[NTG-context] Re: textext() doesn't work on my MikTeX distr.

2004-10-15 Thread Patrick Gundlach
Hello Mojca,

I can only guess, since I (do I repeat myself?) don't have MikTeX

It seems that you don't have shell-escape or write18 enabled. This
feature lets you run external programs from your tex-run. This is a
potential security hole, so it is disabled by default. You have two
options, enable write18 by using --shell-escape on the command line 
(see http://www.phys.uvic.ca/Help_Guides/miktex.html#IDX164 ) or tell
ConTeXt to do without (that's what I have on live.contextgarden.net)


> \unprotect
> \setupoutput [pdf]

this should be [pdftex], not [pdf] (please correct me if I'm wrong)

> \runMPgraphicstrue
> \runMPTEXgraphicstrue

disable these two:

% \runMPgraphicstrue
% \runMPTEXgraphicstrue


Hope this helps.

ConTeXt wiki: http://contextgarden.net
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: textext() doesn't work on my MikTeX distr.

2004-10-15 Thread Hans Hagen
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
system(texexec --batch --output=dvips --mpformat=metafun --mptex --nomp 
  kpsewhich texmf.cnf
and search in that file for write18, enable it and your setup will work

  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
 | www.pragma-pod.nl
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] problems with indented columnized itemization

2004-10-15 Thread Hans Hagen
Stefan Wachter wrote:
Hi all,
I try to generate the following output:
Some Label  * item 1  * item 2   * item 3
* item 4  * item 4   * item 5
i.e. I want to have a label followed by an itemization that is set in 

I tried several things but did not succeede
1. Variant - a tabulate environment
\item Bauherr
\item Architekt
\item Bauleiter
this is beyond the tabulate handler; i guess i can implement support for 
that but it's not that trivial (using simplecolumns and collecting lines 
and such)

There the following problems: a) the itemization introduces an 
additional empty line and b) the [columns,three] parameter is not 

2. Variant - using a narrower
\item Bauherr
\item Architekt
\item Bauleiter
The problem with this variant is that the coluns do not respect the 
right margin, i.e. the items reach beyond the paper.

Has anyone a solution for this problem?
see end of mail; the third one only works with the patched macro:
  {\setfalse\inlinelistitem % new, no indent (leftskip)
   \setfalse\concatnextitem % new, concat
 \ifconditional\autoconcatnextitem % new, concat
   \ifdim\lastskip=\itemsignal % new, concat
 \settrue\concatnextitem   % new, concat
   \fi % new, concat
 \fi   % new, concat
 \iftextitems\else\doifnotinset\v!text{#1}\par\fi % suboptimal
   \ifnum\itemlevel=\plusone % NIEUW
 \doadaptleftskip {\getitemparameter1\c!margin}%
 \doadaptleftskip {\getitemparameter1\c!leftmargin}%
 {% is \expanded needed?
  [  \v!one=>\!!counta1\relax,
 \s!unknown=>[EMAIL PROTECTED]
% new
% \edef\columneditemleftskip{\the\leftskip}%
% \def\postprocesscolumnbox##1%
%   {\scratchdimen\columneditemleftskip
%\divide\scratchdimen \nofcolumns
% \scratchdimen-\columneditemleftskip
% \multiply\scratchdimen \nofcolumns
% \advance\scratchdimen \columneditemleftskip
% \advance\scratchdimen \hsize
% \edef\columntextwidth{\the\scratchdimen}%
% \leftskip\zeropoint
% so far
  [\c!n=\!!counta, % netter \??op\itemlevel\c!n
   \let\listitem\empty % ** start value
   \doifelsenothing{#1} % iffirstargument
% \setitemmark\@@opsymbol % ** default value
  \def\docommando##1% \setitemmark resets \docommando
% \processcommalist[#1,\@@opsymbol]\docommando

[NTG-context] Chinese ConTeXt

2004-10-15 Thread Lutz Haseloff
Hi Hans, hi all,
it seems, that the commands:
do nothing. They are pointing to files
s-chi-01.tex and s-chi-02.tex which
are not present.
How can i have access to the traditional
chinese characters?
Greetings Lutz
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Chinese ConTeXt

2004-10-15 Thread Hans Hagen
Lutz Haseloff wrote:
Hi Hans, hi all,
it seems, that the commands:
do nothing. They are pointing to files
s-chi-01.tex and s-chi-02.tex which
are not present.
ok, i removed those entries
How can i have access to the traditional
chinese characters?
see font-chi.tex, there are quite some things predefined in there
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
 | www.pragma-pod.nl
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: textext() doesn't work on my MikTeX distr.

2004-10-15 Thread Mojca Miklavec
Hans Hagen wrote:
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
system(texexec --batch --output=dvips --mpformat=metafun --mptex 
--nomp --once
  kpsewhich texmf.cnf
and search in that file for write18, enable it and your setup will work
Thanks a lot to both of you. It finally works. The line I had to change 
was in miktex.ini. (I never had to bother about MikTeX specific issues 
till now and I didn't expect the problem to lie so deep in the system.)

Now I've found a couple of old posts with more or less the same problem 
on this and some other mailing lists, but I didn't know what to look for 
before. Would it make sense to add just a short hint for newbies 
somewhere at the beginning of the manual, warning that write18 has to be 
enabled in order to process some graphics properly?
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: textext() doesn't work on my MikTeX distr.

2004-10-15 Thread Adam Lindsay
Mojca Miklavec said this at Fri, 15 Oct 2004 13:10:46 +0200:

>Thanks a lot to both of you. It finally works. The line I had to change 
>was in miktex.ini. (I never had to bother about MikTeX specific issues 
>till now and I didn't expect the problem to lie so deep in the system.)

I found it bad to do this so deep in the system as well. I found a way
that enables \write18 only for ConTeXt, using the texexec configuration
file. I documented it at:

Basically, you would change texexec.ini so that it had the line:
for  miktex  set  TeXPassString to  --alias=context -shell-escape

...is there any reason why this wouldn't work for MikTeX?
or, for that matter, for general ConTeXt use?

>Would it make sense to add just a short hint for newbies 
>somewhere at the beginning of the manual, warning that write18 has to be 
>enabled in order to process some graphics properly?

:) I suppose Hans could, but it would mean fewer people come join the
ConTeXt community...
 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21+44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Re: textext() doesn't work on my MikTeX distr.

2004-10-15 Thread Hans Hagen
Adam Lindsay wrote:
:) I suppose Hans could, but it would mean fewer people come join the
ConTeXt community...
if you don't run mp graphics using write 18 (disabled in texmf.cnf as 
well as in cont-sys.tex) then mp should be called in between

(same as --automp)
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com
 | www.pragma-pod.nl
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Visiting Context Again --- Math

2004-10-15 Thread David Arnold

I'd like to pick up Context again. I have some colleagues at work who are
getting new MacIntoshes and I'd like to form a group to do some articles
and activities for our students. Two questions:

1. Has anyone experience with TeXShop and Context? Any special things I
need to know to set it up? Any things to watch out for?

2. I understand there are some new math modules, nath and something Hans
called newmat. Where can I find the documentation for these modules?

Any pointers and links will be appreciated.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Installation Problem

2004-10-15 Thread David Arnold

Got the latest cont-tfm.zip from:


Extracted with WinZip on my Win95 machine running Miktex. 


map +context.map

to pdftex.cfg.

Refreshed the Filename Database.

Copied texexec.rme to texexec.ini and changed:

%set  TeXShell  to  tetex
%set TeXShell  to  fptex
set TeXShell  to  miktex
%set TeXShell  to  private

Built formats with:

texexec --make en nl

Moved formats to f:\localtexmf\miktex\fmt\

Refreshed the filename database.

Built metafun with:

texexec --make metafun 

Moved format files to f:\localtexmf\miktex\mem\

Refreshed filename database.

Saved the following in C:\temp\junk.tex

\framed {Let’s see if it works.}

Change to the C:\ drive and: 

texexec junk

Got this error:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.10b-2.1 (MiKTeX 2.3)
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.07  fmt: 2004.10.15  int: english  mes: english

systems: pdfTeX version 110 -> please update

systems: eTeX version 201 -> too old (bugs)

language   : language en is active

system : cont-new loaded
systems: beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
color  : palette rollover is available
system (E-TEX) : [line 966]
system (E-TEX) : [line 1021]
system : cont-old loaded
loading: Context Old Macros
system : cont-fil loaded
loading: Context File Synonyms
bodyfont   : 12pt rm is loaded
language   : patterns en->default:default->1->2:2
:2 de->texnansi:texnansi->3->2:2 de->ec:ec->4->2:2
2 fr->ec:ec->6->2:2 es->default:default->7->2:2
it->texnansi:texnansi->8->2:2 i
t->ec:ec->9->2:2 nl->texnansi:texnansi->10->2:2 nl->ec:ec->11->2:2 loaded
specials   : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system : junk.top loaded
! Undefined control sequence.
\xprocesscommaitem #1,#2->\if ,#1
 ,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if

\xdogetparameters #1]->\xprocesscommaitem #1,]
\dosetupsystem [#1]->\getparameters [\??sv ][#1]
l.3 ...ost --undump=}\setupsystem[\c!gebied={C:/}]


Any ideas?

I also have the unusual behavior that I start with:

C:\temp> texexec junk

and wind up at


Anyone else ever have to deal with this changing of drives at the end of a
texexec run?
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] semicolon in \useMPgraphic btex ... etex

2004-10-15 Thread Laurent Chéno
(* Please excuse my poor english *)
Semicolon usage in btex ... etex seems weird to me. Can you help me ?
The following source don't produce the expected result :

dotlabel.top(btex 2;3 etex, (0,0)) ;
But the following is ok :
%-- OK

dotlabel.top(btex 2,3 etex, (0,0)) ;
I have the same problem withbtex $2;3$ etex
Thank you for any help,
best regards,
Laurent Chéno
ntg-context mailing list