[obrolan-bandar] FAT BOY PART 2 (Alert for Little Ratu Sima)

2009-02-26 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara


Listen to me lil mermaid. First, I DON'T NEGOTIATE.

This is NOT 1 on 1. The rule is "You listen to me".

You bet by 'up to Q4'.

And if we can DO it sooner, why SHALL we wait for that long?

If I were you, I would learn more how real money works.

Learn from Lucky Luciano lil baby, "You snooze You loze!"

Anyway, you've got a little bit better brain by NOT trading against the
BEAR MARKET. That's why I'm willing to reply you.

Stata Buon,



2009-02-25 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

BOZZ, UB, Capo, Babbo, Stronzo, Soldiers, Consigliere, all my hairy and
shaven silky stunning Goomahs…

Sucking bitter Columbian marijuana makes me get younger & younger.

Day by day, the gambling desk is drawing people nut and nutter. The war
is offering nothing but paranoia & schizophrenia.


(Let me bottom up my lager first – glg glg glg…) Yeah
yeah…Too many teletubbies predicted how soon and bad will this
phobia come real. Some are with logic, some with assumption, some with
opinion, some with daydreaming, and some with sane calculation.

I, contrarily, am completely different. I buy into assertiveness and too
much bitterness in the darkest hours of jungle.

My extensive experience is neither black nor white over things, but what
a certain number of real bet comes up with real impact to real gambler.

Babbos & Stronzos,

This is too much too brief to spell, but I just need to straighten my
own last appearance's statement. Last October, I declared IHSG
bottom at either 700 or 300. Big sharks should have overwhelming mercy,
let me tell you. At this nano-second, I am correcting it none of them
but :

IHSG 500

DJI 5000

SPX 450

The time is on the way to come...

The source? I don't buy into any resources, but merely by
`through sweetness and bitterness' of this business & the vibration
of capital games throughout the world.

Babbos & Goomahs…

I don't care with differences inside your head. Burst it out!

By the way, let me ring the bell: guarding local index can only rob the
whole market capitalization. Do you want to eat `Nasi Aking'
again or take genius action?

I am going to see my goomah Belluciani & having some 'Bullish Big O
Night' today. Her legs are getting more shiny & shiny.

The case is closed!

Watch your back & keep your nose clean.

Stata Buon,


[obrolan-bandar] 1 PEANUT IN ALLIGATOR'S MOUTH

2008-11-12 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

BOZZ, UB, Capo, Babbo, Soldio, Cugini, Comare, and My Wet Goomah

Let me spell a short message service while drinking bitter Jack with my
Memphis Capos.

Please enjoy your basic mathematics and arrow drawing lesson. The
further U get the further the real fate.

Listen to the The Neverland's Dime's Secretary today: "...won't ever
purchase troubled assest... coz for the long due process..."

Deeper Tremor has swallowed even the Authorities. WHO WILL buy garbage
and with WHAT? Banana leaves?

Top corporate executives are always late in realizing their own
weaknesses. Slashing and minimizing profit projection, employees,
benefits, pension fund, production cost, and spending will slowly drag
them down into buskers.

The target area up to 20 January is SO WET. THE IDLE PERFECT TIME. This
week is just the BEGINNING. When Washington Summit proves failling: oil,
commodities & and foreign resources will be scapegoated to serve the 567
Trillions dollar of DEBT. That's why 700 B of Bail Out (or even 1
Trillion) is only proving 1 peanut in the Alligator's mouth.

AT LAST, today and tomorrow is only Mouse's Bite before the Alligator's
Chew in December through January.

Meanwhile go on with your 'pennies and coins' role-plays.

Stata Buon,



2008-10-10 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

Bozz, UB, Consligier, Capo, Stronzo, and all my shaven and unshaven

While U continue your drawing stick and mathematic lessons,

I'll give The Most Simple & Stupid Opinion in this OB-A-GO-GO ever.

A few are asking and a lot are wondering about the end of this financial

Then: IHSG Bottom?

Some Capos deployed in NY has reported the amount of Rotten CDO and CDS.

The number is leading to triple digit of Trillion USD. While No
Salvation is around.

Everything is dead-ended, what is the last remorse?

Let me answer plainly: NOTHING!

Every effort to compromise has failed.

Is US willing to suffer alone? Badabing badabung… mamamia... this is
the rule:

In the street world, the failure to reach any compromise means the
destruction of all parties to the end.


All the parties' legs and fingers will be ensured to be completely
broken and done bleeding.

No body's secure. The Law of The Jungle will overrule.

Not only time span (2008-2010) of the crisis will drive U into Chronic
Migraine Headache, but also the mood of the money maker which quickly
swing and jump depending on the healer and the last nanosecond psychotic
state he exposes.

A sweet newbie & young-gifted shaolin were just asking the bottom of

I'll declare it straightforward baby.

It entirely depends on psychopathic mood of theirs:

700 or 300, U bet!

This is part of the GAME. But they will make it long, slow, winded and

The casino is open Monday through Friday 9.00 - 16.00.

Well, my Goomah Giovanni is calling me with her transparent body
stocking and open legs. I'll leave and may someday comeback to see
this OB-A-GO-GO. That'll be very long.

Protect your money, save your cash, hoard good stuff and gold like
crazy, sell your 3rd or 4th cars/merchandises/commodities, and exchange
with gold before global inflation burst near soon. Whatever!

A real man can defend himself. He always focuses on money, power &

Watch your back and keep your nose clean. Choose your own battle.




2008-10-08 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

B, UB, Consligier, Capo, Stronzo, and My Smooth Stunning Goomah

Good Evening:

While U enjoy looking my out-worn goomah Bellucciani, let's open the

What is really happening with the world? Sounds brisky.

I've decided to drop in after leaving this OB-A-Go-Go Gig since
October 2007 when I realized that this was leading to Snowball of Doom.

To begin let me scream this old line:

`I started a joke which started the whole world crying, but I
didn't see

that the joke was ON ME…'

"I started to carry which started the whole world laughing, but I
didn't see

that the joke was ON ME…'

Let me spark my old big cigar pipe and tell short story like Stronzo
Bellocio with his three hairs on his reversed-triangle-type-head shape:

1. Sub-prime mortgage is NOT the real factor though most sane people
think it is. The value doesn't compare to…
2. CDS is the mother of demon. It is `Naked-Angelina-Jolie'
type of insured credit. Insured credit creates problem for the debtors
and guarantors, the guarantors crop problem from the free floating
policy holders. Thieves shout at thieves. Both take advantage of
flawless system.
3. The true comparison between SPM vs CDS is 1 : 7 of which
financially-nuclear power is adequate enough to drive the world's
economy going insane.
4. There's no SHELTER, sweety. Bond yield doesn't even cover the
inflationary movement.
5. Mad dog `Credit Expansion' is taking over the people's
6. Bail-out is useless since it is solely Banging Plan to put
Republicans go back home and watch American Idol's goomahs sway
their round hips right and left right and left at home. The comparison
of FM-pro Democrat and Republic is 1 : 8 FYI. Who doesn't want 'wind of
change' Change of what? Don't know.
7. BOE, ECB, and the Fed hopelessness in still-joint effort is NOT
more important than your neighborhood meeting to discuss serious
flooding which is too late. When the Authorities are helpless what can
the world do?
8. The Octopus of Hedge Fund added this blackness. Dillematic option
either jumping out of building or cast away by whimper.
9. In deflationary turmoil, nothing can be expected even if the price
of commodities still can rise. Meaningless.
   10. CoP is drastically dropping since all the energy and resources are
imported and people are going hugely redundant.

The song is BITTER PILL and leading to the Middle of Nowhere.

And BEI? Oh my my sweet baby. After laughing you'll cry and vice versa.
Love U all the way though. Let's learn with pictures first, kay?

I can't talk more, wish U can understand this street-economy

Not even Obama's ruling can heal any sooner. Maybe my white-silky
AGoomah Ann Angel with her luscious teen lips can.

Bye. I am going fishing with my old leather hat.

Always watch your back & keep your nose clean.


[obrolan-bandar] Re: ENRG & MED

2007-12-12 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara


B, UB, Capo, Stronzo, Babbo, & Curvy Goomahs on high heels:

While sucking my cigar in a big pipe. Let me WHISPER these for WINDOW


ANTM 5000

PTBA 13000


BUMI 7000

MEDC 6000

BBRI 8500

BBCA 8000

Add yourself: PGAS, TLKM, ISAT or anything... This is OUR PLATE.

I'm going and seeing the field pre-emptively.

In no fear.

I'm awaiting GENERALS in the PUNCH LINE.




PS : Aimee, U deserve to be my GOOMAH or CAPO!

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Ngomong2 "Brahma Kumbara" kemana ya?

2007-12-10 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

B, UB, Consigliere, Capo, Stronzo, & Goomah:

We HAVE TESTED Indonesian Market. Proven STRONG.
Scenario of FAT BOY translates to sliding index to minus range from 150
until 200.

Lucky market, there is NO SUCH RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCE.

Window dressing may only test minus 50. That goes to end of month or
early January.

There's no choices OTHER THAN PROFIT-TAKING by end of trading week

Anyhow, 2008 can be LAGGARD. All have reached peak season. SATURATION.

As long as MONEY is tight, no ACUTE MORAL DECAY of the ruling
government, and no TERORISM, nothing to worry.

MONEY is tight translates to investment value regardless of SECTORAL

No ACUTE MORAL DECAY translates to willingness and comfort of foreign
putting money in Indonesia.

And terorism is UNLIKELY.

Fed Rate Cut won't affect much. US is still on the way to recovery.


I'm still fighting and GAINING.




[obrolan-bandar] DOOM

2007-11-21 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

Good Morning,

May God Bless U Always.

Hope U saw FAT BOY (intro) yesterday.

To clarify, FAT BOY (Mixed of Fat Man + Little Boy) is due TODAY.

How striking? Let's see.

The impact may take some time. When St. Claus is coming, I and troops
will go rally, January.

We've thought of fighting back The Bear,

but there is always right thing, right moment, and right doing for

Remaining stepping back and trying to shelter in demarcation line 2400,
we maintain picking the gold debris, consisting:

Mining, Energy, Agri (CPO), some fit banking and prop sector.

We hope as of End of December/January, they will get up and run in
synergy. If sooner, better.

Medium and long-term = BULLISH.

I wish U all & families goodluck & successful.

Watch your back & keep your nose clean.

Stata Buon,


[obrolan-bandar] Today's Sliding Down

2007-11-16 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

Why JCI dropped?

Foreign N.S. = 388,662,120,204.




2007-11-12 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara



Even if Missile 3 has been launched. Once again, it's not FAT BOY.

I'm recalling all soldiers in Fin and Banking Zone.

BM*I: march forward until line 4500.

BN*A: march forward until 1500. I will marry U with your dream girl L*BN
soon. I have hired a bodyguard from Dubai to take care of U replacing
Lady Khaza from Malingsia.

B*CA: We'll celebrate S. Split Party. Soon, U must step forward to line
8000. And share devidend.

I am smelling Cap Inflow to Fin and Banking Sector in nearest time.

I am leaving to give training to Property Sector. With my fav wild and
whacky goomah, of course.

Watch your back and keep your nose clean.


[obrolan-bandar] OBRAL KENTANG

2007-11-12 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara


Look at what we're doing...






Duh... uh... yesterday I gave a hint to 'not fall in love with stocks'.
Now, better late than never!


[obrolan-bandar] BEAR ON THE SKY

2007-11-11 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

B, UB, Consigliere, Capo, Stronzo, Gonzo, and even GOOMAH:

Look at what the bear's doing today... Can U hear its scream?

And look at what I'm doing... Cropping time...


Only 1 rule in stock market: Never fall in love with stocks. Too much
love can kill U.

I've said 3 Macan & Dancers are out of breath. Fin. and Banking sector
is very limited.

I repeat, Never fall in love with stocks!

Class is closed.

Stata Buon,

Watch your back and keep your nose clean.

[obrolan-bandar] TONGKAT ESTAPET

2007-11-08 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara



While keeping awake for this last noon session, I'll say this.

3 Macan, background dancers, and belly dancers seem to have almost been
out of


As Lucky Luciano always preaches: U SNOOZE U LOSE!

To sustain this war, there must be `PERALIHAN TONGKAT ESTAPET'.

Now `financial and banking zone' has been recomposed.  About 10
soldiers are ready to pick up, incl. related

healthy property sector.

Sub-prime mortgage of UNCLE is their homework, not ours.

Look at banking sector in Indo. Mortgage is easy or difficult now?

Indonesian banks, now not only have friendly and smiling customer


I'm playing 'human being' now, Van Halen music.

Stata Buon, Peace

My TA/FA Analyst Staff will give clues.


Hi... My name is Dita Vontez.

While BK, KS is playing Van Halen Music. He doesn't seem to be afraid of

Please scrutinize banking share prices by 7 or 8 Nov.

That's your homework.

And MR. BOYZ, don't force me to say too detail. I hate talking too much.
I like straight boy and have a ball.

MR. BA, about BK/KS twins. OMG, it's the simplest internet technology.
You can do that, too, and treat me some wine

if U make it already. Dare? Prove it.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: COUNTDOWN BEGAN (missile 2: NOT FAT BOY)

2007-11-08 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara


U've been learning hard. I like a man who want to grow from Stronzo to
Capo. And U do. (Capo = a responsible man and also the head of the
famiglia) Keep on watching your back and nose clean = Learn and learn

All insects indirectly mean newbies, tiny retailers, small retailers,
and trial traders & investors.

Pirates the Carribean indirectly means big and huge investors = have
lots of fund.

I used Missile 2 coz today would be going red. But I still save the word
'FAT BOY'. Later.

Be extra carefully tomorrow.

Giving training to CPO & Bio-fuel means preparing them when Oil Price
has gone > 100. Bio-fuel will be extremely important.

PS: Please don't call me 'Buddy'. I don't like this word.

Now, I must spoonfeed my wife. She starts to get angry everytime I talk
too much.



[obrolan-bandar] COUNTDOWN BEGAN (missile 2: NOT FAT BOY)

2007-11-08 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara



Countdown begins...

All insects that I've mentioned: Pose 'GIGI 4' and get ready to jump

and all Pyrates the Carribean: take your basket and fill ammunition as
you like... may till tomorrow.

Do I look like 'Analyst, Admin Staff, Accountant?'  For God sake...

If no, this is my analyst staff who does TA/FA thing in silence. I hate
when she talks too much.


Stata Buon... Peace

[obrolan-bandar] MISSILE 2 is not FAT BOY (yet)

2007-11-07 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara


If a picture worth a thousand words, look image below.

When >50% shares in S&P drops, U know what it may mean.

And oil is about `BIG O'. O = Orga**.

For butterflies, mosquitoes, ants, dragonflies, salted fish, termites,
and turtles: pose with `GIGI 4'.

For Pirates the Caribbean, stay cool and prepare big basket coz no bull
or bear in your sea. (Unless WHALE Monster)

I'm going to give training to CPO & Bio-fuel Zone, inc. 2nd and 3rd
Liner to act after Oil has `BIG O'.

With some GOOMAH assistance in her mini-skirt, of course.


Stata Buon, Peace

[obrolan-bandar] LUNCH BRIEFING

2007-11-06 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

Dear All layers in:

Mining Zone, Energy Zone, & Plantation Zone (3 Macan, b.g. dancers AN**,
BU**, and belly dancer CPOs).

We'll continue this rally.

IN*F, feel free to follow your big bro LS*P.

Till last breath...

Don't forget to have nice lunch now. I myself will (waiting...)



[obrolan-bandar] Trio Macan Kumbang & Belly Dancers = Soros?

2007-11-06 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara


Despite uncertainties,

3 Macan Kumbang (T**, P***, I***) & Belly Dancers (CPO/Plantation) have
been assigned to dance untill last breath.

This drilling dance has even seen in one of most favored international
TV station, like INUL covered in TIME.

Simply put, as oil rises, mining & energy will catch the tail, which
maybe a tail of the dragon. And the dragon is used to suck oil, just

When Mbah Soros started to sing, be extra more carefully.

Peace... watch your back and keep your nose clean.

Embah, right about bull today... but not quick spreading in other
sectors. 1965 crisis recovery sounded better though 1.5 million in
massacre, 1998 crisis: 'bandot bandit BLBI' have been living life to the
fullest out there with 1 loyal wife and 3 mistresses.


I'm going...

[obrolan-bandar] Kompi WIKA!

2007-11-06 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

Kompi WIKA,

Run.. while U can.

BD is haircutting it.


[obrolan-bandar] Banking Zone: SoF...

2007-11-05 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

All soldiers in Banking Zone...

SoF! Before too late...

SoF (S = Sh***, F = Fact).

SBI stays...

Mining & Energy Zone: keep on stepping forward, cautiously.

JCI1 meter 2 meter  is okay today.


[obrolan-bandar] Momentum Vs Reality

2007-11-05 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

Let's think...

BI Cut Rate Momentum Vs Global Reality...

When (more exactly: after) BI cuts rate, there is supposed to be small

While the red devil is still around...


If we get drowned too much in this Euphoria, some people will take
advantage and suddenly

'bang bang bang U down' later.

Peace... watch your back and keep your nose clean.

[obrolan-bandar] Saikh Siti Jenar

2007-11-05 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara


Long time ago, Saikh Siti Jenar was believed to be able to catch and
hold 'halilintar'.

Not sure if it's right or wrong.

Do U think U can do, too?

I would say: Don't try this at home...

Find the nearest hiding shelter first, and extra watch 'The Bear'. In

I do hope 'This Bear is not being ridden by Armageddon'.

Peace... watch your back and keep your nose clean.


DE, RP = Rebalancing Portfolio, ET = U should have known.

JM, U sound so much 'the downstreamer'. Thank U. This is our motherland,

Why gorrila? The Bear can Eat it Raw. If U mean guerrila, it does fine.

[obrolan-bandar] Missile 1

2007-11-05 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara


Everybody is 'done bleeding' today, no exception.

Foreign Missile 1 worth N. Sell = 253,463,334,000.

Bozz and all army layers: it's worth thinking...

How will we 'RP' as ET has said when foreign might have prepared
'Missile Series Attack' which is to be ended with 'FAT BOY'?

I know today was so exhausting. But we're still alife.

There is supposed to be 'the light in the end of the tunnel'.

Or simply Give In = Go with The Crash. I hate this phrase.

All soldiers are in the state of confusion.

What do you say?


[obrolan-bandar] JCI = Manusia

2007-11-05 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

JCI is also 'manusia'.

When he climbs up and up, he still needs to rest and pee.

Especially when the region has been raining hard.

Oil Price Increase relates to China's Economy Growth.

Some people're intentionally doing this.

Tomorrow is another day.

Let's not give up hope!


[obrolan-bandar] Sector INCO: Step Back!

2007-11-04 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

INCO: U have been facing too tough enemies, dear...

ZP, DB, RX can swallow U whole.

Soldiers in INCO sector: pick up the debris and left ammunition for
another day.

In 23, we will celebrate 'kenduri deviden'. Don't waste all your energy 

Hope it can be a bit entertaining for a while...

Get enough rest and we'll come back for more.

Peace... watch your back and keep your nose clean.

[obrolan-bandar] THE RETURN OF ROBINHOOD

2007-11-04 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara


DJIA green. Prince Charles (read in reverse) must step down.

And Robinhood (Read: Robert Rubin) has been recalled to spoonfeed City

This 'Begawan' is market's favorite (like Mr. B.D. Ono whose modesty
serves best).

Trio Macan Kumbang has been rejuvenated and reassigned to fly us to the

TLKM fights in another spot.

And CPO CPO CPO, you're simply brilliant. Your price is soaring as your
predecessor begins to stink.

Will U buy crap news that biofuel = global warming? How terrible global
burning in Mideast (and other parts) has gone, anyway?

Go TBLA, you'll be safer and more prosperous under 'to-be new parent's


Who dares to guarantee that FOMC won't reconsider another cut by 11

Peace... watch your back and keep your nose clean.

Mbah TJ: thanks for posting. U and ER (downstream) get younger every
day. My prayers for U both.

[obrolan-bandar] RENUNGAN SIANG

2007-11-01 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara


Trio Macan Kumbang's drilling dancing can attract more GI (Giga...)
despite Uncle's Burning Out.

Coz simply too sexy.

They add some background curvy background dancers: CPO, Nickel, Tin, and

As always, foreigners love these 4 dancers (Until Death Do Us Apart).

Oil price increase and GI for this quartet may be interchangable, just
to some extent.

By 2008, Batalyon 25-an Surabaya will be  drawn and permanentlyassigned
in ISX. Yes, once again: ISX.

One of soldiers is 'the golden boy BKK.' Think of BD 'JK'. Though some
needs Jakarta's Senior High Level Training.

Time for national consolidation against global war is about to come.

Please get prepared and united.

The promised land of 2008 should be green, fertile, and for us.

The rest: keep the faith and pray to God. Amin.

The slap of November doesn't have to be that hard.


Watch your back and keep your nose clean.

[obrolan-bandar] 3 Macan Kumbang

2007-11-01 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara


3 Macan Kumbang (read: Tambang) is special guard for JCI.

This is their today's JOB DESCRIPTION ('goyang ngebor' against RED

Once again, DJIA may not affect JCI.

Don't waste your time 'being panick or confused'.

Think: TIN TIN TIN. Go 50.000 in 2008. U tell me.

Wanna play 'devil's advocate', u can check POLY.

When u pose 'silent game', BD will bring up and 'bang down' again.


Watch your back and keep your nose clean.

[obrolan-bandar] Prepare Your Breath

2007-11-01 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

Take a lot of breath, guys...

DJIA minus coz one of his fav. son C. Bank is crying loud.

It may take weeks under turbulents depends who report what.


Q3 US is different from Q3 INA.

Volatile Q3 US may not affect JCI.

Pose with 'SAYIPI ANGIN'.

It can make your body so light and prepared for either jump out or jump


Watch your back and keep your nose clean.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Ada apa dg INCO ?? : Stand Still...

2007-10-31 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

Be like cool water: controlled and collected.

Then you will see things cleaner, then differenciate 'true life signals'
from 'simply camouflage'.

Ocean wave, rain, and storm are not supposed to drag or crash you down.

Think and act so smoothly. Be your own driver. Look before you leap
yourself or you can get crashed.

Just like knitting, you can produce the best if you keep your mind


Mining, mining, and mining

[obrolan-bandar] Take Off

2007-10-31 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

Well, though hard but FOMC says: Show Must Go On

High oil price? No worry, China's economic growth is just too smooth for
Uncle. Something must be done despite dilemma.

TLKM? It's party time for banking and mining. Let's get united and go...

BI cut rate? Don't think so.

Btw, EL has also given similar point before. Believe me, she's not bad.

Only time can tell.


[obrolan-bandar] Re: TLKM TP 9650 by CS

2007-10-31 Terurut Topik Brahma Kumbara

Si BOZZ is a NICE GUY so long as we stay in 'HIS same boat'.
No need to worry as long as we STAY AWAKE.
Remember his saying: 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "investor_ngesot" 
> wahh kalau strategy Bozz udah kebaca di milis, gak jadi dipake 
> Bozz ganti plan B.. ya Bozz ya ?  ...:)
> salam nebak..
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "Karno"  wrote:
> >
> > TLKM diturunkan supaya ada senjata buat naekin index lagi, iya 
> Pak
> >   - Original Message - 
> >   From: Dean Earwicker 
> >   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
> >   Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 3:50 PM
> >   Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: TLKM TP 9650 by CS
> > 
> > 
> >   Wah kalo ke 9000an, indeks bisa ke berapa tuh... tlkm kan gede 
> banget kontribusinya ke ihsg.. nanti bisa merembet ke yang lain 
> (panic selling), dan -as far as I know- agendanya gak seperti itu.. 
> (bener ya mbah, pak oen?), hari ini aja IHSG kejeblos sama tlkm dan 
> duet astra... 
> > 
> >   Analisa "bego" SAYA, tlkm memang harus di turunkan agar bursa 
> tidak overheat... ibaratnya kasih kesempatan buat yang lain TAPI 
> tetap sehat. Kita semua kan ingin bullish pelan tapi pasti...
> > 
> >   Bebek aja antri... 
> > 
> >   Regards,
> >   DE
> >