[NTG-context] The smallest instalation for work with ConTeXt and MetaFun (TeXLive8) ?

2003-10-05 Thread ^Nitram^

Anybody has an experience with TeXLive (8 or 7) - what is the smallest
installation type for working with ConTeXt and (absolutely necessary)
MetaFun - I tried 'generic basic' and 'generic recommended' but I
can't make MP graphics - I have a problem with it again ;(

Of course 'full' installation works fine, but I have no idea what I
need in smaller installation to working fine...

Probably I forgot change something (again) in config files - in log I
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11a-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2) (format=cont-en 2003.10.6)  
6 OCT 2003 04:15
entering extended mode
 %&-line parsing enabled.
\openout0 = `_back-mpgraph.mp'.
\openout0 = `_back-mprun.mp'.
\openout0 = `mpgraph.mp'.
\openout0 = `mprun.mp'.
[MP to PDF] (./_back-mpgraph.1) [2.2]
\openout5 = `_back-mpgraph.mp'.
mpost  -progname=mpost -mem=metafun _back-mpgraph

and no graphic in pdf. But when I run mpost _back-mpgrapg.mp I have
_back-mpgraph.1 file and another run of context includes graphic (this
one) to pdf. What may be wrong ?

Best regards,

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] texshow

2003-10-05 Thread Henning Hraban Ramm
Am Samstag, 04.10.03, um 09:42 Uhr (Europe/Zurich) schrieb Steffen 

BTW: On MacOS X one can use texshow only with X11 (there's no Perl/Tk
for Aqua).
Is there a way to increase font size? It's unreadable small (only on
X11/OSX, Win and Lin are ok).
I guess there's some standard X11 parameter?

OK, use only with X11.

So I started X11 and entered texshow in xterm:
Can't locate Tk.pm in @INC (@INC contains: 
/System/Library/Perl/Does anybody has an advice on how to use actually 
Do you have developer tools installed? You need make, gcc etc. for 
compiling the module(s).

perl -MCPAN -eshell

Enters Perl CPAN shell mode.
I think you must answer some installation questions of Perl Module CPAN.
And probably you must install LWP (LibWWWPerl) before Tk...
If it doesn't work try "force install" instead of "install"
install Bundle::LWP
install Tk
Grüßlis vom Hraban!
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] postscript math font ?

2003-10-05 Thread Gary Pajer
I'm relatively new at ConTeXt, and have been avoiding all issues related to
fonts ... till now.  I've struggled with the manuals, some source code, the
list archives, and google, but I have to cry uncle.

I have a MikTeX installation.  (would I be better off with TeXLive?)

I can use postscipt fonts hence:




The first I got from a suggestion on this list, the second is in "Fonts in
ConTeXt".  They both seem to work.  But they both set math in computer
modern.  The example in "Fonts in ConTeXt" has math set in something that is
*not* cm.  And when I use LaTeX, my math fonts are not cm.

So how can I get a better looking (IMHO) math font when using postscript?
What's the difference between the two ways of setting postscipt fonts?


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