Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-24 Thread lightness1024
not cool compiler message: 

it'd be way better: "not nil only applies to ref types" maybe

we should have a pinned threads about those.

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-21 Thread Allin
Some musings;

Beware, I edited title and original post to better reflect the point of the 


When I first installed Nim 0.13, I accepted that there will be "wtf-moments" 
because I knew that it is work-in-progress. When press release of 1.0 will 
eventually hit the fan, I surely hope there will be flocks of people installing 
Nim just to try it out - just for the evening, for a work day or a weekend. But 
the same amount of tolerance may not be expected then. That's why I think 
progress toward better error messages is very important just now.


Steep entry slope may have been also a blessing so far in the sense that forums 
are not flooded with us beginners, newbies, novices, newcomers, noobies and 
whatnot, but it's not a long-term strategy.

As long as Nim syntax and libraries keep changing, it's also good that www has 
not been filled with outdated solutions. Modern programming is much about first 
finding code and libraries from web and then spending X hours getting the 
versions and dependencies right. Rosetta code was indispensable for me when 
learning (and of) Nim - when 1.0 comes out, make sure that code there is 


Sorry about the pathos, I just tried to conjure the exasperation of a Nim 
beginner (whose voice may be underrepresented on these forums). It's a 
privilege that even beginners get answered by core devs, but I don't expect 
this to last forever. Hard to imagine Linus reading some beginner forums, let 
alone answering, and if he did, I wouldn't mind the tone.

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-21 Thread andrea
I may be weird, but I find the above error message perfectly clear. Let me show 
how to read it.

It says it has various overloads for `[]=`, I don't care for their type, but 
they all seem to take a `t`, a `key` and a `val`. Now the type mismatch happens 
between the provided values, which the compiler says have the following types

  * `t` -> `Table[comp.XchgSym,]`
  * `key` -> `tuple[xchg: string, sym: string]`
  * `val` -> `RetTofTryInsert`

A rapid comparison shows that `RetTofTryInsert` is the wrong type here.

Unlike with some syntax errors, which may sometimes be unclear, when the 
compiler gives a type error, it usually tells you everything you need to know 
to figure out your issue.

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-21 Thread lightness1024
Hey I have another good one in the category "ignore the compiler and just go 
back to the code".

import db_mysql, tables

type XchgSym = tuple[xchg: string, sym: string]
var xchg_symbol2id = initTable[XchgSym, int]()

# real code:
#let id = db.tryInsertId(sql(qs), m.xchg, m.sym)
# simulation of the result for a stateless environment:
type RetTofTryInsert = type(tryInsertId(open("", "", "", ""), sql""))
let id: RetTofTryInsert = 1
xchg_symbol2id[(xchg:"", sym:"")] = id

change the last line to: 

xchg_symbol2id[(xchg:"", sym:"")] = int(id)

and now it builds.

the compiler output is unhelpful:

comp.nim(11, 15) Error: type mismatch: got (Table[comp.XchgSym,], tuple[xchg: string, sym: string], RetTofTryInsert)
but expected one of:
proc `[]=`(s: var string; x: Slice[int]; b: string)
proc `[]=`[T](s: var seq[T]; x: Slice[int]; b: openArray[T])
proc `[]=`[I: Ordinal; T, S](a: T; i: I; x: S)
proc `[]=`[Idx, T](a: var array[Idx, T]; x: Slice[Idx]; b: openArray[T])
proc `[]=`[Idx, T](a: var array[Idx, T]; x: Slice[int]; b: openArray[T])
proc `[]=`[A](t: var CountTable[A]; key: A; val: int)
proc `[]=`[A](t: CountTableRef[A]; key: A; val: int)
proc `[]=`[A, B](t: TableRef[A, B]; key: A; val: B)
proc `[]=`[A, B](t: var Table[A, B]; key: A; val: B)
proc `[]=`[A, B](t: OrderedTableRef[A, B]; key: A; val: B)
proc `[]=`[A, B](t: var OrderedTable[A, B]; key: A; val: B)

Because the type it expects, is in fact not listed here. otherwise we'd have my 
tuple showing up.

The red tilda in VS code (and the column number in the compiler output) points 
to the first [ bracket of the key.

The only clue that got me to save the day, was that it was not showing 
RetTofTryInsert but i64, (I introduced RetTofTryInsert just for the sake of the 
argument). In fact the problem was on the other side of the assignment. Because 
it's NOT an assignment, it's an []= operator and that is very surprising. I 
have no i64 in my types, so changing to int was the fix.

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-21 Thread Araq
Unfair quoting IMO, I said

> Or better yet, you ask a beginner who can read a tutorial again to look at 
> some valid syntax. **I 'm not a fan of pathos.**

A friendlier tone would have produced a friendlier answer. But I'm changing 
this to "just always be nice anyway", trying to listen to complaints. 
Independent of the tone I tried my best to improve the situation.

> Because that's what we do, we copy paste a compiler's complaint in google and 
> see if we're not faced with a common mistake, that is solved by checking the 
> first answer on SO as first result in the google response. I've been out of 
> misery in 10 seconds like that for lots of things. Never with nim.

"Nim is not Google friendly" is definitely Nim's problem number one for 
learners, agreed. 

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-21 Thread lightness1024
I'm also a beginner and I'm also exasperated by error messages just like you. 
Let's take C#, it's a language that was designed on purpose to be beginner 
friendly, and the compiler outputs messages that are incredible and spot on. 
This makes it frustration-free, and that's one key to adoption.

nim has a steep entry slope, I'm climbing it slowly but it's not without 
frequent requestioning "should I just scrap my proto and move to C# and redo it 
all in 2 days ?"

@Araq your attitude doesn't help with this feeling I'm afraid :'( you often are 
rough with your tone, and stuff like "a beginner who can read a tutorial again" 
that's... hmm

Ok, so the last way too long-lasting head scratching I had (I'll start 
collecting them like you @Allin lol) was when using ".items" and ".keys" 
iterators, it gives out weird errors about fields. I mentioned it in this SO 
 I'm trying to flood SO with everything I can ask that meets the SO standards. 
Because right now, google returns few useful stuff for common beginners 
queries, or the compiler's error messages

Because that's what we do, we copy paste a compiler's complaint in google and 
see if we're not faced with a common mistake, that is solved by checking the 
first answer on SO as first result in the google response. I've been out of 
misery in 10 seconds like that for lots of things. Never with nim. I hope this 

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-20 Thread Araq
"Error: Not all cases are covered" when you have one ')' too much? "Invalid 
indentation" when you have one ')' too much?

Your "quiz" has quite some potential still. 

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-20 Thread Allin
On behalf of future Nim beginners I say that is a great reply to my rants. 
Correct and helpful feedback from compiler is even more important than correct 
and helpful feedback from community. When next version comes out, I'll check if 
there's room left for another syntax (error) "quiz".

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-19 Thread Araq
The only remaining issue is `var myTuple: MyTuple = [a: 10, b: 10]` which is 
hard to fix. All the others have better error messages now.

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-17 Thread Allin
Ok, correct answer to the quiz is: 8

You'll find the corrected code below.

As any decent quiz should, one trick question was included: although " 
_inheritance only works with non-final objects_ " is reported as syntax error, 
there's no syntax error at that line; _MyObject_ just should have been declared 
as  " _of RootObj_ ".

type MyTuple = tuple[a: int, b: int]

var myTuple: MyTuple = (a: 10, b: 10)

type MyObject = ref object of RootObj
  a: int

var myObject: MyObject = MyObject(a: 5)

type MySpecialObject = ref object of MyObject

var seqOfStrings: seq[int] = @[]

proc silentProc*() = discard

proc inc(a: var int) = a += 1

Btw1. This discussion is also relevant: 
[]( It's a 
fact that when the parser gets carried away, it may state some irrelevant line 
as the source of your error. (Due to what StasB stated above).

Again, use the error message line number as a hint, not as a fact.

Btw2. Below is an example of a program that produces - while being a 
pedantically correct error message - quite scary output for a newcomer. A 
friendlier (and admittedly unrealistic to achieve) alternative would be 
something like: _The & operator concatenates two strings, but the procedure 
debug does not return a string. Did you mean: debug("foo" & "bar")_

import logging
debug("foo") & "bar"

The lesson to be learned: Just take nim error messages with a grain of salt (at 
least until Nim 1.x). After all, nim is more programmer-friendly language than 
it's error messages might first suggest. 

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-14 Thread mashingan
`nimsuggest` doesn't help?

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-14 Thread StasB
I think what it boils down to is that syntactic flexibility and good error 
messages are at odds, simply because the parser can keep going quite a long way 
past the point where it's already clear from the context that the result will 
be semantically invalid, as long as the code happens to be syntactically valid. 
The further it gets from the root cause, the more baffling an error message you 
will get.

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-14 Thread Allin
To drive my point home, I shall now reveal what the compiler tells the errors 
are. And boy, they are bogus.

type MyTuple = tuple(a: int, b: int)
# syntax...Error: invalid indentation

var myTuple: MyTuple = [a: 10, b: 10]
# syntax...Error: invalid indentation

type MyObject = ref Object
  a: int
# syntax...Error: undeclared identifier: 'a'

var myObject: MyObject = MyObject(a = 5)
# syntax...Error: invalid expression: 'a = 5'

type MySpecialObject = ref object of MyObject
# syntax...Error: inheritance only works with non-final objects

var seqOfStrings: seq[int] = @[int]
# syntax...Error: internal error: expr(skType); unknown symbol

proc silentProc()* = discard
# syntax...Error: invalid indentation

proc inc(var a: int) = a += 1
# syntax...Error: ')' expected

The issue comes down to 3 problems for a nim novice:

  * How can he trust the compiler (in production) when he cannot trust the 
compiler error messages
  * What's the use of top quality documentation when the compiler tells him to 
search for the solution at wrong place
  * How can he not be scared when a simple error triggers the compiler to 
produce something like core dump (no example on this behaviour above)

Because there is no 1:1 correspondence between syntax errors and their semantic 
consequences, this cannot be simply fixed by search/replacing existing error 
messages. This also should/could not be fixed by complicating the parser (but 
tinkering nimsuggest might be ok, I guess), because looking at the larger 
context is not it's job. That's why I proposed a separate " _common syntax 
error pattern detection tool_ ". I agree that this not something that the core 
devs should be doing at the moment, but this would be a nice project for some 
wannabe core dev out there. (And, eventually, a _quickfix on|off_ compiler 
switch would be nice).

Fortunately detecting all random permutations is not necessary; I believe that 
giving valid quick fix suggestions for the most common 20 syntax errors would 
keep 80% of the beginners happy.

Let me propose a simple short term fix: When the error message is not to be 
trusted, add a question mark to the error message. Instead of stately asserting 
"Invalid intendation", the compiler should politely suggest: "Invalid 
indentation?". This would save our beginner from spending his evening trying to 
fix the error by prefixing/removing leading whitespace (been there, done that).

> But if you do find a crash please at least make sure you report it on GitHub.

Did that. Yesterday my first forum post, today my first issue, tomorrow the 
world? When it comes to nim, I guess I'm now all in.

> the compiler's error message are constantly improving

True. To be honest, most of my beginner syntax errors I have collected long ago 
produce valid error messages now as of 0.18. For example, one of my pain points 
was confusing the usage of : and = operators. That the compiler now gives 
relevant feedback on this confusion is to be highly appreciated by nim 

**Quiz 4** , strictly off-topic: try to guess the output 

for x in [0..100]: echo x

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-13 Thread Araq
> Quiz 2: Now, imagine that you are a nim newbie. Try to fix the errors with 
> the help of nim manual and compiler error messages. Or,better yet, ask a nim 
> beginner to fix the code and watch the frustration grow.

Or better yet, you ask a beginner who can read a tutorial again to look at some 
valid syntax. I'm not a fan of pathos.

> The errors in the code were not invented by hand, they are real mistakes I 
> admit I have made when learning to nim. Therefore I expect that other 
> beginners will make the same mistakes. The point is that the compiler error 
> messages for these examples are not only unhelpful, they are misleading - if 
> you blindly follow them, you'll end up with even more confusion.

A compiler is not some interactive programming language teacher. That's 
certainly where the future is heading, but currently that is not what a 
compiler is. The compiler's error messages are about pointing out errors. Not 
about guessing what the beginner might have meant instead. For example, in `[a: 
10, b: 10]` that is a valid array construction, but `a` is an undeclared 
identifier. The compiler doesn't look at the larger context to see that you use 
the wrong syntax for tuple creation.

Having said that, the compiler's error message are constantly improving. 
"Imagine somebody trying all sort of token permutations to create tuples" 
wasn't on my radar, but probably for the next version we can improve some of 
these error messages.

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-13 Thread Hlaaftana
I guessed `var a: int`, but it turned out to be `@[int]`, which is the mistake 
I thought I'd least likely make

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-13 Thread cdome
The error messages improvements is something that is easy to contribute to Nim 
compiler codebase. Pull Requests are welcome.

Re: Nim syntax Quiz

2018-03-13 Thread dom96
> Bonus Question: One of lines crashes the compiler (as of 0.18). Can you 
> detect it?

My bet is `var myObject: MyObject = MyObject(a = 5)`, although it could 
actually be a lot of the lines. You have covered different permutations of 
invalid code quite well.

> I see development of better syntax error messages as one of the high priority 
> tasks in order to make nim more beginner-friendly. I'm namely worried that 
> scary and misleading error messages will intimidate some newbies away from 
> nim before they start to see the light.

I totally agree. But I don't think there is a high chance of serious effort 
being put into it before 1.0 is released. I hope to push a serious 
documentation and usability improvement initiative once 1.0 is released, it 
will be one of the major things that we will work on in versions post-1.0.

Some things are easier to fix than others of course. Crashes in particular 
should be relatively easy to fix. Making errors better is a bit more involved. 
But if you do find a crash please at least make sure you report it on GitHub.

> Do you know other "easily made" syntax errors that produce misleading error 
> messages? Help nim newbies by publishing your cautionary example here (or 
> somewhere).

I don't off the top of my head. But thank you asking people to share theirs. 
It's easy for us to become accustomed to writing code in always the same way, 
and we don't have the time to fuzz the compiler to find strange crashes when 
code is written incorrectly. We definitely rely on newcomers to report these 
issues so we can fix them.