Re: How do I make a table of tables in Nim?

2019-10-13 Thread Tiberium
I really think you should use objects for this, but this will work anyway: 

import tables

var books = newTable[string, TableRef[string, string]]()

books["one"] = newTable[string, string]()
books["one"]["price"] = "150"

echo books["one"]["price"]


Re: Xors3D game engine for Nim [wrapper]

2019-09-26 Thread Tiberium
What about Godot? It also has Nim bindings and Godot generally has a pretty 
good 3D support already.

Simple snippet for colored logging with named arguments

2019-02-02 Thread Tiberium
I just wanted to have logging which has colors, and also have chronicles-style 
printing of arguments, so I created this relatively small snippet for logging: 

Example of usage:

import simple_log
let info = 5
logInfo("Hello world!", info = info, count = 65, word = "world")


I don't really think I'll release it as a package because it's just too small, 
but you can easily embed it in your projects.

Simple snippet for easy colored logging with levels

2019-02-02 Thread Tiberium
I just wanted to have logging which has colors, and also have chronicles-style 
printing of arguments, so I created this relatively small snippet for logging: 

I don't really think I'll release it as a package because it's just too small, 
but you can easily embed it in your projects.

Re: Is there a handy way to declare Rune literals?

2018-10-19 Thread Tiberium
Since Unicode contains all ASCII characters you can easily do that: 

import unicode

let my_rune = Rune(ord('.'))
echo my_rune


Re: Question About Nim 32/64-bits

2018-01-09 Thread Tiberium
Multilib IS supported, you need to compile your file like nim c --cpu:i386 
--passL:"-m32" \--passC:"-m32" myfile.nim

Re: Nim versus Julia benchmark comparison

2017-12-18 Thread Tiberium
@mratsim Why does Nim need warm-up? I've never heard about that.

Re: cannot import windows

2017-11-13 Thread Tiberium
You should do "import oldwinapi/windows", not "import windows". 

Re: question on range types

2017-11-01 Thread Tiberium
They are checked at runtime, but not in release mode (because -d:release does 

Re: How do you get thread count in Nim

2017-10-30 Thread Tiberium
TS probably means "processor threads" \- Hyper Threading

Re: Nim Manual: wrong link: "lock levels"

2017-10-23 Thread Tiberium
Please report it on github!

Re: request for feedback - type safe OpenGL wrapper

2017-10-23 Thread Tiberium
jackmott: I really think you should use templates instead of inlined procs 
here, because it's not guaranteed that proc will be inlined (even with inline 

Nim discord server

2017-10-22 Thread Tiberium
I've created a new Discord Nim channel: 

Re: What should next Araq's live stream be about?

2017-10-20 Thread Tiberium
The recording is now available! 

What should d0m96 work on in his next Nim livestream?

2017-10-19 Thread Tiberium
The livestream starts at 4PM (16:00) UTC 20 Oct 2017 

Re: nim-cookbook

2017-10-19 Thread Tiberium
You don't need to declare a tuple type here: 
 It can be done with: 

let address = ("Royal Rd", "Kingville", 11234)
let (s,c,z) = address
echo s
echo c
echo z

What should my next Araq's stream be about?

2017-10-18 Thread Tiberium
[]( Vote for 
your favourite topic!

Araq will be streaming on Thursday, 19:00 UTC!

Re: "Person = object" still has a type field by default?

2017-10-13 Thread Tiberium
Yes, not using object of meant you were "pure"

Re: noob confusion stream of conciousness

2017-10-11 Thread Tiberium
About toString - in Nim $ is used as a stringify operator for almost all types 
anywhere (not only in stdlib). So firstly try $ on a type 

Re: Ideas for calling CGAL from Nim?

2017-10-08 Thread Tiberium
c2nim already supports C++ templates

Re: Python-like with, context managers, and the RAII pattern

2017-10-07 Thread Tiberium
cdunn2001: "There's actually a lot of places I'd really like to use "withAs" 
in, eg to make sure that resources are closed, but without needing to add a 
resource-specific "defer" line." So wizzardx will need to create a template 
like this for every type he'll use

Re: "Cross-platform C" target for Nim?

2017-10-07 Thread Tiberium
wizzardx: yes, and nim uses niminst

Re: Simple logging with module filename and line number

2017-10-05 Thread Tiberium
coffeepot: I'm afraid it isn't possible to implement it using a variable (e.g. 
something like $line). Yeah, it is possible to add this just as template, but I 
don't really think it would be accepted in stdlib

Simple logging with module filename and line number

2017-10-04 Thread Tiberium
Nim allows getting a line number from a template (via compile-time 
information). So you can make a log template to do that: 

import logging, strutils

var logger = newConsoleLogger(fmtStr = "[$time][$levelid]")

template log*(lvl: Level, data: string): untyped =
  let pos {.compiletime.} = instantiationInfo()
addition =
  when defined(release):
"[$1] " % [pos.filename]
"[$1:$2] " % [pos.filename, $pos.line]
  logger.log(lvl, addition & data)

template log*(data: string): untyped = log(lvlInfo, data)

log("hi world")

If compiled in non-release mode, it will contain line number & filename. If 
compiled in release mode - only filename, but this can be easily changed.

Re: How to

2017-10-01 Thread Tiberium
monster: you wouldn't get only "syntax highlighting" with VSCode. Nim plugin 
also supports "nim check" \- checking files for errors, and nimsuggest - code 
completion (it knows everything about Nim)

Re: directory structure for a multi-file project?

2017-10-01 Thread Tiberium

Re: Python-like with, context managers, and the RAII pattern

2017-09-30 Thread Tiberium
well, no, only "with" and "without": 

Re: Python-like with, context managers, and the RAII pattern

2017-09-30 Thread Tiberium
Udiknedormin: you can change "take" to "with", since "with" and "without" were 
removed from Nim keyword list in devel 

Re: Python-like with, context managers, and the RAII pattern

2017-09-30 Thread Tiberium
It's very easy with "quote do": 

import macros

proc my_enter(x: int): int =
  echo "my_enter was called"
  return x

proc my_exit(x: int) =
  echo "my_exit was called"

macro take(args, body: untyped): untyped =
  # Value of an argument
  let varValue = args[1]
  # Variable name
  let varName = args[^1]
  result = quote do:
# Private variable would be "private", so it wouldn't be redefined
var private = `varValue`
# We need to have a block to make sure varName is not redefined
  var `varName` = my_enter(private)

take 3 as f:
  echo f

take 6 as f:
  echo f

Re: Python-like with, context managers, and the RAII pattern

2017-09-28 Thread Tiberium
You can use defer for closing resources: 

Re: Are array types that differ only in index boundaries different?

2017-09-26 Thread Tiberium
LeuGim: a side note: it's not an implicit conversion, with "var x: int8" Nim 
treats your "3" literal as "int8" type

Re: Error: cannot instantiate: 'OrderedTable'

2017-09-24 Thread Tiberium
sflennik: your code is wrong, OrderedTable can't contain different types It 
should be like this: 

from tables import OrderedTable, toOrderedTable

proc getMetaInfo(filename: string, fileSize: int64): OrderedTable[string, 
string] =
  result = {
"filename": filename,
"size": $fileSize,

var testing = getMetaInfo("filename", 44)

mathexpr, a math expression evaluator library in Nim

2017-09-24 Thread Tiberium

This is a mathematic expression evaluator library in pure Nim (with no 
third-party dependencies).

Basically it is a recursive descent evaluator.

It supports many mathematical functions, also you can provide variables and add 
custom functions.

Also it doesn't have strict rules on arguments, so all of these are valid:

sqrt(max(1, 2))
sqrt(max(1 2))
sqrt max(1, 2)
sqrt max(1 2)

# You can even do something like this!
sqrt fac log2 10

Example REPL: 

## An example REPL for Mathexpr:
import strutils, rdstdin, ./mathexpr, tables

# Our variables (they will be available in the REPL)
var ourVars = {"x": 5.0, "y": 6.0, "z": 75.0}.newTable()

# Procedure should have this type:
# proc(args: seq[float]): float
proc mySum(args: seq[float]): float =
  for arg in args: result += arg

# Add our custom `sum` function
mathexpr.functions["sum"] = mySum

while true:
  var expr: string
expr = readLineFromStdin("> ")
  except IOError:
echo "Goodbye!"
  if expr in ["exit", "quit", "quit()", "exit()"]:
let result = eval(expr, ourVars)
echo "$1 = $2" % [expr, $result]
echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()

By the way, implementation is less than 200 lines and it works in JS backend 

Re: Using Plotly.js in Nim

2017-09-22 Thread Tiberium
Well you would wrap this functions too? And I really think you should make it a 
real wrapper 

Re: Nimscript: setLen segfaults?

2017-09-22 Thread Tiberium
Udiknedormin: can you post a code example? And also create an issue on github

Re: Too many global variables in a generated js-code

2017-09-15 Thread Tiberium
@alexsad - don't try to compare JS code compiled by Nim with hand-written JS. 
It's almost the same if you compare hand-written C++ with C++ code compiled by 

Re: Containers of generic types

2017-09-14 Thread Tiberium
cdome: but one problem - vtrefs are not implemented yet 

Re: Glob patterns for nim

2017-09-07 Thread Tiberium

Re: Random idea - porting python 3 stdlib to Nim.

2017-09-06 Thread Tiberium

Re: Differences: Object variant vs static conditional fields

2017-09-06 Thread Tiberium
Yes, Stefan_Salewski is right: 

  NodeKind = enum  # the different node types
nkInt,  # a leaf with an integer value
nkFloat# a leaf with a float value
  # Version 1 with object variant
  Node = ref NodeObj
  NodeObj = object
case kind: NodeKind  # the ``kind`` field is the discriminator
of nkInt: intVal: int
of nkFloat: floatVal: float
  # Version 2 with conditional fields
  Node2[NK] = ref NodeObj2[NK]
  NodeObj2[NK: static[NodeKind]] = object
when NK == nkInt:
  intVal: int
elif NK == nkFloat:
  floatVal: float

# Compiles fine
let a = @[NodeObj(kind: nkInt), NodeObj(kind: nkFloat)]
# Doesn't compile
let b = @[NodeObj2[nkInt](), NodeObj2[nkFloat]()]

Re: Killing an AsyncHttpServer

2017-09-05 Thread Tiberium
Try to add gcsafe pragma to your proc

Re: Compositional inheritance voodo

2017-09-04 Thread Tiberium
You can also try concepts 

Re: Nim newbie request/challenge

2017-09-02 Thread Tiberium
But you shouldn't write export PATH... in terminal you should write it in your 
.bashrc or .zshrc or .rc

Re: Convert tuple into a Object

2017-09-01 Thread Tiberium
My macro: 

import macros

macro createObj(typ: typedesc, data: untyped): untyped =
  # This macro only accepts tuples in parenthesis, but this can be changed
  assert data.kind == nnkPar
  # Object construction syntax
  result = newTree(nnkObjConstr)
  # Add type name
  # Get implementation of typedesc
  let typImpl = typ.getTypeInst()[1].symbol.getImpl()[2]
  # We support both ref and usual objects
  let fields = if typImpl.kind == nnkRefTy: typImpl[0][2] else: typImpl[2]
  # Tuple should have exactly the same number of values as object
  assert fields.len == data.len
  # add fieldName: value to result for all fields/values
  for i in 0..

Re: Convert tuple into a Object

2017-09-01 Thread Tiberium
You can definitely do this with a macro

Re: Nim newbie request/challenge

2017-08-31 Thread Tiberium
Maybe you can't access Nim directory from user account because it has wrong 
permissions? And also maybe you have another Nim installed?

Re: Simple Python-like class macro and some python-like procedures (print, input, range, others)

2017-08-27 Thread Tiberium
Udiknedormin: yeah, or maybe IRC

Re: Simple Python-like class macro and some python-like procedures (print, input, range, others)

2017-08-27 Thread Tiberium
Udiknedormin, I've added lazy evaluation for range - 

Re: Simple Python-like class macro and some python-like procedures (print, input, range, others)

2017-08-27 Thread Tiberium
Udiknedormin: I've fixed modulo (If I'm not mistaken), added a couple of tests. 
About range - I plan to make it an object, so it would be lazy too (as in 
python 3) I can't write print as an simple procedure because Nim doesn't have 
keyword-only arguments

Re: Reason for -fno-strict-aliasing?

2017-08-25 Thread Tiberium
I've even changed -fno-strict-aliasing to "-fstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-aliasing" 
in (in csources), and nim compiler compiled without any issues!

Re: Reason for -fno-strict-aliasing?

2017-08-25 Thread Tiberium
@cblake it doesn't show any problems for me

Simple Python-like class macro and some python-like procedures (print, input, range, others)

2017-08-25 Thread Tiberium
I've implemented some simplest Python functions and very simple "class" macro 
(which doesn't and wouldn't support inheritance). 
\- check example2.nim for classes.

Yeah, code isn't the best - this is mainly due to the nature of Python 
(dynamic-typing), for example:

"range(5)" \- here 5 is a position where range stops

"range(1, 5)" \- 1 here is a position where range starts

Simplest example of class macro usage: 

import pylib

type HelloWorld = ref object
  name: string

class HelloWorld(object):
  def init(self, name): = name
  def greet(self):
print("Hello,",, sep = "\n")

let c = newHelloWorld("Daniil")

Re: Estimation of π using Leibniz series

2017-08-14 Thread Tiberium
It seems that Julia JIT is aware of SSE extensions and it uses them. GCC or 
MSVC should be emitting them too, but it depends on C code

Gource visualization of the Nim repo history

2017-08-12 Thread Tiberium
If you don't want the music, just turn it off  History from 2008 to 2017 

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-08-02 Thread Tiberium
DTxplorer: don't worry, nothing bad

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-08-01 Thread Tiberium
DTxplorer, you need to install godot-nim package itself first 

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-07-31 Thread Tiberium
You can now use Godot-Nim with master branch of Godot (so newest version)

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-07-28 Thread Tiberium
Author said that only one PR to godot engine left

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-07-28 Thread Tiberium
>From the example: 

# Copyright 2017 Xored Software, Inc.

import strutils
import godot
import engine, label, resource_loader, packed_scene

gdobj FPSCounter of Label:
  var lastFPS: float32
  method ready*() =
  method process*(delta: float64) =
let fps = getFramesPerSecond()
if int(fps * 10) != int(lastFPS * 10):
  lastFPS = fps
  self.text = "FPS: " & formatFloat(fps, ffDecimal, 1)

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-07-28 Thread Tiberium

Yay, proper GDNative bindings!!!

Re: echo proper string in different consoles?

2017-06-21 Thread Tiberium
There's a simpler way to change the codepage 

import os
discard execShellCmd("chcp 936")

Nim support on

2017-04-15 Thread Tiberium
Hi everyone! started a vote poll called "Language requests". Since already supports C and C++, I think it would be not hard for them to 
add Nim support.

Vote [here!](