[ns] TORA protocol

2009-09-01 Thread Ravit Sachasiri


I had run a few test with TORA adhoc routing protocol and the issue is
that there is a lot of routing agent being sent but no data packet is
ever sent at MAC layer and hence no data is delivered. I used the same
setting for other routing protocols and it works fine.

Can anyone help me, in term of any extra command or settings that must
be done for packets that are sent with TORA protocol?

thank you.


[ns] rxTotPower in wpan802.15.4

2009-08-07 Thread Ravit Sachasiri


Can someone tell me how the rxTotPower is calculated for 802.15.4 mac also,
why sometimes it is lesser than the receive power of the specific packet?



[ns] Shadowing model help!

2009-08-06 Thread Ravit Sachasiri

Hi all,

I had been using the TwoRayGround model for a while and tried using the
Shadowing model and discovered something I need help. Well, my packet
delivery success rate had greatly reduce from 100% to 30% when i switch from
Freespace or Tworayground for path loss exponent =2 (same as free space) and
shadowing deviation = 1. I checked that if my shadowing deviation is 0, the
model give same result as free space model.

I dug in further and found out a criteria where packets were being dropped.
It is in the wpan/p802_15_4mac. cc.

Line no 1031:

if ((wph->rxTotPower-p->txinfo_.RxPr) > 0.0)
if (p->txinfo_.RxPr/(wph->rxTotPower-p->txinfo_.RxPr) <

I understand here that the power receive is checked to see if it is more
thatn CPthresh times the power of interfering packets and if yes, the
packets are dropped.

In my scenerio, there is only two nodes with node 0 transmitting to node 1
only. When I use the TwoRayGround propagation, the value of power of
interfering packets are always 0 and hence no packets are ever dropped for
this reason but in Shadowing model, there is always some interfering power
with some packets getting dropped due to the fact that the power due to
interference high enough for the frame to be considered corrupted, and for
shadowing deviation =1, it is 70% of all transmitted packet. The condition
for both transmission is same and I am sure there is no interfering packets.

Another interesting thing that I noted was that the power received of the
packet with the TwoRayGround model is always the same and in the order of
10^(-12) and the interfering power is 0 while for shadowing model, the
received power of that packet is in the variation from 10^(-9) to 10^(-11)
with the interfering power also in the same order of magnitude.

Could someone please help explain me the shadowing model and also maybe why
there is interference when there is supposed to be none? Also, any other
explanation to help explain what values are the usual standards for
shadowing model will alsobe appreciated.

Thank you.

Ravit Sachasiri

[ns] Does anyone has the implementation of *guaranteed time slot* GTS for WPAN(802.15.4)?

2009-08-05 Thread Ravit Sachasiri

I found the following comment  in the p802__15__4sscs.cc file in the WPAN

/* The following primitives are availabe from MAC sublayer. You can
call these primitives from SSCS or other upper layer
00686  *  void MCPS_DATA_request(UINT_8 SrcAddrMode,UINT_16
00687  * UINT_8 DstAddrMode,UINT_16 DstPANId,IE3ADDR DstAddr,
00688  * UINT_8 msduLength,Packet *msdu,UINT_8
msduHandle,UINT_8 TxOptions);
00689  *  void MCPS_DATA_indication(UINT_8 SrcAddrMode,UINT_16
00690  *UINT_8 DstAddrMode,UINT_16 DstPANId,IE3ADDR DstAddr,
00691  *UINT_8 msduLength,Packet *msdu,UINT_8 mpduLinkQuality,
00692  *bool SecurityUse,UINT_8 ACLEntry);
00693  *  void MCPS_PURGE_request(UINT_8 msduHandle);
00694  *  void MLME_ASSOCIATE_request(UINT_8 LogicalChannel,UINT_8
CoordAddrMode,UINT_16 CoordPANId,IE3ADDR CoordAddress,
00695  *  UINT_8 CapabilityInformation,bool SecurityEnable);
00696  *  void MLME_ASSOCIATE_response(IE3ADDR DeviceAddress,UINT_16
AssocShortAddress,MACenum status,bool SecurityEnable);
00697  *  void MLME_DISASSOCIATE_request(IE3ADDR DeviceAddress,UINT_8
DisassociateReason,bool SecurityEnable);
00698  *  void MLME_DISASSOCIATE_indication(IE3ADDR
DeviceAddress,UINT_8 DisassociateReason,bool SecurityUse,UINT_8
00699  *  void MLME_DISASSOCIATE_confirm(MACenum status);
00700  *  void MLME_GET_request(MPIBAenum PIBAttribute);
00701  *  void MLME_GTS_request(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,bool SecurityEnable);
00702  *  void MLME_GTS_confirm(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,MACenum status);
00703  *  void MLME_GTS_indication(UINT_16 DevAddress,UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,
00704  *   bool SecurityUse, UINT_8 ACLEntry);
00705  *  void MLME_ORPHAN_indication(IE3ADDR OrphanAddress,bool
SecurityUse,UINT_8 ACLEntry);
00706  *  void MLME_ORPHAN_response(IE3ADDR OrphanAddress,UINT_16
ShortAddress,bool AssociatedMember,bool SecurityEnable);
00707  *  void MLME_RESET_request(bool SetDefaultPIB);
00708  *  void MLME_RX_ENABLE_request(bool DeferPermit,UINT_32
RxOnTime,UINT_32 RxOnDuration);
00709  *  void MLME_RX_ENABLE_confirm(MACenum status);
00710  *  void MLME_SCAN_request(UINT_8 ScanType,UINT_32
ScanChannels,UINT_8 ScanDuration);
00711  *  void MLME_SET_request(MPIBAenum PIBAttribute,MAC_PIB
00712  *  void MLME_SET_confirm(MACenum status,MPIBAenum PIBAttribute);
00713  *  void MLME_START_request(UINT_16 PANId,UINT_8
LogicalChannel,UINT_8 BeaconOrder,
00714  *  UINT_8 SuperframeOrder,bool PANCoordinator,bool
00715  *  bool CoordRealignment,bool SecurityEnable);
00716  *  void MLME_SYNC_request(UINT_8 LogicalChannel, bool TrackBeacon);
00717  *  void MLME_SYNC_LOSS_indication(MACenum LossReason);
00718  *  void MLME_POLL_request(UINT_8 CoordAddrMode,UINT_16
CoordPANId,IE3ADDR CoordAddress,bool SecurityEnable);
00719  *  void MLME_POLL_confirm(MACenum status);
00720  *

However, when i look up in the p802_15_4mac.cc, i see that the function is
available but there is no definition:
void Mac802_15_4::MLME_GTS_request(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,bool

void Mac802_15_4::MLME_GTS_confirm(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,MACenum status)

void Mac802_15_4::MLME_GTS_indication(UINT_16 DevAddress,UINT_8
  bool SecurityUse, UINT_8 ACLEntry)

Also, the following comment was found in the header file:
/*TBD*/void MLME_GTS_request(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,bool
/*TBD*/void MLME_GTS_confirm(UINT_8 GTSCharacteristics,MACenum status);
/*TBD*/void MLME_GTS_indication(UINT_16 DevAddress,UINT_8
 bool SecurityUse, UINT_8 ACLEntry);

I would like to implement GTS for 802.15.4 MAC and would like to know if
anybody has an implementation available or a suggestion as how or where it
is available?

Thank you.


[ns] define PAN Co-ordinator in star topology for WSN

2009-07-15 Thread Ravit Sachasiri

Hi all,

In a WPAN scenerio, I have 2 PAN Co-ordinators with 8 nodes. I want to
prematurely define which PAN co-ordinator each node must connect to.
However, I want it to attach itself to the PAN co-ordinator automatically
through the beacon.

Could someone guide me to the right command?


[ns] Bandwidth of Physical and MAC layer

2009-06-30 Thread Ravit Sachasiri


The parameter "Phy/WirelessPhy set bandwidth_ 28.8*10e3" sets the
bandwidth of the channel, however, could someone tell me what is the
capacity of the 802.15.4 MAC layer? I tried to increase the bandwidth
parameter by a factor of 1000 but saw no improvement in the average
throughput of the system.

Can someone explain the reason to me?


[ns] propogation model

2009-06-29 Thread Ravit Sachasiri

As I understand, the propogation model (freespace, tworayground,
shadow) is added at the node characteristics. However, I believe that
it is a link property and not a node property.

For a WPAN scenerio, if I want to simulate that there is "freespace"
between node A and B and a wall "Shadow model" between node B and C
and A wants to send a packet to C through B, how should I define the
propogation model for node characteristics of B?

Thank you.


[ns] sensor data disseminating type

2009-06-23 Thread Ravit Sachasiri

Hi all,

I have a scenerio that I would like to attain. Say that sensing data
is disseminate to the data aggregator every 1 mins at the moment when
the battery is full, but I would like that when battery remaining is
less than half, it should change to event driven data dissemination,
which means data is disseminate only if it surpass a certain level (
say, sensed temperature is more than 50 degree celcius). I have tried
to read through the program and i believe that the key is in the file
mannasim/sensorBaseApp.cc. If I can set an if statement, in the
SensorBaseApp::getExpireTime() function to change the disseminating
type after checking the remaining energy, would this work? I mean,
would it be effective for all node, and also, would the type of
dissemination be effective the next time?


[ns] remaining energy of the node

2009-06-19 Thread Ravit Sachasiri


I would like to read the remaining energy (variable name is  energy_
in the file ns2/mobile/energy-model.cc {its a type double}".

I do not know the command in TCL to do so.

Can someone please help me with the command to read that variable
directly from the tcl script. I want to control my data generation
depending upon the remaining energy.

Thank you.


[ns] need some help

2009-06-17 Thread Ravit Sachasiri

Hi all,

I am just trying to learn the basic of NS2 so that I can later use these
characteristics on my simulation. Here, I wanted to achieve a few things. I
want to define that 2 of the nodes are Access points and 8 are normal
sensors. Also, I want node 2,3,4,5 to communicate with node 0(the access
point) and node 6, 7,8,9 to communicate with node 1(another access point).
So, it is 2 star topology existing together (same radio space) but I want to
seperate communication. Also, I want to define different node
characteristics for the access point and the sensor node (especially tx/rx

The issues:

1) Below is the script of the program that I think is most relevent of what
I want to achieve. If somebody could help me, I would be very grateful.

$ns_ node-config -adhocRouting AODV \
-llType ll \
-macType mac/802_15_4 \
-ifqType $val(ifq) \
-ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
-antType $val(ant) \
-propType $val(prop) \
-phyType $val(netif) \
-topoInstance $topo \
-agentTrace OFF \
-routerTrace OFF \
-macTrace ON \
-movementTrace OFF \
#-energyModel "EnergyModel" \
#-initialEnergy 1 \
#-rxPower 0.3 \
#-txPower 0.3 \
-channel $chan_1_

for {set i 0} {$i < 2 } {incr i} {

set app_ [new Application/SensorBaseApp/CommonNodeApp]
set node_($i) [$ns_ node]
$node_($i) random-motion 0;# disable random motion

Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ $dist(20m)
Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ $dist(20m)

$ns_ node-config -adhocRouting AODV \
 -ifqLen  200 \

for {set i 2} {$i < 6 } {incr i} {

set app_ [new Application/AccessPointApp]
$app_ set destination_id_ 0

set node_($i) [$ns_ node]
$node_($i) random-motion 0;# disable random motion

for {set i 6} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {

set app_ [new Application/AccessPointApp]
$app_ set destination_id_ 1
set node_($i) [$ns_ node]
$node_($i) random-motion 0;# disable random motion

$ns_ at 0.0"$node_(0) NodeLabel PAN Coor1"
$ns_ at 0.0"$node_(0) sscs startPANCoord 1";# startPANCoord
$ns_ at 0.5"$node_(2) sscs startDevice 1 0";# startDevice 
$ns_ at 1.5"$node_(3) sscs startDevice 1 0"
$ns_ at 2.5"$node_(4) sscs startDevice 1 0"
$ns_ at 3.5"$node_(5) sscs startDevice 1 0"
$ns_ at 0.0"$node_(1) NodeLabel PAN Coor2"
$ns_ at 0.1"$node_(1) sscs startPANCoord 1";# startPANCoord
$ns_ at 0.5"$node_(6) sscs startDevice 1 0";# startDevice 
$ns_ at 1.5"$node_(7) sscs startDevice 1 0"
$ns_ at 2.5"$node_(8) sscs startDevice 1 0"
$ns_ at 3.5"$node_(9) sscs startDevice 1 0"

Please do go through and provide me with the possible guidance. As of now,
the program isnt giving any error but the sensor node is attaching itself
the the PAN co-ordinator randomly and the one that I want it to attach to.
If my method is incorrect or some1 can guide me to another method, I would
be glad to hear it.

2) Another issue also exist. I get error "recvTimer1:Invalid MAC Control
Subtype 7" when I use -macType mac/802_11. I am using ns2.29 on ubuntu 9.04
with mannasim extension.

3) I also want to program sleeping pattern for the sensor nodes. I am not
sure if there already exist, if yes, can some1 point me in the right
direction. Also, the use of superframe order  (SO) and beacon order (BO) is
also a bit confusing to me. I have referred to Zheng's FAQ (
http://www-ee.ccny.cuny.edu/zheng/pub/Pages/wpan-ns2-faq.htm) where he
discussed it. Quote, "BO determines the length of the whole superframe and
SO determines the length of the active part of the superframe. So you need
to set the SO to a value smaller than BO -- opposite to what you have done."
I tried upto very high setting such as "$node_(0) sscs startPANCoord 1 1
1000" and still the association to the PAN co-ordination takes equal time as
if it was not sleeping at all.

I would like to know how to check whether a node is sleeping or awake. Is
there some trace or some method to check that?

4) I would like to send very small packets of data (4 bytes). But when I use
cbr, I get packet size of 31 on tranmitting side and 24 on receiving( I
believe after removal of MAC header) and for FTP, i get tcp packet of 60,
64, 67, 71 bytes which means 71 and 64 bytes including all headers. I would
like to know if there is a way to reduce this overhead in any way? maybe
some other selection of transport, routing or even MAC protocol??

Its been a long mail with many questions and if some1 could help me even in
some part, I would be very grateful.


[ns] validation of ns2

2009-06-10 Thread Ravit Sachasiri

Hi all,

Just have a small question. When I validated the installation, it hangs
after a while and doesnt continue validation and more than half of the
process it did validate, most of the results differed from the reference
output. However, I tried a couple of examples, and it worked but how would I
know if the timing and result it is giving is correct?


[ns] NS2/mannasim on ubuntu 9.04 or GCC version 4.3.3

2009-06-02 Thread Ravit Sachasiri

Hi all,

After painstakingly trying to install NS2 in my system, and havin errors in
the compiling of mannasim patch with NS2, I received errors regarding the
header file  and . It seems that these header files cannot
be found.

The error:

> In file included from mannasim/processing.h:44,
>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.h:45,
>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.cc:37:

> mannasim/sensorNode.h:36:18: error: list.h: No such file or
> directory
> In file included from
> mannasim/processing.h:45,
>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.h:45,

>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.cc:37:
> mannasim/sensedData.h:41:20: error: vector.h: No such file or
> directory
> In file included from
> ./common/agent.h:41,

>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.h:40,
>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.cc:37:
> ./common/packet.h: In constructor
> ?p_info::p_info()?:

> ./common/packet.h:184: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:185: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:186: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant

> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:187: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:188: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?

> ./common/packet.h:189: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:190: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:191: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant

> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:192: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:193: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?

> ./common/packet.h:194: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:195: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:196: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant

> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:197: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:198: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?

> ./common/packet.h:199: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:200: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:201: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant

> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:202: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:203: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?

> ./common/packet.h:205: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:206: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:207: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant

> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:208: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:209: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?

> ./common/packet.h:210: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:212: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:213: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant

> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:214: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:215: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?

> ./common/packet.h:216: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:217: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:218: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant

> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:219: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:220: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?

> ./common/packet.h:221: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:222: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:223: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant

> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:224: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:225: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?

> ./common/packet.h:227: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:228: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:230: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant

> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:231: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ?char*?
> ./common/packet.h:232: warning: deprecated conversion fr

[ns] mannasim installation error

2009-05-29 Thread Ravit Sachasiri

> Dear all,
> I am just starting to use NS2 and mannasim and when I tried to install
> ns-allinone2.29.3 after applying the mannasim patch, I get the following
> error:
> In file included from mannasim/processing.h:44,
>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.h:45,
>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.cc:37:
> mannasim/sensorNode.h:36:18: error: list.h: No such file or
> directory
> In file included from
> mannasim/processing.h:45,
>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.h:45,
>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.cc:37:
> mannasim/sensedData.h:41:20: error: vector.h: No such file or
> directory
> In file included from
> ./common/agent.h:41,
>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.h:40,
>  from
> mannasim/accessPointApp.cc:37:
> ./common/packet.h: In constructor
> ‘p_info::p_info()’:
> ./common/packet.h:184: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:185: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:186: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:187: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:188: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:189: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:190: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:191: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:192: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:193: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:194: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:195: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:196: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:197: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:198: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:199: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:200: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:201: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:202: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:203: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:205: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:206: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:207: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:208: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:209: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:210: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:212: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:213: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:214: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:215: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:216: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:217: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:218: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:219: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:220: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:221: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:222: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:223: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:224: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:225: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:227: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:228: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:230: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:231: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:232: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant
> to ‘char*’
> ./common/packet.h:235: warning: deprecated conversion