ASTs all the way down and the compiler's AST is the same AST that is 
exposed in the macro system. :-)

Re: Question about move semantics for objects and seqs

2020-07-13 Thread Araq
> Case 2. Overloading for optimization, to avoid copy/reuse buffers we can have 
> 2 versions of a procedure, one with sink and one without, for example

That's not supported by Nim and so far I haven't seen convincing examples. If 
you want to take over ownership, you always want to leaving you with the sink T 
version only.

Re: Understanding Nim compiler

2020-07-12 Thread Araq
Well if you want to know why something works for procs and not for templates, 
look at the different handling of `skTemplate` inside `sigmatch.nim` and 
elsewhere. Looking at the AST is pointless, no matter how much you look at it 
and under which views and wether it's the AST for the proc or for the full 
module and whether it's the AST after parsing and before sem'checking or after 

Re: now().utc fails with --gc:arc

2020-07-12 Thread Araq
Please report issues on github so that we track their progress.

Re: File not found error EVERY TIME

2020-07-08 Thread Araq
Try `cmd.exe` and not bash.

Re: File not found error EVERY TIME

2020-07-08 Thread Araq
Run `finish.exe` please and install GCC via it.

Re: Introducing --gc:arc

2020-07-05 Thread Araq
Interesting, did you compile with `-d:danger --panics:on` ? Also watch out, the 
allocator now uses 16 byte alignments iirc and for reasons currently unknown to 
me `-d:withRC` uses much more peak memory than ARC.

Also a fun fact: Even without `.acyclic` ORC has the same performance than ARC 
on this benchmark. For me at least, ymmv. 

Re: Introducing --gc:arc

2020-07-05 Thread Araq
Another major update: On Nim devel destructors are now scope based, not 
function based. This brings Nim's semantics closer to C++/Rust and is a key 
enabler for more optimizations. Still left to do:

  * Bugfixes, as usual.
  * Better inlining for the generated assignment operators and destructors.
  * Elide wasMoved+destroy pairs (though a decent C optimizer should do it too 
for us).

Best time for the "binary trees" benchmark on my old notebook:

> 12.6s (ARC) vs 12.1s (manual)

So there is still room for improvement. :-) 

Re: How to do feature detection with JS backend?

2020-07-05 Thread Araq
Something like:

proc newAudioContext*(): AudioContext {.importjs: "new (window.AudioContext 
|| window.webkitAudioContext)()".}


Re: Why does wrapping the code in a top level procedure make it faster?

2020-07-03 Thread Araq
Whenever you leave the C code that Python happens to use like actually looping 
over an array it's slow. Python is in fact an _abstraction inversion_ , 
primitive operations are slow and high level operations are fast (because they 
can avoid Python's slow VM) and so you need to use premade libraries for 
everything. In Nim it's the opposite, primitive operations are fast and custom 
code wins over premade libraries quite often because custom code is specialized 
for the task at hand.

**That 's the fundamental lesson to learn when coming from Python.**

Surely we can and will improve the rough edges you encountered but it won't 
change the fundamental lesson.

Re: Why does wrapping the code in a top level procedure make it faster?

2020-07-02 Thread Araq
Yeah and in fact, I considered such an optimization but with ARC/ORC the effect 
isn't as big as it used to be so it's better to focus on these.

Re: What's the future of "implicitDeref"?

2020-06-30 Thread Araq
Good point so probably we should require `ptr T not nil` for auto-deref...

Re: advanced `nim doc` use

2020-06-29 Thread Araq
The define to use is `when defined(nimdoc)`.

Re: What's the future of "implicitDeref"?

2020-06-28 Thread Araq
We didn't develop it further as there were unforeseen interactions where `p != 
nil` would be rewritten to `p[] != nil` or `p != q` to `p[] != q[]` but tbh I 
don't remember the details.

This feature needs to be re-designed. Here is my current proposal:

"If overloading resolution in a call using the syntax `a.b` or `a.b(X)` 
produces no matching candidate for `b`, the expression is rewritten to `a[].b` 
(or `a[].b()`) and overloading resolution is tried once again"

This rule seem to be more consistent with what Nim does for field access and 
seems to avoid weird feature interaction. If the rule allows for custom 
overloaded deref operators it would also improve custom smart pointers because 
these can then be written without `converter` which is an unloved feature of 
Nim. Will write an RFC. 

Re: Nuglifier - Nim source code uglifier

2020-06-27 Thread Araq
Since I suspect it'll come up: You can compare it to Java

public class HelloWorld{
 public static void main(String []args){


Re: Procedure overloading with explicit parameters

2020-06-27 Thread Araq
> magine swapping out Nim's object variants for Rust's enums. I think that 
> would be an improvement.
> Araq has explained on several occasions why he designed Nim's object variants 
> the way he did.

Well you're both right. :-) The current design has its advantages but Rust's 
seems nicer. However, Rust's only works with more borrow checking, IMO. I 
couldn't copy Rust's design for Nim's case objects because back then Rust 
didn't exist. I knew ML's but ML's works because of its immutability. 

Re: New garbage collector --gc:orc is a joy to use.

2020-06-27 Thread Araq
> Is that the plan?

Almost. We need to run the cycle collector before a send already to ensure the 
thread local "cycle candidates" list is empty (note that it is always empty 
after a cycle collection), otherwise it would interfere with multi-threading. 
Alternatively we can make the list global and protected via a lock (or 
implement it as lockfree queue...).

There are many other options, we can also restrict the sending to `.acyclic` 

Or we request that "orphaned objects" that will be misdetected as false 
external roots to be cleaned up manually. That is a good idea anyhow, ensuring 
the programmer he still aware of the typology:

proc process(x: Node) =
  # likely invalid:
  spawn process(x.right)
  # better: extract it
  spawn process(move x.right)


Re: New garbage collector --gc:orc is a joy to use.

2020-06-26 Thread Araq
> How will the iso property be checked dynamically? Well, the object's 
> refcounts will be checked, they all have to be zero (or one, depending of how 
> we count). Now, the owned ref comes into play.

Nah. I mean, you could do it this way, but there is a much better way: You 
traverse the subgraph. In doing so you could the edges (= E) and sum the RC 
fields (= S). A graph is sendable to a different thread if and only if S = E + 

Re: NvP: s.add('x') 100M times

2020-06-25 Thread Araq
Nim's strings do a mild form of copy-on-write so that string literals can be 
copied in O(1). Probably the logic is flawed.

Re: NvP: s.add('x') 100M times

2020-06-25 Thread Araq
> I think this kicking the tires has probably uncovered a real problem.

Indeed, there is a high priority bug lurking here, please keep investigating!

Re: New garbage collector --gc:orc is a joy to use.

2020-06-25 Thread Araq
> And furthermore, the object you're moving to another thread can't refer to 
> any other objects that have references on the current thread ... this sounds 
> like something that could accidentally lead to difficult-to-discover race 
> conditions if one is not careful!

That is correct but we'll have an `isIsolated` runtime check for that. There is 
also a plan for ensuring this at compile-time via an `islolated:` block. Seems 
entirely within reach thanks to Nim's effect system.

Re: ok to merge "overload resolution" label into "Symbol Resolution" label in github issues?

2020-06-25 Thread Araq
These are two different mechanisms, so IMHO it shouldn't be merged.

Re: NvP: s.add('x') 100M times

2020-06-24 Thread Araq
Huh? Tracing GCs should never win this. Something strange is going on... :-) 

Re: NvP: s.add('x') 100M times

2020-06-24 Thread Araq
Memory consumption is usually _much_ better with `--gc:arc`.

Re: Change Nim colour on GitHub

2020-06-24 Thread Araq
> I am not sure why since the rst parser seems to support it, maybe it would be 
> fixed by a forum update or maybe I just did something wrong.

Security. You are not allowed to destroy the site's layout. ;-) 

Re: NvP: s = s & 'x'

2020-06-24 Thread Araq
Use `.add` instead. We don't optimize `` s = s & 'x'`` because nobody writes it 
this way.

Re: sha1, danger vs release builds

2020-06-23 Thread Araq
We only recently started to care about benchmarking everything against the C 
code inside Python's implementation.

Re: More fuzz testing

2020-06-23 Thread Araq
Because `write` collects all the arguments in an array? See 

Reading the docs can beat "fuzzing".

Re: "subsequence" type (like Go's "slice")

2020-06-23 Thread Araq
> I'm writing code that manipulates portions of seq s, and I keep creating proc 
> parameter lists that include input: openarray[byte]; inRange: var Slice[int], 
> and then inside the proc I keep writing stuff like input[inRange.a + i]

Er, you can slice with `toOpenArray`, no need for the `inRange: var` stuff. In 
an ideal world we would have made `a[x..y]` an alias for `toOpenArray`.

> I don't believe any of it is 0% complete ;-)

We're fixing the "last" bugs for ARC/ORC (ha ha...), work on IC was done by an 
external developer but it's far from finished. There has been no work done on 

Sad but true. 

Re: Use getenv with js

2020-06-22 Thread Araq
The error message could be better, of course, but JS has no `getEnv` and Nim's 
JS target is **not** NodeJS.

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-22 Thread Araq
Interesting. Can you outline the learned lessons?

Re: detectOs template in for loop

2020-06-22 Thread Araq
> But it's actually a tricky problem that might not be able to be solved with 
> an iteration of Distribution, which is probably why it's not in the stdlib.

distros is for Nimble support, for nothing else. Detecting the distro is 
fundamentally flawed anyway, test for features, not for distros or versions.

Re: Idea: Nim Online Conference

2020-06-22 Thread Araq
Once again a big "Thanks you" to every speaker, the quality of the talks were 
high throughout and the fact that every speaker was online during the stream 
and replied to questions made it even more enjoyable.

Coming soon: A hackathon? How to organize one?

Re: Can't install the bin tarball of nim 1.2.2.

2020-06-22 Thread Araq
You can use `-d:nimEmulateOverflowChecks` for 1.2.0

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-06-21 Thread Araq
There is also []( 
which is better suited for embedded development, it deserves more attention and 

Re: On my first 'greet.nim' I get a C compiler error on RHEL 7

2020-06-20 Thread Araq
Compile with 1.2.2 and if that fails still, compile with 

Re: Is --gc:arc completely independent from the older ownership model?

2020-06-20 Thread Araq
> I think you've mentioned Pony elsewhere, though — their approach sounds much 
> better; transfer ownership of a heap object between threads without actually 
> having to copy the bytes around.

Yes, that's what we're working on. 

Re: Is --gc:arc completely independent from the older ownership model?

2020-06-19 Thread Araq
The move optimizations help but the biggest impact is the fact that Nim's ARC 
does **not** use atomic reference counting, instead a complete SCC will be 
moved between threads. It's the atomic instructions that kill Swift's 
performance, not the refcounting.

Re: Is --gc:arc completely independent from the older ownership model?

2020-06-18 Thread Araq
I think you should watch my talk at NimConf. 

Re: When will the NimConf timeline get posted?

2020-06-18 Thread Araq
We're scheduling the talks today and will contact the speakers and update the 
website afterwards. Sorry for the delay but just today we received 3 more 

Re: Is --gc:arc completely independent from the older ownership model?

2020-06-18 Thread Araq
Well I can only describe how arc works and I can assure you that Rust/Lobster 
work very similarly and none of these languages have "compile-time reference 
counting", strictly speaking.

Nim's integers, floats, enums, bools and objects of these and arrays of these 
_always_ are "value" based types. And always have been. They are embedded into 
the host container. They are not necessarily allocated on the stack (though 
usually they are), for example:

  O = object
 a: array[2, int]

proc main =
  var x = (ref O)(a: [1, 2]) # aha! we have an array here! and it's not 
allocated on the stack!


`a` is directly _embedded into_ the `O` and we put it onto the heap. The `x` 
itself is stored on the stack and it points into the heap. Now the question is: 
When is the block inside the heap freed? Under --gc:arc/orc it's always at the 
end of `main`. Under the other GCs it's "you don't know". That is true for C++ 
shared_ptr, unique_ptr, Rust's equivalents and whatever Lobster's name for 
these things is.

Why is that? Well there is one pointer to the `ref O`, it's a _uniquely_ 
referenced memory cell. Now let's make this program more complex:

proc main =
  var x = (ref O)(a: [1, 2])
  var y = x


Now we have 2 references to `ref O`. When it is freed? Still at the end of 
`main`. Why? Because that's how reference counting works. What's the point of 
move semantics then? It makes the assignment `var y = x` cheaper by exploiting 
that `x` isn't used afterwards. Does this affect "deterministic" memory 
management? No.

Ok, so about this example:

proc construct(p: int): ref O =
  var x = (ref O)(a: [1, 2])
  if haltingProblem(p):
result = x
result = nil

proc main =
  let x = construct(12)


When is the `ref O` object really freed? Well it depends on a halting problem, 
either it's freed right after `construct` or after `main`. Why is that? Because 
unique pointers are really a 1 bit reference counting system. Note how even 
uniqueness doesn't help all that much with "deterministic" memory management 
because the uniqueness means "0 or 1" and not "always 1". However, in practice, 
if you do a minimal amount of testing or reasoning about your code, the runtime 
profile of your code remains analysable. That's true for both classic reference 
counting like C++'s shared_ptr and Rust's 1-bit reference counting or various 
schemes in between where you optimize away more and more RC operations 
("compile-time reference counting").

So why is this "better" for "hard realtime" systems than classical tracing GC 
algorithms or copying GCs or Jamaica's hard realtime GC? It's better in the 
sense that it attaches a simpler _cost model_ to a program where some 
modularity is preserved. Your subsystem allocates N objects on the heap? The 
costs are N deallocations when the subsystem is done, regardless of other 
subsystems in your program.

Re: Is --gc:arc completely independent from the older ownership model?

2020-06-17 Thread Araq
> Are these things completely unrelated?

They are related, --gc:arc is the evolution of `owned ref`.

> So what will happen to ownership?

It is outlined here, 

Ownership is still coming but owned can be implemented as a library.

> Also am I correct that --gc:arc is very similar to the memory model described 
> here

Yes, it's basically C++'s / Rust's / Lobster's algorithm, as it's a pretty 
natural outcome of move semantics.

Re: Nim version 1.2.2 is out!

2020-06-17 Thread Araq
A couple of remarks:

  * 1.2.2 does away with the runtime's infamous genericReset calls, instead 
much faster code is produced.
  * The SSL bugs have been fixed. At least that's what I have been told.
  * There is a new warning about "Observable Stores". I have yet to see a case 
where this warning indicates a real problem and so your config should probably 
disable it. Code to do that is:

# nim.cfg
@if nimHasWarningObservableStores:
  warning[ObservableStores]: off


  * Apart from that 1.2.2 focus was ARC-related bugfixes.

Re: What is ?

2020-06-17 Thread Araq
It's dead code and we should remove it.

Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-16 Thread Araq
> If I add the gcsafe pragma to my callback proc, it now compiles without 
> errors! Where's my "extended error information"?

There is a phase ordering problem in today's compiler so that in rare cases 
`.gcsafe` isn't inferred the way it should be. (Known problem.)

The good news is that when the code compiles with `.gcsafe`, it really is GC 
safe and nothing to worry about.

There is also 
 for how to evolve the "GC safety" issues.

Re: Transform procs at compile time?

2020-06-16 Thread Araq
You can also import the compiler as an API and do the transformation as a 
separate compiler pass. Unfortunately 
 only shows how to use Nim as a scripting layer but it's a start.

Re: Comparisons of Nim to the Chapel computer programming language...

2020-06-15 Thread Araq
> In all languages (Go, Nim, ...) channels are built either on top of 
> Lock+Condition variables or Atomics (reusing queue designs) but I expect we 
> will reach the limits of memory coherency at the CPU level and that in the 
> future NUMA will become increasingly important and we might see hardware 
> channels being more popular (rather than restricted to stuff like Infiniband)

Well this has been claimed for over ten years now, it's one reason why Nim did 
bet on thread local heaps + message passing and I don't see it becoming the 
reality anytime soon. I can be wrong of course. However, it is insightful to 
look at what GPUs do. The classical view is that they are based on shared 
memory. But when you look at it from a different angle what happens is that 
inside a GPU a program fragment is passed over to the data. Maybe I'm nuts and 
is has nothing to do with GPUs, but the idea is a good one. Don't transport 
data, transport programs. 

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-06-15 Thread Araq
Nice to see progress here. Maybe we can improve the stdlib's solution too, PRs 
are welcome.

Re: Can't access fields of object returned by a procedure

2020-06-15 Thread Araq
Anytime soon now (ha!) we'll improve the error message for this, it's a common 
gotcha for newcomers.

Re: Website probably not up-to-date for Nim installation

2020-06-13 Thread Araq
Yes, indeed. Thanks!

Re: Comparisons of Nim to the Chapel computer programming language...

2020-06-12 Thread Araq
So far I found "ParaSail" to be most inspiring. It keeps Ada's (and Nim's) 
parameter passing modes, throws away pointers completely, adds some mild 
aliasing checks and ends up with a system where g and h can and are run in 
parallel within f(g(args), h(otherArgs)). 

Re: What's happening with devel releases and version numbers?

2020-06-11 Thread Araq
> Does that mean there are problems compiling to these two targets?

No, there are currently problems with the nightly builds but nim devel is green 
on all major OSes including BSD.

Re: What's happening with devel releases and version numbers?

2020-06-11 Thread Araq
> I.e. if we uncover showstopper bugs on 1.2 we hope to have a 1.2.4 release 
> with the fixes.

Well surely you will get a 1.2.4 if you need one.

Re: What's happening with devel releases and version numbers?

2020-06-11 Thread Araq
It's like this:

1.0 is our long-term support (LTS) stable release. While 1.0.N is in 
development the version is 1.0.(N-1). The reason that 1.0.7 exists in our 
branch is that there will be a 1.0.8. Because 1.0 is the version we support for 
the upcoming X (X = 5?) years.

1.2.0 is the first release that ships `--gc:arc`. 1.2.2 will be released soon 
having many arc-related fixes and also other fixes we seemed important enough 
to backport. Probably there will be no version 1.2.4 because 1.2.0 isn't an LTS 

1.3.x is the development version that will become 1.4.0. For technical reasons 
having to do with bootstrapping the x is more frequently updated these days. 
It's expected that 1.4.0 will ship --gc:arc with the cycle collector.

Regarding arc being hard to implement, well, it's still automatic memory 
management and it works with threading so there is some intrinsic complexity 
involved. **Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.**

Re: bizarre name clash with template

2020-06-10 Thread Araq
Sure, we're working on a fix. No promises on a release date.

Re: New entry on Nim blog...

2020-06-10 Thread Araq
Perhaps but omg I wasn't aware the documentation for this tool is already on 
our website... :-)

Re: Using a Table as an object's member.

2020-06-08 Thread Araq
Please don't do that, `ref` exists for aliasing, not for convenience.

Re: Justification for auto type

2020-06-05 Thread Araq
> Then all our serialization libraries at Status have a tremendous amount of 
> bugs

I don't understand how this follows. So you heavily use `auto`, ok, no worries. 
My claim is that `auto` can "almost" always be avoided. 

Re: Module level variables in plugin libraries

2020-06-04 Thread Araq
Remove the `nimGC_setStackBottom` and `GC_fullCollect` calls and compile with 

Re: Justification for auto type

2020-06-04 Thread Araq
Corner cases aside, `auto` can always be avoided and if it cannot, it's likely 
a compiler bug.

Re: Uncle Bob - one syntax to rule them all?

2020-06-04 Thread Araq
> but choosing the right tool for the right purposes.

Nim is the right tool for all purposes. ;-)

Re: Justification for auto type

2020-06-04 Thread Araq
The best justification for it is that without it `sugar.=>` would be harder to 
write. Or impossible.

Re: Creating a seq or openarray on unmanaged memory

2020-05-28 Thread Araq
> But Go's slices are memory-safe and zero-copy and can be stored, for example.

They are technically memory-safe but prone to aliasing bugs anyway.

Re: Best Nim translation of C {void*, size_t} struct

2020-05-28 Thread Araq
It's supposed to work, yes and should be documented in the manual.

Re: Nim Cheatsheet PDF (English+Spanish+Latex)

2020-05-28 Thread Araq
Iteration order that depends on runtime values is a design bug.

Re: incorrect set-to-int conversion

2020-05-28 Thread Araq
> Is this a bug, or intentional? If the latter, is there a cleaner workaround 
> like a pragma?

It's intentional but it's not part of the spec and we could change it.

The workaround is to add an enum field that is mapped to 0. 

Re: Stream IO errors with -d:release flag

2020-05-28 Thread Araq
It's likely that your code is buggy. Use `setupForeignThreadGC()` in callbacks 
that are called from C and run in a different thread.

Re: Change Nim colour on GitHub

2020-05-28 Thread Araq
Fwiw orange is my favorite color.

Re: Generate warnings for default returns

2020-05-26 Thread Araq
I completely agree with this proposal. It's time to make implicit result values 
a warning. The extra line `result = 0` or similar in the beginning of a proc 
won't kill us. 

Re: Best Nim translation of C {void*, size_t} struct

2020-05-22 Thread Araq
I would use `openarray[uint8]` too. Strictly speaking though Nim uses a Nim 
`int` (== `ssize_t`) as the length information and so it's incompatible for 
arrays which contain more than 2 billion elements (on a 32 bit machine). Never 

Re: Faster and Safer Raytracing in Nim

2020-05-22 Thread Araq
Before we re-publish this as an article on our website, can you explain the 
2min14.616s outlier for GCC 10 C++ OpenMP? Or can at least somebody confirm 
these numbers? :-) 

Re: How mature is async/threading in Nim?

2020-05-21 Thread Araq
> I may very well be missing something, ...

Read mratsim's post from the same thread then, 

Re: Write Nim in Matlab/Julia style using macros while still deploy to Cloud/PC/GPU/embedded?

2020-05-21 Thread Araq
> But is this within Nim's capabilities?

Well yes, I think so. But maybe I'm a little biased. ;-) 

Re: raise error using zig as cross compile

2020-05-21 Thread Araq
_shrug_ Not our bug. :-) 

Re: raise error using zig as cross compile

2020-05-21 Thread Araq
It's `cc:clang`.

Re: closure procs with the javascript backend

2020-05-21 Thread Araq
That's a bug in `dom.nim`, fix is in the works.

Re: raise error using zig as cross compile

2020-05-21 Thread Araq
You should use `--cc:clang --clang.exe=zig`.

Re: How mature is async/threading in Nim?

2020-05-19 Thread Araq
> At this point I'm unclear on how much of this stuff is solid and 
> enabled-by-default (in particular, what's the difference between "arc" and 
> "orc"?)

ARC is in version 1.2 with significant stability improvements around the corner 
in 1.2.2. Many Nimble packages already work with `--gc:arc`. While the 
stability is still not good enough for Nim compiler bootstrapping, for new 
projects I wouldn't use anything else because the tooling is so much better. 
All the sanitizers from C++ simply work, compile your code with `nim c --gc:arc 
--debuginfo -d:useMalloc y.nim && valgrind ./y` and you can be assured the 
remaining ARC bugs (sorry!) don't affect you.

You can also slowly move from the C++ code to Nim, the interop between Nim and 
C++ is superb and only getting better with ARC. 

Re: How to instantiate `ptr object`

2020-05-18 Thread Araq
> For your example ARC makes a gigantic difference.

Yeah, known problem. Method dispatch got super slow for ARC. Not sure yet how 
to fix it. I can do it the old way without problems, but where is the fun in 
that. ;-) 

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-05-18 Thread Araq
> P.S. while the "hello world" http server is working, it currently blows up 
> after about ~22 requests. Anyone got suggestions?

For stdlib's async you need `--gc:orc` and Nim devel, otherwise it leaks 
memory. Sorry, I hope we can get 1.2.2 out soon! The good news is that we're 
also planning an async more suited for embedded.

Re: Idea: Nim Online Conference

2020-05-18 Thread Araq
> But with a mention of prerecorded talks, I'm now really confused as to 
> planned level of interactivity...? Personally, it would be much harder for me 
> to present if I could not feel any kind of live connection with the 
> audience...

Well for a prerecorded talk the speaker would be available afterwards for live 

Re: oids library import + Karax --> error

2020-05-17 Thread Araq
Asking questions here that may or may not be answered in our manuals or 
tutorials is fine. But short answers are fine too. ;-) 

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-05-17 Thread Araq
I'm _very_ interested in this port and would appreciate PRs. Ideally even CI 

Re: Revisiting my oldest Nim project.

2020-05-15 Thread Araq
> I did not want to use json. I wanted to use binary formats .. compressed 
> binary formats.

Bummer, I still like them better than json. :-)

Re: New blog, with some Nim articles

2020-05-15 Thread Araq
Sure, how about:

"Idiomatic Nim code is fast and Nim does not have "optimization walls." "

Re: New blog, with some Nim articles

2020-05-15 Thread Araq
> It's not that Nim is fast, it's that Nim does not have "optimization walls."

Great quote! Can we put it on the website? It says in one sentence what I've 
always tried to express.

Re: Define variables in proc with same name as arguments

2020-05-14 Thread Araq
No, in fact it's common idiom to do this:

proc test(n: int) =
  let n = n - 1 # my indexing starts at 0 or something
  echo a[n]


Re: Idea why this does not compile?

2020-05-13 Thread Araq
I know why it doesn't compile but my reply would be identical to the compiler's 
error message. You need to define your destructor earlier, like so:

when defined(gcDestructors):
  proc `=destroy`*(self: var typeof(Event()[])) =
if not self.ignoreFinalizer and self.impl != nil:
  echo "gdk_event_unref(self.impl)"
  self.impl = nil

template fnew*(a: untyped; finalizer: untyped) =
  when defined(gcDestructors):
new(a, finalizer)

proc `ref`*(self: Event): Event =
  fnew(result, generic_gdk_event_unref)
  echo "result.impl = gdk_event_ref(cast[ptr Event00](self.impl))"

proc generic_gdk_event_unref*[T](self: ref T) =
  if not self.ignoreFinalizer:
echo "gdk_event_unref(self.impl)"


Re: How to instantiate `ptr object`

2020-05-13 Thread Araq
> you can't mix inheritance with un-managed raw pointers.

I can do it. In fact, I did in Nim's allocator.

Re: How to instantiate `ptr object`

2020-05-13 Thread Araq
> you can't mix inheritance with un-managed raw pointers.

I can do it. In fact, I did in Nim's allocator.

Re: Is it possible for a macro to know the context it is used?

2020-05-13 Thread Araq
> Instead of having multiple small macros that don't play well together and 
> have only a local context, I'll apply a visitor-like pattern and I can 
> control the scopes in the DSL.

Yes! Now you're cooking.

Re: Markdown test

2020-05-13 Thread Araq
I think more things will work after a redeploy of nimforum. :-)

Re: A good word for idiomatic nim?

2020-05-12 Thread Araq
Boring: Simply "idiomatic". The context "for Nim" is usually implied.

Fun: "nimish". 

Re: Detect englobing scope in macros

2020-05-12 Thread Araq
We're always improving the documentation but here is a good rule of thumb:

**Whenever you need to analyse the AST, you need a macro.**

Re: oids library import + Karax --> error

2020-05-11 Thread Araq
The oids module doesn't work for the JS backend, that's why.

Re: Detect englobing scope in macros

2020-05-10 Thread Araq
> I think you confuse nim templates with template from another language.

Maybe not, but writing DSLs without learning macros is simply not a good idea.

Re: The let alias trap with HashSet[string]

2020-05-10 Thread Araq
Fixed with `--gc:arc`.

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