Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-12 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Ken,

> My main issue is that this is the mailing list for nmh, not for
> Postfix.  When people email here with problems that _ARE NOT NMH
> PROBLEMS_, but problems with postfix/sendmail/exim/god knows what,
> clearly this is the wrong forum.

I think it's the right forum for establishing where along the nmh/MTA
boundary the problem lies.  We're more likely to understand than an
MUA/Postfix or MUA/Exim list that doesn't know nmh.  And if it's an MTA
problem, but with a simple configuration change by the questioner, or
referring them to a particular bit of MTA documentation, then I don't
think it adds much noise to the list.

> I will gladly help people with nmh problems, but not their MTA
> problems.

Which is perfectly fine; just don't reply.  :-)  Perhaps others will,
particularly those with a similar set up.

Cheers, Ralph.


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-11 Thread Ken Hornstein
>I could not disagree more, and if its for political reasons;
>i think that today with TLS plain passwords are all you need,
>other cruft should leave codebases as soon as possible.

Well, obviously I disagree with that but I will point out that without
the right architecture in place if all you support is PLAIN over TLS
then doing anything ELSE is hard because you don't have the architecture
in place to expand beyond that.  Whatever else you say about nmh, at
least we have what I feel is a reasonable network security architecture
now, with the concept of handling different SASL mechanisms and enough
abstraction that if a new SASL mechanism is developed it's easy to add
it to all network protocols at once.



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-11 Thread Steffen Nurpmeso
Ken Hornstein wrote in <>:
 |all of the time?  Secondly ... I am seeing more and more authentication
 |methods that require keeping some kind of state and possibly user
 |interaction in the MUA (GSSAPI and XOAUTH2 are two examples that I have
 |personally encountered), and that makes doing authentication in the MTA

I could not disagree more, and if its for political reasons;
i think that today with TLS plain passwords are all you need,
other cruft should leave codebases as soon as possible.  The only
exception comes with the availability of a system like Kerberos,
which can provide you local tickets, with timeouts etc. as
requested, shared in between multiple applications in a secure
way.  I once had "kdestroy -A" in my shell logout file, today
i would hook that into my on-lid-close script.

Unfortunately i am too stupid to do the real thing and use GELI on
FreeBSD aka dm-crypt/LUKS on Linux, ie block level encryption, but
even i have an encfs directory which serves my config files, and
one encfs loaded once a week which stores the keys.  The former
includes a PGP encrypted .netrc-style file, which holds all the
credentials for Google and my S/MIME keys (my MUA supports
"pseudo-hosts" like USER@HOST.smime-cert-key, .smime-cert-cert and
.smime-include-certs), and becomes decrypted on the fly.  Of
course my MUA is still primitive and kees that decrypted stuff in
clear, neither does it mprotect() the region nor zeroes that after
use.  I do not use suspend-to-disk, but still.  And it would be
better with encfs2, but that will not happen i guess.

 |very problematic.  I think the days of embedded plaintext passwords in
 |your MTA configuration file are slowly coming to an end.

Some kind of shared TLS private key and password service that
daemons can use to load such, before they start their privilege-
separated childs which only have the readily prepared sessions.
And to be unlocked with a Yubikey first.  (And with an option to
implant that under the skin of an administrators living flesh.)
Brave new world.

 |Like I said in my previous email ... we'll continue to support that.
 |But I can't recommend it to the average nmh user.
 --End of <>

|Der Kragenbaer,The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter   he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Steven Winikoff
>But for the larger issue of whether or not you should submit email to
>your own SMTP server or your email provider's ... well, obviously my
>OPINION is that you should submit it to your email provider's server
>directly from nmh (see previous emails on why I think this).  But plenty
>of people disagree with me on this, and that's fine.  If you're the sort
>of person who doesn't have a problem configuring your own SMTP server,
>then fine, you should do that!

Thank you.  Between this and other comments, I've decided to revert to
having post communicate directly with my local SMTP server.

>But I think recommending that to people is a mistake; it creates the
>impression that you need to run your own SMTP server to use nmh, and that
>is absolutely not true.

Understood.  I'm comfortable enough with sendmail that running it on my
home system isn't a  problem, but I'm well aware that many people would
prefer not to have to do that.

 - Steven
Steven Winikoff|
Montreal, QC, Canada   | "Stars are facts; constellations are   |  theories."| - Michael F. Flynn


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ken Hornstein
>>So, yes, lots of people DO rely on giant email providers.  Why would
>>they not?
>In answer to your (retorical) question... privacy.

I mean, yeah ... but I will note Gmail is NOT the only option when it
comes to email providers (you will note I am not using gmail).



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette
In message <>, 
Ken Hornstein  wrote:

>So, yes, lots of people DO rely on giant email providers.  Why would they

In answer to your (retorical) question... privacy.


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Michael Richardson

Back to logging outgoing messages.

A reason that people want to do this is so that they can track whether emails
get delivered or not.  Given spam, nobody reads postmaster bounces anymore.
(I remember when I got CC's of all bounces...)

So three things that I've wanted to implement for awhile (20 years..) are:
  1) processing of postmaster bounces, with a way to link back to anno
 so that the outgoing message can be marked.
 Yes, bounces come in all sorts of forms, but they always reference
 the message-id. At one point, I wanted to put something cryptographic
 in it, but essentially DKIM has done this for us.

  2) processing of Return-Receipt-To: messages to anno that the email
 got delivered.  Not a guarantee that they were read, but it
 does prove they got off your laptop. (whether you queue locally,
 because... airplanes, or deliver directly)

  3) processing of Disposition-Notification-To: which does not work
 in a lot of MUAs, but where it works, it works hilariously well.

Basically, I'm asking for TCP ACK at application layer.

I regularly re-edit emails in my outbox with mh-e, although there are issues
relating to GPG signatures and some other headers that mean I have to clean
stuff up before sending.

]   Never tell me the odds! | ipv6 mesh networks [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works|IoT architect   [
]|   ruby on rails[

Description: PGP signature

Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Robert Elz
Date:Wed, 10 Jul 2019 11:28:20 -0400
From:Ken Hornstein 
Message-ID:  <>

  | But do the users provide you the queue-id?

They will (sometimes) provide whatever info has been returned to
them, if the queue-id has been included with that, then it will
often be included (the user might have no idea what it is, or why
it is there, but if the mailer told them that - logged it somewhere
that they can find it - then, at least for some users, that's what
will be supplied.

More commonly though, a single lost message is simply written off.
When messages are being regularly "misplaced" though, usually the
user will consult the local (or ISP) expert for assistance - that
kind of person should know how to monitor the SMTP transaction, and
extract the queue-id to send to the managers of the MTA that
accepted the mail, to see what happened to it next.If there's
a queue-id available for a past lost message, that can save time
(and perhaps avoid heisenberg effects).

  | First ... what unreliable email providers do you guys use that go down
  | all of the time?

It isn't the email servers that go down, but the network link that
gets to them - and not necessarily in the "something is broken" sense
(though that happens too) but in the "I am not currently connected to
he net anywhere, but I want to send e-mail anyway - it can get delivered
later, but if I defer sending it I will either forget what I wanted to
say, or that I was supposed to reply at all..."

[Aside: I run my own MTA, always have, I don't see that ever changing.]



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ken Hornstein
>> But I can't recommend it to the average nmh user.
>Thereby nobbling support for non-nmh email on their Unix system, and
>that's a shame if they don't consider that as part of the decision.

My main issue is that this is the mailing list for nmh, not for Postfix.
When people email here with problems that _ARE NOT NMH PROBLEMS_, but
problems with postfix/sendmail/exim/god knows what, clearly this is
the wrong forum.  I will gladly help people with nmh problems, but not
their MTA problems.



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Ken,

> But do the users provide you the queue-id?

Very occasionally on first contact.  Those that do clearly know their
onions.  When roles are reversed, I do.  :-)  Those that don't get asked
to try and supply it if they're likely to return soon.

> > I'd keep the 250 as I expect we'd be doing this for 25x and its
> > value is significant.  Also, there might be multiple lines of 25x.
> Sigh.  It's these sorts of things that make stuff spin off the rails.
> I am aware that in theory any 2xx code can be returned by the DATA
> command, but I think 99.9% of the time it will just be a 250.

Assuming you're right, that 0.1% is probably important.

> And there's no way we should return a multiline response;

Where is the being returned to?  What stops it being multi-line?

> I think just the last output of the positive repsonse code (after the
> 2xx) is fine.

In the multi-line responses I've seen, it's the start that's specific
followed by a bit of an explanation.

> > I agree.  Something specialising in queueing locally and then
> > forwarding on will do a better job and offer more options than
> > extending nmh to include those options over time.  I see that nmh
> > has to talk TLS SMTP to submit an email locally, e.g. same host or
> > company, and that can be used to also submit across the Internet,
> > but that doesn't mean it's a good idea...
> First ... what unreliable email providers do you guys use that go down
> all of the time?

I never said the provider goes down all of the time.  And kre suggested
when he was in an aeroplane.  I mainly pointed out the advantages of
centralising MTA configuration in one place, the MTA, given many
programs like to send email on Unix.

> But I can't recommend it to the average nmh user.

Thereby nobbling support for non-nmh email on their Unix system, and
that's a shame if they don't consider that as part of the decision.

Cheers, Ralph.


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ken Hornstein
>>Personally, I'd just suggest keeping the local MTA, having post deliver
>>to that, and let it do the logging
>That's exactly what I've always done, from time immemorial until just
>about two weeks ago.
>Ironically enough I actually prefer to do it this way, but I was under the
>impression that this is deprecated in modern configurations.  I'd be happy
>to be wrong about that.

Let me expand on that a bit.

I have zero plans on deprecating support for the sendmail/smtp and
sendmail/pipe MTS transports in nmh.  I did think about removing spost
support (that's how sendmail/pipe USED to work, you used a different
post program called 'spost') but a bunch of people spoke up and I
figured since there was a need, we should keep it.  We did merge the
spost into post so support was easier and cleaned up the documentation
a fair amount.  It's here to stay.

Now yes, I still think it's a terrible IDEA to use it; that's why I make
jokes about it.  However, that's different than the sendmail/smtp and
'pure' smtp interfaces, as they are still speaking SMTP and you can do
things there you can't do with sendmail/pipe (in case you are not familiar,
sendmail/smtp involves running sendmail with some special flags that let
you speak SMTP to it on standard input; many MUAs do not support this).

But for the larger issue of whether or not you should submit email to
your own SMTP server or your email provider's ... well, obviously my
OPINION is that you should submit it to your email provider's server
directly from nmh (see previous emails on why I think this).  But plenty
of people disagree with me on this, and that's fine.  If you're the sort
of person who doesn't have a problem configuring your own SMTP server,
then fine, you should do that!  But I think recommending that to people
is a mistake; it creates the impression that you need to run your own
SMTP server to use nmh, and that is absolutely not true.

This is the classic argument when it comes to nmh; where do we fall on
the toolbox approach?  Is an MUA really a MUA if it cannot send and read
email in modern configurations without the help of other tools?  I think
the answer is 'no', but others have their own opinions.



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ken Hornstein
>That's unfortunate.  I've mostly worked with sendmail, and I've never
>seen a case where the QID wasn't sent back to the originating MTA, so
>I wasn't aware that the RFCs don't require that behaviour.

Officially, everything after the "250 " is just ASCII text without any
specific format (that's not true for ALL SMTP messages, but it is true
for this one).  And yes, sending the queue identifier is extremely common,
but like I said it's not a requirement (also, we use sendmail and we
don't have that specific format of the response code you have).

>>  As a practical matter I've never had to give anyone the queue
>>  identifier of a message (because it's not normally logged on the
>>  client; really, most people are happy with recipients and a time, and
>>  they are really happy if you have a message-id).
>That doesn't match my experience.

I can say when I've done the searching, yes, I figure OUT the queue
identifier and use that for searching.  But no one I've ever asked for
information for ever had any idea what the queue identifier was.  And
when I've been asked for tracking information for email, no one has ever
asked me for the queue identifier.

>>I think this should be a lot more generic.  So ... an alternate proposal.
>> [ details snipped for brevity, but the summary is be to create a
>>   "post hook" and use that instead ]
>I'd have no problem with that as long as the post hook provides the same
>information gathered in my patch (i.e., sender and recipient addresses,
>message ID, relay server and port, and resulting status and QID).

Just so I make it clear ... I'm not proposing writing this myself.  I
think it would be worthwhile code to add, but if you want this I would
recommend you writing it yourself; my to-do list is kind of long.  Now
if you want some help with that, I'd be glad to provide it (and I'd be
willing to write a test for it).



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ken Hornstein
>I grovel around MTA logs on a machine hosting Mailman for all the UK LUG
>lists and the queue ID is the key thing.  It's the first thing I have to
>work out if it's not provided.

But do the users provide you the queue-id?  That's what I'm really curious

>I'd keep the 250 as I expect we'd be doing this for 25x and its value is
>significant.  Also, there might be multiple lines of 25x.

Sigh.  It's these sorts of things that make stuff spin off the rails.
I am aware that in theory any 2xx code can be returned by the DATA
command, but I think 99.9% of the time it will just be a 250.  And there's
no way we should return a multiline response; I think just the last
output of the positive repsonse code (after the 2xx) is fine.

>Is it just 25x that should trigger this hook, or 4xx, etc., too?

To me this hook should only be triggered if the post is successful.
None of the other hooks are triggered on failure.

>I agree.  Something specialising in queueing locally and then forwarding
>on will do a better job and offer more options than extending nmh to
>include those options over time.  I see that nmh has to talk TLS SMTP to
>submit an email locally, e.g. same host or company, and that can be used
>to also submit across the Internet, but that doesn't mean it's a good

First ... what unreliable email providers do you guys use that go down
all of the time?  Secondly ... I am seeing more and more authentication
methods that require keeping some kind of state and possibly user
interaction in the MUA (GSSAPI and XOAUTH2 are two examples that I have
personally encountered), and that makes doing authentication in the MTA
very problematic.  I think the days of embedded plaintext passwords in
your MTA configuration file are slowly coming to an end.

Like I said in my previous email ... we'll continue to support that.
But I can't recommend it to the average nmh user.



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ken Hornstein
>Any rational (MTA) client does.

No argument there.

>MUA's typically don't, but those should
>not really ever be talking to anything but their local MTA.

Right, and since nmh is a MUA ...

>What is
>different now than what used to be true, is what people regard as their
>local MTA, which in the past would normally have been either on the same
>host, or at absolute worst, in the same organisation as the sender (and
>usually same department of the organisation when it is big enough to have
>such things).   (Organisation can mean household for personal e-mail).
>Way too many people today are relying upon "free" giant e-mail providers
>to do everything for them.

Well, out of the three email providers I deal with on a semi-regular
basis, all of which I have a financial relationship with, exactly zero
would let me perform final delivery from a MTA that I ran myself (this
is enforced via firewall rules and other things like SPF and DKIM records;
I suppose in the case of SPF and DKIM it would more mean that the odds
are high that if I tried to perform final delivery from my own machines
the email would be rejected as spam).  So I think it is very very common
in the modern Internet that you cannot perform final delivery yourself
but need to submit it to a MTA you don't control and have it do it for you.

Now, exactly how you DO this is, of course, up to you.  All of the
email providers I deal with require authentication if you're submitting
messages across the global Internet.  Having a client MTA perform the
necessary authentication requiries extra configuration.  And ... well ...
configuring an MTA is hard.  The nmh mailing list is FULL of people who
have problems configuring their MTA.  Two people ON THIS THREAD have
long delays when they submit email to their local MTA.  I don't notice
these things because I let someone else deal with it, and it turns out
they deal with it just fine (because they get tons of complaints if
it doesn't work).

So, yes, lots of people DO rely on giant email providers.  Why would they
not?  For most purposes they work just fine, and you don't have to spend
your time figuring out why submitting email takes so long.  I can type
"send" at the What Now? prompt, email gets submitted in less than a second,
I get email showing up in my mailbox, and I don't have to think about
my postfix configuration at all.  This seems like a perfectly reasonable
set of affairs.

So that's why when people are having problems with the MTA THAT THEY
CONTROL, I always advise that they configure nmh to submit directly to
their email provider's MTA.  Number one, that's something we can provide
support for if they run into problems.  Number two, it's the way the
vast majority of email users are configured so you'll be working with
a setup that is the common case and will likely receiver much better
support from your email provider.

Now, I must be honest and say one downside to this configuration is that
you don't get automatic queuing if your email provider is down.  But when
I think about it, I realize I cannot remember the last time this has
happened to me.  It turns out email providers have spent a lot of time
and money creating redundancy, to the point where if GMail is down it
makes the news.  So if being able to automatically queue email is a hard
requirement for you, then yes, you SHOULD configure a local MTA.  But
I would humbly suggest that for most people that this is optimizing for
the extremely uncommon case.

Now in nmh we're going to continue support submitting to your own MTA,
be it via SMTP, sendmail/SMTP, or the hated sendmail/pipe interface.  So
configure your own MTA if you want; we will continue to make that work.
But it's clear to me that MOST PEOPLE should not be doing that.  A good
test would be: if you have to send email to nmh-workers about problems
with your MTA configuration, you shouldn't be running one.



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ken Hornstein
>I've just added
>send: -push
>to ~/.mh_profile.

I would caution people that we had a user who discovered some of his
emails were going nowhere and didn't realize it because he was using
-push and mhbuild was erroring out, but he didn't know that because of
the use of -push.  Specific details here:

Now, THIS user, for reasons I cannot understand, wanted to send 8-bit
characters in their drafts but didn't want to specify a non-ASCII
character set.  But my larger point is that if you're using -push if
stuff doesn't work you might not know about it.



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ken Hornstein
>It is MUCH faster than trying to feed the message to Postfix
>(aka Sendmail) via SMTP/587 because in the case of just piping the
>message, Postfix doesn't make me wait until it has done the
>DNS lookups it thinks it needs to do in order to process
>the message.

I think something is wrong with your setup.  I submit over the global
Internet, with extra round trips for authentication and encryption,
and I see submission times in less than a second (you can see more details



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi kre,

> The need is less common today, than it once was, since more and more
> e-mail is direct from sender's MTA to recipient's - but back when more
> mail relaying was done (when there was more than just "the internet")
> the queue-id along with the transfer timestamp

I grovel around MTA logs on a machine hosting Mailman for all the UK LUG
lists and the queue ID is the key thing.  It's the first thing I have to
work out if it's not provided.

The Message-ID field isn't necessarily a one-to-one mapping to QID, as
the same email with the same Message-ID can arrive and be queued more
than once.

> Any rational (MTA) client does.   MUA's typically don't, but those
> should not really ever be talking to anything but their local MTA.

Here, here.

> the only rational solution is to log all of the 250 response (after
> the 250 itself).

I'd keep the 250 as I expect we'd be doing this for 25x and its value is
significant.  Also, there might be multiple lines of 25x.

Is it just 25x that should trigger this hook, or 4xx, etc., too?

> Personally, I'd just suggest keeping the local MTA, having post
> deliver to that, and let it do the logging - it will also do queueing
> in case your local ISP link is down (like you want to send e-mail
> while in an airplane...).  That is, I wouldn't bother with this at all
> - there is an alternative (and better) solution already available.

I agree.  Something specialising in queueing locally and then forwarding
on will do a better job and offer more options than extending nmh to
include those options over time.  I see that nmh has to talk TLS SMTP to
submit an email locally, e.g. same host or company, and that can be used
to also submit across the Internet, but that doesn't mean it's a good

I run a local Postfix so it has all the configuration about the next
smarthost based on the hat I'm wearing, not nmh which, IMO, is the wrong
place.  Thus mail(1) benefits too.  And I'm aware of mhmail(1), but it's
not the same.  crontab(5)'s MAILTO, at(1)'s LOGNAME, ~/.forward files,
... all benefit from central configuration rather than inside nmh.

Ditto fetching email.  I don't fetch large emails by default because
they're typically spam; the features of the specialist program for
fetching emails already provide for that, and lots more; no patching of
inc(1) required.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Bakul Shah
I had greylisting turned on and my postfix wasn’t setup quite right so
when there was a long cc list, there was a long wait. -push was the
easiest way to fix the delay problem!

> On Jul 10, 2019, at 1:42 AM, Ralph Corderoy  wrote:
> Hi Ronald,
>> It is MUCH faster than trying to feed the message to Postfix (aka
>> Sendmail) via SMTP/587 because in the case of just piping the message,
>> Postfix doesn't make me wait until it has done the DNS lookups it
>> thinks it needs to do in order to process the message.
> I have send(1) submit to the local Postfix and it appears instant.
> Bakul pointed out send's -push, but I don't use that and it shouldn't be
> necessary.  Michael's probably on the right track; check your local
> Postfix log for the length of the delay and what occurred around it.
> -- 
> Cheers, Ralph.
> -- 
> nmh-workers


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Ronald,

> It is MUCH faster than trying to feed the message to Postfix (aka
> Sendmail) via SMTP/587 because in the case of just piping the message,
> Postfix doesn't make me wait until it has done the DNS lookups it
> thinks it needs to do in order to process the message.

I have send(1) submit to the local Postfix and it appears instant.
Bakul pointed out send's -push, but I don't use that and it shouldn't be
necessary.  Michael's probably on the right track; check your local
Postfix log for the length of the delay and what occurred around it.

Cheers, Ralph.


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Steven Winikoff
>I agree with that, and even when ifdef's are added, they should be
>positive, not double negative, so
>   #ifndef NOSYSLOG
>is just perferse,

Of course it is.  As I mentioned in my previous message...

>   #ifdef  USE_SYSLOG
>would work just as well (it does mean the name needs to be explicitly
>defined to get the new code,

...I was just too lazy to do that for a proof of concept.  There's no
question that you're right if such a patch were to be added in production
while using #ifdef

>  | - It is not clear to me that you can state with certainly that the
>  |   250 response code will contain the queue identifier
>No, you can't, but these days it almost always does.

That matches my experience.

>Personally, I'd just suggest keeping the local MTA, having post deliver
>to that, and let it do the logging

That's exactly what I've always done, from time immemorial until just
about two weeks ago.

Ironically enough I actually prefer to do it this way, but I was under the
impression that this is deprecated in modern configurations.  I'd be happy
to be wrong about that.

 - Steven
Steven Winikoff|
Montreal, QC, Canada   |  Don't use no double negatives.   ||


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-10 Thread Steven Winikoff
>>Is there any interest in adding an improved version of this to the code
>So ... maybe?  But, some thoughts.

Thank you (and everyone else!) for taking the time to reply to this.

Before I say anything else, I never meant to ask for my patch to be
incorporated as-is -- I know there are many ways in which it would
need to be improved for production use.

I sent it mostly as a proof of concept (it's currently just barely
good enough to do what I personally need :-/), and partly in hopes
it might help anyone else if something like it isn't added to nmh

>- We don't, in general, want to have any more #ifdefs in the code unless
>  they are completely unavoidable (e.g., operating system differences or
>  optional third-party libraries like OpenSSL).  So this would require
>  some run-time configuration.

Understood, of course.  I used those mostly as an easy way to mark the
code I added -- and for those wondering why I chose to write them in
the negative, that was purely out of laziness (so that I didn't have to
add -DSYSLOG to the configure process).

Again, this was never intended for production use, and I apologize if I
didn't make that clear originally.

>- It is not clear to me that you can state with certainly that the
>  250 response code will contain the queue identifier (that is, in
>  fact, not a concept that appears anywhere that I can find in the SMTP
>  RFCs).

That's unfortunate.  I've mostly worked with sendmail, and I've never
seen a case where the QID wasn't sent back to the originating MTA, so
I wasn't aware that the RFCs don't require that behaviour.

>  As a practical matter I've never had to give anyone the queue
>  identifier of a message (because it's not normally logged on the
>  client; really, most people are happy with recipients and a time, and
>  they are really happy if you have a message-id).

That doesn't match my experience.

>I think this should be a lot more generic.  So ... an alternate proposal.
> [ details snipped for brevity, but the summary is be to create a
>   "post hook" and use that instead ]

I'd have no problem with that as long as the post hook provides the same
information gathered in my patch (i.e., sender and recipient addresses,
message ID, relay server and port, and resulting status and QID).

 - Steven
Steven Winikoff| "...and every single one of them wanted
Montreal, QC, Canada   |  to be involved in the decision-making   |  process without necessarily going|  through the intelligence-using process
   |  first."  - Terry Pratchett


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-09 Thread Bakul Shah
On Jul 9, 2019, at 5:56 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette  wrote:
> In message <>, 
> Ken Hornstein  wrote:
>> If I could make sendmail/pipe punch the user in the face every time a
>> message was sent using it...
> Please don't.  I'm using it.
> It is MUCH faster than trying to feed the message to Postfix
> (aka Sendmail) via SMTP/587 because in the case of just piping the
> message, Postfix doesn't make me wait until it has done the
> DNS lookups it thinks it needs to do in order to process
> the message.

I've just added

send: -push

to ~/.mh_profile.

Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-09 Thread Michael Richardson
Ronald F. Guilmette  wrote:
>> If I could make sendmail/pipe punch the user in the face every time a
>> message was sent using it...

> Please don't.  I'm using it.

> It is MUCH faster than trying to feed the message to Postfix
> (aka Sendmail) via SMTP/587 because in the case of just piping the
> message, Postfix doesn't make me wait until it has done the
> DNS lookups it thinks it needs to do in order to process
> the message.

Then you are missing an entry in /etc/hosts for and ::1, or you are
missing your hostname in that file.


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-09 Thread Ronald F. Guilmette
In message <>, 
Ken Hornstein  wrote:

>If I could make sendmail/pipe punch the user in the face every time a
>message was sent using it...

Please don't.  I'm using it.

It is MUCH faster than trying to feed the message to Postfix
(aka Sendmail) via SMTP/587 because in the case of just piping the
message, Postfix doesn't make me wait until it has done the
DNS lookups it thinks it needs to do in order to process
the message.


Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-09 Thread Robert Elz
Date:Tue, 09 Jul 2019 19:39:08 -0400
From:Ken Hornstein 
Message-ID:  <>

  | - We don't, in general, want to have any more #ifdefs in the code unless
  |   they are completely unavoidable

I agree with that, and even when ifdef's are added, they should be
positive, not double negative, so
#ifndef NOSYSLOG
is just perferse, where
#ifdef  USE_SYSLOG
would work just as well (it does mean the name needs to be explicitly
defined to get the new code, but that's the way it should be, rather
than requiring a new name to be defined to retain the previous behaviour).

  | - It is not clear to me that you can state with certainly that the
  |   250 response code will contain the queue identifier

No, you can't, but these days it almost always does.

  |   As a practical matter I've never had to give anyone the queue
  |   identifier of a message

Then you have been lucky, are are relatively new to e-mail tracking.
The need is less common today, than it once was, since more and more
e-mail is direct from sender's MTA to recipient's - but back when
more mail relaying was done (when there was more than just "the internet")
the queue-id along with the transfer timestamp was the info that you
could send to a relay postmaster and actually expect them to look and
see what happened to the message (because that generally makes it trivial
for them to do ... send the message-id instead, or worse, just addresses,
and it was typically a lot more work, which resulted in requests for
tracking sometimes simply being ignored).

  | (because it's not normally logged on the client;

Any rational (MTA) client does.   MUA's typically don't, but those should
not really ever be talking to anything but their local MTA.   What is
different now than what used to be true, is what people regard as their
local MTA, which in the past would normally have been either on the same
host, or at absolute worst, in the same organisation as the sender (and
usually same department of the organisation when it is big enough to have
such things).   (Organisation can mean household for personal e-mail).
Way too many people today are relying upon "free" giant e-mail providers
to do everything for them.

  | really, most people are happy with recipients and a time, and
  | they are really happy if you have a message-id).

time yes, recipients, no, that's close to useless (though it can work if
the recipient receives very little e-mail and the site postmaster is in a
helpful mood at the time a request is made).   The message-id is better, but
the queue-id (along with time) is perfect.   (With a message-id (with or
without the time) the first thing that normally needs doing to track a message
is to convert that into the relevant local queue-id - avoiding the need for
that step makes it just that much more likely that a message can, and will,
be traced.)

  |   But there's no way we could
  |   accept this patch as-is, because it depends on the specific format of
  |   your ISP's response message.

Yes, that's no good - the only rational solution is to log all of the
250 response (after the 250 itself).   It is not only the queue-id in
it which can be helpful, sometimes the wording of the response can give
more info to the site which issued it (when you ask them to see what
happened) - it can differ for mail which was queued there, immediately
forwarded before being ack'd, or which was delivered locally.

  |   It looks like your ISP's format is "250 id=QUEUE-ID".  So that's 3
  |   servers and 3 different formats.

I used to have my mailer say something like
250 OK Receipt: queue-id
to make it clear that that was the info that I wanted sent to me if
you wanted me to track your e-mail.

Not sure if I still do that or not, it has been a while since munnari
did any significant e-mail relaying (it used to connect 5 or 6 different
e-mail environments).

  | I think this should be a lot more generic.  So ... an alternate proposal.

Personally, I'd just suggest keeping the local MTA, having post deliver
to that, and let it do the logging - it will also do queueing in case
your local ISP link is down (like you want to send e-mail while in an
airplane...).  That is, I wouldn't bother with this at all - there is
an alternative (and better) solution already available.



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-09 Thread Ken Hornstein
>Could we log the entire result, and let the post hook take care of the
>various queue formats?

That was what I suggested.  Clearly nmh shouldn't be in the business of
figuring out what (if any) the queue identifier is based on the SMTP
DATA response message.

>> I am neutral about this being made to work with sendmail/pipe; it would
>> actually be a lot of work to do that.  We could just accept that it is
>> one more thing that doesn't work with sendmail/pipe.
>slowly, that interface is dying. I have mixed feelings about that.

If I could make sendmail/pipe punch the user in the face every time a
message was sent using it, I would.  Sadly, that does not seem possible
given the current constraints of POSIX.



Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-09 Thread Michael Richardson

Ken Hornstein  wrote:
> - It is not clear to me that you can state with certainly that the
> 250 response code will contain the queue identifier (that is, in
> fact, not a concept that appears anywhere that I can find in the SMTP
> RFCs).  As a practical matter I've never had to give anyone the queue
> identifier of a message (because it's not normally logged on the

I have both asked for it and provided it when debugging bizarre situations.

Could we log the entire result, and let the post hook take care of the
various queue formats?

> I am neutral about this being made to work with sendmail/pipe; it would
> actually be a lot of work to do that.  We could just accept that it is
> one more thing that doesn't work with sendmail/pipe.

slowly, that interface is dying. I have mixed feelings about that.

]   Never tell me the odds! | ipv6 mesh networks [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works|IoT architect   [
]|   ruby on rails[

Description: PGP signature

Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-09 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Tue, 09 Jul 2019 17:43:06 -0400, Steven Winikoff said:

>   sm_reply.length = rp - sm_reply.text;
>   sm_reply.text[sm_reply.length] = 0;
> +#ifndef NOSYSLOG
> +if (strncmp(sm_reply.text, "OK id=", 6) == 0)
> +{

This is highly dependent on the remote MTA.
Google, for instance, returns:

250 2.0.0 OK  1562718444 r17sm180161qtf.26 - gsmtp

The 250 is required.  2.0.0 (or similar) if the remote server does extended
return codes.  The rest is up for grabs.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-09 Thread Ken Hornstein
>Is there any interest in adding an improved version of this to the code

So ... maybe?  But, some thoughts.

- We don't, in general, want to have any more #ifdefs in the code unless
  they are completely unavoidable (e.g., operating system differences or
  optional third-party libraries like OpenSSL).  So this would require
  some run-time configuration.

- It is not clear to me that you can state with certainly that the
  250 response code will contain the queue identifier (that is, in
  fact, not a concept that appears anywhere that I can find in the SMTP
  RFCs).  As a practical matter I've never had to give anyone the queue
  identifier of a message (because it's not normally logged on the
  client; really, most people are happy with recipients and a time, and
  they are really happy if you have a message-id).  But ... fine.  I can
  imagine cases where it would be helpful.  But there's no way we could
  accept this patch as-is, because it depends on the specific format of
  your ISP's response message.  I tested out two email providers that I
  use and their formats differ, specifically:

  250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as QUEUE-ID
  250 2.0.0 QUEUE-ID Message accepted for delivery

  It looks like your ISP's format is "250 id=QUEUE-ID".  So that's 3
  servers and 3 different formats.

I think this should be a lot more generic.  So ... an alternate proposal.

Right now we have the hooks interface (see doc/nmh/README-HOOKS).  It
should be relatively straightforward to create a "post hook" that could
be invoked when email is submitted to a mail server.  One of the arguments
to the post hook could be the response message from the SMTP server.
Another one of the arguments to the post hook could be the message
draft so you could interrogate it with scan(1) to extract out anything
useful you might want like the message-id.  You could then use your favorite
shell tools to process the SMTP server response and then send it to syslog
with logger(1).  I realize that would be a lot more work than the code
you submitted, and we'd have to think about the arguments to the post
hook, but I don't see any huge blockers other than WRITING the code.

I am neutral about this being made to work with sendmail/pipe; it would
actually be a lot of work to do that.  We could just accept that it is
one more thing that doesn't work with sendmail/pipe.



[nmh-workers] logging outgoing messages

2019-07-09 Thread Steven Winikoff
I recently modified my configuration for nmh-1.7.1 to connect directly to
my ISP's sendmail, rather than going through sendmail on my desktop Linux

This works perfectly, but as a side effect I lost all logging of outgoing
messages.  This isn't the end of the world, but it's a pain because there
are times when outgoing messages may need to be traced, and in cases like
that it's important to be able to quote the ISP's assigned QID. I hacked the appended patch together, and it seems to work, but I'm
sure there must be a better way to do this.  Problems with my code include
(but are almost certainly not limited to) the following:

- It doesn't check to see whether it's connecting to a local sendmail
  (if so, each message will be logged twice).

- It logs successful delivery, but not delivery failures (no matter
  the reason).

- It seems to break two of the tests in make check:

 # make check
 PASS: test/post/test-messageid
 send: message not delivered to anyone
 FAIL: test/post/test-mts
 send: message not delivered to anyone
 FAIL: test/post/test-post-aliases
 PASS: test/post/test-post-basic
 2 of 112 tests failed
 Please report to
 Makefile:4763: recipe for target 'check-TESTS' failed
 make[1]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory '/big/local/pkg/nmh/nmh-1.7.1'
 Makefile:5019: recipe for target 'check-am' failed

Is there any interest in adding an improved version of this to the code

 - Steven

8<-   cut here   >8
--- h/mts.h.original2017-11-22 09:37:56.0 -0500
+++ h/mts.h 2019-07-09 16:51:34.260314328 -0400
@@ -57,3 +57,15 @@
  * Global MailDelivery File
 extern char *maildelivery;
+#ifndef NOSYSLOG
+#  define SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE 1024
+#  define SYSLOG_FIELD_LAST 1023
+   char syslog_from  [SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE];
+   char syslog_to[SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE];
+   char syslog_msgid [SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE];
+   char syslog_server[SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE];
+   char syslog_port  [SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE];
+   char syslog_qid   [SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE];
--- mts/smtp/smtp.c.original2018-03-06 14:05:55.0 -0500
+++ mts/smtp/smtp.c 2019-07-09 17:17:34.382593987 -0400
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
+#ifndef NOSYSLOG
+   #include 
  * This module implements an interface to SendMail very similar
@@ -74,6 +77,24 @@
  int debug, int sasl, const char *saslmech, const char *user,
  const char *oauth_svc, int tls)
+#ifndef NOSYSLOG
+/**  ensure fields are properly initialized to empty strings:  **/
+syslog_from [0] = '\0';
+syslog_to   [0] = '\0';
+syslog_msgid[0] = '\0';
+syslog_qid  [0] = '\0';
+/**  ...except server and port, which can take their real values:  **/
+(void)strncpy(syslog_server, server, SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE);
+syslog_server[SYSLOG_FIELD_LAST] = '\0';
+(void)strncpy(syslog_port, port, SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE);
+syslog_port[SYSLOG_FIELD_LAST] = '\0';
 if (sm_mts == MTS_SMTP)
return smtp_init (client, server, port, watch, verbose,
  debug, sasl, saslmech, user, oauth_svc, tls);
@@ -454,6 +475,13 @@
+#ifndef NOSYSLOG
+/**  record from field for syslog:  **/
+(void)strncpy(syslog_from, from, SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE);
+syslog_from[SYSLOG_FIELD_LAST] = '\0';
 switch (smtalk (SM_MAIL, "MAIL FROM:<%s>%s", from, mail_parameters)) {
case 250: 
sm_addrs = 0;
@@ -473,6 +501,37 @@
 sm_wadr (char *mbox, char *host, char *path)
+#ifndef NOSYSLOG
+   /**  record recipient address for syslog:  **/
+   char address[SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE];
+   int  length, used, remaining;
+   if (host && *host)
+  (void)snprintf(address, SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE, "<%s%s@%s>",
+  FENDNULL(path), mbox, host);
+   else
+  (void)snprintf(address, SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE, "<%s%s>",
+  FENDNULL(path), mbox);
+   length= strlen(address);
+   used  = strlen(syslog_to);
+   remaining = (SYSLOG_FIELD_SIZE - used) - 1;
+   if ((used == 0) && (length < remaining))
+   {
+  (void)strcat(syslog_to, address);
+   }
+   else if ((length + 1) < remaining)
+   { 
+  (void)strcat(syslog_to, " ");
+  (void)strcat(syslog_to, address);
+   }
+   syslog_to[SYSLOG_FIELD_LAST] = '\0';
 switch (smtalk (SM_RCPT, host && *host ? "RCPT TO:<%s%s@%s>"
   : "RCPT TO:<%s%s>",
 FENDNULL(path), mbox, host)) {
@@ -717,6 +776,19 @@