Re: [ns] simulation of UMTS in NS2

2008-11-09 Thread Mats Folke


The 5th Framework project SEACORN developed EURANE which is a UMTS extension to 
ns-2. There are patch files for ns-2.30 and corresponding manuals. HSDPA is 
also included.

Best wishes,
Mats Folke

esmat shoja wrote:
> Hi to all Ns_users,
> Does any one simulate a UMTS network in NS2 ?
> OR does any one is familiar with implimentation RTP/TFRC protocol for
> video streaming in UMTS with NS-2 ? I need to have these items in my
> simulation : 
> Server
> Mobile stations
> and after streaming video between server and Mobile nodes , I must
> show throuput , delay , jitter  in wireless link
> how can I simulate such model and how can I implement TFRC protocol
> in Ns2 ? 
> Thanks in advance & regards

Mats Folke, M.Sc., Lic.Eng.
Research Engineer

Ericsson AB Office: +46 8 7571385
Ericsson Research   Fax: +46 920 99621
P.O. Box 920Mobile: +46 76 1271385
SE-971 28 Luleå

Re: [ns] simulation of UMTS in NS2

2008-11-08 Thread Mubashir Rehmani

Hi Esmat

You can find the UMTS extensions of NS-2 here :

Mubashir Husain Rehmani
LIP6, UPMC, Paris, France

2008/11/8 esmat shoja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi to all Ns_users,
> Does any one simulate a UMTS network in NS2 ?
> OR does any one is familiar with implimentation RTP/TFRC protocol for video
> streaming in UMTS with NS-2 ?
> I need to have these items in my simulation :
> Server
> Mobile stations
> and after streaming video between server and Mobile nodes , I must
> show throuput , delay , jitter  in wireless link
> how can I simulate such model and how can I implement TFRC protocol in Ns2
> ?
> Thanks in advance & regards

Mubashir Husain Rehmani

Mobile :   00 33 (0)6 32 00 89 35