[ns] [Help] _o4 cmd error: WiMax Mesh Networks

2011-07-19 Thread Manaswi Saha

Hello everyone,

I am using 802.16e patch (ns2.31)  for mesh mode- ns2mesh80216 for
implementing WiMax based wireless mesh network.
I am trying to run the mesh.tcl script. The following error keeps coming.
Can anyone tell me why this error is coming?
As I am new to ns-2, I am not able to debug.

Any help would be deeply appreciated.
Thank You.

Output after running mesh.tcl script [ The script has been displayed
after the the error lines and also attached with this mail]:

(_o4 cmd line 1)
   invoked from within
"_o4 cmd run-identifier 1"
   invoked from within
"catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
   invoked from within
"if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
set cls [$self info class]
global errorInfo
set savedInfo $errorInfo
error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
   (procedure "_o4" line 2)
   (SplitObject unknown line 2)
   invoked from within
"$ns run-identifier $opt(run)"
   (procedure "init" line 9)
   invoked from within
   (file "mesh.tcl" line 306)


# test 802.16 mesh Tcl scenario
# author: C.Cicconetti 
# website: http://info.iet.unipi.it/~cng/ns2mesh80216/
# A simple string topology with four nodes is created:
#  0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3
# Three traffic flows are established:
# - a VoIP flow with one aggregated source from 0 to 3, with priority 1
# - a VoIP flow with two aggregated sources from 1 to 3, with priority 1
# - a VoD flow with one aggregated source from 2 to 3, with priority 0

# load configuration file with default options
source header.msh
source traffic.msh
source metrics.msh


# simulation environment
set opt(run)        1         ;# replic ID
set opt(duration)   10.0      ;# run duration, in seconds
set opt(warm)       2.0       ;# run duration, in seconds
set opt(out)        "out"     ;# statistics output file
set opt(debug)      ""        ;# debug configuration file, "" = no debug
set opt(startdebug) 0.0       ;# start time of debug output

# topology
set opt(topology)       "chain"  ;# see TOPOLOGIES
set opt(n)              4        ;# meaningful with: chain, ring, grid,
                                ;#    multiring, star, clique, bintree

                ;#    trinagular (see TOPOLOGIES)
set opt(branches)       3        ;# meaningful with: star, multiring
                                ;# (see TOPOLOGIES)
set opt(random-nodeid) "on"      ;# mix up NodeIDs randomly

set opt(channel)        1      ;# number of channels
set opt(radio)          1      ;# number of radios
set opt(chan-data-per)  0      ;# channel data PDU error rate
set opt(chan-ctrl-per)  0      ;# channel control PDU error rate
set opt(propagation)    4      ;# physical propagation, in us
set opt(sym-duration)   20     ;# OFDM symbol duration, in us
set opt(sym-perframe)   500    ;# number of OFDM symbols per frame
set opt(bandwidth)      "10"   ;# in MHz, if set overrides the OFDM symbol
                              ;# duration and the number of OFDM symbols
                              ;# per frame (ie. the frame duration)
set opt(cyclic-prefix)  "1/16" ;# cyclic prefix, only used if bandwidth is set
set opt(control)        4      ;# number of MSH-DSCH opportunities per frame
set opt(cfg-interval)   16     ;# number of MSH-DSCH frames between two
                              ;# consecutive MSH-NCFG frames
set opt(msh-dsch-avg-bad)  -1  ;# consecutive bad MSH-DSCH messages
set opt(msh-dsch-avg-good) -1  ;# consecutive good MSH-DSCH messages

set opt(allocation)  "contiguous"  ;# MSH-DSCH allocation type
set opt(hest-curr)   .1            ;# weight for H's estimations (current value)
set opt(hest-past)   .9            ;# weight for H's estimations (past values)

# bandwidth manager
set opt(bwmanager)            "fair-rr"  ;# bandwidth manager type
set opt(availabilities)       "on"       ;# RR, FairRR bwmanagers
set opt(regrant)              "on"       ;# RR, FairRR bwmanagers
set opt(regrant-offset)       1          ;# RR, FairRR bwmanagers, in frames
set opt(regrant-duration)     1          ;# RR, FairRR bwmanagers, in handshakes
set opt(grant-fairness)       "on"       ;# FairRR bwmanager = {on, off}
set opt(regrant-same-horizon) "off"      ;# FairRR bwmanager = {on, off}
set opt(regrant-fairness)     "on"       ;# FairRR bwmanager = {on, off}
set opt(request-fairness)     "on"       ;# FairRR bwmanager = {on, off}
set opt(bwm-round-duration)   21312      ;# FairRR bwmanager, in bytes
set opt(weight-timeout)       120        ;# FairRR bwmanager, in sec
set opt(max-deficit)          0          ;# FairRR bwmanager, in bytes
set opt(max-backlog)          0          ;# FairRR bwmanager, in bytes
set opt(weight-flow)          "on"       ;# FairRR bwmanager = {on, off}
set opt(grant-rnd-channel)    "on"       ;# FairRR bwmanager = {on, off}
set opt(dd

[ns] [Help] MOLSR ns2 implementation

2011-08-01 Thread Manaswi Saha

hello everyone,

Does anyone know of any MOLSR implementation code in ns2 (preferably
for ns2.33)? I am trying to simulate multicasting in wireless mesh
Please provide with a link if known.

Thank you.

[ns] [Help] Wireless multicast - in wireless mesh networks

2011-09-01 Thread Manaswi Saha

Hello everyone,

I am trying to perform multicasting over wireless mesh networks. Does anyone
have any idea how to do it?
I would appreciate it if anyone could forward me to any text related to

Thank you

Re: [ns] [Help] Wireless multicast - in wireless mesh networks

2011-09-01 Thread Manaswi Saha


Thanx for the reply.

I had seen this page. Most of them are for wired networks right? Won't there
be a difference in performing multicasting over wireless networks. I am not
sure about because I am new to ns2.

Also, how do i implement the same in a wireless mesh network? Ho*w *to
simulate wireless mesh networks?

Thank you.

On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Mubashir Rehmani wrote:

> Hi,
> Here is some contributed code about multicasting in ns2.
> http://nsnam.isi.edu/nsnam/index.php/Contributed_Code#Multicast
>  Multicast
>1. *Codes*
>   - *Author*: Jon Crowcroft <http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/jon>
>   - *Description*: Codes used for simulation work in the following
>   papers are available. The code is distributed under subdirectories 
> called
>   rlc, sot and multcp, each having {.cc,.h,.tcl} and README files.
>  - [Differentiated End to End Internet Services using a Weighted
>  Proportional Fair Sharing TCP]
>  - [Network Adaptive Continuous-Media Applications Through Self
>  Organised Transcoding ]
>  - [TCP-like Congestion Control for Layered Multicast Data
>  Transfer.]
>  - An updated 
> version<http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/l.vicisano/dist/ns-rlc.tgz>of the rlc 
> simulation code is now available.
>   - *Tested with*: ns2.1b1 on HP-UX and Solaris.
>   - *Distributed as*: tarball
>   - *Location*: ftp://cs.ucl.ac.uk/darpa/ucl-ns-work.tar.gz
>2. *NORM*
>   - *Author*: Naval Research Laboratory
>   - *Description*: Nack-Oriented Reliable Multicast.
>   - *Location*: http://cs.itd.nrl.navy.mil/work/norm
>3. *PGM*
>   - *Author*: Ryan Barnett 
>   - *Distributed as*: tarball
>   - *Location*: 
> pgm-070101-2.1b8.tar.gz<http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/dist/pgm-070101-2.1b8.tar.gz>.
>4. *PGM*
>   - *Author*: Yunxi Shi, Washington University at St. Louis.
>   - *Description*: Cisco's PGM 
> protocol<ftp://ftp.isi.edu/internet-drafts/draft-speakman-pgm-spec-02.txt>.
>   There is also a related 
> paper<http://www.ccrc.wustl.edu/%7Echristos/html/rmrg-London98.html>.
>   - *Distributed as*: tarball
>   - *Location*: http://www.arl.wustl.edu/~sherlia/rm/pgm.tar.gz
>5. *PLM*
>   - *Author*: Arnaud Legout<http://www-sop.inria.fr/planete/Arnaud.Legout>
>   - *Description*: PLM simulation. Has been incorporated into ns
>   distribution.
>   - *Tested with*: ns-2.1b6
>   - *Distributed as*: tarball with instructions
>   - *Location*:
>   http://www-sop.inria.fr/planete/Arnaud.Legout/Projects/plm.html
>6. *PUMA*
>   - *Author*: Sidney Doria 
>   - *Description*: 
> PUMA<http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=1392169>is a 
> multicast routing protocol for MANETs. PUMA outperforms MAODV and
>   ODMRP.
>   - *Tested with*: ns-2.33, and ns-2.34
>   - *Distributed as*: Zip with instructions
>   - *Location*: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/puma-adhoc
>7. *SSM Extension*
>   - *Author*: Tiago Camilo 
>   - *Tested with*: ns-2.27 and ns-2.28
>   - *Distributed as*: tarball with instructions
>   - *Location*: http://eden.dei.uc.pt/~tandre/ssm_extension/index.htm
>8. *IGMP Extension -- Beijing University of Posts and
>Telecommunications(BUPT), CHINA*
>   - *Author*: Sipeng Guan 
>   - *Description*: Implementation of IP multicast group management
>   according to IGMPv3(RFC3376)
>   - *Tested with*: ns-2.33
>   - *Distributed as*: patch with instructions
>   - *Location*: ‎http://sites.google.com/site/igmpextension
>   - *Download*: 
> igmp-extension.tar.gz<http://sites.google.com/site/igmpextension/download-install/igmp-extension.tar.gz>
> Mubashir Husain Rehmani
> Lip6/UPMC, Paris, France
> On 1 September 2011 10:17, Manaswi Saha  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am trying to perform multicasting over wireless mesh networks. Does
>> anyone
>> have any idea how to do it?
>> I would appreciate it if anyone could forward me to any text related to
>> this.
>> Thank you
> --
> Mubashir Husain Rehmani

[ns] [HELP]: Multicasting protocols for Wireless mesh network

2011-11-02 Thread Manaswi Saha

Hello everyone,

I am trying to find out the popular multicasting protocols used in wireless
mesh networks for performance evaluation in ns2. Can anyone name a few?

Is the multicasting protocol for ad hoc networks called Protocol
for Unified Multicasting through Announcements (PUMA) [
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=1392169] suitable
for wireless mesh networks?

Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.

[ns] [Help] Implementing a Steiner Tree for a multicast routing protocol

2012-04-02 Thread Manaswi Saha

Hello everyone,

I am trying to develop a multicast routing protocol for wireless mesh

I am using a Steiner tree algorithm for constructing the multicast tree.

I am not sure how to implement this routing tree algorithm in ns2 and store
the same in the routing tables.

I have gone through AODV code. It makes use of route requests and reply
packets for doing the same and stores the precursor nodes in the packets..
and then updates the table.

In my problem, I trying to implement a shared multicast tree. How do I
achieve that?

Can anyone guide me through the process.

Thank you.

Manaswi Saha

[ns] Simulation clock not moving ahead

2012-04-29 Thread Manaswi Saha

Hello everyone,

I have implemented a new multicast routing protocol for wireless mesh
networks in ns2.33.
It is successfully attached.

When I run the TCL file, the simulation marked for 0. time works
but all the others do not work.


$ns_ at 0. "[$meshrouter_($i) agent 255] add-router"
  - Works


$ns_ at 0. "[$meshrouter_($i) agent 255] brid $i"

[ns] [Correction to the earlier mail] Simulation clock not moving ahead

2012-04-29 Thread Manaswi Saha

Hello everyone,

I have implemented a new multicast routing protocol for wireless mesh
networks in ns2.33.
It is successfully attached.

When I run the TCL file, the simulation marked for 0. time works
but all the others do not work.


$ns_ at 0. "[$meshrouter_($i) agent 255] add-router"
  - Works


$ns_ at 0.1000 "[$meshrouter_($i) agent 255] add-router"
   --- Does not work

Thus, the trace file is also not generated.

Does anyone know the solution or how to go about it?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Re: [ns] [Correction to the earlier mail] Simulation clock not moving ahead

2012-05-01 Thread Manaswi Saha

Hello everyone,

The problem regarding simulation time not moving ahead is solved.

Mistake was silly, there was a missing '$' for an array value due to which
the program was behaving irregularly.


-- Forwarded message ------
From: Manaswi Saha 
Date: Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 8:40 PM
Subject: [Correction to the earlier mail] Simulation clock not moving ahead
To: ns-users 

Hello everyone,

I have implemented a new multicast routing protocol for wireless mesh
networks in ns2.33.
It is successfully attached.

When I run the TCL file, the simulation marked for 0. time works
but all the others do not work.


$ns_ at 0. "[$meshrouter_($i) agent 255] add-router"
  - Works


$ns_ at 0.1000 "[$meshrouter_($i) agent 255] add-router"
   --- Does not work

Thus, the trace file is also not generated.

Does anyone know the solution or how to go about it?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.

[ns] New Multicast Protocol implemented: Segfault; Irregular behavior by ns2

2012-05-01 Thread Manaswi Saha


I have implemented a new multicast routing protocol for wireless mesh
networks in ns2.33.

When run my scenario, program halts giving a "Segmentation fault". Using
the gdb, I find the error is because it is trying to use
AODV::NeighborTimer 's handle(). Error given by gdb:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0830e77f in AODV::nb_purge (this=0x1) at aodv/aodv.cc:1377
1377 AODV_Neighbor *nb = nbhead.lh_first;

I am not able to figure out why this is happening? Why is AODV's function
called? I haven't used AODV's code anywhere in the code.

Does anyone know why this is happening? Any ideas?

