Re: [oauth] OAuth simple example in .NET

2010-10-14 Thread Owen Evans
Hi Mohammed,
try the Xero documentation, we've done a few samples and some help around
OAuth, and we use .net

this is based on OAuth 1 rather than OAuth 2.0 specs

On 12 October 2010 17:26, mohammed Nayeem wrote:

 Hi there,

Can you please explain the usage of OAuth with just an simple
 example that's very understandable by the users very easily.
 preferable in .NET application :-)

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[oauth] Re: How are tokens saved on both the service provider and the consumer?

2009-06-10 Thread Owen Evans
These are implementation questions and out of scope for a protocol
specification, as long as you can meet the needs of the protocol (ie recall
tokens and links between users and tokens) then the answer must be however
There really isn't a better answer without getting into specifics of your
own system.


2009/6/11 nyshaker7

 How are tokens saved on the service provider? Is it just a database

 Also, how are they saved on the consumer side? Are they assigned to


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[oauth] Re: OAuth Core 1.0 Rev A, Draft 2

2009-05-08 Thread Owen Evans
This is down to good practice at the consumer end, The consumer shouldn't
link a request token to a specific user until they receive the callback, at
which point the request token should be looked up from the bucket of
active request tokens based on the oauth_token value sent with the callback.
The verification code then just ensures that the same person is requesting
the access token as the person who requested the request token (as the
callback is controlled during the request token step.)
if the three steps are A: Request Token B: User Authorisation C: Access
Token Swap. then the Callback links A:C and the verification code links B:C
which means A:B:C are all linked suitably. there was no validation of this
in the original spec which is why someone could hijack the process.

Is that correct?


2009/5/9 Brian Eaton

 On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 5:31 PM, Manish Pandit
  However, when it comes to web based
  consumers with callbacks, even with the oauth_verifier, the process
  ends up linking the good guy with the bad guy's request token at the

 Sweet.  Last time somebody said this it was late on a Friday, too, and
 look how well that turned out. =)

 I'm pretty sure OAuth 1.0a isn't vulnerable to what you're describing,
 but I can't explain why without a more detailed explanation of how
 your attack works.  Can you break it down into a step-by-step evil
 user does X, good guy does Y flow?


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[oauth] Re: OAuth Core 1.0 Rev A, Draft 2

2009-05-07 Thread Owen Evans
2009/5/8 Dirk Balfanz

 You didn't like my the verification code matches the request token


IMHO that implies that the verification code value has some intrinsic link
to the request token value, which is presumptuous about the implementation

All we want to say is that the verification code matches the expected
verification code at the SP. Without implying how the SP saves or comes
about the expected verification code.


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[oauth] Re: OAuth Core 1.0 Rev A, Draft 2

2009-05-07 Thread Owen Evans
I realise there's a link between the Token and the Verification code but not
the Verification Code and Token VALUE which is how I would read the first
one, i.e. the verification value has to be some kind of hash of the
oauth_token value.
Anyway, I'm playing devils advocate and it's not like I mind anyway the
language all looks fine, it's just I'm explaining how I read it (and
therefor some other laymen would/could read it).

*The verification code is the same as the verification code sent by the
stored procedure during the previous step?*


2009/5/8 Dirk Balfanz

 On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 12:45 PM, Owen Evans wrote:

 2009/5/8 Dirk Balfanz

 You didn't like my the verification code matches the request token


 IMHO that implies that the verification code value has some intrinsic link
 to the request token value, which is presumptuous about the implementation

 I think that any implementation that doesn't have such an intrinsic link
 (be it as an explicit link in a database, as a signature, or perhaps as an
 implicit link through some other means) is broken, hence my proposed

 It might be the case that the verification code matches the user that
 approved the request token is good enough - it seems to prevent the session
 fixation attack we identified. But I thought that for good measure, we
 should actually require the verification code to be bound to a particular
 request token, not just a particular user (I don't know what can happen if
 we allow a user to approve two different request tokens, and then swap the
 verifiers he got for the two before returning to the Consumer).

 All we want to say is that the verification code matches the expected
 verification code at the SP. Without implying how the SP saves or comes
 about the expected verification code.

 That, again, assumes that there are two verification codes - the expected
 one, and the actual one. If the way I'm implementing this is have my
 verification code be the DSA  signature of the request token, then there is
 no way for me to calculate the expected verification code (re-doing the
 signature on the request token will yield a different signature). All I can
 do is check that the actual one is kosher (b/c it matches the request
 token, not some expected verification code).




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[oauth] Re: Confirm callback when getting access token

2009-05-05 Thread Owen Evans
Doesn't really solve the problem:
(malicious) User A gets the Authorisation URL from an application that
has received a request token.
User A replaces call-back parameter with malicious or spoof site instead of
original call-back
User A tricks User B (Innocent) into logging into SP with
incorrect call-back parameter.
User B is sent to malicious site which save the verification code.
User A gets verification code from malicious site and uses it to redirect to
original consumer application
User A now has access to User B's resources.


2009/5/6 Manger, James H

  I would like to suggest a slightly different solution for the OAuth
 session fixation bug.

 The Consumer App includes the Callback URI when obtaining an Access Token,
 instead of including the Callback URI when obtaining a Request Token.

 The Service Provider checks that the Callback URI in the request for an
 Access Token matches the Callback URI to which the authorizing user was

 The significant advantage of this approach is that the Consumer App knows
 the Request Token and Secret before they specify the Callback URI so they
 can encode state into the callback and operate in a stateless manner – which
 is important for scalability.

 An advantage of this approach for the Service Provider is that there is no
 extra state that has to be maintained between the Request Token and
 Authorization steps so the SP’s Request Token format should not need to
 change to maintain stateless operation.

 I believe Consumer Apps can operate in a stateless manner with OAuth Core
 1.0 so it would be a significant disadvantage to break this ability in a
 security fix. My guess is that it would require very substantial changes to
 a Consumer App’s architecture if it had to switch from a stateless to a
 statefull mode to support a security fix.

 The Callback URI still appears in the authorization step, but changing it
 does not help an attacker since that would cause the subsequent request to
 obtain an Access Token to fail.

 6.1.1. Consumer obtains a Request Token – UNCHANGED from 1.0

 6.1.2. Service Provider issues an unauthorized Request Token – UNCHANGED
 from 1.0

 6.2.1. Consumer directs the User to the Service Provider – UNCHANGED from

 6.2.2. Service Provider authenticated the User and obtains consent – change
 warning text in some situations

 6.2.3. Service Provider directs the user back to the Consumer – insert
 “verifier” into callback, or display “verifier”

 6.3.1. Consumer requests an Access Token – CHANGED to include Callback URI

 6.3.2. Service Provider grants an Access Token – UNCHANGED from 1.0 at the
 protocol layer, but the SP performs an extra check (that the Callback URI
 matches) before responding

 The OAuth wiki (
 compares proposed solutions with 10 questions. 9 answers for this proposal
 (callback with access token request) are the same as the “signed callback
 URLs” (callback with request token request) solution. The only difference is
 supporting a smooth upgrade path from 1.0 to the fixed protocol. This
 proposal can certainly support a smooth upgrade path, but it cannot use the
 presence of oauth_callback when obtaining a Request Token to indicate
 support for the new version. Any other indication would do. A different
 Request Token URI is one option.

 *James Manger*

 Identity and security team — Chief Technology Office — Telstra


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[oauth] Re: Confirm callback when getting access token

2009-05-05 Thread Owen Evans
true... must be in an after lunch stupor.

2009/5/6 Manger, James H

  I think it does solve the problem, Owen.

 The SP redirects B to the malicious callback – and remembers that this
 malicious callback is associated with this request token  verifier.

 When the consumer asks for an access token the consumer will include the
 original callback. The SP notices that the two callbacks are different and
 rejects the access token request.

 *James Manger*
 Identity and security team — Chief Technology Office — Telstra

 *From:* [] *On Behalf
 Of *Owen Evans
 *Sent:* Wednesday, 6 May 2009 11:09 AM
 *Subject:* [oauth] Re: Confirm callback when getting access token

 Doesn't really solve the problem:

 (malicious) User A gets the Authorisation URL from an application that
 has received a request token.

 User A replaces call-back parameter with malicious or spoof site instead of
 original call-back

 User A tricks User B (Innocent) into logging into SP with
 incorrect call-back parameter.

 User B is sent to malicious site which save the verification code.

 User A gets verification code from malicious site and uses it to redirect
 to original consumer application

 User A now has access to User B's resources.



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[oauth] Re: Service Provider side

2009-05-04 Thread Owen Evans
Hi Simone,
1) Yes in my experience you should be storing, on the SP side the link
between request token and consumer at the time when the request token is

2) this is up to you, all you're generating is a key to give access to some
resource how that key is secured, and if it gives only partial access to
the system should be dependant on what makes sense in your application. A
lot of services have a way of registering which resources the consumer will
need when registering for a consumer token. Google OAuth has ways of
specifying which Systems you want to have access to.

3) the SP needs to store as much information as is needed to create an
access token that gives access to the correct user so either you
pre-generate the access token and attach that to the user and the request
token or you attach the user to the request token and generate an access
token later (when the call to swap the request token for the access token
is received). These implementation details are left to you as there's no way
of telling you how your system could/should work. All you need to make sure
is that when I, as a consumer, swap my request token for an access token I
am given an access token that allows permission to get at the resources the
user allowed me access to.


2009/5/4 Simone

 Hi, I'm new in this group. I'm studing the OAuth protocol and there
 are some questions that I would make you in order to verify if I've
 well understood. I've read yet many post of this group about that
 questions, but I want join all togheter.

 I know that the Core 1.0 leave at the Service Provider the freedom of
 implement its role in the protocol, infact in the next questions I try
 to understand what hypothetically should happen.

 1) Service Provider side, what happens immediately after that the
 Consumer makes a request for an unauthorized Request Token? The
 Service Provider creates a local entry in its database where there is
 the bind between the Request Token and the Consumer? Because in the
 next step the Consumer redirects the User to login at the Service
 Provider and the Service Provider shows at the User that there is a
 specific Consumer that want access at the resources, but how knows
 what is this specific Consumer? Then I suppose that the previous local
 entry can be useful in this step, because the Service Provider can
 search in its database the entry for the Request Token and find the
 correspondent Consumer. It's correct or happens something else in this

 2) By default, after the User is redirected by the Consumer to the
 Service Provider, if the User authorize the Consumer then the User
 grants the access at all its resources? By default in sense that, if
 I don't wrong, the Service Provider can also implements a way for
 grant a limited access, for example an only read access.

 3) Service Provider side, what happens immediately after that the User
 grant access at the Consumer? The Service Provider creates a local
 entry in its database where there is the bind between the Request
 Token and the User, or between the User and the Consumer? Because when
 after the Consumer make a request for an Access Token, the Service
 Provider needs to knows what is the User involved, or not?

 Thanks to everybody :)


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[oauth] Re: Version Preference

2009-05-01 Thread Owen Evans
3 eom

2009/5/1 Blaine Cook

 We need to build some consensus around the version preference. As I
 see it, there are several options:

 1. 1.0 Rev A with no version string change (i.e., oauth_version=1.0)
 2. 1.0a (with oauth_version=1.0a)
 3. 1.1

 Please indicate your support for one of these options, and try to
 refrain from arguing your case here. The other thread remains open for
 that purpose. I would especially like to hear from library
 implementers here, and others who have not voiced their opinions in
 the other threads.



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[oauth] Re: An OAuth attack on Consumer implementations

2009-04-30 Thread Owen Evans
So can I ask, how do you not do early binding with desktop clients that
don't receive the call-back?
i.e. the only way of doing late binding is to identify via the call-back url
which request token was authorised or denied so that that can be linked to
the current user. If the application doesn't receive the call-back and
relies on the user to tell the application that the step is complete there's
no way of the application knowing which request token was authorised and
must have a link between the user and request token prior to sending the
user to the authorisation url?

or am I missing something.


2009/5/1 Mike Malone

 On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Josh Roesslein jroessl...@gmail.comwrote:

 Here is some pseudo python code of what I have in mind for a more higher
 level library:

 This is not a final design, there are other details I have left out, but
 it demonstrates the flow for the consumer of authenticating with oauth.

 Yea, that's pretty much what I had envisioned. And I counter:

 As long as the consumer is tasked with persisting the request token you're
 not going to be able to do much to prevent early binding. And I still don't
 think there's much risk here anyways. In all the time I've been talking to
 people about OAuth I've never heard of anyone trying to do this (has anyone
 else?). There's just no reason to do it, and (I'll reiterate) it's harder
 than doing the right thing.

 Also, your DataStore code is very similar to the way the Python OAuth
 library manages tokens for SPs, and that code is the most confusing / least
 understood bit of the library (just had a conversation with Leah about just
 that). So I'm wary of requiring consumer developers (who have less at stake
 and are often less experienced) to do something that's already confusing
 developers on the SP side.



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[oauth] Re: An OAuth attack on Consumer implementations

2009-04-30 Thread Owen Evans
Ok but can I just confirm that the only way to do late binding is to have
some parameter in the callback that identifies which Request Token was
authorised/denied? Just want to make my understanding clear as there's
nothing in the spec that says how this should be passed around (i.e. should
it be oauth_token parameter sent on the query string of the callback, should
this kind of thing be standardised? because really you want the SP to
generate the callback parameters and not just take the oauth_callback
verbatum as this could lead to a process just as easily worked around)

2009/5/1 Josh Roesslein

 Agree this security issue does not apply to desktop clients.

 On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Mike Malone wrote:

 For a desktop app you're typically binding the app to an account vs.
 binding a user of the app to an account. In this case you just need to make
 sure that the user who authorized the request token is the same user who is
 clicking continue. This is what the oauth_verification PIN accomplishes.

 The situation is slightly different for web apps because a typical web app
 has more than one user, and can bind the access token to a different user
 than the one who returns after the authorization step. Early binding means
 the app is binding the request token to a particular user account before
 redirecting to the SP, then disregarding the user who returns after the
 authorization step and simply exchanging the request token for an access
 token bound to the same user account.


 On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Owen Evans owenmcev...@gmail.comwrote:

 So can I ask, how do you not do early binding with desktop clients that
 don't receive the call-back?
 i.e. the only way of doing late binding is to identify via
 the call-back url which request token was authorised or denied so that that
 can be linked to the current user. If the application doesn't receive
 the call-back and relies on the user to tell the application that the step
 is complete there's no way of the application knowing which request token
 was authorised and must have a link between the user and request token prior
 to sending the user to the authorisation url?

 or am I missing something.


 2009/5/1 Mike Malone

 On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Josh Roesslein 

 Here is some pseudo python code of what I have in mind for a more
 higher level library:

 This is not a final design, there are other details I have left out,
 but it demonstrates the flow for the consumer of authenticating with 

 Yea, that's pretty much what I had envisioned. And I counter:

 As long as the consumer is tasked with persisting the request token
 you're not going to be able to do much to prevent early binding. And I 
 don't think there's much risk here anyways. In all the time I've been
 talking to people about OAuth I've never heard of anyone trying to do this
 (has anyone else?). There's just no reason to do it, and (I'll reiterate)
 it's harder than doing the right thing.

 Also, your DataStore code is very similar to the way the Python OAuth
 library manages tokens for SPs, and that code is the most confusing / least
 understood bit of the library (just had a conversation with Leah about just
 that). So I'm wary of requiring consumer developers (who have less at stake
 and are often less experienced) to do something that's already confusing
 developers on the SP side.



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[oauth] Re: An OAuth attack on Consumer implementations

2009-04-30 Thread Owen Evans
ha. must be blind... thanks (feeling slightly stupid)

2009/5/1 Mike Malone

 On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Owen Evans wrote:

 Ok but can I just confirm that the only way to do late binding is to have
 some parameter in the callback that identifies which Request Token was
 authorised/denied? Just want to make my understanding clear as there's
 nothing in the spec that says how this should be passed around (i.e. should
 it be oauth_token parameter sent on the query string of the callback, should
 this kind of thing be standardised? because really you want the SP to
 generate the callback parameters and not just take the oauth_callback
 verbatum as this could lead to a process just as easily worked around)

 Section 6.2.3 of the spec:

 After the User authenticates with the Service Provider and grants
 permission for Consumer access, the Consumer MUST be notified that the
 Request Token has been authorized and ready to be exchanged for an Access
 Token. If the User denies access, the Consumer MAY be notified that the
 Request Token has been revoked.

 If the Consumer provided a callback URL in oauth_callback (as described in
 Consumer Directs the User to the Service Provider (Consumer Directs the
 User to the Service 
 the Service Provider constructs an HTTP GET request URL, and redirects the
 User’s web browser to that URL with the following parameters:

 oauth_token: The Request Token the User authorized or denied.


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