RE: (no subject)

2001-09-25 Thread Smith Joseph

Could we have a complete sentence?

Joseph Smith

Network Administrator
Perlos, Inc.
5201 Alliance Gateway
Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729
Work: 817-224-9012
Cell: 817-999-7703

-Original Message-
From: David Jobe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 10:53 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: (no subject)

Get off this list serve is has way too much volume.

David Jobe

Want to unsub? Do that here:

Want to unsub? Do that here:

RE: Quick Question

2001-09-24 Thread Smith Joseph
Title: Message

tell your users that you'll have torestore the Internet from your nightly 

Joseph Smith 
Network Administrator Perlos, Inc. 5201 Alliance 
Gateway Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729 
Work: 817-224-9012 Cell: 817-999-7703 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: Tom Cass 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 1:34 
  PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: Quick 
  must deal with my users too. I get at least a call a day that the 
  "whole internet is down" can I fix it?
  99.9% of the time it just happens to be the one and only site they 

-Original Message-From: Eric Peeters 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 
2:10 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: Quick 
Do they have trouble accessing Hotmail only ? Or is that the 
only web site they've thought of trying yet ? 
Eric Peeters Network 
Administrator TexLoc Ltd 
 -Original Message-  
From: David James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 12:09 PM 
 To: NT System Admin Issues  Subject: Quick Question  
 I changed our firewall IP address on Friday. 
It's a  Checkpoint Firewall-1.  Today, everything works great except some of my users like to 
 check hotmail  
email accounts, and we can't get any of the hotmail or  passport sites to  pull up. 
Some of my buddies say that their hotmail is working great.  Any idea why changing my IP would not allow hotmail to 
work?  Thanks in advance.   
--  David 
James  Infrastructure Administrator 
 Generation Technologies Corporation  V: 913-345-1012 x103  F: 
913-345-0156  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: Just a hoax ...WORST EVER VIRUS

2001-09-20 Thread Smith Joseph

Abacus?!?  Weren't you the lucky one!
We had to make our own abacus...

Joseph Smith

Network Administrator
Perlos, Inc.
5201 Alliance Gateway
Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729
Work: 817-224-9012
Cell: 817-999-7703

-Original Message-
From: Martin Blackstone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 4:56 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Just a hoax ...WORST EVER VIRUS

Old timers?? :)

I remember back in my first job when we were running Exchange on an
One time one of the little sticks broke and the beads fell out. Luckily
we had a hot standby abacus. We were using AbicusServ (before it was
acquired by CA), but it still didn't work worth a damn. We had to backup
to a Victrola.

-Original Message-
From: Diane Beckham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 2:31 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Just a hoax ...WORST EVER VIRUS

It's OK Sabrina. Don't let these old-timers scare you. You are not the
first newbie to try and help out by posting a hoax that they thought was
a real virus. Especially since there is a really nasty one running
Be sure to respond to whomever sent this to you and let them know to
check out viruses on sites such as Symantec, NAI and such before they
send them to you. Believe me, if a virus is running, this list will know
about long before any User will and if you stay on this list every day,
so will you. 
-Original Message-
From: Kelly Borndale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 2:07 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: WORST EVER VIRUS (CNN announced)

No comment. 

- Original Message - From: Sabrina Stolcz
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: NT System Admin Issues
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, September
20, 2001 4:39 PM Subject: RE: WORST EVER VIRUS (CNN announced) 

sorry, I sent it as soon as someone forwarded it.

-Original Message-
From: Sabrina Stolcz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 4:18 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: WORST EVER VIRUS (CNN announced)

   A new virus has just been discovered that has
been classified by 
   as the most destructive ever!

RE: The idiocy continues!

2001-09-13 Thread Smith Joseph

The people who are so willing to handover the freedoms that thousands have
died to provide need a crash course in American History.  The fact that we
have to protect our borders from people wanting to enter our country speaks
volumes for our way of life.  Open the borders to any country and see which
way the people run.

People will face death to enjoy the freedoms that we take for granted.  We
cannot give up these qualities that make us unique in the world.  

Joseph Smith

Network Administrator
Perlos, Inc.
5201 Alliance Gateway
Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729
Work: 817-224-9012
Cell: 817-999-7703

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 11:06 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: The idiocy continues!

I'm in NYC right now.

You cannot sacrifice ANY liberty in the name of security, as you will not
end up with either one.

We will have lost to the terrorists if we turn into a Police State, all in
the name of security.


-Original Message-
From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 11:28 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: The idiocy continues!

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Wendell Cotton wrote:
 Benjamin Franklin said at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, those
 who are willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

  Not that I disagree, but try telling that to the people in New York right
about now...

| The opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do not
| necessarily represent the views or policy of any other person, entity or
| organization.  All information is provided without warranty of any kind.

RE: The idiocy continues!

2001-09-13 Thread Smith Joseph
Title: RE: The idiocy continues!

forget that this was the World Trade Center. Some of the 
people that died there were citizens of other countries. Thehellfire 
that we ARE going tounleashis just as much for them as for the 

Joseph Smith 
Network Administrator Perlos, Inc. 5201 Alliance 
Gateway Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729 
Work: 817-224-9012 Cell: 817-999-7703 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, September 13, 
  2001 1:00 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: The 
  idiocy continues!
  He's not saying that everyone doesn't deserve the rights, only 
  that the Constitution is for U.S. citizens. We have no "jurisdiction" 
  outside of our borders, although part of the reason many other governments 
  fear/hate/whatever the US is we think we should impose our Constitutional 
  principles on their people too. 
  -Original Message- From: 
  Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:54 AM To: NT System Admin Issues Subject: RE: The 
  idiocy continues! 
  I apologize for adding to this thread but I could not help 
  Saying that someone who lives outside of our country does not 
  deserve the same basic rights they we enjoy is pretty 
  much off the mark. If I remember correctly our 
  Constitution says "all men are created equal". 
  Every man, woman, and child should be treated like a human 
  being, no matter their country of origin. 
  Now, I am not saying be nice or even be civil to scum that 
  masterminded the attacks in NYC. Personally I 
  would like to see the SOB's head on a pike in Central 
  All this is my humble opinion. 
  -Original Message- From: 
  Puckett, Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:22 AM To: NT System Admin Issues Subject: RE: The 
  idiocy continues! 
  But lets remember that these rights are for americans only(no 
  offense) and should not be used to protect the guilty 
  hiding in other countries. They are not subject 
  to our rights therefore no need for a trial. 
  Matthew Puckett MCSE, MCP+Internet, MCP Customer Support Analyst Sprint PCS 
  IT Service Delivery Bristol Customer 
  Care Center 1-423-967-3086 - PCS 
  -Original Message- From: 
  Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:09 PM To: 
  NT System Admin Issues Subject: RE: The idiocy 
  On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Stuart Tonge wrote:  What kind of civil liberties? 
   For those outside the US, who may not be familiar with 
  our government, here is a bit 
  of a crash course: 
   The foundation of our (i.e., the United States of 
  America) government is our Constitution. The 
  first ten Amendments to same are called "The Bill of Rights", and specifically address certain freedoms our government is 
  not allowed to restrict. An online copy is 
   These form such a cornerstone of our political culture 
  that all you have to do is mention "the First 
  Amendment" and people will know you are talking about 
  freedom of speech, press, and/or religion. "I plead the Fifth" is 
  a common expression meaning "I am not going to answer 
  that, because it might get me in trouble". 
   Whenever there is a major public criminal crisis, there 
  are always those who advocate restricting these rights 
  in the name of "security" or "need". They do not seem 
  to understand that the worst kind of crime is that inflicted by your own government against you. 
   In this case, we can expect people to claim: 

   - We should punish people without a trial, or even 
  evidence  - We should punish people who have 
  committed no crimes  - We should close our 
  borders  - Police should be able to search 
  anyone at any time without a warrant  - Police 
  should be able to monitor private communications without a warrant 
   Any of the above would violate the Bill of 
  -- Ben Scott 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | The opinions expressed in 
  this message are those of the author and do not | | necessarily represent the views or policy 
  of any other person, entity or | | organization. All information is provided without warranty of 
  any kind. |


2001-09-13 Thread Smith Joseph

No more silverware in first class...

Joseph Smith

Network Administrator
Perlos, Inc.
5201 Alliance Gateway
Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729
Work: 817-224-9012
Cell: 817-999-7703

-Original Message-
From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 4:44 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: WAKE UP

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Lefkovics, William wrote:
  - Forbid un-ticketed people beyond the security gate.

 I agree.  Domestic as well as international?

  Of course.  Witness Tuesday's events.

 - Forbid allow any weapons or sharp objects in the passenger

 No CD's? (break 'em)

  Granted that weapons can always be improvised.  Failing anything else, a
fist makes a passable weapon against even a knife.  However, I still think
banning any weapon or cutting implement has some advantages.  First, I don't
think we should make it any easier for the bad guys.  Second, there is a
physiological impact when someone holds up something designed to cut.  A man
with a knife is a terrorist.  A man with a broken CD is a crazy person.

 How am I supposed to cut that thing that passes for chicken dinner?

  I dunno about you, but I have never been able to cut it with those plastic
objects that pass for knifes, so nothing lost there.  ;-)

  - Require people entering service areas to show photo ID.
 I got a guy in Phoenix that makes the best!

  Defense in depth.

  Every additional hurdle is one more place they might get caught.

  - Patrol service areas with armed police.

 Did my ticket price just jump from $250 to $350?

  No, it jumped to 10,000 innocent people dead.  :-(

  If $100 per ticket is all it costs to prevent this from happening again, I
will gladly pay it.

  - Deploy a program of armed and uniformed police aboard every flight.

 Did they used to have Marshals?


| The opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do not
| necessarily represent the views or policy of any other person, entity or
| organization.  All information is provided without warranty of any kind.

RE: Australian Expressing Sadness + Something to think about

2001-09-12 Thread Smith Joseph

I think that if Nostradamus was alive today he would have his own Psychic
Hotline on late-night TV.  You make enough predictions you're bound to get
some right.  Unless his batting average is 100%, he's no prophet.

Joseph Smith

Network Administrator
Perlos, Inc.
5201 Alliance Gateway
Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729
Work: 817-224-9012
Cell: 817-999-7703

-Original Message-
From: Dewar Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:44 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Australian Expressing Sadness + Something to think about

Well, Murray, I suspect you may be in the minority with me.

-Original Message-
From: Murray Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:37 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Australian Expressing Sadness + Something to think about

Here! Here! and AMEN!


-Original Message-
From: Dewar Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:34 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Australian Expressing Sadness + Something to think about

I am so sick of hearing about Nostradamus. He just predicted lots of
violence. Mankind, being violent, constantly provides opportunities to
prove him correct. 

-Original Message-
From: John Hornbuckle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 10:35 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Australian Expressing Sadness + Something to think about

For an interesting commentary on this particular Nostradamus prediction,
check this out:

John Hornbuckle
Network Manager
Taylor County School District
318 North Clark Street
Perry, FL 32347 

-Original Message-
From: Greg J. Ewy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:01 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Australian Expressing Sadness + Something to think about

Thanks for the expressions of support.  Means much to us, knowing that
there are lots of others throughout the world who feel the pain, and are

Revelations, Armaggeddon, and Nostradamus have been on my mind lots

In the City of God there will be a great thunder, 
Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, 
while the fortress endures, 
the great leader will succumb

The third big war will begin when the big city is burning
- Nostradamus 1654 

Greg J. Ewy
Trilogy Systems

RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

2001-09-11 Thread Smith Joseph
Title: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

sure there will be a lot fewer terrorists in this world after 

Joseph Smith 
Network Administrator Perlos, Inc. 5201 Alliance 
Gateway Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729 
Work: 817-224-9012 Cell: 817-999-7703 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: David James 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 
  11, 2001 10:45 AMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: 
  NewYork Terrorist Attack
  don't mean to promote war, but we as a country HAVE to retaliate to 
  the 3rd world countries that harbor terrorists...
-Original Message-From: Mal Sasalu 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
10:33 AMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
Terrorist Attack

watched over the television. The structures of both north and south towers 
of WTO came down with a huge blast and now they are basically a heap of 
Message-From: Rogers, 
Jeff L (OM) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:30 
AMTo: NT System Admin 
IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
Terrorist Attack

Could you confirm either 
more or less whether the structures are basically now grade 

From: Roman Bogdanov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, September 
11, 2001 10:24 
To: NT System Admin 
Subject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 

Im about 40 blocks from 
the towers and we were all told we can go home but all the bridges and 
subways are closed so here i am trying to figure out a way to get to 

Head of IT Support Jnana Technologies 
Corp. 212-560-9151 ext. 
212-560-9066 fax 

From: Richard Newton Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, September 
11, 2001 11:24 AM 
To: NT System Admin 
Subject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 

Us in Jersey City, NJ 
(just across the water) were evacuated and sent home. Its going to be a long 
day for all. 

From: Jeff Pace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, September 
11, 2001 11:26 AM 
To: NT System Admin 
Subject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 

and it doesn't seem to be 
over yet. 

From: Andrew Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, September 
11, 2001 8:19 AM 
To: NT System Admin 
Subject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 

This is an incredibly 
tragic day. 

Probably the most tragic 
for the US since the assassination of JFK 
 - ASB  

From: Richard McMahon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, September 
11, 2001 11:07 AM 
To: NT System Admin 
Subject: NewYork Terrorist 

Check out this 
link.,,3-1029 102, 00.html 
Hope out all you guys in 
the New York area are still with us.. 


RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

2001-09-11 Thread Smith Joseph
Title: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

sleeping giant has awoken!

Joseph Smith 
Network Administrator Perlos, Inc. 5201 Alliance 
Gateway Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729 
Work: 817-224-9012 Cell: 817-999-7703 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: JERIES Charlie 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
  11:28 AMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
  Terrorist Attack
  You're right I 
  agree with you.
  Retaliation is a 
  must And it must be as severe as what they did to 
  Message-From: Banyas, 
  Pat F. Civ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 12:24 
  PMTo: NT System Admin 
  IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
  Terrorist Attack
  Those that advocate waiting for a 
  full and complete accounting to determine blame are WRONG. We should 
  retaliateNOW against ANY terrorist group that haveEVER in the past 
  taken ANY type of action against the US. 50,000 people deserve 
  RETRIBUTION and those of us still here DEMAND a strong deterrent for the 
  US Naval Hospital Guantanamo 
  Message-From: Phillips, 
  Glen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:48 
  AMTo: NT System Admin 
  IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
  Terrorist Attack
  girlfrinds uncle has a law firm "next door to the towers"..its sure gonna 
  be a lng day
Message-From: Rogers, 
Jeff L (OM) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 11 September 2001 
16:44To: NT System Admin 
IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
Terrorist Attack

Daughter just told 
me news reports say estimated 20,000 total in the two towers at that time of 

  Rogers, Jeff L (OM) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
  10:41To: NT System Admin 
  IssuesSubject: RE: 
  NewYork Terrorist Attack
  heard 50+ thousand
David N. Precht [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
10:44To: NT System 
Admin IssuesSubject: 
RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

any stats on 
how many people work/live in the WTC and/or area? i estimated 
around 25k-50k ...

  MLewis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
  11:37To: NT System 
  Admin IssuesSubject: 
  RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack
  Both World 
  Trade Center buildings have fallen. There is only rubble where 
  these historic structures stood.
  D. Lewis
  "Excellence is in the details. Give 
  attention to the details and excellence will come." (Perry 
Rogers, Jeff L (OM) 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 
2001 11:30 AMTo: 
NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
Could you confirm either more 
or less whether the structures are basically now grade 
Message- From: Roman Bogdanov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, 
September 11, 2001 10:24 To: NT System Admin Issues 
Subject: RE: NewYork 
Terrorist Attack 

Im about 40 blocks from the 
towers and we were all told we can go home but all the bridges and subways 
are closed so here i am trying to figure out a way to get to 
Roman Bogdanov 
Head of IT 
Support Jnana Technologies Corp. 212-560-9151 ext. 
202 212-560-9066 fax 

Message- From: Richard Newton Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, 
September 11, 2001 11:24 AM To: NT System Admin Issues 
Subject: RE: NewYork 
Terrorist Attack 

Us in Jersey City, NJ (just 
across the water) were evacuated and sent home. Its going to be a long day for 
Message- From: Jeff Pace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, 
September 11, 2001 11:26 AM To: NT System Admin Issues 

RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

2001-09-11 Thread Smith Joseph
Title: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

the terrorist got the date wrong

Joseph Smith 
Network Administrator Perlos, Inc. 5201 Alliance 
Gateway Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729 
Work: 817-224-9012 Cell: 817-999-7703 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: Rogers, Jeff L (OM) 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
  12:31 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
  Terrorist Attack
  Nahhh, I think Camp David Accord was September 17, 1978, wasn't 
-Original Message-From: Rich Waldrop 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
12:31To: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
Terrorist Attack
Camp David Accord

  -Original Message-From: Rogers, Jeff L (OM) 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 
  2001 11:17 AMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: 
  NewYork Terrorist Attack
  WOW! That is an uncanny observation on your point. Very 
-Original Message-From: Laura Swartout 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 
11, 2001 11:11To: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: 
RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack


  wonder if there was any planned significance to the date: 9-11?

RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

2001-09-11 Thread Smith Joseph

Excuse me!!  You have got to be kidding!!!

Bush is not the one who attacked NYC.  Are you in an information black hole?

Are we supposed to shake our finger and say Naughty, Naughty - Now don't do
it again.?  Unless the threat is eliminated the promise of peace (our
peace) will be empty.  It is obvious that whoever is responsible for this is
not interested in peace.

Joseph Smith

Network Administrator
Perlos, Inc.
5201 Alliance Gateway
Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729
Work: 817-224-9012
Cell: 817-999-7703

-Original Message-
From: Murray Binette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:56 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

Well, I just hope that Bush (or the 'Puppet' as many Canadians refer to
him as) doesn't fly off the handle and start WWIII.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:08 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

I would say that the US already feels pretty alienated right now


-Original Message-
From: Richard McClary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:51 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

Well, that's one of the reactions terrorism is trying to provoke.  Most
the world finds US policy to be obnoxious, and a violent large scale 
reaction will effectively alienate the US from the rest of the world.

I don't mean to promote war, but we as a country HAVE to retaliate to
F00k the 3rd world countries that harbor terrorists...

RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

2001-09-11 Thread Smith Joseph
Title: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

may not be American but, like it or not, the destruction of the World Trade 
center inone of the largest cities in the world will have world-wide 

Joseph Smith 
Network Administrator Perlos, Inc. 5201 Alliance 
Gateway Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729 
Work: 817-224-9012 Cell: 817-999-7703 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: Lefkovics, William 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 
  2001 12:11 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: 
  NewYork Terrorist Attack
   I completely agree with 
  Perhaps that was their justification, 
  C'mon guys There are 1000's of better 
  forums for discussing this numbing tragedy. I feel sick to my stomach, 
  and like many on this list, I'm not American.
  -Original Message-From: David Bray 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:43 
  AMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
  Terrorist Attack
  who are they? I completely agree with retaliation. But we need to 
  know for sure who it is first. I'm sure that's what everyone is 
  saying. Anyways, I do feel badly for the families of those there. 
  There were friends in those buildings who we don't know made it. This is 
  the most sickening thing that has happened in my lifetime.
-Original Message-From: JERIES Charlie 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
9:28 AMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
Terrorist Attack

You're right I 
agree with you.

Retaliation is a
must And it must be as severe as what they did to 



Message-From: Banyas, 
Pat F. Civ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 12:24 
PMTo: NT System Admin 
IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
Terrorist Attack

Those that advocate waiting for 
a full and complete accounting to determine blame are WRONG. We should 
retaliateNOW against ANY terrorist group that haveEVER in the 
past taken ANY type of action against the US. 50,000 people deserve 
RETRIBUTION and those of us still here DEMAND a strong deterrent for the 


US Naval Hospital Guantanamo 

Phillips, Glen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:48 
AMTo: NT System Admin 
IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
Terrorist Attack

girlfrinds uncle has a law firm "next door to the towers"..its sure 
gonna be a lng day

  Rogers, Jeff L (OM) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 11 September 2001 
  16:44To: NT System Admin 
  IssuesSubject: RE: 
  NewYork Terrorist Attack
  Daughter just 
  told me news reports say estimated 20,000 total in the two towers at that 
  time of day.
Rogers, Jeff L (OM) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
10:41To: NT System 
Admin IssuesSubject: 
RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

I heard 50+ 

  David N. Precht [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
  10:44To: NT System 
  Admin IssuesSubject: 
  RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack
  any stats on 
  how many people work/live in the WTC and/or area? i estimated 
  around 25k-50k ...
MLewis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 
2001 11:37To: NT 
System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 

Both World 
Trade Center buildings have fallen. There is only rubble where 
these historic structures stood.

D. Lewis



"Excellence is in the details. Give 
attention to the details and excellence will come." (Perry 

  Message-From: Rogers, Jeff L 
  (OM) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 
  2001 11:30 AMTo: 
  NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork 
  Terrorist Attack
  Could you confirm either more 
  or less whether the structures are 

RE: New York Terrorist Attack

2001-09-11 Thread Smith Joseph
Title: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

Do you 
think taking them off our Christmas card list would get their 

Joseph Smith 
Network Administrator Perlos, Inc. 5201 Alliance 
Gateway Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729 
Work: 817-224-9012 Cell: 817-999-7703 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: Dewar Charles R 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 
  11, 2001 1:22 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: 
  New York Terrorist Attack
  Blood lust. 
-Original Message-From: David N. Precht 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
11:32 AMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: New 
York Terrorist Attack
more carnage is needed for us to have some kind of closure, even if it is 
misdirected ... I disagree in a big way

  -Original Message-From: Banyas, Pat F. Civ 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 
  2001 12:24To: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: 
  NewYork Terrorist Attack
  Those that 
  advocate waiting for a full and complete accounting to determine blame are 
  WRONG. We should retaliateNOW 
  against ANY terrorist group that haveEVER in the past taken ANY type of action 
  against the US. 50,000 people deserve RETRIBUTION and those of us 
  still here DEMAND a strong deterrent for the future.
  US Naval 
  Hospital Guantanamo Bay
  -Original Message-From: Phillips, Glen 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 
  11, 2001 11:48 AMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: 
  RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack
  My girlfrinds uncle has a law firm "next door to the 
  towers"..its sure gonna be a lng day
-Original Message-From: Rogers, Jeff L 
(OM) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 11 
September 2001 16:44To: NT System Admin 
IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
Daughter just told me news reports say estimated 20,000 total in 
the two towers at that time of day.

  -Original Message-From: Rogers, Jeff L 
  (OM) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 
  September 11, 2001 10:41To: NT System Admin 
  IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
  I heard 50+ thousand
-Original Message-From: David N. Precht 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 
11, 2001 10:44To: NT System Admin 
IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
any stats on how many people work/live in the WTC and/or 
area? i estimated around 25k-50k ...

  -Original Message-From: 
  MLewis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 
  September 11, 2001 11:37To: NT System Admin 
  IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
  Both World Trade Center buildings have fallen. There 
  is only rubble where these historic structures 
  Marcella D. 
  Network Administrator
  is in the details. Give attention to the details and excellence 
  will come." (Perry Paxton)
-Original Message-From: 
Rogers, Jeff L (OM) 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 
September 11, 2001 11:30 AMTo: NT System Admin 
IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
Could you confirm either more or less whether 
the structures are basically now grade level? 
-Original Message- From: Roman Bogdanov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:24 
To: NT System Admin Issues Subject: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack 
Im about 40 blocks from the towers and we were 
all told we can go home but all the 
bridges and subways are closed so here i am trying to 
figure out a way to get to 
Roman Bogdanov Head of 
IT Support Jnana Technologies 
Corp. 212-560-9151 ext. 202 212-560-9066 fax 
-Original Message- From: Richard Newton Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:24 
AM To: NT System Admin Issues 
Subject: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack 

Us in Jersey City, NJ (just across the water) 
were evacuated and sent home. 
Its going to be a 

RE: Everybody get back to work.. Stupid Terrorist waste us too mu ch t ime.. Let FBI take care it..

2001-09-11 Thread Smith Joseph


Joseph Smith

Network Administrator
Perlos, Inc.
5201 Alliance Gateway
Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729
Work: 817-224-9012
Cell: 817-999-7703

-Original Message-
From: Don Ely [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 1:34 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Everybody get back to work.. Stupid Terrorist waste us too
mu ch t ime.. Let FBI take care it..

I am calm and this community will not be ruined.  I served my country
back in the days of the Gulf War and I will do it again if I am so

Do not tell me or the rest of us who live under those stars and stripes
every night how we should live or handle this situation.  I wish I could
be a part of the retaliation!

-Original Message-
From: Dewar Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:26 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Everybody get back to work.. Stupid Terrorist waste us too
mu ch t ime.. Let FBI take care it..

Geez, people, let's calm down and not let this ruin this community.

-Original Message-
From: Don Ely [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 1:16 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Everybody get back to work.. Stupid Terrorist waste us too
much t ime.. Let FBI take care it..


-Original Message-
From: Albert Chong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:16 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Everybody get back to work.. Stupid Terrorist waste us too much
t ime.. Let FBI take care it..

Back to works..

RE: New York Terrorist Attack

2001-09-11 Thread Smith Joseph
Title: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

because you don't know doesn't mean US intelligence doesn't.

Joseph Smith 
Network Administrator Perlos, Inc. 5201 Alliance 
Gateway Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729 
Work: 817-224-9012 Cell: 817-999-7703 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: Dewar Charles R 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 
  11, 2001 1:58 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: 
  New York Terrorist Attack
  one knows who "them" is.
-Original Message-From: Smith Joseph 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 
1:32 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: New York 
Terrorist Attack
you think taking them off our Christmas card list would get their 

Joseph Smith 
Network Administrator Perlos, Inc. 5201 Alliance 
Gateway Fort Worth, TX 76178-3729 
Work: 817-224-9012 Cell: 817-999-7703 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  -Original Message-From: Dewar Charles R 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 
  September 11, 2001 1:22 PMTo: NT System Admin 
  IssuesSubject: RE: New York Terrorist 
  Blood lust. 
-Original Message-From: David N. Precht 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 
2001 11:32 AMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: 
RE: New York Terrorist Attack
So more carnage is needed for us to have some kind of closure, 
even if it is misdirected ... I disagree in a big 

  -Original Message-From: Banyas, Pat F. Civ 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 
  11, 2001 12:24To: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: 
  RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack
  Those that 
  advocate waiting for a full and complete accounting to determine blame 
  are WRONG. We should retaliateNOW against ANY terrorist group that 
  haveEVER in the past taken 
  ANY type of action against the US. 50,000 people deserve 
  RETRIBUTION and those of us still here DEMAND a strong deterrent for 
  the future.
  US Naval 
  Hospital Guantanamo Bay
  -Original Message-From: Phillips, Glen 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 
  September 11, 2001 11:48 AMTo: NT System Admin 
  IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
  My girlfrinds uncle has a law firm "next door to the 
  towers"..its sure gonna be a lng day
-Original Message-From: Rogers, Jeff L 
(OM) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 
11 September 2001 16:44To: NT System Admin 
IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
Daughter just told me news reports say estimated 20,000 total 
in the two towers at that time of day.

  -Original Message-From: 
  Rogers, Jeff L (OM) 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 
  September 11, 2001 10:41To: NT System Admin 
  IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
  I heard 50+ thousand
-Original Message-From: 
David N. Precht [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 
Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:44To: NT System Admin 
IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
any stats on how many people work/live in 
the WTC and/or area? i estimated around 25k-50k 

  -Original Message-From: 
  MLewis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 
  September 11, 2001 11:37To: NT System Admin 
  IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
  Both World Trade Center buildings have 
  fallen. There is only rubble where these historic 
  structures stood.
  Marcella D. 
  is in the details. Give attention to the details and 
  excellence will come." (Perry Paxton)
Message-From: Rogers, Jeff L (OM) 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, 
September 11, 2001 11:30 AMTo: NT System Admin 
IssuesSubject: RE: NewYork Terrorist 
Could you confirm either more or less