Re: [NTG-context] bib module: multiple bibs and alphabetical order

2005-10-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Hi Idris,

Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:
1. Does t-bib now support multiple bibliographies? For past issues of the 
journal, I had to define a new bib-env file for each article that required a 
bibliography, otherwise the bibliography of, say, article two would include 
the bibliography for article one. Is there a general solution for this?

I have uploaded a new beta for you.

This beta should work with the example files you sent me, except
that you have to delete the

  \input articleX.bbl

lines. I'm not sure that your use of the project structure is
correct, so I'm equally unsure that a definitive version should
use the same solution as this beta, but for now it should be
more or less ok.

There is one bbl per article, but only one (global) list
of references  publications, so, for now, your bbl files
need to define bib items with unique keys. I hope this is
workable for now?

On the project structure: I believe a project file should be
pure virtual, so that: the components are the articles, the
product is the journal issue, and the project is the journals
entire lifespan.

Such a structure would need a different solution from the one
I have implemented now, so we may have to revisit this part
of the module in a few weeks. Is that ok?

2. Can t-bib extract the references and place them in alphabetical order, or 
do I have to still organize my bbl files alphabetically by hand (I really hope 
not-)? Automatic alphabetizing bbl file data in the output has been one of my 
major wishes for t-bib.

The current module cannot do this, because it is unfeasible to do
sorting in TeX macros. I will investigate sorting through texutil
or something similiar, but that will need more than a few days/weeks
to implement, so definately will not be ready before tuesday.

Btw, if you use bibtex, then you can do


because then bibtex does the sorting for me. :-)

If the above two are solved I can use a single master bbl file for the entire 
journal instead of multiple files, thus streamlinig much of my workflow.

In the new beta, also removed some spurious spaces in bibl-apa.tex
that sometimes created blank lines, and I've added that definition
of \noopsort for Giuseppe.

Cheers, Taco
ntg-context mailing list

RE: [NTG-context] bib module: multiple bibs and alphabetical order

2005-10-07 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
Hi Taco,
Thnx for working on this! I am confused about a couple of things though...

= Original Message From Taco Hoekwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

There is one bbl per article, but only one (global) list
of references  publications, so, for now, your bbl files
need to define bib items with unique keys. I hope this is
workable for now?

In the examples I sent there was no global list. Are you saying that I need to

1. move my multiple bbl files into one global bbl file;

2. if one reference is used in more than one article, then that reference must 
be duplicated in the global bbl file but with a different key each time. That 
is, if [afghani60] is used in two articles, then I must do something like



in the global file.

Is this right or am I not getting it?-)

On the project structure: I believe a project file should be
pure virtual, so that: the components are the articles, the
product is the journal issue, and the project is the journals
entire lifespan.

Hmm, I have been treating each issue of the journal as a distinct project in 
itself. Maybe for the next volume I'll try the more abstract approach. But I 
don't understand how this issue affects the bib issue.

Such a structure would need a different solution from the one
I have implemented now, so we may have to revisit this part
of the module in a few weeks. Is that ok?

Ok, I appreciate all u've done up to now...

 2. Can t-bib extract the references and place them in alphabetical order, 
 do I have to still organize my bbl files alphabetically by hand (I really 
 not-)? Automatic alphabetizing bbl file data in the output has been one of 
 major wishes for t-bib.

The current module cannot do this, because it is unfeasible to do
sorting in TeX macros. I will investigate sorting through texutil
or something similiar, but that will need more than a few days/weeks
to implement, so definately will not be ready before tuesday.

That's ok, I have to work on the next issue right after the immediate (late) 

Btw, if you use bibtex, then you can do


because then bibtex does the sorting for me. :-)

Does this mean that I have to create a global .bib file instead of a global 
.bbl file? Do I have to go back to bibtex syntax? I have have been creating 
bbl files by hand upto now...

By the way: I have been using as my stand-alone TeX 
installation, and no longer update fpTeX, etc. Since t-bib is a part of 
ConTeXt now, does it not make sense that BibTeX also be included, at least 
until it is no longer needed?

I'll test things shortly: 
Thnx for all your help!


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

RE: [NTG-context] bib module: multiple bibs and alphabetical order

2005-10-07 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
= Original Message From Taco Hoekwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
I have uploaded a new beta for you.

Not Found
The requested URL /bib/m-bib-beta/ was not found on this server.



Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] bib module: multiple bibs and alphabetical order

2005-10-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:

= Original Message From Taco Hoekwater [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
I have uploaded a new beta for you.

Not Found
The requested URL /bib/m-bib-beta/ was not found on this server.

oops .. wrong url.

just run the files you sent me, and you will see what I meant
That's assuming I have the url right this time :-/


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] bib module: multiple bibs and alphabetical order

2005-10-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:

Hi Taco,
Thnx for working on this! I am confused about a couple of things though...

There is one bbl per article, but only one (global) list
of references  publications, so, for now, your bbl files
need to define bib items with unique keys. I hope this is
workable for now?

In the examples I sent there was no global list. Are you saying that I need to

Is this right or am I not getting it?-)

What I meant to say is that there is a single 'pubs' list
that is shared by all the articles. This list is built up
from the separate .bbl files, one per article, as before.

The typesetting of the publicationlist now has


and that is what ensures that only the citations within the current
product are actually typeset. The one thing you have to watch
out for is that when the different .bbl files define different
entries that use identically named keys, then you are in trouble.

Hmm, I have been treating each issue of the journal as a distinct project in 
itself. Maybe for the next volume I'll try the more abstract approach. But I 
don't understand how this issue affects the bib issue.

You can simply not use project files at all, just products
and components, and it will work (almost?) like it does

Btw, if you use bibtex, then you can do


because then bibtex does the sorting for me. :-)

Do I have to go back to bibtex syntax?

Yes, and that's why it is not the best of ideas.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] bib module: multiple bibs and alphabetical order

2005-10-02 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
1. Does t-bib now support multiple bibliographies? For past issues of the 
journal, I had to define a new bib-env file for each article that required a 
bibliography, otherwise the bibliography of, say, article two would include 
the bibliography for article one. Is there a general solution for this?

2. Can t-bib extract the references and place them in alphabetical order, or 
do I have to still organize my bbl files alphabetically by hand (I really hope 
not-)? Automatic alphabetizing bbl file data in the output has been one of my 
major wishes for t-bib.

If the above two are solved I can use a single master bbl file for the entire 
journal instead of multiple files, thus streamlinig much of my workflow.


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] bib module: multiple bibs

2005-10-02 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
1. Does t-bib now support multiple bibliographies? For past issues of the
journal, I had to define a new bib-env file for each article that required a
bibliography, otherwise the bibliography of, say, article two would include
the bibliography for article one. Is there a general solution for this?

Just to be clear: What I had to do before was make duplicates of the bib 
module: m-bib2.tex, m-bib3.tex,..., m-bibn.tex, where n is the number of 
articles needing bibliographies.

Then, for each m-bibn.tex, I replaced each [pubs] with another name like 
[pubst] (for m-bib2), [pubstt] (for m-bib3), [pubsttf] (for m-bib4), and so 
forth. (I don't know dutch, but I guessed that \definieerlijst[pubs] was the 
key list-governing macro-)

This was the only way I could get multiple bibliographies in one document.

Isn't that just insane?-)


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

ntg-context mailing list