[obrolan-bandar] Fwd: Global Indices+Saham Amrik 7-31-2008

2008-07-31 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
ancurr lagee..
-- Forwarded message --
Dow 11,378.02-205.67-1.78%[image: Chart
for Dow] 

Top Stories
*Econ. Worries Pressure

U.S. stocks were mostly lower Thursday, though the market remained poised
for slight gains in the month of July, as economic concerns resurfaced after
data showed weaker growth than expected in the second quarter and a big jump
in jobless claims.

   - GDP Growth of 1.9 Percent Misses the
   - Oil Falls to Almost $124 on Dour US Economic
   - Exxon Mobil Has Biggest Profit Ever at $11.68
   - Big Prices for Oil, Record 2Q Profits at
   - Oil Prices May Be Unlikely Savior For US
   - Kodak Posts Lower 2Q Profit, Revises
   - Weekly Applications for Jobless Benefits Hit 5-Year

2008/7/31 mudjo ahmad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


[obrolan-bandar] Re: fw: Serbu BEJ DJ +1.18

2008-07-22 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Serbu BEJ Top Stories
Dow 11,602.50+135.16+*1.18%*[image:
Chart for Dow] 
*Stocks surge as Oil

Wall Street traded higher Tuesday as investors were encouraged by another
sharp drop in oil prices and snapped up shares of undervalued financial

   - Wachovia Has $8.9B Loss, Exits Wholesale
   - Mortgage Giant Rescue Could Cost
   - Oil Tumbles More Than
   - Pickens Sees $300 Oil Unless U.S. Cuts
   - California Foreclosures Soar to 20-year
   - Huge Trading Loss Sinks Energy Trader
   - 'They're All Toast': Roubini Says Brokers, Even Goldman, Can't Stay
   Tech Ticker

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 10:10 PM, @gmail.com wrote:

>   Fed's Plosser: Time For Interest Rate Increase
> By AP
> To fend off inflation, the Federal Reserve probably will need to boost
> interest rates "sooner rather than later" even if employment and financial
> conditions haven't revived, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of
> Philadelphia said Tuesday.
> Charles Plosser is a voting member of the Federal Open Market Committee,
> the group including Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke that determines the
> direction interest rates should go to influence national economic
> activity.
> Out of concern about inflation, the Fed in June ended a nearly yearlong
> string of rate reductions aimed at shoring up the wobbly economy. The Fed
> left its key rate at 2 percent. Many economists predict Fed policymakers
> will leave rates alone again when they meet next on Aug. 5.
> Possessing a reputation for being extra-vigilant about inflation dangers,
> Plosser was one of two members who dissented from the Fed's decision in late
> April to slice its key rate. That turned out to be the Fed's last rate
> reduction, in one of its most aggressive campaigns that started last
> September.
> "Inflation is already too high and inconsistent with our goal of -- and
> responsibility to ensure -- price stability," Plosser said in a speech to a
> group assembled by the Philadelphia Business Journal.
> "We will need to reverse course -- the exact timing depends on how the
> economy evolves, but I anticipate the reversal will need to be started sooner
> rather than later," he warned. "And, I believe it will likely need to
> begin before either the labor market or the financial markets have
> completely turned around," he added.
> Last week the government reported that consumer prices shot up 1.1 percent
> in June, the second-biggest rise in a quarter century. Wholesale prices also
> rose sharply during the month.
> The Fed's worry is that lofty energy and food prices will spread inflation
> through the economy. They also worry that people, investors and companies
> will begin to brace for, or expect, prices to keep rising down the road.
> Those expectations can make them act in ways that could aggravate inflation.
> "Households, workers, businesses, investors, financial firms all must have
> confidence that the Federal Reserve will not let inflation get out of
> control," Plosser said. Inflation, if not blunted by other forces, eats into
> paychecks, whittles the value of investments and squeezes corporate profits.
> Bernanke, in back-to-back appearances on Capitol Hill last week, said he
> was concerned about the inflation outlook but indicated that the Fed isn't
> in a rush to start boosting rates given the fragile state of the economy.
> Housing, credit and financial problems have pounded people and businesses,
> causing the economy's growth to slow sharply.
> The Fed, in new projections released last week, now believes inflation will
> be higher this year than previously thought, with prices rising as high as
> 4.2 percent under one inflation measure. That was up considerably from an
> earlier forecast of an upper bound of a 3.4 percent increase in prices.
> Keeping rates too low for too long "worsens our inflation problem," Plosser
> said.
> Critics blame former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan for feeding 

[obrolan-bandar] Fwd: Membangun eforia baru

2008-07-20 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Eforia sedang dibangun mirip ketika eforia komoditas disusun dng rapih dng
berbagai kampanye simultan.

Eforia yg dibuat mengatakan bandar switching ke finansial, properti (krn
mereka sudah koleksi dulu semasa kita semua menjauhi saham saham ini dalam
megahnya gemilang nikel, timah batu bara..). Dikipasin terus, saham sahamnya

Kalau bisa jangan percaya begitu saja ditelan mentah mentah kata kata para
"pakar". Tapi ya keputusan ditangan masing masing.
Mereka (bandar) mah dogmanya : your lost in my gain, ente rugi gw untung. No
prisoner taken no mercy.
Mau dimaki maki juga ga perduli you are a looser, go away.

Mungkinkah properti dan perbankan Indonesia tidak terlibat dalam kesulitan
sama spt di Amerika?
Baca baik baik gejala gejala nya.

Coba bincang bincang dng para pengembang bila ada kawan disana dan di
lembaga keuangan.

Mudah mudahan sih tidak tentunya.

Minggu lalu 2 institusi jadi korban lagi dalam angin puting beliung Fannie
Mae dan Fredde Mac; dan yg nanggung adalah rakyat pembayar pajak.

Bandar nya mah tenang aja udah pindahin duit kemana lagi entah.

Baca juga dng teliti artikel di The Economist minggu ini agar jangan jadinya
ikut ikutan dan jadi korban korban baru spt korban ANTM INCO TINS et
Lengkapi gambaran teknikal dng makro fundamental supaya bisa ngeliat
hutannya bukan cuman kayu jati emas nya aja.

[obrolan-bandar] Membangun eforia baru

2008-07-20 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Eforia sedang dibangun mirip ketika eforia komoditas disusun dng rapih dng
berbagai kampanye simultan.
Eforia yg dibuat mengatakan bandar switching ke finansial, properti (krn
mereka sudah koleksi dulu semasa kita semua menjauhi saham saham ini dalam
megahnya gemilang nikel, timah batu bara..). Dikipasin terus, saham sahamnya

Kalau bisa jangan percaya begitu saja ditelan mentah mentah kata kata para
"pakar". Tapi ya keputusan ditangan masing masing.
Mereka (bandar) mah dogmanya : your lost in my gain, ente rugi gw untung. No
prisoner taken no mercy.
Mau dimaki maki juga ga perduli you are a looser, go away.

Mungkinkah properti dan perbankan Indonesia tidak terlibat dalam kesulitan
sama spt di Amerika?
Baca baik baik gejala gejala nya.
Coba bincang bincang dng para pengembang bila ada kawan disana dan di
lembaga keuangan.

Mudah mudahan sih tidak tentunya.
Minggu lalu 2 institusi jadi korban lagi dalam angin puting beliung Fannie
Mae dan Fredde Mac; dan yg nanggung adalah rakyat pembayar pajak.
Bandar nya mah tenang aja udah pindahin duit kemana lagi entah.

Baca juga dng teliti artikel di The Economist minggu ini agar jangan jadinya
ikut ikutan dan jadi korban korban baru spt korban ANTM INCO TINS et al.
Lengkapi gambaran teknikal dng makro fundamental supaya bisa ngeliat
hutannya bukan cuman kayu jati emas nya aja.

[image: http://www.economist.com/images/covers/currentcoverfe_large.jpg]

[obrolan-bandar] DJI, Eropa pada biru, ISX nyungsep sendiri. Indonesia a fail nation?

2008-07-17 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
MT Zen profesor geofisika yang produktif dng berbagai tulisan dari ITB
beberapa waktu lalu bicara tentang kecemasannya akan Indonesia sebagai
negeri dan bangsa gagal (failed state and nation).

   - Sajogyo, Pemikir
   - Satjipto, 33 Tahun Menulis
   - Soetandyo Wignyosoebroto: Orang Lupa Memperbaiki Hal-hal

Apakah anomali pasar saham itu simptom (gejala) dari observasi tersebut
diatas sedang berjalan?

Kesannya ngomong gini karena nyangkut,nyari kambing item, juga dari kemarin
banyak posting diberbagai milis saham yg dikatakan posting "orang stress"
Memang benar banyak yg kena jual-paksa akibat pemakaian margin trading
secara tidak terencana, reckless purchases.

Coba deh tanya ama broker broker Anda apa yg berlangsung 2 hari kemarin.

[image: Yahoo! Finance]
 Dow  *11,376.80* [image: Up] 137.52
(1.22%)Nasdaq  *2,310.74* [image: Up]
25.89 (1.13%)S&P 500  *1,254.30* [image:
Up] 8.94 (0.72%) 30-yr Bond 
*4.6370* [image:
Up] 0.0550 (1.20%)NYSE Volume  *
3,498,103.75*  0.00 (0.00%)Nasdaq Volume
 *1,957,187.88*  0.00 (0.00%) JSX  *
2,167.71* [image: Down] *50.41** **(2.27%*)

[obrolan-bandar] Waduh Fortis

2008-06-26 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Fortis Scraps $2 Billion Dividend, Plans to Sell Assets, Shares *

By Ben Livesey and Jurjen van de Pol

June 26 (Bloomberg) --
Belgium's biggest financial- services company, scrapped a 1.3 billion-euro
($2 billion) cash dividend and will sell shares and assets to shore up
capital as the earnings outlook deteriorates.

Fortis  slumped as
much as 12 percent to the lowest in five years after the company said today
in a statement it will raise 8 billion euros by selling stock and
``non-core'' assets such as real estate. It is eliminating the interim
dividend for the first time in at least three years.

Chief Executive Officer Jean-Paul
he needs to take ``exceptional measures'' because the business
environment won't improve anytime soon. Fortis is reeling after it spent 24
billion euros to buy part of Amsterdam-based ABN Amro Holding
NVin the biggest
banking takeover in history, just as the subprime mortgage
market collapsed.

``This will raise further questions about management's judgment,'' said Piers
head of European equities at WestLB Mellon Asset Management in London, who
helps oversee about $6 billion including Fortis stock. ``While the dividend
cut stabilizes the capital base, it raises questions about the quality of
the ABN Amro assets they bought.''

[obrolan-bandar] Fwd: Initiation report on MIRA

2008-06-25 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
 Please find attached our inititiation report on Mitra Rajasa (MIRA).

*Well-Oiled Transporter*

· *Coverage initiated with Buy and TP of Rp1,375 *

We initiate our coverage of Mitra Rajasa (MIRA), a land transportation and
oil & gas supporting company.  We believe there is sizable upside potential
in the share price from both valuation and earnings growth on the
acquisition of Apexindo, Indonesian drilling company. The upcoming earnings
consolidation will serve as the primary catalyst for the share price. Our
12-month DCF-based target price of Rp1,375 reflects this factor, and hence
our Buy recommendation with potential upside of 94%.

· *Solid earnings outlook*

We forecast MIRA will deliver strong earnings CAGR of 32 % over the next
three years (2008F-2010F). Specifically, for 2008, we expect the
consolidation of APEX's earning during Aug-Dec will drive ten-fold growth in
earnings. We forecast this will continue in 2009 onward as MIRA will start
to fully consolidate APEX's earnings. Multi-year contracts for rigs and FPSO
point to strong visibility of earnings.

· *The acquisition story to continue *

MIRA expects to take delivery of its second FPSO by 2010 with oil production
capacity of 40k bbl/day, double its first FPSO capacity of 20k bbl/day. The
management also intends to further expand its drilling business (APEX) by
acquiring additional rigs in the future. We take into account the second
FPSO into our earnings forecast but has yet to include earnings from
additional rigs.

· *Medium-term highly geared *

We expect the company will enter highly geared days in 2008-2009 as it
intends to finance the US$565mn acquisition via loan, CB and guaranteed
notes. We expect company's net gearing will increase from 0.5x in 2007 to
2.5x in 2008 before falling to 0.9x in 2009. We estimate the company will
use strong cash generation, dividend from subsidiaries and rights issue as
de-gearing efforts

· *Valuation and target price*

We use a DCF valuation method to value MIRA. We have assumed a WACC of 14.25
% and a conservative terminal EV/EBITDA of 4x for our DCF valuation to
arrive at our target price of Rp1,375. We think the market has yet to factor
in the full acquisition effect, as, on our numbers, MIRA's shares is now
trading  at a 46% discount to it peers valuation on 2009-PER basis.

Best regards,

*Arief Budiman*

Equity Analyst

[obrolan-bandar] fwd:Nickel Climbs to Three-Week High in Asia as BHP Shuts Smelter

2008-06-13 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Inco naik krn ini kelihatannya. Tapi disruption ini akan short live menurut
saya, anyway ride the bull aja.. Inco bagus koq.
*Nickel Climbs to Three-Week High in Asia as BHP Shuts Smelter

By Li Xiaowei

June 13 (Bloomberg) -- Nickel advanced for a second day to a three-week high
and is heading for the biggest weekly gain since September, after BHP
Billiton Ltd. said it will shut down facilities that produce about 2 percent
of world supply.

The earlier-than-planned rebuild of the Kalgoorlie smelter furnace will
reduce nickel sales by 28,000 metric tons, and the Kwinana refinery will be
closed during the overhaul, the Melbourne-based company said yesterday. BHP
is the world's third-largest producer of the metal used in stainless steel.

``The jump is unsustainable to me because demand is very poor,'' Kevin
an analyst at nickel trader Ningbo Sunhu Chem. Products Co., said by phone
from Ningbo today. ``There's hardly any change in fundamentals as everyone
had been expecting BHP's closure, except that it came a bit earlier than

Nickel for delivery in three months on the London Metal Exchange rose as
much as $320, or 1.3 percent, to $24,820 a ton, the highest intraday price
since May 22. It traded at $24,650 at 11:02 a.m. Shanghai time, after a 5.6
percent gain yesterday.

Nickel has climbed 15 percent since falling close to a two-year low on May
30, while stockpiles
of the metal
have fallen 10 percent since April 22 when they reached the
highest since 1999, according to LME data.

``We do not anticipate a sustained rally in nickel, although prices could
firm further in the short term'' following the BHP shutdown and lowered
output at Minara Resources
said Barclays Capital in an e-mailed report yesterday.

Minara, Australia's second-largest nickel producer, cut its output forecast
June 10 by as much as 23 percent following a power-supply accident. BHP was
also affected by the outage and natural gas used at Kalgoorlie will be
reallocated to the Worsley alumina refinery, the company said yesterday.

Nickel Demand

``LME nickel stocks remain hefty and demand conditions stemming from the
stainless steel market are still lackluster,'' said Barclays analysts,
including London-based Gayle
in the report.

Demand growth for stainless steel from China, the world's largest nickel
consumer, is slowing from a year ago as projects for the summer's Olympic
Games are completed and the leasing and sale of offices in major cities
slows, Jinchuan Group Ltd. said June 3.

Global demand for stainless steel will rise 12 percent this year to 1.56
million tons, after zero growth in 2007, while supply will increase 9
percent to 1.55 million tons, Merrill Lynch & Co said. May 30.

Among other LME traded metals, copper was 0.2 percent up at $7,852 a ton,
tin rose 1 percent to $21,300 after stockpiles fell to the lowest in almost
three years yesterday, zinc gained 1.1 percent to $1,890 and aluminum was
little changed at $2,947. Lead was untraded by 11:48 a.m. Shanghai time
after settling yesterday at $1,830 a ton.

To contact the reporter for this story: Li
Shanghai at
*Last Updated: June 13, 2008 00:02 EDT*

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Re: Mau tidak crash once more?

2008-06-06 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Dow 12,209.81-394.64-3.13%[image: Chart
for Dow] 

Nasdaq 2,474.56-75.38-2.96%[image:
Chart for Nasdaq] 
S&P 500 1,360.68-43.37-3.09%[image:
Chart for S&P 

2008/6/6 Pusat Dunia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> iya donk... kasih tau
> siapa tau aja bener. he..he
> dapet dari MAMA LAUREN ya ?
> --- On Fri, 6/6/08, Ally McProfit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> From: Ally McProfit <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> Subject: Re: [saham] Re: Mau tidak crash once more?
> Date: Friday, June 6, 2008, 3:22 PM
> Ihya pak,
> tgl main & jam pertunjukan- nya ya
> luv,
> ally
> --- oentoeng_qq  wrote:
> > --- saham@ yahoogroups. com, Elaine
> > >  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > *Biar seru saja. ^_^ this month maybe? Elaine
> > bosan..
> > > >
> > > > Elaine**
> > > > *
> > > >
> >
> > Emangnya Eloe aja yg tahu...LOL
> > Gimana kalau saya kasih tahu tanggalnya sekalian??
> > This month? Next week???
> > Hohoho...
> >
> > Good Luck!
> >
> >
> >

[obrolan-bandar] re:fw:DJ naik 200 point, plus 1.73%, serbbuuuu ISX

2008-06-05 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
 Market Summary
Dow *12,604.45**+213.97**+1.73%*[image:
Chart for Dow] 

*Thu 4:15pm ET*- Briefing.com
It was a big day in the stock market Thursday as a broad-based rally effort
followed some pleasing same-store sales reports for May, encouraging initial
News and Opinion Column
Top Stories
 As of *1 hour, 17 minutes ago*

*Stocks Soar, Dow Jumps 200

Wall Street rose sharply Thursday after investors got comforting news about
the economy -- some better-than-expected retail sales in May and a drop in
the number of laid-off workers seeking unemployment benefits.

   - Foreclosures Hit Record High -- and More
   - Verizon Wireless to Buy Alltel in $28.1 Bln
   - Jobless Claims Show Unexpected
   - Oil Jumps More Than $4 as Dollar
   - Analyst: Wachovia May Cut Dividend in
   - Broadcom Co-founder Faces Conspiracy, Drug
   - 'Simple Formula' Fuels the Best Hedge Fund You've Never Heard
   Tech Ticker
   - Secrets of the Oracle: Warren Buffett 'Goes Right Where the Agony
   Tech Ticker

 » View more top stories 

[obrolan-bandar] Oil Above $133, DJ dkk turun ampir 2%

2008-05-21 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
DJI, Nasdaq, SP500 semua tutup hampir 2%.. time to sell again.

*Wed 4:30pm ET*- Briefing.com
On Wednesday, the stock market posted a steep loss for the second straight
session. A lowered economic outlook at the Fed and a spike in crude prices
weighed on...
» Read more 

12,601.19-227.49-1.77%[image: Chart for

Nasdaq 2,448.27-43.99-1.77%[image:
Chart for Nasdaq] 

S&P 500 1,390.71-22.69-1.61%[image:
Chart for S&P 500] 

*Record Oil Prices, Dour Fed Forecast Slam

Wall Street sent the Dow Jones industrials hurtling down another 227 points
Wednesday, as record-high oil prices and a bleak economic assessment from
the Federal Reserve deepened investors' worry that Americans may face
several more months of rising costs and a shaky employment picture.

   - Oil Passes $133 After Govt. Reports Supply
   - Oil Surge Hurts Outlook For Stocks and
   - Fed: Slower Growth, Higher Unemployment in

12,601.19-227.49-1.77%[image: Chart for

[obrolan-bandar] Alert breaking news: Timah menabrak rekor tertinggi di London Metal Exchange.

2008-04-24 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Alert Berita di terima barusan jam 8:00 malam ini.
Tadi pagi jual lagi rame rame nya, dan beli lagih PT Timah di harga
menjelang tutup 33.000, mudah mudahan besok rebound ke 34000 dah..
Ini berita kiranya mendukung krn stok timah diketahui tinggal cukup 2 hari
pemakaian global siang siang di Bloomberg TV.

Om tante bandar sayah mah ngikut aja

.. mau baca lengkapnya cekrek aja yg digarisbiruin inih..

Metals - *Tin* hits record high in London; rebound in dollar keeps
Forbes, NY - 3 hours ago
LONDON (Thomson Financial) - *Tin* rose to a fresh record high in early
London trade on Thursday, but a rebound in the dollar has weighed across the
base *...*

[obrolan-bandar] Nikkei terjun bebas

2008-04-13 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Ngeri deh ngeliat Nikkei pagi ini

[image: Chart for NIKKEI 225 (^N225)]Index Value:*12,952.37*Trade Time:8:24PM
ETChange:[image: Down] 371.36 (2.79%)

[obrolan-bandar] Fwd: Are we in self denial?

2008-04-11 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Are we all in self denial, Buffet said it is a recession, so had Soros..?
Now grand oldman Greenspan spit it out too.
Global food price risen 57%, look at rice,wheat, corn.. just browse CNBC
Asia Grain of Truth, read Bloomberg that will be enough research of facts to
see yourself what is going on.

This is living a dangerous phase.. Food caused riots has risen significantly
in many countries.
World bank said because of sky rocketing food price, at least recently 100
million people already living in poverty will go deeper on a vicious circle
and that is including here in Indonesia and counting

I do think we are kiddin ourselves, trying to salvage what left on the
portfolios with those high prices.

GE is not a fly by night operator and they lost big time making the echo of
recession clear..

Be safe and care of your environment, society around you that is what we can
do for those can and willing to afford.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Tips CAra MemBlock USeless Mail

2008-01-19 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Betul sekali CGT, saya tambahin lagi tips utk memblokir yg sederhana.

Cara nya: saya perhatikan posting beberapa anggota yg sifatnya sampah melulu
dan saya klik button Report spam. Setelah 2 - 3 kali dilaporkan sbg spam
maka sejauh yg saya perhatikan efektif sekali Gmail ini. Entah di Yahoo mail
bisa ga (ada juga button spam reporting rasanya).

Jadi mail yg masuk di gmail saya pertama sudah terkelompok sendiri by
default dan kmd dng filtering spam tsb diatas, saya hanya menerima mail di
inbox yg sudah saya saring menurut kebutuhan saya.

Mudah mudahan ini membantu menekan "Informartion over-load"


2008-01-18 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
JUGA JANGAN sembarang percaya begitu saja pada posting posting yg seolah
pakar pakar, nabi, otoritas yg luar biasa di milis. Biasa kalu meleset cuman
enteng aja ngomong : PASAR ITU YG BENAR !! atau "SITUASI DI PASAR SANGAT
DINAMIS" dan klo pas bener wah koar koar seolah pang jagona.

Kita ga pernah tau apa agenda poster disini pula.

Kmd soal riset, ingat aja analis juga manusia dan mereka hanya membuat
berdasar apa fakta historis (atau ya kalau percaya itu "pesanan") dan FM
dari yg mengeluarkan riset adalah pedagang. Riset bisa dikeluarkan utk
mempengaruhi psikologi pasar.

Money knows no religion neither morality. JADI baca with a salt of grain
semua informasi yg dikemukakan entah itu riset entah itu "Pakar"

YG PENTING, anda membuat keputusan jual atau beli berdasar kompetensi Anda
dari berbagai masukan. DONT BE STUPID to eat all info with out carefully
chewing and digesting. SISO = Shit in shit out.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ANTM

2007-12-02 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Duh.. segitunya, banget banget pake coba coba nebar gini.
Kasian begitu desperatenya kah? Ck ck..ck.. Informasi ah jangan fiksi..


Re: Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: and TBUMI said CAPEK DECH........

2007-12-01 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Betul secara umum ada satu lagi aspek yg pernah disinggung sedikit disini.
Ingat pemilu udah dekat dan karena kontrol keuangan sekarang lebih
transparan dan ketat,
kemudian juga sumber dana partai skrg bersaing dibanyak partai yg mesti cari
donasi legal maka banyak juru duit partai sudah kontak dng pakar pakar
pengais dana yg ada di dlm partainya utk memikirkan bagaimana mengisi kas
partai utk dana kampanye. Sistim dng para "ahli" ini akan ya ga jauh jauh
bagi hasil.
Salah satu sumber yg dianggap bisa cepat adalah pasar modal krn saham saham
masih bisa digoreng dng lihay apalagi Bapepamnya masih memble gini.
Menurut info yg kayaknya ga terlalu salah dan dengar dengar emang thn 2008
ini masa yg akan fluktuatif tapi up-trend krn cawe cawe banyak tangan dan
kebutuhan cari dana ini.

On Dec 1, 2007 9:24 PM, Sutikno Tikno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Kayaknya posting P TBumi gak terlalu salah
> krn ada temen yg kebtetulan ada di ESDM infonya
> jg dah pada rame buy saham antm
> Maklum mereka kan juga butuh duwit, palagi jelang
> 2009 kyknya ada aja yng bermain di antm ama btel
>  setuju Pak Tbumi
> - Pesan Asli 
> Dari: tbumi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Terkirim: Sabtu, 1 Desember, 2007 10:54:29
> Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Re: and TBUMI said CAPEK DECH
>  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com,
> "Sparrow" 
> wrote:
> >
> > Buat para ANTMER, cool aj menz.
> > Bukannya kemarin waktu Antm break di 3500,4000 ,
> > semua juga puyeng, jadi insomia, pelotoin gold and nikel trus.
> > But then everything going fine aj kan.
> > Gold turun skrg kan lantaran terimbas oil <90, entar kalo
> > bernake cut rate 11 nov, yg first jump ya gold price juga kan?
> > Ingat juga Newmont udah nolak jual ke bumi, then.?
> >
> > Lihat aj entar ANTM go to 6000, then koreksi semua teriak-2 lagi.
> dst...
> >
> > ps..Tommorow is OPM day (PAPUA) and Freeport in PAPUA too, so..?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> ANTM mempunyai target utk memperluas tambang emas, tentu
> sebelumnya rencana ini sudah dpt lampu hijau dari pihak
> ESDM, karena pemerintah kan pemegang saham terbesar di
> Setahu kami, Newmont tak setuju dgn perusahaan nasional
> yg ditunjuk oleh pemda setempat. Pihak Newmont mau tunggu
> jawaban dari pusat. Kalau jawaban dari pusat, ya sudah
> pasti di tangan ANTM.
> --
> Kunjungi halaman depan Yahoo! 
> Indonesiayang
>  baru!

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: SELL MIRA NOW

2007-11-21 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Bought MIRA at 435 today and just sell it at  565,
BEJ TRader did u buy at 680?NO Wonder.. you are so bitter

On 11/22/07, tuangede <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The ride is heavier now right?  What can you do?  Somebody knows
> about your plan
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "BEJ Trader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Folks,
> >
> > I've been watching MIRA for few days.and
> > the result is the company DOES NOT have enough money
> > to BRING the price UP. tomorrow will be a GREAT DISASTER...
> > the price will go down below 600.
> > TODAY, BIG PLAYER out from MIRA, including ME (XL).
> > SEE the TOP SELLER, CM, they should be the STAND BY BUYER,
> > but they sold their stocks during these few daysWHY ?
> >
> > Regards,
> >

Re: [obrolan-bandar] MISSILE 3 = Uncle's SNOWBALL vs DANCING WITH WOLVES

2007-11-15 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Unfortunately emang milis ini keliatannya bukan buat pemula.. ada milis
junior trader bisa dicari di google atau yahoo mas.
Mungkin disana lebih enak krn emang ditujukan utk pemula.

On Nov 16, 2007 11:25 AM, bob anti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   wah..bahasanya terlalu tinggi
> tidak mengerti


2007-11-13 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Tadi ketangkep plokis di harmoni,
lupa itu masih 3 in one.. wuih banyak dan rajin rajin plokisnya, ada 20
orang kalee.. seneng liat orang rajin saya.

Saya kepinggir lah sbg warga yg menurut sama pelindung masyarakat.

"Pak anda melanggar 3-in-1 krn sekarang baru jam 9:57"
"Wah iya kurang 3 menit ya pak. Baik pak, ini SIM, STNK saya, minta lembar
tilang biru biar saya bayar langsung; saya ngaku salah"
"Wah udah 5 tahun ga ada lagi pak lembar biru sesuai perintah Kapolda"
"Kata milis obrolan bandar mesti ada pak.."
"Bapak mau kumplein silahkan"
Kring kring hape bunyi

Broker nyerocos: TLKM turun, index ancur, mau gimana pak? Saya separuh
terperanjat gemeter wah rugi nih TLKM mana belinya banyak 1 lot lagi," wah
TLKM ancur?"
Abis itu, terus ga bisa berenti tuh broker ngasih tahu ini itu.. saya
separuh dengar separuh nyodorin tangan nunggu lembar biru jadi ga ngomong
ama plokisnya

Eh tiba tiba SIM STNK saya dipulangin dia langsung pegi.. kali dengar TLKM
turun dia mau cepetan "sell" apa cut loss apa mau beli mumpung murah?
Whatever, bottom line terima kasih atas info tenda biru eh lembar
birunya...manjur boss dan gw ga kena tilang. KAli ngeliat SIM gw dari
Cikonde dia ga nepsong

Sdr Kapolda apa benar sdr mengatakan lembar biru sudah tidak ada. Tlg
dijawab dimilis ya

Re: [obrolan-bandar] MIRA again

2007-11-13 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Boss BEJ Trader,

mau nanya dng rights di exercise jadi berapa harganya MIRA? Tau ga cara
ngitungnya boss?
Mohon petuah dari boss.

On Nov 13, 2007 4:19 PM, BEJ Trader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Dear Folks,
> As I said before, MIRA will NOT be able to break 500
> now you see what happened with MIRA
> GOES TO HELL.anybody who still hold MIRA, feel free to
> send a FU*K message to the COMPANY.
> the investor ONLY GET SHIT..SHIT and ONLY SHIT.
> Regards,


2007-11-08 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Dieser Aufstellungsort ist für Indonesier, gefällt so verwenden andere
Sprache nicht als Zeichen von gute Ethik und Weise. Wir werden nicht mit
dieser Eintragung, Sie können es auf setzen falsche milis beeindruckt.

Milis ini utk orang Indonesia jadi utk etika dan tata krama sebaiknya
ditulis dlm bahasa Indonesia.
Mungkin posting ini dimaksud utk milis lain salah masuk aja.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] ANTM break otu buyyy

2007-11-07 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
ANTM break out tuh.. beli di 3950an dan target pendek 4500, panjang 5500
happy profit. barang bagus barang bagus

Re: [obrolan-bandar] MARKET INSTINCT. Kosong itu isi, isi itu kosong

2007-11-03 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Saya pikir ini ada juga kemungkinan taktis dari market maker (bandar).
Pake ilmu Suntzu yg dikisahkan di tjerita silat dulu.
Kosong itu isi, isi itu kosong, kosong itu kosong, isi itu isi..

Jumat semua ketakutan akan crash krn DJ Kamis merah darah eh kaga kejadian
yg drastis..

Kemungkinan dibiarkan terlena apalagi liat DJ Jumat hijau pupus pucuk cau..

Feeling (gut) bisa kejadian Senin ditarik tinggi pagi dan laler laler pada
nyerbu ke lampu templok yg menari nari indah...trek trek trek kebakar

Whatever, being prudent is wise.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] TLKM TP 9650 by CS, To: Kang_Ocoy

2007-10-30 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Apapun mungkin terjadi dng saham. Volatilitas harga adalah salah satu
cirinya. Kalau issue soal SLJJ, saja bikin trader kecemasan palagi kalau
ditambah financial report, inflasi Indonesia, resesi dunia di masukkan
(factor in).


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: The reason behind the Nuke fear...

2007-10-28 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Sorry mbah, saya terpaksa komentar..
Posting spt ini tidak ada manfaat, one liner dan tidak ada arti apa apa.
Baiknya kita hindari posting spt ini.

On 10/28/07, Saham Multikartu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *jsx_consultant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Psikologi: Trader sukses dan UNTA masuk lobang jarum .....Re: Teknik BUAYA ...

2007-10-28 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Pintar secara intelegensia blm tentu pintar atau cerdas atau mampu secara
emosional, moral dan sosial.
Padahal manusia itu adalah binatang sosial.
Ada banyak posting disini yg demikian bisa terbaca dng mudah dari pemilihan
kata kata nya.

Jadi biar pinter kmlinter tapi tetap aja ke jedot.


[obrolan-bandar] Re: TINS akan diatas Rp.20.000?

2007-10-28 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Kalau liat trend di TA komoditasnya sih kayanya emang iya, demikian juga

Coba analisa sendiri dan kasih komentar. Baca apa arti RSI nya disitu dan
stokastiknya. Liat juga grafik tahunannya selain grafik 3 bln utk timah.
Sayang grafik ini tidak bisa di coba coba lagi krn sudah fix dari sononya.
Tapi mayan lah buat nambah analisa fundamental dari komoditas ini dari sisi
TA barang ini.
Selamat menganalisis,


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[obrolan-bandar] ASXMSN: Surging economic growth in China driving global demand for metals

2007-10-28 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
China is driving metal: Rio Tinto
Friday Oct 26 11:13 AEST

Rio Tinto Plc sees surging economic growth in China driving global demand
for metals and the big miner expects its $US38.1 billion ($A42.27 billion)
takeover of aluminum producer Alcan Inc to help it profit from the trend.

"We see the same demands trends in steel and in copper as we do in
aluminum," Rio Tinto Chief Executive Tom Albanese told Reuters in an
interview on Thursday.

Rising standards of living in China and India and the countries' voracious
appetite for metals are a key part of the rationale for Rio Tinto's
acquisition of Montreal-based Alcan, Albanese said.

Alcan joined Rio Tinto on Thursday as 79.4 per cent of its shares were
tendered to the London-based miner's friendly $101 a share offer. Rio
Tinto's bid was extended to November 8 to acquire the remaining Alcan

The acquisition makes Rio Tinto the world's largest aluminum producer, ahead
of Russia's UC Rusal.

While the Alcan deal grabbed headlines, Rio Tinto has also been investing in
its copper and iron ore assets to tap demand growth for steel and copper,
Albanese said.

So far, China has been matching its demand for aluminum with domestic supply
from new smelters and the return of idled smelting capacity, but Albanese
figures it will run out of headroom as domestic power supplies reach their
limit in supplying the power-hungry sector.

"Once these big power-intensive potlines come up against lots of people
needing that power, the people are usually winning, and that's a global
phenomenon," he said.

Another area where power supply issues loom large for big industry is South
Africa, where Rio Tinto inherited the $US2.7 billion ($A3 billion) Coega
aluminum smelter project from Alcan.

Customers of Eskom, South Africa's publicly owned power company, have had to
cut back their electricity use as the utility uses rolling brownouts to meet
residential needs.

Albanese said he has sought assurances from Eskom that it can supply the
power needed for the proposed smelter, which would have an annual capacity
of 720,000 tonnes.

"I have already met with the senior management of Eskom about the importance
of not only getting contractual assurance - I want to see some physical
assurance: lots of power plants being built, lot of transmission towers
being built," he said.

Alcan signed a long term energy agreement in November 2006 for Eskom to
supply electricity for the smelter.

Flanked during the interview by Alcan CEO Dick Evans, who becomes CEO of Rio
Tinto Alcan with the takeover, Albanese, 50, declined to comment on
speculation that Rio Tinto itself might be a takeover target for a rival
such as BHP Billiton .

He said Rio Tinto is forging ahead with plans to cut its $46.3 billion debt
load by divesting more than $US10 billion ($A11.09 billion) of assets,
including Alcan's packaging business.

"We are generating roughly $1 billion a month of cash flow, which certainly
helps towards paying down the debt, and this will be nicely supplemented
with those asset sales," he said.

Rio Tinto's London-listed shares rose 3.6 per cent to 4,235 pence on
Thursday. Alcan shares were flat at $100.92 in New York and down 25 Canadian
cents at C$97.51 in Toronto.

(c)AAP 2007

[obrolan-bandar] Platts: What's moving the Market last Friday?

2007-10-28 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
20r -Oc-ob


Request For Trial   The
base metal complex was indicated higher in London morning trade on Friday
with "significant volumes" of copper and aluminium going through the LME
Select system, a London-based trader said. He noted that about 1,929 mt of
copper and 1,920 mt of aluminium had been through the system, which "for
this time in the morning" was considerable.

"We are seeing a bit of short-covering and there may be a bit more of a run
up to be had," he said, adding that despite the stronger floor trade closes
on Thursday, trade had been "as dull as dishwater."

He said that there was some action expected later in the day when the US
came in, and there would probably be an attempt to set the complex up for a
strong start on Monday. He said even though the complex had gained ground on
Thursday, despite the weak US trade data released, it did not necessarily
mean the consolidation phase for metals was over.
"Bad US data knocked the dollar down, which has boosted metals, gold and
oil," he said.

"This morning everyone is trying to figure out if the market has run out of
steam," the trader said, adding however that the fourth quarter outlook for
copper was quite good. "It is further forward than that when it gets a bit
hazy," he said, adding that zinc was also "probably due a last hurrah."
Copper was bid at $7,808/mt at 0927 GMT on Friday, up $43 from its Thursday
close, while aluminium inched up $3 to $2,517/mt. Zinc was indicated at
$2,885/mt at 0927 GMT on Friday morning up $20 from its previous close.

Basemetals.com analyst William Adams said in a report Friday that after days
consolidating at lower numbers, Thursday's trading on the LME "at last
looked as though the consolidation phase had run its course and that the
metals were even contemplating rising off their recent lows." He noted too
that since this had happened despite a slew of bad US economic data, it was
even more suggestive that sentiment may have turned.

Adams noted that the up tick in the metals had lasted "even though Wall
Street was in negative territory for most of [Thursday], but adding fuel to
the metals was a stronger oil price...and gold challenging its highs just
below $770/oz." He added that the markets were looking bullish, which for
the equities seemed to be on the back of further Fed rate cut hopes.

Meanwhile, lead also gained in morning trade, up $42 to $3,642/mt.

Nickel was also indicated higher at $31,850/mt, up $250 from Thursday's
close. Tin was up $150 to $16,400/mt at 0927 GMT.

There were no bids available for aluminium alloy and North American alloy
after both contracts went untraded on Thursday. UBS said in a report Friday
morning that copper had been tracking crude oil and the macro environment,
but could see a bounce to $7,850/mt as long as $7,700/mt holds, while
support for aluminium was evident $2,485-95/mt.

This commentary was first published in Platts Metals Alert. If you have any
feedback about this commentary or want to find out more about Platts Metals
products and services, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Updated: October 26, 2007

 This content first appears in Platts *Metals
*. Platts Metals Alert is the metal industry's leading real-time data feed
service. It provides continuous breaking Metals news from the editors
of *Platts
Metals Week*, a long-term global team of metals specialists dedicated
exclusively to metals reporting, 24-hours-a-day.

Copyright (c) 2007 - Platts, All Rights Reserved
[image: The McGraw-Hill Companies]

Re: [obrolan-bandar] To : Potato Trader

2007-10-24 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
What a pity... did you have a sorrow life out of the mailing list? I do hope

Will hope and pray you got some happiness if you do have a tough life there.
Take care Ellen of your goodselves. Arrogance on a nick usually carry to
real life too.. be nice it is better life.
best regards, ciao

Re: OOT mimpi RE: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ONE more chance

2007-10-22 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Hmmm..banyakan yang ikutan lari angkat sarong deh kayanya panik kagak

Kalau mau balek ke thn 45, bangkitkan nasionalisme melawan penjajahan
(neo-kolonialisme) didlm diri kita sendiri.

Dimain mainin kaya mahluk Ellen ini adalah karena salah dewe mas.

Mental mental inlander yg mau cepat kaya jalan gampang, korupsi yg membuat
kesengsaraan universal itu membuat manusia spt Ellen Ellen ini bisa
mempermainkan negeri dan bangsa ini.

Jangan pake nasionalisme sempit romantik dan nostalgila bambu runcing lagi.
Musuh sudah malih warna malih rupa dan ganti senjata bung.

Kemerdekaan ditangan kita masing masing sekarang. Mau merdeka dari Ellen
Ellen, LCY et al ya saingin otak dan kompetensinya.

[obrolan-bandar] Hore hore ... Dow ijo di pasar mabok

2007-10-22 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Market Summary
13,566.97+44.95+0.33%[image: Chart for
2,753.93+28.77+1.06%[image: Chart for
1,506.33+5.70+0.38%[image: Chart for S&P
10 Yr 
4.3930%-0.0080[image: Chart for 10 Yr

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Stocks End Volatile Session Higher
Monday October 22, 5:36 pm ET
By Madlen Read, AP Business Writer
Stocks Reverse Losses, Finish Higher Amid Strength in Technology Sector and
Bargain Hunting NEW YORK (AP) -- Wall Street finished a back-and-forth
session higher Monday as investors overcame some of their nervousness about
the credit markets and uneven earnings and found solace in the technology

Several companies including drug maker Merck & Co. reported decent
third-quarter results, but investors were unhappy with rival drug maker
Schering Plough Corp.'s results. They were also mindful of the downbeat
profit outlooks from several blue chip companies last week.

Still, after an early slide, the market seemed to grow optimistic about
Apple Inc.'s earnings, which did top Wall Street's expectations when the
company reported after the closing bell. The eager anticipation of the
report sent tech stocks higher, and by early afternoon, other stocks were
tagging along.

Disappointing earnings and Standard & Poor's downgrade of another series of
mortgage-backed securities sent stocks plunging Friday, taking the Dow Jones
industrials down 366 points.

"It is not unusual for a big down day to be followed by an up day. I think
the bargain hunters are out there," said Brian Gendreau, investment
strategist for ING Investment Management. "It seems there's fairly strong
demand out there, despite all the bloodletting on Friday."

He noted that while some big-name companies' results have disappointed Wall
Street, about two-thirds of earnings so far have beat estimates and outlooks
remain upbeat for the technology and health care sectors.

The Dow rose 44.95, or 0.33 percent, to 13,566.97, after falling more than
100 points early in the session.

Broader stock indicators finished higher, with tech stocks leading. The S&P
500 index rose 5.70, or 0.38 percent, to 1,506.33, and the
technology-dominated Nasdaq composite index rose 28.77, or 1.06 percent, to

The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies added 11.29, or 1.41 percent, to

Advancing issues outnumbered decliners by about 9 to 7 on the New York Stock
Exchange, where volume came to 1.39 billion shares, compared with
1.79billion shares traded Friday.

Treasury bonds were little changed after Friday's steep gains. The yield on
the 10-year note, which moves inversely to its price, was flat at 4.40percent.

On Friday -- the 20-year anniversary of the Black Monday crash -- investors
sold off stocks and bought up safer assets like U.S. Treasury bonds as the
prospect of a thaw in the frozen credit markets grew dimmer.

Though the major U.S. stock indexes showed signs of strength Monday, there
are still big worries on Wall Street about how problems in the financial
markets might drag on corporate and economic growth -- concerns that make
the record highs reached last week by the Dow and the Standard & Poor's 500
index appear unreasonable.

"It may take a little time here, a week or two, of trying to heal," said
Steven Goldman, chief market strategist at Weeden & Co.

Overseas markets were unsettled, responding to Friday's drop on Wall Street.
In Asian trading, Japan's Nikkei stock average declined 2.24 percent, while
Hong Kong's Hang Seng index dropped 3.7 percent. In later European trading,
Britain's FTSE 100 fell 1.05 percent, G

[obrolan-bandar] DJ - 2.64% whoa

2007-10-19 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Weekend ulcer invoked..
13,522.02-366.94-2.64%[image: Chart for

Stocks Slump; Dow Falls Over 360 Points
Friday October 19, 4:16 pm ET
By Tim Paradis, AP Business Writer
Stocks Fall Sharply Amid Lackluster Profit Reports, Credit Concerns NEW YORK
(AP) -- The Dow Jones industrial average dropped more than 360 points Friday
-- the anniversary of the Black Monday crash 20 year ago -- as renewed
credit concerns, lackluster corporate earnings, and rising oil prices
spooked investors.

The market turned sharply lower in late afternoon when Standard & Poor's
again reduced its ratings on residential mortgage-backed securities. The
latest reduction, on more than 1,400 types of securities, added to investors
unease about credit quality.

In addition, mixed results from Dow components Caterpillar Inc., Honeywell
Inc., and 3M Co. gave investors little incentive to take chances on the
market. And oil prices added to investors' list of concerns after briefly
moving above the psychological barrier of $90 per barrel for the first time.

In one bright spot, Google Inc. reported stronger-than-expected profits,
drawing a number of analyst upgrades.

"I was not surprised there was some correction, given our expectation that
earnings growth was going to fall short of expectations," said Alan Gayle,
senior investment strategist, director of asset allocation for Trusco
Capital Management.

"I think stock analysts were slow to incorporate the impact of the subprime
crisis on third-quarter earnings," he added.

According to preliminary calculations, the Dow fell 366.94, or 2.64 percent,
to 13,522.02. The Dow was down for the fifth straight session.

Broader stock indicators also fell. The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell
39.45, or 2.56 percent, to 1,500.63, and the Nasdaq composite index dropped
74.15, or 2.65 percent, to 2,725.16. The Nasdaq fell below the noteworthy
technical level of 2,750, adding to selling pressure.

Friday's pullback pales in comparison to what traders on the floor of the
New York Stock Exchange had to contend with 20 years ago. On Oct. 19, 1987
-- Black Monday -- the Dow plunged 23 percent amid concerns about interest
rates and slowing economic growth. A decline of similar proportion given the
market's current levels would mean a drop of some 3,000 points.

[obrolan-bandar] DJI naik dikit aja sideways flat

2007-10-18 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
 [image: Yahoo!
 Back to 
   Stocks little changed after BofA report

By JOE BEL BRUNO, AP Business Writer* 9 minutes ago*

Wall Street pared its losses to finish mostly flat Thursday but remained
uneasy after disappointing results from Bank of America Corp. provided
further evidence that the credit crisis is hurting the economy.

The Dow Jones industrial average, which fell as much as 60 points early in
the session, rebounded as bargain hunters entered the market, betting
Thursday's dismal data could convince the Federal Reserve to lower rates

Still, investors remained spooked after BofA — considered a bellwether for
the banking industry because it has branches across the country — said
"significant dislocations" in the capital markets sent third-quarter profits
down 32 percent. Citigroup Inc. and Washington Mutual Inc. reported similar
results in recent days.

Banks and brokerages have been hurt during the third quarter in the fallout
from the subprime mortgage crisis. As people with weak credit defaulted on
loans at an alarming rate, it triggered a global aversion for risk that led
the credit markets to freeze up.

Treasurys rallied and the dollar fell to a new low against the euro after
the Labor Department said the number of newly laid off workers filing claims
for unemployment benefits shot up last week by the largest amount since
February. The report was far worse than economists expected, and signaled
that the labor market could be starting to weaken from a downturn in housing
and the global credit turmoil.

"There are so many factors going on right now between the dollar getting
crushed, oil moving higher, and news out of the banking sector," said Greg
Church, chief investment officer of Church Capital Management. "Yet, it is
amazing to me that this market continues to lift its head. The market came
back somewhat because there's that whole camp that thinks any bad news is
good news that the Fed will lower rates."

The Dow fell 3.58, or 0.03 percent, to 13,888.96.

Broader indexes finished mixed. The Standard & Poor's index fell 1.16, or
0.08 percent, to 1,540.08, while the technology-heavy Nasdaq composite index
added 6.64, or 0.24 percent, to 2,799.31. Tech shares have outperformed this
week as some investors lately regard profits at some of these companies to
better withstand an economic slowdown.

The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which moves inversely to
prices, fell to 4.50 percent from 4.55 percent late Wednesday. Treasury
prices rose again after rallying sharply Wednesday amid growing signs of
trouble in the housing sector.

Also, the Philadelphia Federal Reserve reported that its October
manufacturing index came in weaker than expected. The report showed a
slowdown in growth for the regional economy, and some inflationary

Sluggish economic data could help motivate the U.S. Federal Reserve to cut
interest rates at its Oct. 30-31 meeting. Central bankers cut rates by a
half point at their September meeting.

Oil prices continued their advance amid further tensions between Turkey and
Kurdish rebels in Northern Iraq. Light, sweet crude rose $2.07 to settle at
a record $89.47 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Disappointing results from BofA made some investors wary about quarterly
results yet to arrive.

"Washington Mutual and Bank of America announcements reminds people that
there is a housing issue out there, and that its tough to analyze on how bad
it can get before it gets better," said John C. Forelli, portfolio manager
for Independence Investment. "What we need is some confidence that other
parts of the economy are reaccelerating as a result of the rate cuts."

Technology could be one bright for uneasy investors Friday. After Thursday's
closing bell, Google Inc. posted a 46 percent jump in its third-quarter
profit, topping the big expectations that have elevated the Internet search
leader's stock price by more $100 during the past month. Google, which ended
the regular session up $6.14 at $639.62, rose in heavy after-hours trading.

About 60 members of the Standard & Poor's 500 index have reported quarterly
results so far this week. Most of the attention has been on the nation's
biggest banks, which reported mostly disappointing results on write-downs
from leveraged loans, mortgages, and consumer credit.

Bank of America fell $1.18, or 2.4 percent, to $48.85.

Washington Mutual tumbled $2.55, or 7.7 percent, to $30.52 after it reported
quarterly profit plunged 72 percent. The stock hit a 52-week low of $30; its
previous low was $31.27.

E-Trade Financial Corp. late Wednesday reported an unexpected loss because
of its exposure to credit markets. The discount brokera

Re: [obrolan-bandar] TMPI jadi MERCEDEZ

2007-10-18 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Mercedez CLK atau Mercedez jendela 18, follow the bandar (market maker) with
lots of agility and caution.
It your money, just do it with care.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] BOZZ: Berbahagialah engkau yang PERCAYA tanpa MELIHAT

2007-10-15 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
MBah, (sambil nyanyi jingle nya):

   - BD? Ga ada lo ga rameee


[obrolan-bandar] fw:re:Buy INCO target for tomorrow 72~73k

2007-10-02 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Buy INCO break out :cfm darvas, with volume.. target price 75000~88000

Indonesia's Inco to resume construction of Karebbe power project

JAKARTA (Thomson Financial) - Nickel miner PT International Nickel Indonesia
(Inco) said Tuesday it will shortly resume the construction of its 280
million US dollar Karebbe hydroelectric project in South Sulawesi following
approval from its board of commissioners.

The project was suspended in January last year pending finalization of the
terms of the forestry permit.
Early last month, the company secured government permission to use a
forested area next to its concession area for construction of the plant.

Upon completion of the project in 2010, Inco said its output of nickel will
increase to 200 million pounds from the 60-165 million pounds forecast for
this year.

The company also said the plant will increase its hydroelectric generation
capacity by 90 megawatts or 33 percent.

(1 US dollar = 9,101 rupiah)


disclaimer on

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Analisa DE : Senin atau Selasa tembus 2400

2007-09-29 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Simple saja, pemilu butuh duit banyak buat yang mau investasi kursi entah
DPR, Presiden dll.

Dulu ingat ga enteng aja gaji anggota Korpri disunut panjang panjang
dijadikan sumber dana .. tentu juga lewat berbagai yayasan sampai ke pernah
salah satu pemilu, monopoli import obat Tiongkok oleh salah satu kontestan.

Saat ini keadaan makin sophisticated, masyarakat makin kritis tentu
penggalangan dana mesti cantik mainnya dan legitimate. Jadi salah satu
kendaraan yang menarik dan bisa di"rekayasa" adalah instrumen ekuitas.

Dogma "Your loss is my gain.."
Jadi duit duit Anda yang akan disedot utk kampanye kampanye. Fund Manager
banyak yang di approach utk strategi galang dana ini.


2007-09-29 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
 Sekali waktu, kata sahibul hikayat, konon sempat kami jalan jalan kaki di
dusun dusun. Banyak rumah dusun yg asri dan sepadan dng alam sekitarnya.
Namun kadang tiba tiba aja ada rumah dibuat "modern" sesuai sinetron kata yg
punya, dan keramik ubin kamar mandi dipasang rapih jali di tembok luar

Ya itu akibat modernisasi. Ada yg sanggup beli kramik internet tapi dikira
"keramik ubin dapur"

Mudah mudahan ntar brubah ya kramik dapur dipasang di dapur, yg kamar mandi
ya mbok dipasang disono juga tul ga mas EWW dan mas Yunus



On 9/30/07, yunus_1689 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 3 JUDI
> Catatan Moderator:
> - Lower case PLEASE, it is very IRRITATING...
> - Pergunakan HURUF BESAR seperlunya kecuali tombol CAPS LOCK
> keyboard anda macet...
>  __
> ._,___

[obrolan-bandar] Tentang harga nikel

2007-09-27 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
 Naik terus mestinya harga Inco, Antam ya. Gimana pendapat yang lain?

*Nickel prices likely to bounce back on growing demand from the stainless
steel sector*   *India - 2007 September 26*

Prices of nickel are likely to bounce back to $35,000 a ton on the LME and
Rs 1,400 a kg on the MCX on growing demand from the stainless steel sector,
according to the latest report by India Infoline. Nickel on the LME is
currently quoted at $32,650 a ton, while it trades at Rs 1,298 a kg on the

The report said the nickel market would remain in short supply due to
continued strikes at mines. Consumers are, therefore, shifting from
ferronickel to nickel produced from pig iron.

The bullishness in the last couple of years has been due to an unmatched
surge in nickel consumption, the booming Chinese demand and under-investment
in new capacities. The nickel price averaged at $40,890 a ton for the year
till September, 68 per cent higher than the CY06 average price.

In the last eighteen months, nickel produced from pig iron has plugged the
gap between demand and supply. In CY06, nickel production from pig iron was
40,000 tons, reducing the global demand-supply deficit to 45,000 tons.

Nickel production from pig iron ore is expected to rise to 100,000 tons in
CY07 and 140,000 tons in CY08.

China is currently the only country known to be producing nickel pig iron.
The product is not exported since it attracts a 10 per cent export tax. In
an attempt to contain costs, some stainless steel producers in China are
using nickel pig iron as a partial substitute for refined nickel or
ferronickel to offset high nickel prices. Nickel pig iron is cheaper than
conventional ferronickel.

Nickel pig iron is consumed primarily in the production of 200 series
stainless steels, which have lower nickel content than the 300 series. In
the short term, the nickel pig iron production capacity could replace up to
100,000 tons of nickel, mainly in the production of the lower grade 200
series stainless steels. However, increased use of nickel pig iron is not
expected to result in a reduction in the overall demand for nickel.

Source: *Business Standard*

[obrolan-bandar] Nikel naik ke 31750 hari ini- buy ANTM, INCO

2007-09-18 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
Nickel Jumps Most Since April as China's Use Grows; Lead Gains

By Chanyaporn Chanjaroen

Sept. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Nickel in London jumped 6 percent, the most in five
months, on demand growth in China, the largest consumer of the metal used in
stainless steel. Copper and lead also gained.

Jinchuan Group Co., Asia's biggest nickel producer, raised its price for a
second time this month on demand from Chinese steelmakers. China's nickel
use jumped 35 percent in the seven months ended July 31, Macquarie Bank Ltd.
said, citing International Nickel Study Group data.

``The market seems to focus more on what's going on in China than the rest
of the world,'' Max Layton, an analyst at Macquarie in London, said in a
telephone interview.

Nickel for delivery in three months on the London Metal Exchange gained
$1,750 to close at $30,750 a ton. The percentage gain was the biggest since
April 3. The price earlier reached $31,000, the highest since Aug. 1.

The metal has gained 24 percent from this year's low of $24,800 on Aug. 16.
Demand has declined demand in Western Europe and other Asian countries,
where steelmakers have continued to cut production and reduce nickel
purchases, Layton said.

Output beat usage by 49,000 tons this year through July, Layton said, citing
data from the Lisbon-based study group. Stockpiles monitored by the LME fell
6 tons today to 29,958 tons, the first decline since the end of August. They
have more than tripled this year.

Interest Rate Cut

The Federal Reserve lowered its benchmark interest rate by a half point,
more than economists forecast, to 4.75 percent, hoping to keep the U.S. from
sinking into a recession sparked by fallout from the housing-market

``A constructive Federal Open Market Committee policy statement and interest
rate cut are likely to see a knee-jerk bounce in base metals,'' Robin Bhar,
an analyst at UBS AG in London, said in a report before the Fed
announcement. ``We doubt this can be sustained given the worries over the
macro environment.''

A larger-than-expected rate cut may signal an economic slowdown, which would
hurt metals demand, said Michael Jansen, an analyst at JPMorgan Securities

Workers at Southern Copper Corp.'s operations in Peru will vote tomorrow and
Sept. 20 on whether to strike after failing to reach an agreement on wage
increases, smelter union General Secretary Arnaldo Oviedo said yesterday.

``Talks have failed and a strike appears practically inevitable,'' Oviedo
said. ``The company has kicked over the chessboard.'' Alberto Giles, a
spokesman for Phoenix-based Southern Copper, the world's fifth-largest
producer of the metal, declined to comment.

Five-Week Walkout

Strikes have cut copper output in Peru, Chile and Mexico, helping to spur a
19 percent rally in prices this year. Workers at three of Southern Copper's
mines in Mexico have been on strike since July 30, and contract workers at
Chile's Codelco, the world's biggest copper producer, ended a five-week
walkout on Aug. 1.

Copper gained $85, or 1.1 percent, to $7,585 a ton in London.

LME data show lead has become less available after stockpiles fell to a
17-year low. Metal for immediate delivery traded at a premium of $85 a ton
above the benchmark three-month price, the highest since Oct. 13.
Inventories fell 2.5 percent to 22,175 tons, the lowest since March 16,

Demand for lead, used in car batteries, beat production by 27,000 tons in
the seven months through July, the International Lead and Zinc Study Group
said yesterday.

The three-month lead contract climbed $10, or 0.3 percent, to $3,140 a ton.
Tin gained $160, or 1.1 percent, to $15,010 a ton, and zinc climbed $60, or
2.2 percent, to $2,840 a ton. Aluminum increased $12, or 0.5 percent, to
$2,407 a ton.

To contact the reporter on this story: Chanyaporn Chanjaroen in London at
*Last Updated: September 18, 2007 15:18 EDT*

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[obrolan-bandar] Nikel pun tembus US$ 30.000 (pembeli 3 bulan)

2007-09-02 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria
http://www.lme.com/nickel.asp, pantesan INCO meluncur naek terus ya.. ah
beli lagi mau nambah portofolio ini..

LME Official Prices (US$/tonne) for 31 Aug 2007 (Data >1 day old) ** *

LME Official Opening Stock (in tonnes)

   * * *NICKEL** CASH BUYER*   30,200.00  * CASH SELLER &
 SETTLEMENT *   30,250.00  * 3-MONTHS BUYER*   30,150.00  * 3-MONTHS
SELLER*   30,200.00  * 15-MONTHS BUYER *   29,975.00  * 15-MONTHS
SELLER *   30,075.00  * 27-MONTHS BUYER *   28,925.00  * 27-MONTHS
SELLER *   29,025.00* DATE*  * NICKEL **  31 Aug 2007 (Data
>1 day old)  *  24126

Re: [obrolan-bandar] ANTM : Last call to check out

2007-01-28 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria

Good morning,

Let see today if this ANTM are goin to shoot thru the rooo the moon
(borrowing pak Busur fave buzz word) together with INCO, TINS, MEDC, PGAS.

Seems the mining sector is very strong motivational factor with  Nikel price
creeping on to higher ground, so is tin price.
Oil settle higher as well last Friday on the news. China in desparation for
failing to cool down their economic growth last year more than 10% GDP
rising up, more raw materials will be needed for their production line.

JSX bounced back from Resistence line as well.

Are we seeing blue today pak FS, pak Sudes?

Or the contrarian bozzes says otherwise, everybody predict rebound I will
kick some ass tak guyuren the market?

Another exciting day to come.

On 1/26/07, Frederick Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ANTAM closed higher..pakhehehehe
*Sudeswanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

Secara teknikal, ANTM juga sudah memasuki teritori negatif dan berpeluang
menjadi partner TLKM & ASII dalam penurunan index
Please protect your capital and profit...
subject to change without notice.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Apakah pembantaian akan berlanjut.....

2007-01-27 Terurut Topik Tanu Jakaria

Kalau memang "killing field" ini direkayasa, apa fungsi BAPEPAM?
BAPEPAM wadirnya ngomong ngarepin investor retail bertambah?

Cuman nongkrong aja ga ngapa ngapain.
Kesan saya demikian nunggu kejadian atau kecelakaan baru ada reaksi,
knee-jerk management. PGAS kemarin sampe dipanggil JK, dikomentarin SBY
segala kali emang juga pada pegang tuh saham PGAS jadi ngambek hahaha.

Ga beda sama Dept Perhubungan tuh.
Sampe ada yg mati dulu baru pejabat muncul dng gagah pulak bukannya malu

Kapan mau maju kalau gini terus.

On 1/26/07, Investor Bonex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Kpd yth : experts TA (Bung Vibby, Eyang, dkk)

Secara TA, Apakah senin besok pembantain di BEJ masih berlanjut ?