[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 4/12

2016-04-12 Thread Thomas Fiore
Tuesday, 12 April, 2016 -

Quite a strong (for this part of spring) migration took place area- 
wide Mon. night, at least in southeast NY into much of e. New England,  
some nocturnal movement also crossing the waters off NJ & Long Island,  
also (potentially) some of the conditions that bring "overshoot" types  
of migrants - a few of which had already turned up around here, but  
have also reached at least to Nova Scotia, Canada (as for example,  
recent Blue Grosbeaks in that maritime province, & other spp.)

... and of the Maritimes of e. Canada, birders in those parts have  
begun the annual interest in possibilities for vagrant birds that come  
from the east - birds of Eurasian (w. Europe & Iceland, Greenland &  
etc.) affiliation, such as (in Newfoundland, essentially annual in  
April to perhaps early May in the proper conditions) - European Golden- 
Plover... & other species which both have, and have not, been found on  
eastern N. American soil or inshore waters.  But we'd need exceptional  
weather to get most of those sorts of birds to drop in on NY state...  
which of course has happened, i.e. N. Lapwing, & etc. but is not at  
all expected, whereas in Newfoundland so far down-east, there is  
basically a "watch" for such in April, according to the conditions  
that is.  (Read up on NFLD. birding at: http://brucemactavish1.blogspot.com/ 

Thinking again on the very good passage of migrants Mon. night, it was  
discernible in radar imagery as well as by simply listening up,  
meaning literally putting ears to the skies overnight, & listening,  
whole lotta birds getting past this city, even if a bunch did drop in  
for a short visit.

Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -

A male E. Bluebird was at the NW part of the North Meadow ballfields,  
in trees that are near that corner section, in the mid-morning rain.   
I was unable to find it again a bit later, & it's most typical that  
bluebirds do not linger much, if at all, in Central... this is at  
least the 3rd of the species to have shown in this year, which is nice.

Purple Finch were passing thru, as shown by a few singing first thing  
in the morning, & a couple buzzing around the Ramble a bit later,  
although seeming not to care about the feeders where Amer. Goldfinch  
are still showing (as well as skittering in the treetops as they  
always do in mid-spring, & their passages grow high in volume).

One of the relatively few mostly-migrant species that put down in very  
large numbers & were counted in the hundreds in Central Park were  
sparrows, and especially Chipping Sparrow, of which 400+ were in the  
n. end of the park alone, when still raining & drizzling - these  
consisting of a few flocks of 85-90+, a few more of 40+, and a number  
of discrete flocks of 25+, as well as scattered multiples all thru.   
The flight of them that came in seemed esp. concentrated north of the  
100th St. parallel, but in other areas of the park were still fair  
no's., easily another 100+.  Also showing a new uptick were Song  
Sparrow, & in lesser but still notable infusions were Swamp & yet more  
White-throated (no's. of white-throated can build to crazy numbers in  
a site like Central, although such a level is not reached every year  
we've had as many as 10,000+ of them in the most ridiculous fall-outs  
of them (& other sparrows) in just the last few decades.

Various other sightings on this new-normal dark-cloudy-rainy, then  
bright-sunny-milder day included -
Snowy Egret (3 flying past, seen with Tom Perlman, north end, early  
Great Egret, Wood Duck (male) Belted Kingfsisher (all 3 prior spp. on  
the Lake, a.m.),

American Woodcock (whizzing away from 1 of the uncountable numbers of  
off-leash dogs in areas where they are never supposed to be off-leash,  
par for Central's zero-enforcement non-policies; this was not the  
first, second, or hundredth time this has occurred with this bird in  
this park, and is a major reason for so few field-meadow-groundfeeding  
birds to come in & stay at all, in the last several decades - yes,  
there are other reasons... but doggies that run free anywhere anytime),

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (near-normal mid-April no's.), Yellow-shafted  
Flicker (ok numbers),  E. Phoebe (modest no's.),  HOUSE Wren (a bit  
early but not really, and seen by others in the region already, this  
individual in the Ramble likely had at least a dozen or more observers  
today, thanks to R. Lieberman & co. (Linnaean group),
Winter Wren (very modest fresh arrival),   *RED*-breasted Nuthatch  
(near the Pinetum, not in pine tree, not very common so far this year),
Ruby (mostly) & Golden-crowned Kinglets,  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (5+),   
Gray Catbird (4),  Brown Thrasher (8+),  N. Mockingbird (12+)...

Hermit Thrush (60+, esp. in Ramble area, but scattered around all of  
the park, some also seen in street-side locations last several days),
Warblers:  Black-and-white (Ramble), Pine, Palm, & 

[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 4/12

2016-04-12 Thread Thomas Fiore
Tuesday, 12 April, 2016 -

Quite a strong (for this part of spring) migration took place area- 
wide Mon. night, at least in southeast NY into much of e. New England,  
some nocturnal movement also crossing the waters off NJ & Long Island,  
also (potentially) some of the conditions that bring "overshoot" types  
of migrants - a few of which had already turned up around here, but  
have also reached at least to Nova Scotia, Canada (as for example,  
recent Blue Grosbeaks in that maritime province, & other spp.)

... and of the Maritimes of e. Canada, birders in those parts have  
begun the annual interest in possibilities for vagrant birds that come  
from the east - birds of Eurasian (w. Europe & Iceland, Greenland &  
etc.) affiliation, such as (in Newfoundland, essentially annual in  
April to perhaps early May in the proper conditions) - European Golden- 
Plover... & other species which both have, and have not, been found on  
eastern N. American soil or inshore waters.  But we'd need exceptional  
weather to get most of those sorts of birds to drop in on NY state...  
which of course has happened, i.e. N. Lapwing, & etc. but is not at  
all expected, whereas in Newfoundland so far down-east, there is  
basically a "watch" for such in April, according to the conditions  
that is.  (Read up on NFLD. birding at: http://brucemactavish1.blogspot.com/ 

Thinking again on the very good passage of migrants Mon. night, it was  
discernible in radar imagery as well as by simply listening up,  
meaning literally putting ears to the skies overnight, & listening,  
whole lotta birds getting past this city, even if a bunch did drop in  
for a short visit.

Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -

A male E. Bluebird was at the NW part of the North Meadow ballfields,  
in trees that are near that corner section, in the mid-morning rain.   
I was unable to find it again a bit later, & it's most typical that  
bluebirds do not linger much, if at all, in Central... this is at  
least the 3rd of the species to have shown in this year, which is nice.

Purple Finch were passing thru, as shown by a few singing first thing  
in the morning, & a couple buzzing around the Ramble a bit later,  
although seeming not to care about the feeders where Amer. Goldfinch  
are still showing (as well as skittering in the treetops as they  
always do in mid-spring, & their passages grow high in volume).

One of the relatively few mostly-migrant species that put down in very  
large numbers & were counted in the hundreds in Central Park were  
sparrows, and especially Chipping Sparrow, of which 400+ were in the  
n. end of the park alone, when still raining & drizzling - these  
consisting of a few flocks of 85-90+, a few more of 40+, and a number  
of discrete flocks of 25+, as well as scattered multiples all thru.   
The flight of them that came in seemed esp. concentrated north of the  
100th St. parallel, but in other areas of the park were still fair  
no's., easily another 100+.  Also showing a new uptick were Song  
Sparrow, & in lesser but still notable infusions were Swamp & yet more  
White-throated (no's. of white-throated can build to crazy numbers in  
a site like Central, although such a level is not reached every year  
we've had as many as 10,000+ of them in the most ridiculous fall-outs  
of them (& other sparrows) in just the last few decades.

Various other sightings on this new-normal dark-cloudy-rainy, then  
bright-sunny-milder day included -
Snowy Egret (3 flying past, seen with Tom Perlman, north end, early  
Great Egret, Wood Duck (male) Belted Kingfsisher (all 3 prior spp. on  
the Lake, a.m.),

American Woodcock (whizzing away from 1 of the uncountable numbers of  
off-leash dogs in areas where they are never supposed to be off-leash,  
par for Central's zero-enforcement non-policies; this was not the  
first, second, or hundredth time this has occurred with this bird in  
this park, and is a major reason for so few field-meadow-groundfeeding  
birds to come in & stay at all, in the last several decades - yes,  
there are other reasons... but doggies that run free anywhere anytime),

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (near-normal mid-April no's.), Yellow-shafted  
Flicker (ok numbers),  E. Phoebe (modest no's.),  HOUSE Wren (a bit  
early but not really, and seen by others in the region already, this  
individual in the Ramble likely had at least a dozen or more observers  
today, thanks to R. Lieberman & co. (Linnaean group),
Winter Wren (very modest fresh arrival),   *RED*-breasted Nuthatch  
(near the Pinetum, not in pine tree, not very common so far this year),
Ruby (mostly) & Golden-crowned Kinglets,  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (5+),   
Gray Catbird (4),  Brown Thrasher (8+),  N. Mockingbird (12+)...

Hermit Thrush (60+, esp. in Ramble area, but scattered around all of  
the park, some also seen in street-side locations last several days),
Warblers:  Black-and-white (Ramble), Pine, Palm, & 

Re: [nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 4/12

2014-04-12 Thread Anders Peltomaa
Hi all,
It was a glorious morning in Central Park. FOS species included
Black-and-white Warblers (3 in total), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and the
highlight bird, a male Eastern Bluebird found by my friend Brian Padden (I
reported it, but Brian was the one who found it.)

Please forgive us city birders for getting excited over a bluebird, but we
do not see Eastern Bluebirds in Central Park every year. I have not looked
back at my records but of the top of my head this is the 5/6 bird that I
have seen in the 8 years that I have been birding over here.

A crappy photo of the Bluebird and two fuzzy photos of a Gnatcatcher are
the latest photos on my Flickr page.

happy birding,

Anders Peltomaa

On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Thomas Fiore  wrote:

> Saturday, 12 April, 2014 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City
> In addition the the male *Eastern Bluebird* that Anders P. has reported
> in the Ramble's "Tupelo meadow" area this a.m., there were most, perhaps
> all the species as reported yesterday for the Ramble area, including a male
> Black-and-white Warbler in the areas east & s.e. of the Evodia Field very
> early this a.m., and Blue-headed Vireo near Bow Bridge, on the Ramble side,
> plus Louisiana Waterthrush silently stalking the lower Gill, towards the
> lake & many other expected migrants. At least 3 Pine Warblers, including 2
> bright males, several Palm Warblers, & at least 1 Yellow-rumped Warbler
> were in the vicinity of the King Jagiello statue east of Turtle Pond early,
> & while being watched all of these & some other songbirds seemed to be
> moving towards either the s. path of Turtle Pond or possibly towards the
> eastern Ramble, this around 8 a.m.  2 Baltimore Orioles that overwintered
> remain in (or near) the Ramble, this a.m.
> At the north end, a *Wilson's Snipe* has been at the Loch's "bamboo
> thicket" area, moving a little & allowing at least occasional views with
> patience, thanks to John Wittenberg & Karen Fung, watching with K. Wada, &
> Malcolm Morris as well as myself. M. Morris also had a modestly early male 
> *Common
> Yellowthroat* appear at the south slope of the Great Hill, not too far
> above the prominent balanced boulder that sits a bit above the path on the
> n. side of The Pool. When going to look for that, M.M., Sandy Paci, and I
> saw a beautifully-plumaged Savannah Sparrow, as well as 3 Field Sparrows in
> that meadow just above the balanced boulder, & there were some other nice
> birds in that area as well, such as male E. Towhee and Chipping Sparrow,
> etc.  At the Blockhouse in the north woods, K. Wada, M.M. & I watched 2
> Blue-gray Gnatcatchers play in a couple of Hackberry trees, very slightly
> east of the Blockhouse on the main path. Also present were both species of
> Kinglet, as are being seen elsewhere around the park.
> At the reservoir, what is now at least the *4th Red-necked Grebe* of this
> year was photographed, in near-full breeding plumage, this grebe seen at
> sunrise near the n. side. I did not see the most recent ("3rd")
> drab-plumaged R.-n. Grebe this morning so it may have moved out.
> good spring! birding,
> Tom Fiore,
> Manhattan
> --
> *NYSbirds-L List Info:*
> Welcome and Basics 
> Rules and Information 
> Subscribe, Configuration and 
> Leave
> *Archives:*
> The Mail 
> Archive
> Surfbirds 
> BirdingOnThe.Net 
> *Please submit your observations to **eBird*
> *!*
> --


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 4/12

2014-04-12 Thread Thomas Fiore
Saturday, 12 April, 2014 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

In addition the the male Eastern Bluebird that Anders P. has reported  
in the Ramble's "Tupelo meadow" area this a.m., there were most,  
perhaps all the species as reported yesterday for the Ramble area,  
including a male Black-and-white Warbler in the areas east & s.e. of  
the Evodia Field very early this a.m., and Blue-headed Vireo near Bow  
Bridge, on the Ramble side, plus Louisiana Waterthrush silently  
stalking the lower Gill, towards the lake & many other expected  
migrants. At least 3 Pine Warblers, including 2 bright males, several  
Palm Warblers, & at least 1 Yellow-rumped Warbler were in the vicinity  
of the King Jagiello statue east of Turtle Pond early, & while being  
watched all of these & some other songbirds seemed to be moving  
towards either the s. path of Turtle Pond or possibly towards the  
eastern Ramble, this around 8 a.m.  2 Baltimore Orioles that  
overwintered remain in (or near) the Ramble, this a.m.

At the north end, a Wilson's Snipe has been at the Loch's "bamboo  
thicket" area, moving a little & allowing at least occasional views  
with patience, thanks to John Wittenberg & Karen Fung, watching with  
K. Wada, & Malcolm Morris as well as myself. M. Morris also had a  
modestly early male Common Yellowthroat appear at the south slope of  
the Great Hill, not too far above the prominent balanced boulder that  
sits a bit above the path on the n. side of The Pool. When going to  
look for that, M.M., Sandy Paci, and I saw a beautifully-plumaged  
Savannah Sparrow, as well as 3 Field Sparrows in that meadow just  
above the balanced boulder, & there were some other nice birds in that  
area as well, such as male E. Towhee and Chipping Sparrow, etc.  At  
the Blockhouse in the north woods, K. Wada, M.M. & I watched 2 Blue- 
gray Gnatcatchers play in a couple of Hackberry trees, very slightly  
east of the Blockhouse on the main path. Also present were both  
species of Kinglet, as are being seen elsewhere around the park.

At the reservoir, what is now at least the 4th Red-necked Grebe of  
this year was photographed, in near-full breeding plumage, this grebe  
seen at sunrise near the n. side. I did not see the most recent  
("3rd") drab-plumaged R.-n. Grebe this morning so it may have moved out.

good spring! birding,

Tom Fiore,

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 4/12

2014-04-12 Thread Thomas Fiore
Saturday, 12 April, 2014 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

In addition the the male Eastern Bluebird that Anders P. has reported  
in the Ramble's Tupelo meadow area this a.m., there were most,  
perhaps all the species as reported yesterday for the Ramble area,  
including a male Black-and-white Warbler in the areas east  s.e. of  
the Evodia Field very early this a.m., and Blue-headed Vireo near Bow  
Bridge, on the Ramble side, plus Louisiana Waterthrush silently  
stalking the lower Gill, towards the lake  many other expected  
migrants. At least 3 Pine Warblers, including 2 bright males, several  
Palm Warblers,  at least 1 Yellow-rumped Warbler were in the vicinity  
of the King Jagiello statue east of Turtle Pond early,  while being  
watched all of these  some other songbirds seemed to be moving  
towards either the s. path of Turtle Pond or possibly towards the  
eastern Ramble, this around 8 a.m.  2 Baltimore Orioles that  
overwintered remain in (or near) the Ramble, this a.m.

At the north end, a Wilson's Snipe has been at the Loch's bamboo  
thicket area, moving a little  allowing at least occasional views  
with patience, thanks to John Wittenberg  Karen Fung, watching with  
K. Wada,  Malcolm Morris as well as myself. M. Morris also had a  
modestly early male Common Yellowthroat appear at the south slope of  
the Great Hill, not too far above the prominent balanced boulder that  
sits a bit above the path on the n. side of The Pool. When going to  
look for that, M.M., Sandy Paci, and I saw a beautifully-plumaged  
Savannah Sparrow, as well as 3 Field Sparrows in that meadow just  
above the balanced boulder,  there were some other nice birds in that  
area as well, such as male E. Towhee and Chipping Sparrow, etc.  At  
the Blockhouse in the north woods, K. Wada, M.M.  I watched 2 Blue- 
gray Gnatcatchers play in a couple of Hackberry trees, very slightly  
east of the Blockhouse on the main path. Also present were both  
species of Kinglet, as are being seen elsewhere around the park.

At the reservoir, what is now at least the 4th Red-necked Grebe of  
this year was photographed, in near-full breeding plumage, this grebe  
seen at sunrise near the n. side. I did not see the most recent  
(3rd) drab-plumaged R.-n. Grebe this morning so it may have moved out.

good spring! birding,

Tom Fiore,

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


Re: [nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 4/12

2014-04-12 Thread Anders Peltomaa
Hi all,
It was a glorious morning in Central Park. FOS species included
Black-and-white Warblers (3 in total), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and the
highlight bird, a male Eastern Bluebird found by my friend Brian Padden (I
reported it, but Brian was the one who found it.)

Please forgive us city birders for getting excited over a bluebird, but we
do not see Eastern Bluebirds in Central Park every year. I have not looked
back at my records but of the top of my head this is the 5/6 bird that I
have seen in the 8 years that I have been birding over here.

A crappy photo of the Bluebird and two fuzzy photos of a Gnatcatcher are
the latest photos on my Flickr page.

happy birding,

Anders Peltomaa

On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Thomas Fiore tom...@earthlink.net wrote:

 Saturday, 12 April, 2014 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

 In addition the the male *Eastern Bluebird* that Anders P. has reported
 in the Ramble's Tupelo meadow area this a.m., there were most, perhaps
 all the species as reported yesterday for the Ramble area, including a male
 Black-and-white Warbler in the areas east  s.e. of the Evodia Field very
 early this a.m., and Blue-headed Vireo near Bow Bridge, on the Ramble side,
 plus Louisiana Waterthrush silently stalking the lower Gill, towards the
 lake  many other expected migrants. At least 3 Pine Warblers, including 2
 bright males, several Palm Warblers,  at least 1 Yellow-rumped Warbler
 were in the vicinity of the King Jagiello statue east of Turtle Pond early,
  while being watched all of these  some other songbirds seemed to be
 moving towards either the s. path of Turtle Pond or possibly towards the
 eastern Ramble, this around 8 a.m.  2 Baltimore Orioles that overwintered
 remain in (or near) the Ramble, this a.m.

 At the north end, a *Wilson's Snipe* has been at the Loch's bamboo
 thicket area, moving a little  allowing at least occasional views with
 patience, thanks to John Wittenberg  Karen Fung, watching with K. Wada, 
 Malcolm Morris as well as myself. M. Morris also had a modestly early male 
 Yellowthroat* appear at the south slope of the Great Hill, not too far
 above the prominent balanced boulder that sits a bit above the path on the
 n. side of The Pool. When going to look for that, M.M., Sandy Paci, and I
 saw a beautifully-plumaged Savannah Sparrow, as well as 3 Field Sparrows in
 that meadow just above the balanced boulder,  there were some other nice
 birds in that area as well, such as male E. Towhee and Chipping Sparrow,
 etc.  At the Blockhouse in the north woods, K. Wada, M.M.  I watched 2
 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers play in a couple of Hackberry trees, very slightly
 east of the Blockhouse on the main path. Also present were both species of
 Kinglet, as are being seen elsewhere around the park.

 At the reservoir, what is now at least the *4th Red-necked Grebe* of this
 year was photographed, in near-full breeding plumage, this grebe seen at
 sunrise near the n. side. I did not see the most recent (3rd)
 drab-plumaged R.-n. Grebe this morning so it may have moved out.

 good spring! birding,

 Tom Fiore,
 *NYSbirds-L List Info:*
 Welcome and Basics http://www.northeastbirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME
 Rules and Information http://www.northeastbirding.com/NYSbirdsRULES
 Subscribe, Configuration and 
 The Mail 
 Surfbirds http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
 BirdingOnThe.Net http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
 *Please submit your observations to **eBird*http://ebird.org/content/ebird/


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 4/12

2013-04-12 Thread Tom Fiore
Friday, 12 April, 2013 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

A slow & late stroll on such a chilled & wet day... many migrants managed to 
take off the previous night and my wanderings afoot after the rain was mostly 
past yielded scant results, with 3 Barn Swallows at the Meer new for me, and 
perhaps to Central in this year. A single E. Phoebe was the only of its kind I 
noticed, at the Conservatory Garden.

Of a things-in-threes theme, were 3 hen-looking Hooded Mergansers on the 
reservoir, and there were (still) a trio of Wood Ducks, 2 drakes & a hen, also 
there.Additional lingerers: a few Buffleheads, Ruddy Ducks and not-uncommonly 
summering Gadwalls. A Pied-billed Grebe was there & at least 3 American Coots 
(& 2 others lingering at the Meer)...with gulls almost nonexistent, other than 
a few Great Black-backed Gulls out in the wind. Around the park, scattered 
singles of Hermit Thrush, and spare flocks of Chipping Sparrows, Slate-colored 
Juncos, & roving American Goldfinches were seen, plus an E. Towhee or 
two...(yes, it's a lull period, while we await a favorable night for arrivals 
from "south" of this area...) 

good mid-April birding,

Tom Fiore,

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 4/12

2013-04-12 Thread Tom Fiore
Friday, 12 April, 2013 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

A slow  late stroll on such a chilled  wet day... many migrants managed to 
take off the previous night and my wanderings afoot after the rain was mostly 
past yielded scant results, with 3 Barn Swallows at the Meer new for me, and 
perhaps to Central in this year. A single E. Phoebe was the only of its kind I 
noticed, at the Conservatory Garden.

Of a things-in-threes theme, were 3 hen-looking Hooded Mergansers on the 
reservoir, and there were (still) a trio of Wood Ducks, 2 drakes  a hen, also 
there.Additional lingerers: a few Buffleheads, Ruddy Ducks and not-uncommonly 
summering Gadwalls. A Pied-billed Grebe was there  at least 3 American Coots 
( 2 others lingering at the Meer)...with gulls almost nonexistent, other than 
a few Great Black-backed Gulls out in the wind. Around the park, scattered 
singles of Hermit Thrush, and spare flocks of Chipping Sparrows, Slate-colored 
Juncos,  roving American Goldfinches were seen, plus an E. Towhee or 
two...(yes, it's a lull period, while we await a favorable night for arrivals 
from south of this area...) 

good mid-April birding,

Tom Fiore,

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC 4/12-17 (& Riverside Park)

2010-04-18 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

The foliage in Manhattan has come along rapidly and is certainly going  
to allow a lot of May migrant songbirds good cover here (& lesser  
views for observers).
It wasn't all that long ago that trees would still be mostly bare on  
the first day of May: leaf-buds &/or small young leaves but not the  
late-spring look, so early...

Some new arrivals came along on clear skies, especially during the  
week. An early Baltimore Oriole (male) was apparently not the only one  
seen in the region.
Modest indication of ongoing movement have been reports and sightings  
of fly-overs of loons: all that were identified to species were called  
as Common Loon.

Monday, 12 April - Baltimore Oriole (1, north end) and various other  
migrants such as Blue-headed Vireo & expected warblers including  
Louisiana Waterthrush.

Tuesday, 13 April - Chimney Swifts (only modest numbers, but more than  
just one) & some further influx in still relatively modest numbers, of  
such species as Winter Wren, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Ruby-crowned  
Kinglet, Hermit Thrush, Chipping & Field Sparrows...

Wednesday, 14 April - It seemed not especially active in areas of the  
park yet there were still indications of onward migratory movement,  
such as Green Heron... perhaps already in place.

Thursday, 15 April - A Worm-eating Warbler (seen singing) in the area  
west of the Blockhouse was a bit of an early surprise! This area had  
what seemed to be the busiest feeding flock of migrants, most obvious  
among them the 50+ Hermit Thrush all around, & the multiple Pine,  
dozens of Palm, & Myrtle Warblers in the trees, along with scattered  
Ruby-crowned Kinglets & a couple of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers in the  
area.  I had started in the Ramble & vicinity & worked up to the north  
end, so had some sense of which areas seemed busiest thru the morning.  
An Eastern Kingbird near the Meer was the 2nd I'd heard of but first  
I'd seen & is still on the early side.

Friday, 16 April - Interesting weather scenario... but it didn't seem  
to give too much in the songbird migration this day. A nice flock  
continued in the same part of the north woods, with no worm-eating  
warbler noted. An Indigo Bunting reported in the Ramble was a hopeful  
sign: neotropical movements may pick up, at least once the weather  
allows more into the northeast.

Saturday, 17 April - With increasing NW wind, it was a day to be alert  
for potential raptor migration in the city - "ideal" big days in  
spring can sometimes be on strong northwesterlies in this area and it  
was so on this day. The real numbers would be reflected from a  
dedicated hawk-watch - I only did about 3 hours in total... with an  
additional bit of more casual observing from 2 locations. Where  
casually watching (one eye on sky) was Riverside Park, which in mid- 
afternoon featured a fly-by Bald Eagle going north along the Hudson  
river & a very nice assortment of usual songbird migrants in the oaks  
- from about 102 St. on up - including very good numbers of Palm  
Warbler. The modestly more-dedicated watching was Central Park in a  
favored spot that gets at least a fair view, looking northerly, with  
Broad-winged Hawk the raptor of the day: more than 80, a very good  
number for just a few hours, in spring, in this location. Also seen  
were 4 Ospreys. Also uncommonly seen from Central Park, a Greater  
Yellowlegs was on the move, low enough that it may have stopped in  
somewhere, but I watched it move north & out of the park. Its calls  
helped confirm a Greater, not Lesser. For passerines, I saw much the  
same as the previous days, and that included a good number of Myrtle &  
Palm Warblers. It seems a lot of observers noticed Double-crested  
Cormorant migration, indeed they were moving over Manhattan about all  
day in numbers well into the hundreds, all generally northbound.
On the C.P. reservoir it's not a bad time to start checking the  
swallows. Among the Tree, Barn, & especially N. Rough-winged may be  
found a few Bank Swallows, and perhaps other spp.

Broad-winged Hawks have made strong showings at some watch sites in  
the state; [more are sure to come] NY numbers always highest in spring  
along Lake Ontario shores and vicinity...

No new reports from me thru first of May.
Hope to read of many observations then,
for all that's yet to be seen 'on the move'.

good birding,

Tom Fiore,

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

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