[NSP] Re: Holy/Holey Halfpenny

2010-02-15 Thread Anita Evans

Ian Lawther wrote:
I've always assumed Holey Ha'penny and as such used to pair it with The 
Crookit Bawbee. In the late 1970s/early 80s I would dedicated this 
pairing to the West Midlands Regional Crime Squad which at the time was 
being investigated for being full of bent coppers...

poor Matt should have known better than ask for anything conclusive... ;)

I've already suggested a link to either the pub game shove halfpenny, 
where discs with holes were often used, or possibly the holey dollar 
(see Wikepedia). Or maybe the tune writer had a sweetheart called Holly 
Halfpenny and couldn't spell her name?


Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: Gaelic Pronunciation - pedantry warning

2010-02-05 Thread Anita Evans

Matt Seattle wrote:

   It's all beyond me, I don't know my Erse from my Alba

brilliant Matt - I (and the list) needed cheering up!

Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: bag shape

2010-01-29 Thread Anita Evans

rosspi...@aol.com wrote:
The bags that Jackie makes are based on my sending him the shape of 
Burleigh bags which by the 1960's had proved to a good practical shape 
and size i.e. 21 in length, 9 deep with the bag approx. 12x9 with 
the neck curving up steeply to avoid pressing against the left arm or 
wrist. I make the neck length 9 from where  the drone stock is tied 
into the bag.

Colin R

Just to say that when I need to supplement the bags I make myself, I 
have always found Jackie to be very accommodating with regard to bag 
shapes and sizes, though I order several at a time, not one-offs. The 
dimensions I use are very similar to the above with perhaps a little 
extra length in the body.

Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: Mr. Bewick, Rats and Inverted Bags

2010-01-28 Thread Anita Evans

Steve Bliven wrote:

This made the rounds awhile back but also shows the origins

yes! thanks Steve, I had a dim memory of watching this but couldn't find 
it. I am both fascinated and appalled, but there's no escaping the truth...

Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: the Guardian today....

2010-01-26 Thread Anita Evans

Malcolm Craven wrote:

What is B A E tuning.

Should it be A E A
Or E B E?

I am confused a bit.
I don't think they'll threaten the domestic market

just in case you think I've gone quite quite mad


Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: The Power of Positive Thinking

2009-10-20 Thread Anita Evans

Francis Wood wrote:
In these occasionally acrimonious times, I do feel there might be some 
value in searching critically for the sources of negative influence. As 
a start, we might do well to examine the language of piping terms. That 
lexicon is in sore need of some enlightened revision. The following 
points will, I hope, provide persuasive examples.

It seems to me Francis that by calling someone a 'bagpipe' you have 
covered most of the insults known to man (woman) and saved yourself a 
great deal of effort I'm all for improvements in energy efficiency ;)

Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: The Power of Positive Thinking

2009-10-20 Thread Anita Evans

Simon James wrote:

   Thankyou for opening up such a useful discussion Francis.
   I must admit that the term chanter has always concerned me - what are
   we if not individuals with our own individual styles...?

and please please remember never to let your chanters dangle in public - 
it sets a bad example. What you do in private is up to you, but you may 
have to suffer the consequences...

Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: Northumbria Pipe Course 11-16 October - Places available

2009-08-13 Thread Anita Evans

tim rolls BT wrote:

--===AVGMAIL-00EC37ED==Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg?rt; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Description: AVG certification

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.392 / Virus Database: 270.13.53/2299 - Release Date: 08/12/09 


Is anyone else having problems reading Tim's posts?

I copied this from the list FAQ in case it helps:

To get rid of those funny character codes you have to eliminate 
'quoted-printable' from your messages. Usually there is a place to 
choose how the message is formatted - plain-text, html, rtf, etc, and a 
place to choose how the letters are encoded - plain-text, base64, or 
quoted-printable. The latter may be under an 'advanced' button 
somewhere. Plain-text works more smoothly with the lute (nsp) list then 
quoted-printable. Base64 may work, but sometimes it appears as a solid 
block of random letters.

Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: Northumbria Pipe Course 11-16 October - Places available

2009-08-13 Thread Anita Evans

Gibbons, John wrote:
Makes a lot more sense than some stuff people have been sending lately! 


Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: How the brain reads

2009-06-13 Thread Anita Evans

tim rolls BT wrote:

--===AVGMAIL-175F2D5D==Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg?rt; 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Description: AVG certification

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 8.5.364 / Virus Database: 270.12.66/2172 - Release Date: 06/12/09 


was that a test? did I pass?

Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: ear-learners vs note-learners

2009-06-10 Thread Anita Evans

Richard Hensold wrote:

   notation, and will tend to visualize musical notes as taking up
   precise, blocky chunks of time.  Such a person is often unable to hear
   the rhythmic subtleties that give life/bounce or lift/drive to the

Hi Dick,
I like to think I'm quite sensitive to the subtleties of music, but I 
have a very very poor memory - it's a case of 'new tune in, old tune 
out' for me when I learn by ear :(

Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: what do pipemakers do on their day off?

2009-05-27 Thread Anita Evans

Dave Shaw wrote:

   I noticed the following on you tube,


Very entertaining. Spot the future pipe makers in these photos


Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: Colin Ross

2009-05-21 Thread Anita Evans

Julia Say wrote:

This will still only cover about 80% of members (if that). As you 
will appreciate, it is a slightly different order of magnitude job to 
set up such a list for 850 members than it is for 80-odd.

I have been hoping that it could be done via the website, but as you 
know this (in some respects) did not materialise as expected, and the 
matter is only now being sorted out by the installation of a new one.

just a brief - ish aside on the subject mailing lists - I've been trying 
to set up an 'announcements' only list for the LBPS and found a number 
of difficulties, not least ensuring that members keep us up to date with 
their email addresses and that mailings don't end up in their junk 
folders. I tried a Google group before realising that people had to sign 
up for a Google account which many didn't want to do. I'm currently 
working on a more personalised list, but it is still fraught with 
problems (including privacy settings) and we are sticking with 
newsletters via snail mail at least for now. Anyway Julia, if you find a 
solution I will be pleased to hear about it!

Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: I must be daft

2009-04-15 Thread Anita Evans

Helen Capes wrote:
Come on guys. We have had some really interesting input from both 
Anthony and Chris, and now they are backing off, praps leaving the list. 
What a shame.
They can both annoy the hell out of me, but I have learned heaps from 
them both too and would really be sorry if they stopped their input.
Lets try not to get too heated and personal eh. We can all benefit by 
counting to ten first then trying to be positive.


Here here! It's like observing a load of March (well, April) Hares in 
action. Get out there and play yer pipes!

Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: I must be daft

2009-04-15 Thread Anita Evans

Anita Evans wrote:

Here here!

or even, Hear Hear! ;

Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: Choyting - possible source of word and Plaid

2008-08-25 Thread Anita Evans

Not wanting to be left out, here's my twopence worth..

could it be pronounced coyte, or quoit?

Quoit (?), n. [OE. coite; cf. OF. coitier to spur, press, (assumed) LL. 
coctare, fr. L. coquere, coctum, to cook, burn, vex, harass, E. cook, 
also W. coete a quoit.]

I particularly like the references to vex and harass ;


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[NSP] Re: Plumbing the depths, and further

2008-04-08 Thread Anita Evans

Chris Ormston wrote:

Dear All,
I recently received a card through the letterbox advertising Northumbria Pipes 
Plumbing Services.

Do ye ken John pee'd?


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[NSP] wedding

2007-07-09 Thread Anita Evans
Dear List,
Is there anyone who would be willing and able to play NSP for a wedding 
in Perthshire on August 11th this year?

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[NSP] rook ms

2007-04-29 Thread Anita Evans
The Rook manuscript (1840, with 254 pages plus contents) is now online at:


John Rook was from the Wigton area of Cumbria - we don't exactly who he 
was, or what he did for a living, but we are trying to find more 
On the front cover there is a sketch of various instruments, including 4 
drone Northumbrian Smallpipes with keyed chanter.
We don't know where the original is. I scanned the pages from 
photocopies loaned to me by Matt Seattle, who in turn acquired them from
Graham Dixon and Stuart Eydmann. I've organised the whole thing so all 
the pages can be accessed from an index.
Quite a mix of music, not all for pipes by any means, and much of it 
published elsewhere, but interesting all the same.

Thanks to Ross Anderson for making it available online.
Anita Evans

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[NSP] Re: reed making

2007-04-09 Thread Anita Evans
 Dear Richard, I was hoping you would come into the discussion.
 Anita's method is certainly different in the initial stage of tying
 the cane on to the staple but I think the main thing to be looked at
 is the rubbing down and final scrape of the cane.

Yes, to clarify a couple of points. My method is basically Colin's, with 
minor personal preferences, and I join in thanking him for being so open 
with information.
Also, for anyone interested in my contribution to the art of reedmaking 
on the web, I must stress that it is not a technically detailed workshop 
guide. I have tried to provide appropriate links for those taking more 
than a passing interest.
With regard to the scrape, I have experimented with many different 
nuances of style over the years, but find I prefer the stronger reed 
that is produced if you avoid over thinning the middle section.
I agree with Alec that you have to be prepared to waste a lot of cane in 
the early stages of learning (and the not so early, during spells of the 
'reed-making blues' which can strike at any time!) If things start going 
wrong, and assuming it isn't poor quality cane, I usually find I've let 
my 'standards' slip. However good your scraping is, if you let your 
measurements and technique get sloppy in the initial stages, you are 
wasting your time.
Another point I have to make is that all the reed-making information in 
the world won't help you make good reeds if you aren't prepared to put 
in the time - you have to get a feel for the cane.


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