Re: [ns] run examples in ns2

2007-10-26 Thread WangYaogong

you should add relevant directories to the environment variables, otherwise 
bash could not locate where ns is.

 Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 09:32:49 -0700 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
 ns-users@ISI.EDU Subject: [ns] run examples in ns2   Hello ns-users,  I 
 m installing ns 2.27 on Windows XP. When i run examples in Xwin, ns 
 example1.tcl, it always says: bash: ns: command not found. Why?  Thanks!  
 Best regards,  Min Meng
Windows Live Custom Domain,您的免费电子邮局。

[ns] Where can I find SCTP module for ns-2.26?

2007-10-22 Thread WangYaogong

Hi everyone, I'm looking for SCTP module for ns-2.26. I know sctp is now 
integrated into newer versions of ns-2 distributions. But I need the patch for 
ns-2.26. I googled it but found none. I tried to move the sctp-related codes in 
ns-2.31 to ns-2.26 but I failed. It will cause segmentation fault during 
simulation. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot! Yaogong
Windows Live Spaces 中最年轻的成员!

Re: [ns] TCP segment size vs. IP packet size

2007-09-13 Thread WangYaogong

1) It's the size in Bytes of the TCP payload, excluding TCP header and IP 
eg. If you set packetSize_ of the TCP Agent to be 1000, then the actual size of 
the IP datagram is 1040. You can validate this from the trace file.
2) I don't think it matters anything. Queue limit is measured in packets. The 
size of the packet doesn't affect anything.
3) I'm not sure about it.

 Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 15:15:21 +0200 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
 ns-users@ISI.EDU Subject: [ns] TCP segment size vs. IP packet size   Hi, 
  I need some help distinguishing cases when NS is thinking about TCP  
 segments vs. when it's thinking about IP packets, since it seems to me  that 
 they're used almost interchangeably.  In particular:  1) Is packetSize_ 
 in TPC agents the IP packet size or TCP segement size?  2) When using a 
 command like $ns queue-limit $n0 $n1 100, is the queue  limit expressed as 
 the number of TCP segments or IP packets? Does the  distinction even make 
 sense in this case?  3) When simulating web traffic (such as in 
 tcl/ex/web-traffic.tcl) using  a command like $pool create-session 1 
 $numPage 0.2 $interPage $pageSize  $interObj $objSize is objSize in TCP 
 segments or IP packets? Again, is  the distinction meaningful here?   -- 
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[ns] Help me with the DCCP module!

2007-09-10 Thread WangYaogong

Hi all,

I'm using the DCCP module contributed by: 
 in ns-2.31. But when I tried the simple script in the attachment, I got the 
following error:

DCCPAckVector::sendAckVector - Failed to add ack vector to option: err -1, size 

Can anyone help me out? It's really urgent!

Thank you.


Windows Live Spaces 中最年轻的成员!

Re: [ns] For Throughput comparison of TCP Reno, Tahoe , SACK

2007-09-05 Thread WangYaogong

There is a classic paper on this: Simulation-based Comparisons of Tahoe, Rent, 
and SACK TCP by Kevin Fall and Sally Floyd.
And the scripts used in this paper seem to be available in the ns package.

 Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 22:31:09 -0700 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
 ns-users@ISI.EDU Subject: [ns] For Throughput comparison of TCP Reno, Tahoe 
 , SACK   Hello I m a novice NS user. If i want to see some throughput 
 comparison of TCP Reno, Tahoe, SACK --- which steps i need to follow. If 
 someone can help me providing some good URL for learning my queries i will 
 be grateful.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Welcome to posting to the ns-users 
 mailing list!  We automatically send this message to every new person who 
 sends mail to the list. You should only receive it once. My apologies if 
 the program contacts you twice, perhaps because you have multiple e-mail 
 addresses or send mail from multiple machines.  If you are an experienced 
 ns-user who simply has not posted since we started using this responder, our 
 apologies for inconveniencing you with this message. This message is 
 intended to help inform users and cut down on redundant posts, which 
 benefits everyone.!
   Please look at the attached list of ns Frequently Asked Questions. If it 
answers your question, great! You're done. If not, please RE-SEND your 
original message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] A copy of your original message is 
included below for reference.  You will NOT have to do re-send your message 
every time you post, only the FIRST time you send from a new account. The goal 
is to quickly help new users find the FAQ (hopefully answering their 
question).  Thanks, -the ns development team   
   The Network Simulator ns-2: 
Frequently Asked Questions  (This FAQ is also on the web at  * _Where do I get ns?_  From 
the ns web site at and the download page  * _What platforms does ns run on 
and what kind of hardware do I need?_  Please see where to start on the 
building ns web page:!  * _What should I do if I have t
rouble downloading/extracting ns?_  This question is answered in detail at  * _What should I 
do if I encounter problems building ns?_  Check: 1. the README that comes in 
the distribution (very brief), 2. the installation problems, bug fixes and 
help web page, 3. the archives 
of the ns-users mailing list, 4. 
post a bug report (see below) 
 * _What do I do after I successfully build ns?_  + Put the path to your ns 
executable into your PATH environment + Put the path to your otcl into your 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment + Put the path to your tcl library into your 
TCL_LIBRARY environment  * _Where can I find documentation for ns?_  All 
documentation is linked from the main ns web page Documentation includes a tutorial (originally 
 m Marc Greis) and a reference manual (ns notes and documentation).  * 
_Words, words, words... that documentation is nice, but where are some sample 
scripts I can start from?_  Many sample scripts can be found in the ns 
distribution in ~ns-2/tcl/ex and ~ns-2/tcl/test.  * _What protocols does ns 
support?_  A lot! Almost all variants of TCP, several forms of multicast, 
wired networking, several ad hoc routing protocols and propagation models (but 
not cellular phones), data diffusion, satellite, and other stuff. See the 
documentation (described above) for details, or download ns and look.  * 
_How do I know that ns correctly implements these protocols?_  Ns has 
validation tests that cover many protocols, see However, ultimately users are 
responsible for verifying that ns is accurate for their purposes---since we 
cannot foresee all the ways ns may be used, we cannot test all cases with all 
inputs.  * _Are there a!
 ny contributed/additional protocols not in the main distribution?_ 
 Yes, please see the contributed code web page The mailing list archives can 
also be helpful (see below).  * _How should I get started doing something 
(like implementing a new protocol or trying an experiment)?_  We recommend 
that you look through the tutorial (see documentation, above), then start with 
an example program that is most similar to yours (in the tutorial, or in 
tcl/ex or tcl/test in the distribution), and then start changing things.  * 
_What should I do to compile ns to reflect my changes if I've modified some 
.cc or .h files?_  go to ns directory and run make or make depend; make 
 * _How do I subscribe to the ns-users mailing list? How do I search old list 

[ns] a question about Nils-Erik Mattsson's DCCP module

2007-09-04 Thread WangYaogong

I'm using Mattsson's DCCP module under ns-2.26. But when I simulate DCCP in 
large BDP networks, I sometimes get the following error and the program exits:

DCCPAckVector::sendAckVector - Failed to add ack vector to option: err -1, size 

I took a look at the source code and found that the error stems from the length 
of the options exceeding DCCP_OPT_MAX_LENGTH(=255 by default). So I set the 
macro to be 1023, hoping that would solve the problem. But when I run the 
simulation again after modifying the macro, I get some other errors:

21.610164, DCCP/TCPlike(_o216)::send_packetRecv() - No ack vector on 
21.610184, DCCP/TCPlike(_o216)::processOption() - ECN check failed!

The only change I made to the source code is just setting the value of the 
macro bigger. I don't know what's wrong. Can anyone help me?

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Re: [ns] Generating background web traffic

2007-08-31 Thread WangYaogong

the following link may be helpful:
it's the script written by the inventors of CUBIC and it contains adding web 
traffic as background traffic.

 Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 20:55:06 +0200 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
 ns-users@ISI.EDU Subject: [ns] Generating background web traffic   Hi,  
 I'm trying to recreate the experiments from this paper  in ns.  Some 
 experiments study the impact of web traffic on the CUBIC. What would be the 
 best/simplest way to simulate web traffic in ns?  Should I use a Pareto 
 traffic sources with an UDP agent? The paper mentions mean time between 
 requests and mean connection size in packets. What would be reasonable 
 values to assign to the rate_ and shape_ parameters?   --  Jasin 
用 Live Search 搜尽天下资讯!

Re: [ns] segmentation fault

2007-08-22 Thread WangYaogong

segmentation fault usually stems from illegal access to the memory. check 
your code to see whether you illegally try to access some memory when it is 
already deallocated. usually it's because using pointers incorrectly.

 Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 11:52:11 -0700 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
 ns-users@ISI.EDU Subject: [ns] segmentation fault   Hello all,  I wrote 
 a new agent. this agent has a command{} which receives 6 arguments. I use the 
 following line to pass the arguments to the command{}. $ns at $now 
 $source-ad($j) ad-request $j $peak $error $standard-dev but when I run my 
 tcl script. I receive this error: segmentation fault can anybody help me 
 about this error?any kind of help. Thanks in advance  Regards Elahe   
 - Pinpoint customers who are looking for 
 what you sell. 