RE: Network printing

2001-09-28 Thread Matt Wehnes

I use KixStart script (soon to be replaced by vbscript) off Microsoft's
Resource Kit.

Just put in your script something like the following and you'll be all set.
This will install the necessary drivers too.

Assign Printers by Workstation Name.

 if @wksta=Office-5 or Office-3
  ? Adding HP5 Printer Connection

Assign Printers by User Name.

 if @userid=user1
  ADDPRINTERCONNECTION (\\servername\HP720c)

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG
(309) 266-6551 x12

-Original Message-
From: Langevin, Rene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 3:54 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Network printing

Hi all,

I got a bunch of printers (HP LaserJet 5SI, HP 4000TN, HP 4, Lex
Optra S, Lex Optra T and Lex Optra E) and they are networked.  My print
server is a NT 4.0 Sp6a and my workstation are W98, WinNT WS 4 Sp6a and
Win2k Pro Sp2.

I would like to know what do you do to assign a printer to a user?

Do you map it in the login script depending if they are member of a
group, or you let the user map the printer?

Because for now, with POLEDIT, my users aren't able to map their
printer, I must do it.

Since I have printers with or without duplex unit, mailbox,
stampler, etc... I don't know how I can manager to dynamically assign a
printer to a user (or computer)


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Out of Disk Space - When printing

2001-09-27 Thread Matt Wehnes

Okay I've encountered this before and can't remember how to fix it.

When printing to a HP DeskJet printer (880c) I receive Out of disk space
Doesn't matter if user is admin or domain user and yes I have plenty of HD
space avail (4.8gig).
Printer is attached locally to PC w/ parallel, running NT 4 sp6a.

Anyone else ran into this?

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG
(309) 266-6551 x12

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Internet Explorer problems

2001-09-25 Thread Matt Wehnes

Has anyone here encountered this error message while using IE?

The data area passed to a system call is too small. 

It appears when trying to submit a form, infact that's the only time it
appears. If a user hits submit or the equivalent on a web page they are
presented with this error message. It doesn't happen on all web sites, some
work most don't. Dell doesn't work 100% on the time when doing a custom
config of a PC and you click update price. If I load up Netscape (yuck) it
works just fine. Search on TechNet came up empty, hope someone has a fix or

I'm running:
MS Proxy 2.0 SP1
IE 6  5.5sp1
NT4 SP6a 

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG
(309) 266-6551 x12

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RE: licenses software

2001-09-21 Thread Matt Wehnes

I'm going through this right now.
If I didn't hate training end-users as much as I do. Linux and Corel Office
would be the dominate force here.

I think that 107% is a little low. My costs are more about 125 - 140% higher

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG
(309) 266-6551 x12

-Original Message-
From: c.e. gene connor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 7:46 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: licenses software

If you all feel this is off topic? just delete it and not respond and it
will die off !!!
this won't be a large cost for me. but, I do feel for you larger ones!!!

In a scenario of 5,000 desktops, the typical company would see a licensing
increase of $900,000 to $1.6 million, Gartner concluded,4586,5097226,00.html

Gene C. aka C.E. Gene Connor
Gene's Custom PC Service since 1989
Serving the U.S., Canada  London,England

RE: OT: Hawking network equipment

2001-09-21 Thread Matt Wehnes

I just looked at the Hawking 24 port switch. It's 300.00 and 3com switch is
around 800.00
If you buy the 3com you KNOW it will work and never have to touch it again.
I have 3 of the 24 ports their 3 years old and I haven't touched them since
i bought the things.

If you buy the Hawking for 300.00 You'll save 500.00 and NOT KNOW what your
getting. As soon as it breaks your out the 500.00 once you figure the cost
of 24 nodes with no LAN connection + your time supporting the thing.

Just my 2 cents.
Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG

-Original Message-
From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 4:06 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: OT: Hawking network equipment

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Brenden C. Bryan wrote:
 I want to get some feedback from anyone on the list that might be using
 Hawking ( )
 network switches, such as the 24port 10/100 workgroup switch. Any
 problems? Any comments?

  I dunno about their switches, but their print server appliances are very
erratic.  My take: Avoid if possible, bill by the hour otherwise.  ;-)

| The opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do not
| necessarily represent the views or policy of any other person, entity or
| organization.  All information is provided without warranty of any kind.

RE: Win2KPro Security updates

2001-09-20 Thread Matt Wehnes


Download the appropriate hotfixes.
Use Qchain.exe from MS to chain the installs together. Add them to your
login script or have your users execute a batch file on the network.

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG

-Original Message-
From: Stefan Jafs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 3:06 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Win2KPro Security updates

I have 40 Win2kPro workstations. How do I update all my systems without
having to update single systems with windows update?


RE: internet web filter

2001-09-19 Thread Matt Wehnes

I highly recommend Surf Control, I use it never had a single problem w/ it.
Costs a little more than 500 I think.

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG

-Original Message-
From: Ahmed Aboudeeb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 12:26 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: internet web filter

hi to all
i'm looking for an internet web filter software, that is not expenisve.
cost around 500$, users 20.
do you know any names.

RE: Discontinuation of BackOffice Server 2000

2001-09-18 Thread Matt Wehnes

This is crap.. If they decide to discontinue anything it should be SBS not

Anyone read MS page on the new Core CAL in regards to BO. A lawyer must
have drafted it cause it's a page and half of gibberish.
I don't get it. If I Buy BO now and Software Assurance, then MS will issue
me standalone CAL's for the BO components on Oct 1? 

-Original Message-
From: Bruce Raymond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 9:14 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Discontinuation of BackOffice Server 2000

Sorry, further reading shows that no trusts are supported, 50 clients max.
on the network and all SBS components installed on the same server.  Aaagh.


-Original Message-
From: Bruce Raymond [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 9:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Discontinuation of BackOffice Server 2000

I thought SBS 4.5 did not support trusts and was limited to roughly 25
clients.  But it appears that SBS 2000 can support more clients than that
provided you purchase the CAL packs, etc.  But does it also support trusts?
Is the Exchange 2000 included with SBS 2000 a full version or does it have
some limitation?



-Original Message-
From: Kent Neff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Discontinuation of BackOffice Server 2000

Check out these MS links:

The content has changed a bit since the last time I visited there.  I was 
considering getting BO 2000 but when I saw that I went to SBS 2000.



Reply-To: NT System Admin Issues
To: NT System Admin Issues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Discontinuation of BackOffice Server 2000
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 15:18:16 +0200

Is that true? I've got BackOffice 2000 on my system, upgraded from NT
moths ago. Does that mean we are not supported any more, despite BO is just

a bunch of standalone servers, BO snap in and with cheaper license.

Jang Man
Ixtlan Team

-Original Message-
From: Kent Neff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Posted At: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 3:11 PM
Posted To: NTSysAdmin
Conversation: Discontinuation of BackOffice Server 2000
Subject: Re: Discontinuation of BackOffice Server 2000

Yes, this is correct.  It is being replaced by Small Business Server
2000 which contains: Exchange 2000, SQL 2000, ISA and Terminal 
Services.  I recently purchased the Upgrade and am implementing it on 
my network at work.

MS has already discontinued support for Backoffice 2000 so if you do
get it you are on your own.


Kent Neff


 From: Chris Bodnar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: NT System Admin Issues
 To: NT System Admin Issues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Discontinuation of BackOffice Server 2000
 Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 08:42:41 -0400
 I just received this from CDW, can anyone confirm that this is true:
 If you own:
You must purchase BackOffice 2000 Server by 9/28/2001.
Includes: Exchange 2000 Server, SQL Server 2000, Windows 2000
 Server, Host
Integration Server 2000, Internet Security and Acceleration Server
Systems Management Server 2.0. AFTER 9/28/2001 these products may
 only be
purchased as standalone components due to the discontinuation of 
Server 2000.
 Chris Bodnar
 The Lehigh Group
 610-966-9702 X:134

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carn

2001-09-18 Thread Matt Wehnes

I agree. There are problems with the current laws regarding wire-taping and
electronic surveillance (ES). But those problems should be fixed instead of
just removing all regulations in place that protect people. 

I heard today on the news that if the FBI (or whoever) is using ES against a
foreigner and that guy connects to a US based pc. They have to immediately
end the surveillance until the suspect disconnects from the US based PC. If
that's their big problem change that law, don't just make it so they can spy
on whoever they want at any given moment.

Matt Wehnes

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:15 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carn

I am a strong supporter of law enforcement but I believe this amendment goes
far.  It can be abused by local Private you really want a
getting a wire tap on your phone/computer?  The wording needs to be
and certain provisions spelled out before this becomes an acceptable piece
legislature.  That's all the opposing Senators want, time to clairfy just
will be included in Title III.

There is no way this amendment could have guaranteed preventing the WTC
disaster.  There is no way it can guarantee preventing a similar disaster

tnx Stu

Reply Separator
Subject:RE: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carnivo
Author: NT System Admin Issues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   09/18/2001 5:50 AM

Here here!

-Original Message-
From: Jerry Kennedy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 5:53 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Senate votes to permit warrantless Net-wiretaps, Carnivore

Write my Congressman about what?  About implementing laws designed to
protect us at the cost of a minor infringement on my civil rights?  What
are they doing that your employer or network admins, who could use
benign e-mails in a much more malicious manner, don't already do.  While
I don't like it that we have go to these lengths, I feel it's necessary
for our National Security.  Besides, I've nothing to hide and if I had
something to hide I would not be likely to send it via e-mail. Maybe,
just maybe, if we had this in place a while back, some 6,000+ people,
some of which may have even been on this list, would still be with us.
It's a dangerous world out there, which requires unpleasant measures.

RE: NIC Load Balancing

2001-09-14 Thread Matt Wehnes

The best way to implement LB is using IP Metrics software or their
competitor's (forget their name). They will allow you to load balance both
incoming/outgoing traffic.
The software provided by 3Com  Intel only load balance outgoing.
Make sure you have switch, not hub.

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG

-Original Message-
From: Robert Toland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:26 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: NIC Load Balancing

We have an NT4.0 sp6a server with 2 3com nic cards with discreet tcp/ip
adressess.  I added the second card hoping to distribute the traffic but
monitoring both cards showed that they were recieving the exact same
Is load balancing the way to fix this, and if so where do I find out how to

Robert T.

Miller Bonnie L. wrote:

 Get the latest drivers from Intel-I think anything prior to 3.8 something
 had problems, but it could have been 4.  The first time I set this up on
 network (NT 4 sp6a server at the time) it knocked off every older HP
 we had in the school district (not just the LAN) that had an emulex
 card (instead of the hp jetdirect cards), but the newer HP printers were
 fine.  Took a couple of hours to find the culprit (funny, it works for a
 while and then I turn this server back on...)-I could literally ping -t a
 printer and watch it drop off the network as the server with the two nics
 booted up-but newer drivers fixed it.  We figured it was some sort of
 2 broadcast since we still had that turned on for LAT at the time.  I also
 read from someone on Intel's forum that had the same problem with Xerox
 printers-same solution.

 -Bonnie M.
 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Wehnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 9:04 AM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: NIC Load Balancing

 Recently I installed a Intel Pro 100/S Dual Port NIC. Then proceeded to
 configure a load balancing array consisting of the 2 ports on the Intel
 Both ports where then connected to a 3Com 3300 switch.

 Everything worked like expected expect, except for intermittent activity
 with the printers.
 Sometimes they would print other times end-user will get message like
 printer unavailable or not connected.
 I tried pinging the printers IP, I would get 2/4 or 3/4 or 0/4 reply's

 Print Server - NT4 sp6a
 Clients - NT4 sp6a
 All printers are one of three types- HP 4000, 5M, 2500CM

 Has one experienced this before or have any advice?

 Matt Wehnes
 System Administrator
 Morton Machining  MFG
 (309) 266-6551 x12

NIC Load Balancing

2001-09-13 Thread Matt Wehnes

Recently I installed a Intel Pro 100/S Dual Port NIC. Then proceeded to
configure a load balancing array consisting of the 2 ports on the Intel NIC.
Both ports where then connected to a 3Com 3300 switch. 

Everything worked like expected expect, except for intermittent activity
with the printers. 
Sometimes they would print other times end-user will get message like
printer unavailable or not connected. 
I tried pinging the printers IP, I would get 2/4 or 3/4 or 0/4 reply's back,

Print Server - NT4 sp6a
Clients - NT4 sp6a
All printers are one of three types- HP 4000, 5M, 2500CM

Has one experienced this before or have any advice?

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG
(309) 266-6551 x12

RE: Off-Site Tape Storage NYC Area

2001-09-13 Thread Matt Wehnes

I use a Phoenix Datacare 2000. 
2 hours of protection and meets fire protection standards. - click on data protection safes
at the bottom.

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG

-Original Message-
From: Robert Mezzone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 11:52 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Off-Site Tape Storage NYC Area

That is what I'm looking at for storing the previous weeks backups, I was
looking at the FireKing Media Vault, so far it appears to have the longest
rating, 1 hr.

Are you currently using a fireproof safe, if so what brand.

Thanks for your input.


-Original Message-
From: Matt Wehnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 12:49 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Off-Site Tape Storage NYC Area

This may not be a real Hi-tech way of doing things.

Have you considered buying a fire-proof safe and renting a mini-storage
unit? Make sure the safe is data grade, ordinary fire-proof safe's won't
protect tapes or disks. Typical small 5' X 10' self storage unit is 20/month
here (Illinois).

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG

-Original Message-
From: Robert Mezzone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 11:32 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Off-Site Tape Storage NYC Area

Is there anyone on this list from the NYC area sending tapes off-site for
storage. What companies are you using and are you satisfied with the service
they provide. I'm looking to store @25 DLT tapes.




2001-09-12 Thread Matt Wehnes

currently use Surf control and highly recommend it. However if you have more 
time on your hands than money. Just use crystal reports (or something similar) 
and you can build your own reports off your proxy servers logs on usage 

is whatI did for 3 years before purchasing Surf 

Matt Wehnes System 
Administrator Morton Machining  
MFG [Matt 
Wehnes]-Original Message-From: 
Rocky Stefano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, 
September 12, 2001 1:01 AMTo: NT System Admin 
IssuesSubject: RE: INTERNET 

-Original Message-From: Freeman, Caine 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: September 11, 2001 
8:34 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: INTERNET 
Hi All,  I administer an NT 4 network accross 3 
domains (Sydney, Melbourne  Brisbane) connected through 2 VPN 
Tunnels. Our internet bill has recently 
spiked and I want to know why. Does 
anybody know a program I can implement to monitor peoples usage of the 
internet, programs accessing and downloading data?
Regards Caine

RE: windows 2000 Backup program

2001-09-12 Thread Matt Wehnes

I've never used NTBACKUP so I don't know what the problem is.

Why don't you just make a Directory on HD1 call HD2 and use xcopy or move
to transfer the data from hd2 to hd1.

Just an idea.

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG

-Original Message-
From: Gareth Campling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:22 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: windows 2000 Backup program

Hi group

i'm confused on this one, got a windows 200 machine with 2
drives both drives having 2 paritions, trying to back up 5.5GB of data
from HD2 to a partition on HD1 that has 7.7GB free space using
NTBackup so that i can use convert.exe on hd2 and convert it to a NTFS
drive as its fat32 at the moment, but when i run the backup it gets to
about 4.5GB and says out of space on target device, but as my maths
can see its got plenty of space ? any answers would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: ADSL query

2001-09-12 Thread Matt Wehnes

It will work, there's no difference between leased lines and ADSL.
I use a SDSL line to run my exchange box with out problems.
The IP address issues are public and VPN's can be set up.

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG

-Original Message-
From: Brian Judge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 9:44 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: ADSL query

ADSL has just been introduced in Ireland. I was in the process of installing
a leased line Internet connection with Worldcom, and discovered that ADSL
would be about 30% of the price. My one worry is IP address allocation. Does
anyone know if ADSL supports public Ips? IE, will my exchange server work?
Will my users be able to connect in via a VPN etc.?

Brian Judge.

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RE: Backup

2001-09-12 Thread Matt Wehnes

I'm going to be facing this same issue in a month or two.

I haven't tested this out, but here's one option.
Use Roxio EZ-CD Creator (or whatever) and format the cd as , I forget the
term. But it essentially makes the cd like a disk drive. Then just use the
AT command to copy c:\files\*.* cdrom-drive:\ on MTWRF at 5:00am or

Or something like that.
Like I said I haven't tested this yet.

-Original Message-
From: Bigll [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 12:12 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Backup

I'm looking for backup program, which would work with CDR as a device. I
need to run daily backup for small office (100 Mg per day) 5 times a week.

Tia, Bigll

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RE: No Microsoft breakup: U.S. Justice Department says it is open to an alternative remedy

2001-09-07 Thread Matt Wehnes

you guys take this discussion else where.
list is meant to be used for help/advice on NT issues, not as a chat room for 

Matt Wehnes System 
Administrator Morton Machining  
MFG [Matt 
Wehnes]-Original Message-From: C.E. 
GENE CONNOR [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, September 
06, 2001 2:25 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: No 
Microsoft breakup: U.S. Justice Department says it is open to an alternative 

  really don't think uncle bill is worried!!
  Microsoft says that its July revenues prediction for the current
  fiscal year is still on track and that the release of Windows XP in
  October will boost the company's financial performance. Microsoft Chief
  Financial Officer (CFO) John Connors, in Boston this week for a
  technology conference, reiterated that he expects the company to hit
  its revenue target of $28.8 billion to $29.6 billion for the fiscal
  year ending June 30, 2002. The first quarter, which ends in October,
  will be soft, Connors said, but the second quarter will be a different
  Gene C. aka C.E. Gene ConnorGene's Custom PC Service since 
  1989Serving the U.S., Canada  London,England
-Original Message-From: Lefkovics, William 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, September 06, 
2001 3:02 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: No 
Microsoft breakup: U.S. Justice Department says it is open to an alternative 
That HP company is gettin' pretty big.

-Original Message-From: C.E. GENE CONNOR 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 
12:09 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: No 
Microsoft breakup: U.S. Justice Department says it is open to an alternative 
now they will have to find something else to cry about 

Gene C. aka C.E. Gene ConnorGene's Custom PC Service 
since 1989Serving the U.S., Canada  London,England

  -Original Message-From: Brenden C. Bryan 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, September 
  06, 2001 1:27 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: 
  No Microsoft breakup: U.S. Justice Department says it is open to an 
  alternative remedy
  YORK (CNNfn) - The 
  Justice Department said Thursday it will not seek to break Microsoft Corp. 
  in two during the next phase of the software maker's landmark antitrust 
  Brenden C. 
  Living, Inc.

RE: Exchange 2000

2001-09-07 Thread Matt Wehnes

My opinions to your questions.
1. For now that should get you by. The best thing to do is set it all up and
do some performance monitoring on it for a week or two. Get your average
load and go from there.

2. Don't really understand what your saying here. However you don't have to
use Outlook to connect to exchange. Any email client capable of using LDAP
can connect an exchange server.

3. Same as #2

Hardware setup is crucial and must be well thought out before you put the
system into production. I would listen to the advice another poster gave
about using 2 raid arrays.
I have the exact same setup ( system - Raid 1, data - Raid 5). Do you self a
favor and buy an extra drive for the data array and set it up as a hot
spare, drives are cheap.

Also, how did you decide to upgrade to XP? Unless your a beta tester how did
you evaluate the OS. Make sure you really understand XP and what
advantages/disadvantages (regworm) come with it before making a finial

Matt Wehnes 
System Administrator
Morton Machining  MFG
(309) 266-6551 x12

-Original Message-
From: Jim Mediger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 8:03 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Exchange 2000

We are looking at implementing Exchange 2000 and I have a few questions, and
wanted advice from people who have  had real world experience. We are
running NT 4.0 Svr and Wkstn. I have setup a Windows 2000 Domain (still in
testing phase). We have about 100 users.

My Questions:

1. I have a PII with 2 300mhz processors and 384mb ram. Will this be ample
enough to handle Exchange 2000 and future growth? How much Hard Drive space
would you recomend?

2. We plan on Going from NT 4.0 to Windows XP. Can we connect to Exchange
with the NT 4.0 Clients during the interim? Any issues I should be aware of?
issues with WXP?

3. We have 50-60 users on Outlook 2002 with internet access etc., and 40-50
users on other clients (internal e-mail and intranet only). Does Exchange
well with other e-mail clients?

4. Any other Gottcha's, Do's, Don'ts? All advice will be greatly



RE: URGENT!!! KVM Recommendations needed

2001-09-06 Thread Matt Wehnes

I use a Belkin OmniView Pro. 
Rack mountable, up to 16 ports per box, cascadable, metal housing, OSD
Never have a single problem with running Linux,NT 4  2k.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 10:05 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: URGENT!!! KVM Recommendations needed

Need recommendations for KVM switch, 6 to 8 port, something that 
doesn't flounder looking for mice/keyboards, extensible(if possible)
with CAT5 or over IP.

Have up to $1000 US to spend on this, but am in emergency mode trying
to find the best solution.  

Usually would look around a lot and test stuff, but have a wild hair
happening over here.

Any advice would be very very appreciated.


Jim Slattery
Network Guy

I should have no objection to a repetition of the same life from its
beginning, only asking the advantages authors have in a second edition to
correct some faults of the first.

... Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)