Re: Tabulation symbols not allowed

2016-09-08 Thread bogen
> But forbidding tabs I don't like.

You stated you use gedit, which handles indentation (via the tab key) with 
either spaces or tabs, and that is very simple to configure.

Most decent editors have this feature. For me I prefer Nim not allowing tabs. I 
don't see the point of having tabs used for indentation in the source code when 
just about every editor out there can be configured to indent with spaces via 
the tab key.

The big problem I've had with tabs was in team programming, where some 
preferred tabs, and other's spaces (via the tab key). It was a big mess. We 
ended up just banning tabs all together and agreeing on how many indent spaces 
would be used.

Anyways, "tabs vs spaces" is one of those continual ongoing computer holy wars 
for well over 15 years. Just do a web search on it. I've been programming for 
over 30 years. In my opinion tabs not being allowed in Nim source code is a 
very good thing. They are totally unnecessary and have no real added value (in 
my opinion). Tab characters can appear in strings in nim, just not for 

> When i write code in text editor, the indentation with two spaces is little 
> noticeable, the indentation with more spaces is more noticeable, but if i 
> need 3 or more levels of indentation, writing 12 spaces takes too much time.

That makes no sense. Just configure your tab key to indent with spaces, not tab 

Re: nlvm status update

2016-09-08 Thread bogen
> With your backend, would it be possible, to also compile nimscript and macro 
> code to native istructions and throw out the distinction of runtime and 
> compiletime behavior?

Even if you are not using C as an intermediate step it is still essential to 
distinguish between compile time and run time behavior.

There are compilers for other languages that compile/assemble/link on the fly 
into RAM, then write out the image when done.

If Nim were to evolve into something like that, it would still be necessary to 
make runtime and compiletime separate.

  * If you have compile time procs and global variables that macros use. (I 
have a lot of this in code I write) (ok, I guess something like dead code/data 
elimination _could_ get rid of those, but I believe it is better to be explicit 
about what is compile time, and what is runtime).
  * You are targeting a different architecture or operating system that your 
compiler is running on. (For example, building windows applications from Linux, 
or building applications for an embedded system).

Nimscript is essentially "compile time only" which is why it does not have 
macros (as macros are for what will be the run time code). Nim would need 
something more than a new backend to compile to native code and use that doing 
compile time.

Re: The cstring type and interfacing with the backend.

2016-09-01 Thread bogen
> If I would think Go is the future, I would not be here.

Heh... Same with me. Go might have a future, not much of one with me however.

> ... With the result that cstring now means compatible string.

Yeah, I reached a similar conclusion (on all the **c** prefixed types, as I 
have used **nim js** quite a bit).

In regard to **cint**, where **int** in not in javascript, one can think of it 
as _compatible_ with the underlying implementation.

It would be nice to eventually see all the items needed to interface with new 
backends broken out into their own modules, to make creating new backends much 
easier. Note I said _eventually_...

Re: Reflections on Nim and using it at work

2016-08-29 Thread bogen
In regard to where these should go.

> We also have a linux.nim module for Linux specific stuff.

Well, these came from BSD. I will check if these are are available on Darwin as 
well, as I will also be targeting MacOS X.

> These are BSD functions, present in glibc. They are not standardized in POSIX

What I'm getting at is that there are is lot of commonality in regard to what 
is available on both BSDs and Linux, that is not strictly posix.

> IMHO it's all the others which could be renamed to adhere to NEP-1.


Re: Reflections on Nim and using it at work

2016-08-28 Thread bogen
Well, strictly speaking, these are not Posix.

>From the Linux man page: 

   For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see 
   │Interface│ Attribute │ Value  │
   │forkpty(), openpty() │ Thread safety │ MT-Safe locale │
   │login_tty()  │ Thread safety │ MT-Unsafe race:ttyname │

   These are BSD functions, present in glibc.  They are not 
standardized in POSIX.

So, not sure if the posix module is the correct place to add these, even though 
they are present in glibc on linux.

I tried musl as well, with it the **{.passL: "-lutil".}** is no longer needed. 

Re: Reflections on Nim and using it at work

2016-08-28 Thread bogen
Alright, this is what I got working for the posix stuff: 

{.passL: "-lutil".}

var SIGWINCH* {.importc, header: "".}: cint
var TIOCGWINSZ* {.importc, header: "".}: cuint
var TIOCSWINSZ* {.importc, header: "".}: cuint

proc openpty (amaster, aslave : ptr int, mustBeNil : pointer, termp, winp : 
ptr Termios) : cint {.importc, noDecl, header: "".}
proc forkpty (amaster: ptr int, mustBeNil : pointer, termp, winp : ptr 
Termios) : cint {.importc, noDecl, header: "".}

I need to the put what will make **{.passL: "-lutil".}** happen in the importc 
pragmas for openpty and forkpty, but I'm not sure how to do that. dynlib did 
not do it.

With the above I was able to port the remaining C functions to Nim.

As far as **SigVal** not having **sival_int** an only having **sival_ptr**, 
here was my workaround:

# for inserting:
var si_value:SigVal
si_value.sival_ptr = cast[pointer](myvar)
let rc = pid.sigqueue (SIGUSR2, si_value)

# for extracting:
proc handler (signal:cint, si: var SigInfo, context:pointer) {.noconv.} =
let myvar = cast[mytype](si.si_value.sival_ptr)

Where **mytype** objects are pointer sized or smaller, in my case I'm using an 
enum type. I guess because of that, I don't really see the need to support 
sival_int directly in Nim.

Should something like this be included in the PR?

Here is what is says currently:

SigVal* {.importc: "union sigval",
 header: "", final, pure.} = object ## struct sigval
sival_ptr*: pointer ## pointer signal value;
## integer signal value not defined!

On a different note, why were these renamed?

  * **cfmakeraw** to _cfMakeRaw_
  * **tcsetattr** to _tcSetAttr_
  * **tcgetattr** to _tcGetAttr_

Due to case insensitivity they worked without the camelcase. The reason I 
initially thought they were missing was I could not find the in the 

readlink was not renamed to readLink, setgid to setGid, etc, so I don't really 
see a point in renaming the aforementioned.

So, when I do a PR, I'll need to add the proper docstrings, for the new ones 
above as well. 

Re: Reflections on Nim and using it at work

2016-08-27 Thread bogen
Ok, I'll need to move the definitions/code to pure nim first and get them 
working that way. Some of these may not be available on all posix systems. 
Right now I'm just targeting Linux for the code that uses those, but I'll be 
targeting MacOS X as well.

Oh, I really like it how one can use nim compiled for one platfrom to compile 
code for other platforms, by specifying the correct OS and making sure the 
correct cross compiling C compiler is in your path first. Doing this I was able 
to from Linux successfully build Linux, Windows, and MacOS X executables. That 
is very cool.

Reflections on Nim and using it at work

2016-08-27 Thread bogen
Well, I'm not been active here or in #nim on freenode lately, but I've been 
using Nim a lot at work.

I'm on a new project (rather significant one), and I decided to do a majority 
of the new software required by it in Nim.

Tried to do one component in C++, as it required a lot of posix stuff, and 
Nim's is not complete but eh... After about 900 lines of working C/C++ code 
I rewrote it all in Nim (line by line translation, much of it was just syntax 

The parts not there, I left those in C and called those parts from Nim, or I 
just made do with what was there with casting. So far so good.

I just got tired of fighting C/C++'s lack of modularity, namespace leakage. 
C++11 and newer make up for quite a few deficiencies, but meh... Nim is just so 
much better to program in... (stack traces, proper modules, metaprogramming, 

I had been using Mako (python) quite a bit for ansible templates, but a couple 
months ago I switched them all over to Nim's source code filtering. Everything 
I was doing in Mako, I can do with Nim's source code filtering, and I don't 
have to put up with Python's dynamism that catches stuff very late in the game. 
(for python code in the template file).

There is a bit of a risk using Nim at work, but there is also risk in not using 
it. When I look at Swift, I don't see what it has to has offer (apart from a 
very good REPL) that I don't have in Nim, but in a curly brace style. (Python 
got me use to the indentation style, which I hated at first, but now I prefer 
it). Rust, go, D, while better in many regards than C++11 (and newer) fall 
short in a lot of areas when it comes to programmability for me.

**Posix *(well, I guess these are not strictly posix)* issues I ran into:**

 (My code uses the integer value, I was able to do casting to make it work)
  * **forkpty** is not present
  * **cfmakeraw** is not present
  * **tcsetattr** is not present
  * **tcgetattr** is not present
  * **SIGWINCH** is not present, was trivial to add
  * **ioctl** with a third parameter is not present

And maybe a few other items... Of course those are all able to be worked 
around, especially since it so easy to mix C with nim.

Overall Nim has been a joy and I've been very productive with it at work. I 
hope to be using it long term at work, especially if I can get others to start 
using it.

I looked at Crystal some, but I prefer Nim over it. If anything for the syntax, 
but there are other considerations as well.