[Numpy-discussion] PyArray_Scalar() and Unicode

2010-06-12 Thread Dan Roberts
I apologize ahead of time for anything I might be totally missing, but in
order to make PyArray_Scalar() work on non-CPython interpreters, it's
necessary for me to significantly refactor that function.  I've made
(untested but correct looking) changes to the function to handle all of the
data types except Unicode.  I just got the crash course in Unicode today so
my understanding is limited.  It seems the most compatible way to turn the
UCS4 data into a PyUnicodeObject would be to first convert it to UCS2 and
then use PyUnicode_DecodeUTF16() to create the python object.
There are a few problems with this.  The biggest problem for me is that
it appears PyUCS2Buffer_FromUCS4() doesn't produce UCS2 at all, but rather
UTF-16 since it produces surrogate pairs for code points above 0x.  My
first question is: is there any time when the data produced by
PyUCS2Buffer_FromUCS4() wouldn't be parseable by a standards compliant
UTF-16 decoder?  Aside from that, converting to UCS2, possibly after making
a word aligned copy of the original data, then converting that to the native
storage, which is likely UTF-16 anyways, is horribly wasteful.  The ideal
way to accomplish this would be to simply use PyUnicode_DecodeUTF32() on the
original data and be done with it.  The biggest problem with this approach
is it's not very compatible (Requires Python 2.6, and currently isn't
implemented in PyPy but that's fixable)
I talked briefly to Stéfan about this and he mentioned that you were
involved in all of this and that things are in a state of flux.  So before I
devoted a significant amount of time and thought to this I thought I'd put
myself out into the open air and see if there's any major holes in my
rationale, or if things will change significantly enough that I should
adjust my approach.
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Technicalities of the SVN - GIT transition

2010-06-04 Thread Dan Roberts
Sorry to interrupt, but do you have a usable, up to date cloneable git
repository somewhere? I noticed that you had a repository on github, but
it's about a month out of date.  I understand if what you're working on
isn't ready to be cloned from yet.  In the meantime I can use git-svn, but I
figured if you had something better, I'd use that.

On Jun 1, 2010 12:59 AM, David Cournapeau courn...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi there,

I have looked back into the way to convert the existing numpy svn
repository into git. It went quite smoothly using svn2git (developed
by the KDE team for their own transition), but there are a few
questions which need to be answered:

 - Shall we keep the old svn branches ? I think most of them are just
cruft, and can be safely removed We would then just keep the release
branches (in maintenance/***)
 - Tag conversion: svn has no notion of tags, so translating them into
 git tags cannot be done automatically in a safely manner (and we do
have some rewritten tags in the svn repo). I was thinking about
creating a small script to create them manually afterwards for the
releases, in the svntags/***.
 - Author conversion: according to git, there are around 50 committers
in numpy. Several of them are double and should be be merged I think
(kern vs rkern, Travis' accounts as well), but there is also the
option to set up real emails. Since email are private, I don't want
to just scrape them without asking permission first. I don't know
how we should proceed here.

The author conversion needs to be decided upfront (as changing name in
committers will cause to change every sha256), tags and scrapping
branches may be done later.

Last time we discussed things, there were some concerns about space:
the numpy git repo is around 17 Mb for the full history, 36 Mb if one
includes the working tree, compared to 43 Mb for a trunk checkout from
svn. The master branch (the trunk in git) has ~ 6500 commits.


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NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] My GSoC Proposal to Implement a Subset of NumPy for PyPy

2010-04-25 Thread Dan Roberts
Wow, that's a very cool idea. I think that's an excellent approach to
allowing user RPython functions.  Maciej expressed concern this could create
a support burden for RPython for the core PyPy developers (There aren't many
of them).  I think, handled correctly, this could help create a community
knowledgable about RPython that could support it, but initially I would be
the only one supporting this use.
I think the best approach would be to provide a similar fast_vectorize()
in addition to accelerating normal python looping constructs with the JIT
compiler, that way we can have faster code without even trying.
  I'm going to be contacting the author of that paper to see what its
implementation status is, as the paper mentioned he was trying to get it
into SciPy.
   Sorry about the latency, I tend to make multiple drafts of my emails
before I send them...

On Apr 21, 2010 5:20 AM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn da...@student.matnat.uio.no

Dan Roberts wrote:
 Thanks for the reply. You're certainly right that your work is
 extremely be...
This might be relevant?


Dag Sverre

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NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] My GSoC Proposal to Implement a Subset of NumPy for PyPy

2010-04-21 Thread Dan Roberts
Thanks for the reply.  You're certainly right that your work is extremely
beneficial to mine.  At present I'm afraid a great deal of NumPy C code
isn't easily reusable and it's great you're addressing that.  I may not have
been thinking in line with Maciej, but I was thinking ufuncs would be
written in pure Python and jit compiled to an efficient form.  (We can make
lots of nice assumptions about them) That said, I think being able to write
generic ufuncs is a very good idea, and absolutely doable.

On Apr 20, 2010 7:48 AM, Travis Oliphant oliph...@enthought.com wrote:

On Apr 16, 2010, at 11:50 PM, Dan Roberts wrote:

 Hello NumPy Users,
 Hi everybody, my name i...

Hi Daniel,

This sounds like a great project, and I think it has promise.   I would
especially pay attention to the requests to make it easy to write ufuncs and
generalized ufuncs in RPython.   That has the most possibility of being
immediately useful.

Your timing is also very good.I am going to be spending some time
re-factoring NumPy to separate out the CPython interface from the underlying
algorithms.   I think this re-factoring should help you in your long-term
goals.   If you have any input or suggestions while the refactoring is
taking place, we are always open to suggestions and criticisms.

Thanks for writing a NumPy-related proposal.

Best regards,


Daniel Roberts

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Travis Oliphant
Enthought Inc.

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NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] My GSoC Proposal to Implement a Subset of NumPy for PyPy

2010-04-21 Thread Dan Roberts
Oops, I intended to dig more through the NumPy source before I sent the
final version of that message, so I could be speaking from an informed

Daniel Roberts

 NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Travis Oliphant
Enthought Inc.
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] My GSoC Proposal to Implement a Subset of NumPy for PyPy

2010-04-18 Thread Dan Roberts
On Apr 18, 2010 6:46 PM, Dan Roberts ademan...@gmail.com wrote:

I've been trying my best to take my time formulating my replies but I need
to respond eventually. :-)
 This is embarassing, but I'm actually not sure where I talked about an
interface specifically.  I did rather nebulously talk about interfacing with
C code and LAPACK and the interfaces there would be provided by the
respective code and consumed by micronumpy, at least as I currently see it.
 I haven't consulted maciej about this yet, but I think working
backwards from a complete C NumPy depends on a great deal of ifs, many of
which I think aren't satisfied.  I need to look into this, but I assume
NumPy operates on array structures directly, rather than through an
interface. If it's through an interface, there's a real possibility that
approach is possible, though it would require me to write some adaptors, I
think it would be ok, and a low enough time investment. Like I said I'm
currently speaking from ignorance so I need to look into it and get back to


P.S. I agree about the sparse matrices, I've bugged fijal a small bit about

P.P.S. Forgot to CC the mailing list... assumed this mail client would do it
for me.. lol

 On Apr 17, 2010 12:25 AM, Stéfan van der Walt ste...@sun.ac.za wrote:

 Hi Dan

 On 17 April 2010 06:50, Dan Roberts ademan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi everybody, my name is Dan...

 Thanks for the introduction, and welcome to NumPy!

  I hadn't prepared for review by the NumPy mentors, but this can make
 proposal stronger t...

 This proposal builds a bridge between two projects, so even if it
 technically falls under the...

  Why should we bother reimplimenting anything?  PyPy, for those who
 unfamiliar, has the ...

 Your code has a fairly specialised application and it's worth
 discussing exactly where it wou...
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] My GSoC Proposal to Implement a Subset of NumPy for PyPy

2010-04-16 Thread Dan Roberts
Hello NumPy Users,
Hi everybody, my name is Dan Roberts, and my Google Summer of Code
proposal was categorized under NumPy rather than PyPy, so it will end up
being reviewed by mentors for the NumPy project.  I'd like to take this
chance to introduce myself and my proposal.
I hadn't prepared for review by the NumPy mentors, but this can make my
proposal stronger than before.  With a bit of help from all of you, I can
dedicate my summer to creating more useful code than I would have
previously. I realize that from the perspective of NumPy, my proposal might
seem lacking, so I'd like to also invite the scrutiny of all of the readers
of this list.
Why should we bother reimplimenting anything?  PyPy, for those who are
unfamiliar, has the ability to Just-in-Time compile itself and programs that
it's running.  One of the major advantages of this is that code operating on
NumPy arrays could potentially be written in pure-python, with normal
looping constructs, and be nearly as fast as a ufunc painstakingly crafted
in C.  I'd love to see as much Python and as little C as possible, and I'm
sure I'm not alone in that wish.
A short introduction: I've been coding in Python for the past few years,
and have increasingly become interested in speeding up what has become my
favorite language. To that end I've become interested in both the PyPy
project and the NumPy projects. I've spent a fair amount of time frustrating
the PyPy developers with silly questions, written a bit of code for them,
and now my GSoC proposal involves both them, and NumPy.
Finally, I'd like to ask all of you: what features are most important to
you? It's not practical, wise, or even possible for me to reimpliment more
than a small portion of NumPy, but if I can address the most important
parts, maybe I can make this project useful enough for some of you to use,
and close enough for the rest of you that I can drum up some support for
more development in the future.
 My proposal lives at
http://codespeak.net/~dan/gsoc/micronumpy.htmlthanks for making it
this far through my long winded introduction!  I
welcome all constructive criticism and thoughts.

Daniel Roberts
NumPy-Discussion mailing list