Re: [ob] KAEF

2010-03-13 Terurut Topik Sanir Suyitno
Oh setahu saya banyak  yang bikin qo, CNI sudah ada produknya; selain KAEF, 
INAF juga bikin dan tinggal launcing product, ini bukan obat tapi herbal 
suplemen (fungsi suplemen) namanya avimac

Dengan suplemen ini perawatan DB tinggal hanya 2 hari (biasanya 5 hari 



-Original Message-
From: Ferry_ab
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 02:59:21 
Subject: [ob] KAEF

kimia farma sedang meneliti dan menguji obat demam berdarah, yg cuma perlu 
waktu 1-2 jam untuk menunjukkan gejala kesembuhan, apa ini bisa mengangkat 
harga saham kimia farma? tp butuh waktu 3-6 bulan untuk mengetahui hasilnya.

Re: [ob] Menghitung harga Banderol :: Ajarin Dong!

2010-03-01 Terurut Topik Sanir Suyitno

Saham beredarnya bukannya skrng menjadi 9.4 miliar lebih pasca right issue 



-Original Message-
From: TimurLangit
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 16:01:05 
To: Obrolan
Subject: [ob] Menghitung harga Banderol :: Ajarin Dong!

Saya baru baca sebuah buku yg didalamnya ada tabel perhitungan fair value dari 
sebuah saham. 
Dibuku itu disebutkan, bahwa sebaiknya berdaganglah di saham yg kasi diskaun 
besar dari harga fair value nya. Hal ini dikarenakan resiko untuk harga turun 
lagi akan lebih kecil dan lebih lambat. 

Iseng2, saya bikin excel nya (terlampir). Saham yang saya hitung adalah UNSP.
Beberapa hal yang membuat saya bingung;
- Dari data yg saya dapat, Cash flow from moperating activity UNSP mengalami 
pertumbuhan rata2 dan konsisten diatas 48% pertahun sejak 2007.
- Kalau saya gunakan 48% pada excel perhitungan itu, maka fair value UNSP 
menjadi diatas Rp5000. 
- Padahal Faktor Diskaun nya saya kasi 14%

Tolong periksa perhitungan2 pada excel terlampir, dan ajarin saya bagaimana 
menentukan % pertumbuhan Cash Flow yg sebagai input serta cara menentukan 
diskaun faktor.

Menurut saya, diskaun faktor haruslah interest rate dari obligasi or sukuk, or 
yg mana yg lebih besar. Dengan asumsi, kalau % pertumbuhan dibawah diskaun 
faktor, maka saham itu tidak lebih baik daripada obligasi or sukuk yg lebih 




2010-01-31 Terurut Topik Sanir Suyitno
Gadis :  I gede amat...  :)



-Original Message-
From: David Lau
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2010 13:25:22 

‎​‎​Seorang laki-laki gembira sekali waktu mau duduk di pesawat. Yang duduk di 
sampingnya seorang gadis yang manis, ada teman ngobrol nich, pikirnya. Tapi 
setelah beberapa lama ternyata si gadis kerjanya baca mulu.
Untuk mencairkan suasana. si laki-laki nanya: Mau ujian nich. kok baca terus.
Bukan.. saya lagi penelitian, jawab si gadis.
Penelitian mengenai apa? tanya si laki-laki lagi.
Mengenai hubungan etnis dengan bentuk alat vital laki-laki. jawab si gadis 
dengan tenangnya.
Dengan penasaran si laki-laki bertanya kembali, Apakah sudah ada hasilnya?
Sudah sih. Menurut hasil penelitian saya ternyata kepunyaan laki-laki Bali 
bentuknya paling bagus. mungkin ada hubungannya dengan kepandaian mereka dalam 
memahat. kemudian si gadis sebentar terdiam.
Kepunyaan laki-laki Batak. paling besar. mungkin terpengaruh oleh kebiasaan 
mereka bicara selalu keras sehingga darah lebih cepat mengalir ke daerah itu. 
lanjutnya membuat si laki-laki makin penasaran.
Punya laki-laki Sunda paling panjang. mungkin ada hubungannya dengan kebiasaan 
mereka memakai sarung. si gadis seperti sampai pada kesimpulan pembicarannya.
Eh, ngomong-ngomong kita belum kenalan nih.
Oh iya. si gadis sedikit tersenyum. Nama saya Lisa.. kalau mas siapa?
Ehmmm. nama saya. I GEDE CECEP HUTAGALUNG.! !!:D


In Te Domine, Speravi Non Confundar In Aeternum

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Re: [ob] Yth. Bapak Rojak

2009-12-21 Terurut Topik Sanir Suyitno
Ngakak habis hari ini, walau porto msh abang-kuning :)


-Original Message-
From: Dean Earwicker
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:36:32 
Subject: Re: [ob] Yth. Bapak Rojak

Kalau belum, berarti rojak ada temennya, sama-sama belum punya

(psst. kalo rojak nyari gue bilang gue lagi luar kota)

Pada 22 Desember 2009 10:57, -Candra Wu menulis:

 Pak DE, kalau sudah kenapa belum kenapa yah? Hahah

Re: [ob] Wika?

2009-09-03 Terurut Topik sanir . suyitno
Berita dari mana pak?

Bukanya yang mark up laporan waskita karya.

Wika = Wijaya Karya

Sent from my BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: temanbaiksaja

Date: Thu, 03 Sep 2009 13:55:37 
Subject: Re: [ob] Wika?

masa pd ga tau britanya?
kan wika ada pemolesan lap keu. sampe meneg bumn marah2 n kepaksa kucurin dana

jd lap keu wika udah berthn thn dipoles. aslina jelek

hati2 ah.  ma wika. 

1-- In, sylar_fang sylar_f...@... wrote:

 hehehe ... kebiasaan prof JT kan gak mau hold barang selama liburan ... maka 
 na waktu dia bilank mau hold lama an ane tanyaiin ... apa di hold ampe abis 
 lebaran ... 
 --- Pada Kam, 3/9/09, Cleopatras Cat cleopatras.c...@... menulis:
 Dari: Cleopatras Cat cleopatras.c...@...
 Judul: RE: [ob] Wika?
 Tanggal: Kamis, 3 September, 2009, 8:22 PM
   ooo mo nyelinep diem2.
 ooo mo hold selama lebaran.
 imlek kapan yaa?
 hehe [13x]
 --- sylar_fang sylar_f...@yahoo. schrieb am Do, 3.9.2009:
 Von: sylar_fang sylar_f...@yahoo.
 Betreff: RE: [ob] Wika?
 An: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Datum: Donnerstag, 3. September 2009, 13:15
   wah prof JT mau masuk wika ... diem2 kok di posting ... 
 hahaha   btw lama na brp lama prof mengingat lebaran udah di depan pintu 
 ... apa selama lebaran mau hold ?  tks ...
 --- Pada Kam, 3/9/09, JT jsxtra...@yahoo. com menulis:
 Dari: JT jsxtra...@yahoo. .com
 Judul: RE: [ob] Wika?
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Cc: jsxtra...@yahoogrou
 Tanggal: Kamis, 3 September, 2009, 8:11 PM
 Beneeerrr……,  gua trading WIKA tempo hari FAIL dan terpaksa CL…..,
 now I want it back.., kite meyelinap diem2 aja…. Trus simpen agak lamaan 
 obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan- ban...@yahoogrou] On
 Behalf Of I_R_G_7_I
 Sent: 03 September 2009 19:58
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Subject: Re: [ob] Wika? 
 WIKA jangan ditradingin ...
 Di Invest ..
 Tanya Cleopatras Cats .. dia Sopirnya 
 2009/9/3 mask_...@yahoo. com 
 Suhu, kapan ya wika ikutan
 terbang...?? BD-nya kurang sakti ya?? Terlalu fundamentalist neh..alias pake
 jurus tangan kosong-nya pak oen kek nya
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

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  Yahoo! memungkinkan Anda selalu bisa chat melalui Pingbox. Coba!


   Mulai chatting dengan teman di Yahoo! Pingbox baru sekarang!! Membuat 
 tempat chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah mudah.

[ob] Asian Stocks Decline as China Mulls Production Curbs; Rio Falls

2009-08-27 Terurut Topik sanir . suyitno
Mungkin pengaruh ke saham metal dan semen


 Aug. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Asian stocks fell, dragging the MSCI Asia Pacific Index 
down by the most in a week, after China said it may curb overcapacity in the 
steel and cement industries and Esprit Holdings Ltd. reported lower profit. 
 Rio Tinto Group, which got 19 percent of its sales in China last year, sank 
2.7 percent in Sydney. Mitsubishi Corp., a Japanese trading company that gets 
more than a third of its revenue from commodities, lost 2.8 percent. Esprit, 
the biggest publicly traded clothier in Hong Kong, slumped 12 percent. 
 The MSCI Asia Pacific Index lost 0.9 percent to 112.55 as of 12:34 p.m. in 
Tokyo. The gauge has climbed 59 percent from a more than five-year low on March 
9 on speculation government stimulus packages and lower borrowing costs will 
revive the global economy. 
 “There’s been a few stories about Chinese authorities trying to pull back on 
some of the stimulus,” said Stephen Halmarick, Sydney-based head of investment 
markets research at Colonial First State, which holds about $114 billion. “In 
the short term, it takes some of the froth off the big rally we’ve had in the 
 China’s Shanghai Composite Index dropped 0.4 percent, while Japan’s Nikkei 225 
Stock Average slumped 1.7 percent. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index declined 1.1 
 China Vanke Co., the nation’s biggest publicly traded property developer, sank 
1.3 percent in Shenzhen, while chemical maker Tokuyama Corp. slumped 9.3 
percent in Tokyo on share-sale plans. Nippon Sheet Glass Co. declined 7.8 
percent after its chief executive officer resigned. 
 Studying Curbs 
 Futures on the Standard  Poor’s 500 Index lost 0.4 percent. The gauge was 
little changed yesterday as a smaller-than- estimated rise in orders for some 
durable goods and possible curbs on raw-materials suppliers in China outweighed 
a surge in new-home sales. 
 The Chinese government said yesterday it’s studying curbs on overcapacity in 
industries including steel and cement. It will also increase “guidance” over 
parts of the coal, glass and power industries, the State Council said on its 
Web site. Controls on stock and bond sales by companies in targeted sectors 
will be strengthened, it said. 
 Rio sank 2.7 percent to A$57.36. BHP Billiton Ltd., the world’s biggest mining 
company, lost 1.2 percent to A$37.70. Mitsubishi dropped 2.8 percent to 1,869 
yen in Tokyo. Mitsui  Co., which counts commodities as its biggest source of 
profit, declined 3.6 percent to 1,216 yen. 
 China Demand 
 “For commodity exporters like Australia the demand from China for commodities 
has been one of the key reasons we’ve managed to avoid the worst of the global 
downturn,” said Colonial’s Halmarick. 
 The MSCI Asia Pacific Index has climbed 26 percent this year, more than the 
MSCI World Index’s 18 percent gain, amid speculation growth in countries such 
as China will outstrip other regions. The International Monetary Fund estimates 
the Chinese economy will expand 8.5 percent in 2010, compared with 2.5 percent 
worldwide, according to its Web site. 
 The MSCI Asia Pacific Index’s five-month rally has lifted the average price of 
its companies to 24 times estimated earnings, up from 13.7 at the end of 2008. 
The gauge’s current valuation is higher than the Standard  Poor’s 500 Index’s 
17.2 times and 15.1 for Europe’s Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index. 
 “Current prices fully reflect a possible V-shaped recovery in company earnings 
next year,” said Mitsushige Akino, who oversees the equivalent of $637 million 
at Tokyo-based Ichiyoshi Investment Management Co. “It’s still unclear whether 
such a recovery will indeed happen and this uncertainty is allowing speculators 
to dominate the market.” 
 Commodity Prices 
 OZ Minerals Ltd. slumped 6.5 percent to A$1.075. The Australian copper and 
gold producer reported a first-half loss on the sale of $1.6 billion of mines. 
 Material producers were the second-biggest drag on the MSCI Asia Pacific Index 
today following declines in commodity prices. Crude oil slipped 0.9 percent to 
$71.43 a barrel in New York yesterday, the lowest settlement since Aug. 18, and 
a gauge of six metals in London fell for a second day, dropping 0.8 percent. 
 Esprit dropped 12 percent to HK$52.70. The company said it may take until next 
year to return to profit growth after reporting its first earnings drop in more 
than a decade. 
 In Shenzhen, China Vanke fell 1.3 percent to 10.81 yuan after saying it plans 
to raise as much as 11.2 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) by selling additional 
 Tokuyama, Nippon Sheet 
 Tokuyama slumped 9.3 percent to 662 yen in Tokyo. The company is aiming to 
raise 49.9 billion yen ($532 million) from a share sale to finance the 
construction of a polysilicon manufacturing plant in Malaysia. 
 Nippon Sheet dropped 7.8 percent to 332 yen. Morgan Stanley cut its rating on 
the stock to