Re: What is "Metaprogramming" paradigm is used for?

2016-10-22 Thread flyx
I explained some basic metaprogramming stuff in my [article on 
NimYAML]( Actually, 
[NimYAML]( as a whole is a good example 
of metaprogramming usage, because what is does is not doable in most other 
languages (though some „cheat“ by using reflection, which is inferior).

[emerald]( is another 
project of mine which makes extensive use of metaprogramming. Actually, I 
initially wrote that to test Nim's metaprogramming capabilities.

For snippets, a template usually suffices, you do not need macros for that. It 
is important to recognize when you do _not_ need macros. The actual use-cases 
for macros are rather rare, because you should always use the least powerful 
tool that can do the job, and that mostly boils down to generics and/or 
templates even for complex problems.

Re: What is "Metaprogramming" paradigm is used for?

2016-10-22 Thread Krux02
I mean, that macros open up new ways to piss off coworkers. For example when 
you constantly rely on the fact that some structures get rewritten by some 
macro, and every developer in the team has his own set of macros that he uses 
in the project, you could end up in a situation where nobody is able to read 
the code of another developer. In this state the problem could propel itself, 
because when you don't understand other peoples code it is unlikely that you 
would reuse that code, and very similar things could be implemented several 
times, just because team member become unable to reuse each others code. I am 
not talking from experience here, I did not yet program in a team with Nim or 
Lisp, but I can imagine that it can happen, when people work carelessly.

Re: What is "Metaprogramming" paradigm is used for?

2016-10-22 Thread Atlas
Krux02, what do you mean by "with power comes responsibility"? You mean bugs, 
crashes, maintainable, difficult or what?

Re: What is "Metaprogramming" paradigm is used for?

2016-10-22 Thread Krux02
Generally metaprogramming is uned to do what it is called, use the program 
itself as data that can be transformed. There is a lot you can do with it, some 
of the use cases I can name, but others are only limited by your imagination 
and the limits of the metaprogramming facilities of the language.

  * You can create a macro that adds debug information to a program in the way 
you need it at that moment.
  * You can write macros that to add create new language features/ 
  * If you are in an environment, where you need to write a lot of glue code, 
you could use macros to generate the glue code. 
  * Almost any code snippet you use often can instead be macro (not really 
metaprogramming, since it doesn't have any behavior depending on the argument)
  * Anything that requires you to have a code generator in other languages, you 
can instead solve with metaprogramming. So if projects like YACC would be 
translated to nim its code generation part could be replaced by macros.
  * You could write code analysis tools, without the aid of an external 
language parser.
  * embedded domain specific languages

Basically it extends the amount of problems you can solve within the language. 
But be careful, with power comes responsibility, and I am pretty sure in an 
environment wher macros are just available to any developer, you have a lot of 
opportunities to write unmaintainable code. 

What is "Metaprogramming" paradigm is used for?

2016-10-22 Thread Atlas
In many languages, macros and meta-programming paradigm does not exist, most of 
the time, especially in industries, they focus on object-oriented and 
functional paradigms.