[ns] help with instalation

2011-08-16 Thread James


I use ubuntu 10.4 LTS and i wanted to install ns2-allinone.
I have downloaded it from the official sources and i used this guide to
install it

the ns is working fine.but whenever i try to use nam the only result
is "command not found".

i have found related posts from this mail-list on the web but  none of
them helped

thank you in advance

[ns] help with installation

2011-08-16 Thread James


I use ubuntu 10.4 LTS and i wanted to install ns2-allinone.
I have downloaded it from the official sources and i used this guide to
install it

the ns is working fine.but whenever i try to use nam the only result
is "command not found".

i have found related posts from this mail-list on the web but  none of
them helped

thank you in advance

[ns] About debug in NS2

2012-04-10 Thread James

Dear all,

I am new to NS2.

Now I have already add new protocols into NS2 and compiled it successfully.

And in some simple examples, it works well.

But problem occurred when I try to simulate some complicated situations.

It would give a error message of "Floating point exception".

Any one could tell me that how could I debug my CPP code? Or any

I would search for some materials myself. But if anyone have related
experience , could you please share with me?




[ns] File format explain

2012-04-12 Thread James

Dear all,

I am new to NS2. And try to figure out the easy example now.

The example now has following scipt:

set mtcpsink_0 [new Agent/TCPSink]
$mtcpsink_0 set_filename tcpap_sink_0

which would generate a file, obviously.

But I just could not figure out what the file stands for?

The file is like this format:

10.171731 40
20.270314 1500
30.392966 1500
40.744979 1500
50.779175 1500
60.882837 1500
71.027826 1500
81.095344 1500

I could understand about tr file since there are many examples from the
internet. But this confuses me.

Could any one help me about that?



[ns] How to cal the offered load?

2012-04-14 Thread James

Dear all,

How could I compute the offered load by analyze the trace file?

And hint or link to help me ?




Re: [ns] Help regarding absurd memory usage

2009-03-25 Thread James Bernsen

A google search for "ns-2 free packet" revealed the link below, which I
thought was
interesting and possibly relevant to you.  It has some suggestions for
freeing packets.
*How to scale your simulation to more nodes (500 nodes) and speed up it?*

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 8:00 PM,  wrote:

> I am simulating a protocol which I developed, and I wanted the simulation
> to end only when all my nodes are dead. Well, that is not really that fast
> to happen, and before I reach that point my memory ends and I get a
> bac_alloc error message.
> And here is the thing: I do alloc lots of packets with allocpkt, and I
> also always manage to free them with Packet::free(Packet *), but even when
> I free them, the memory usage don't even change ! And I am not
> overreacting when I say this, I made some experiments, and the average
> memory used when freeing all packet was exactly the same of when I did the
> same simulation withou freeing them.
> What do I need to do when I intend to have huge simulations, with like
> 15000 packets flying in the air? Using Packet::free didn't solve my
> problem. I even tried editing this function and inserting "free(pkt);" in
> its end, but it was in vain.
> Can someone please help me?
> Thanks,
> --
> Fernando Henrique Gielow - UFPR - NR2
> Computer Science undergraduate student.

[ns] Hardware-in-the-loop for a NS-2 network simulation

2010-03-30 Thread James Smith

Hi everyone

I'm considering using NS-2 as a network simulation engine for a project at my 
university. I've looked around at some available engines such as OMNeT++ and 
NS-2. I need to simulate an environment in which nodes in the network are 
participating in an ad hoc network. I want to be able to place an external 
input source at one end of the network and an external output at the other end 
of the network. The external input could be a telnet client that sends whatever 
data I type into it and the external output could be a TCP server receiving all 
the data typed.

In OMNeT++ this is supported (called hardware-in-the-loop) but I was wondering 
whether something like this is possible with NS-2. Do you know of any way to 
take external input, route it through a network of nodes in NS-2 and finally 
deliver it to an external source again?

Thanks in advance
J. Smith  
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